Posts for Yggdrasil

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Nsm.. see the list. Also, when they're in the database for the site, I'm sure Bisqwit will make it self-explanatory. I mean, Bisqwit IS[/i] the site admin. I can't wait for the backend changes though. :) Keep it up
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Umm... Check out the Sega megadrive/Gens thread by Jyzero....
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All HAIL SLEEPZ!!! Don't worry. We will wait in anticipation.. or just watch other videos :)
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kwyjibo wrote:
FODA wrote:
just get the fmv and play it on famtasia, it's not hard at all...
There is no FMV viewer for the Mac.:( Not everyone can view FMV files.
OK, Famtasia is the emulator used to play these .FMV files. MacOS X is built off BSD... hence it should run, if I'm not mistaken. I believe WINE runs Famtasia fine, since that's how Bisqwit captures these AVIs in any case. As for the viewing of the AVI vs. FMV.. I prefer FMV if you're worried about times because u can speed through @ 10x realtime whereas the max on my played for AVI is 2.5x. The only problems is that the FMV doesn't seek. Its forawrd-only. AVIs can be seekeble from start-to-end. So, to sum up: Get WINE and check to see if Famtasia v 5.1 (with rerecord/movie capability -- from the vending machine is easiest IMO -- will run on your computer. Thanks for all the input everyone :)
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For all intents-and-purposes... if one made a full "100% run" of Earthworm Jim, there'd be the supplementary section/video for simple time attack. I wouldn't feel discouraged simply because people made it clear they don't want it (for whatever reason)... If it's there, they might actually make a run without, but until then, imagine your run standing there pristine as its own light :) Cherry, I think you should make whatever videos you wish. After all, this is an entertainment site.
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Woody wrote:
Don't you mean time attack? I don't see why you would need a re-record for a speed run
To quote a wise man... put that talk in where it belongs (/dev/null ... or at least its thread) :) I can not wait. Maybe we can give impetus to the developers by giving them good praise on their forums!! I know I signed up and enjoy those forums.
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Aside from that, I'd be open to conversions/a resurrection of Lezard's site. (May it R.I.P. until then if/when it happens) I can definitely congratulate awesome playing by all involved.
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Alright.. here we go... the mediums for book and TV are completely different. First of all, the movie ran out of plot in the series after (i think) episode 7. The movie was not that fulfilling for me, partly because I think Christoper Walken chooses interesting roles, and he was great as Johnny Smith. EDIT: The show appears to be finding ways to plot-twist without success, as the first "case" for Season 3 is over... We shall see what comes next. As for Stargate, the movie meant to show a specific plot. "Stargate SG-1" is similar to "Sliders" (the surprising 5 season run starring Jerry O'Connell and Gimli (John Rhys-Davies). First let me state that I envy Jerry, because he married Giuliana DePandi... from "E! News Live". Stargate SG-1 is going to have an interesting next season, not solely because they decided for a spinoff, "Atlantis".. but that their main hero is frozen. Aside from that, I enjoy "The Dead Zone" mainly becase it shows some of the possibilities that we humans can be up to in the future. EDIT: More talking about Dead Zone!!
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Sorry to be a bugger, but shouldn't this talk of Super Mario World be in its own thread?? (Just my $0.01). :)
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Key combination took me hella time to get right. It's nice for automation of certain tasks. For example, from the WINGUI.TXT in the win32 port, ZSNES is able to do certain things. However with menus you need to create the "shortest path" for menu animations. Most animations for menus are not under 9 frames however, the only way i know of to increment frames is thru F1, since "slowdown" currently only goes to 50% speed, that is 30 fps. Feel free to check out the IRC link at the top of the page. :)
Post subject: Real tape?!?
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Why bother... why not use DVI? Anyways, I think that's more trouble than it's worth. Th ability to trust submissions... is part of the system. Then again, that's part of any system you're in. You jump through hoops... only they don't seem like it when you're in the speific context.
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Forgive the meanness... it's all honest philosophical debate in my eyes. The point here is that many people get bitched at because of preconceived notions that spread hatred and disgust in the movies upon learning they're not what "others would consoder legitimate playing of the games". I guess when you're reamed from both ended for a while, you get to be defensive in nature for anything, even like your comment. :) Oh yea, also, I think it was suggested to be posted here so you could get to know us all a little bit better, and how we see the current system of gaming :) Welcome to the board
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The other topic is located here There is more stuff related to this. Dilbert: Man, contributing 2 pennies really adds up over time.. with interest!!
