Posts for Xerophyte

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There's a recording plugin for PSEmu pro (and other PSX emulators using the same plugin standard, such as ePSXe) at It supports rerecording, but as it works with data sent to the GPU and not simple keypresses, the files created will be large. If you want to handle the recording on a regular PSX, you'll need some form of TV-input for your computer. If you don't know if you have any TV-in capability, assume you don't have it - 's not common. Once you get the image data to your computer, be it by emulation or actual PSX, you'll need some form of video recording tool. I've seen people recommend Camtasia for most recording needs, but I've never used the proggie myself so I've no idea how it works. Well, hope this helps.
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Could it be a case of the file having gone corrupt when being uploaded to the webserver? Dan_, could you try the downloadable version and check? For the record, I get the same OOS as everyone else. Edit: Desync is at stage 1-6, character takes a hit that he apparently shouldn't have when jumping platforms right before the first skull/turret-thingie of the the game. Redownloading does nothing. :/
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I think he might mean the side-quests that become available to you during the "Fated Hour" after the death of Crono, such as Ozzie's Hideout or the King Guardia Trial.
Those and other optional-yet-slowing segments of the game. For example, resurrecting Crono after his untimely demise. It sounds like this run won't feature any such bits, though. (Which is, to reiterate, fine by me - I'm trying to be curious, not complaining :)
Post subject: Just have to say it
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I am really looking forward to this one, as I like long, juicy RPGs enough to also enjoy watching other people play long, juicy RPGs. I am a bit curious on the intended playing style, though. I personally feel that, for a run upwards of 5-6 hours (guesstimate), just gunning for time isn't going to provide an entertaining vid. Genisto's Dragon Warrior run brought a few chuckles and was a very impressive time attack but I doubt I could find the patience to watch a few hours of that particular brand of perfection. Rather, I'd like to see something like a save-state improved version of the run Saturn did for zsnes 0.989c, which I found most enjoyable until it out-of-synced two hours or so in. I.e., an inhumanly perfect guidebook rather than inhumanly perfect speed run. 'course, this would not qualify as much of a time attack, but I think it'd make a better video. So, some questions. Will you use savestates to effect game randomness - all critical hits/misses for you/enemies and such? Will you go through the game in entirety or just beat Lavos as soon as the party is strong enough? Will you let text messeges stay up long enough to be read? Will you do non-required, non-speed-enhancing side-quests? [Disclaimer: I'm stating fanboi preferences and trying to give (admittedly selfish) tips, not trying to make demands. I ask questions because: 1) I think people'd like to know. 2) if he doesn't make the video I'd most like to see, I might have to make it myself and I really don't have the time to do that without extensive scheduling :p] Ah, well - 's not like I'll be able to keep myself from watching no matter what is produced. Good skill!
Post subject: Short points
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Arguments are fun, so I'll delurk and throw some fuel on the fire . . . nope, I don't know any actual law, so feel free to confuse me with more legalese and be on your merry way if these points seem silly. 1) I doubt there's any set praxis in any court of law for the copyrightable status of recorded button presses in computer games. Personally, I'd assume that copyright holds and if I had to argue that I'd resort to a poignant allegory on books written on computers and music recorded on computers being copyrighted. Fortunately, I don't have to argue that, as no one really knows what a court'd decide. b) Also, if ever this went to court, I would assume that thos court would be finnish, since that is the country from which the files are being distributed and in which their distributor lives. US copyright law would have little to do with things. iii) Regardless of what we think courts anywhere would do, big N has bigger fish to fry with its mighty legalese subpoena launchers of doom than small, non-profit websites with video links on them. (This, by the way, strikes me as a good reason not to ever try selling time attacks for profit - companies are known to grow irked at people selling their things without permission and if you guys do so, or decide to approve of someone else doing so, you're heading into murkier waters than I think would be comfortable) 四) Even if they do take action, the distributed nature of bittorrent seemingly provides some protection. With a torrent, you are not personally doing the sharing and uploading - other, less easily tracked people are and you are just linking to their files. I have no actual idea how well this holds in court, but if the number of bittorrent sites offering blatantly illegal downloads around is an indicator, it works fairly well. ('course, I think bisqwit is currently handling base distro duties himself. That'll complicate things)
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Zsnes allows you to rebind most interface keys to whereever you wish, including gamepad buttons. If you have a controller with a suitably high number of buttons and axes (personally, I use a PS2 pad) you can bind savestate handling, slowdown toggling and such to your ancillary buttons. Also, although pause is not among the bindable functions, you can do a less-pretty-yet-still-effective pause by simply holding down the load state button.