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..notice "official" Offical release is needed so the en masse migration doesnt complain in e-mail about "this feature doesn't work!" Official means there was substantial testing whereby there is "fair certainty" that the feature is free of bugs
Post subject: Try the FAQ
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In the distributions of Snes9x, there should be a "faqs.txt" That has most common F(requently) A(sked) Q(uestions). Your main limit will be finding the version to support rerecording
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OK, so I think this has been mentioned before, and the point of it was that the distribution mechanism was for FREE. Free versus paying money is the big issue here, and I think that's why capitalism is the worst currently existing society in the world today. If you compare the so-called "first world" countries including but not limited to England, Canada, United States, Australia, Korea, New Zealand, Germany, Japan, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Netherlands... to most of the African nations (called "third world"), there are EXTREMELY different qualifications for what's important. 1st- money and the "ownership" of inanimate objects 3rd-ability to provide for one's family and well-being. The point here is that as a request, it was denied by several makers, and the site owner. This means that there are two specific areas these views can be interpreted as: (1) Strict construction of the rulings by said users as to the consent for distribution. Anything said must be adhered to. That is, if they answered "NO, you may not include any of my works on your media" you are limited by the answers of the respondents. (2) A looser construction of the means these objections give to the wanton distributor are taken as a way to take all exclusive to the list. All in all, I think this is another one of those arguments that you'll never win until the world is destroyed many-times-over and all our "wonderful" technology is destroyed. Edit: group the countries in Europe above, as the E.U. Then you have US, CAN, EU, NZ, AUS, JP .. many of the primary region holders for the DVD
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Phil wrote:
but fortunately there's a 2 player Contra 3.Just be patient.
Contra 3 .. "when aliens attack" lol I played my first run on that all the way through.. with someone from here.. can't remember who. The thing for SNES is nice for netplay. I wil say Contra3 for me is out, considering you need to be able to hit the broad side of a sprite. My reaction time is extremely slow :( Unless of course half-speed isn't the slowest you can put either Snes9x or Zsnes. But then, the networking would more than likely be the limitation, as my upload stream appears to be minimal for the game. Too many keypresses at once causes HELL in-game.
Post subject: Cmon now...
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See I just wonder why there is still intellectual philosophizing going on. Those who complain mainly do it for the attention. Plain and simple. Oh yea, I did forget those who care that someone who used these extra abilities beat their time record... personal gain, plain and simple. Yes I agree these are different... so go elsewhere if you feel that you're being under-represented. These are another genre of game movies.... Those who detract should be so lucky that the game they made a record on is being pursued to be "perfect"... It means people enjoy it, and would enjoy watching a video of it. Please someone.. lock these threads now. EDIT: spelling/syntax
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fuwafuwa wrote:
It would be nice if the site could be split into different sections.. which would alleviate the tension that currently exists between some creators and some visitors..
I agree that a split would solve all these problems..... the visitor (user) of a site has full capability to leave.. and should if they disagree. Enough said (IMO, of course). I think there's already enough of this elsewhere, so to bring it here.. only serves to make this place the same as everything else (related content)... [See my above <rant>] :) Thanks for visiting, and enjoy your stay.
Post subject: There is such a thing...
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as beating a horse to death. Where videos are awe inspiring, or awesome.. they may be submitted to Bisqwit here, in FMV format, as in the submitting section of the FAQ. I have thought of making my own tracker to supplement, or spread out load on some of my favorite trackers, however, that prospect is dependent on several factors. BitTorrent is good for popular downloads, with >1 seed. This eliminates roughly 1/3 - 1/2 of the bandwidth off a SINGLE server. These types of torrents, as in the movies are very good with multiple seeds. Back to submitting to Bisqwit for inclusion here, make sure to include details about what makes your movie special. Other than that, catch us on IRC, we're normally around in some regard.
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/me wonders about those who flame... this thread especially :) For those who care, see some of the posts in this thread. I highlight my post... well because it's quite thought-provoking. Now, enjoy the movies. :p
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I want Link no Bouken!!! Boco to the rescue. Now that M.Friend has finished SMB, and there's only planning for SNES after these rerecording EMUs are released to the public. Thanks Boco :)
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<rant> OK, so I think all this fuss is fluff and completely superfluous. Why should we sink to the level of those who decide to flame or berate. Even if we labelled something, "This is Toxic Waste: EXTREMELY RADIOACTIVE DO NOT open" you would still find people opening it. I find it rather unsettling that one such as Bisqwit should bend to the will of those who don't or wouldn't care if they were hit on the head with intelligence. The current intro screen I find to be nice and concise. What I might suggest is a couple additional frames appending the movie with a "reminder" for the site. Or maybe, even including the additional information you talk about: rerecord count, and such. What I don't know is why this is really necessary. I applaud the movie makers and Bisqwit and others who spread the goodness which is console gaming, preserved for the masses. I close with a quote from an old and dear mentor of mine: "We are the music makers. We are the dreamers of dreams." </rant>[/b]
Post subject: Is it just me...
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or is that non-sequitur(sp?) You can take a gander @ the FMV if you wish... The only movie around here with BGM other than the game's original music is the nesvideos "trailer" (soon to be released near you). It is currently being worked on, and will be ready when it's ready. You can take a look at the thread.
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Boco wrote:
Play the FMV again. If the probem happens again, just rerecord from before the desync occurs, and from then on, check for desync more often.
Don't forget to backup also :) But yes, search also this is covered elsewhere.