Posts for Yggdrasil

Post subject: Is this patch cumulative?
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i.e., i can patch v 5.1 with this, or any of the other ones, independently of the others?
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Xoria wrote:
if bittorrent didn't exist, those 3.2 TB would be coming straight out of your pocket ;)
Yea I'd like to see stats for the tracker's seeds, as well as the ratio for users .... although the tracker serves its purpose, it'd be nice to regocnize those that help out seeding and spread the load. All-in-all, the site is good, otherwise it wouldn't get that kind of attention. Bisqwit: what are the top 5 referring URLs... are they all search engines?
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Booda wrote:
My perspective: These websites use house rules. If you'd be willing to agree to use the Free Parking jackpot in Monopoly, which isn't actually a rule in the game, then it should not be beyond imagination to agree to the techniques used in time attacks.
Wait, "Free Parking Lot" wasn't part of the game rules... /me cries over lost $$. But seriously... I like the addition of TASrun to the vernacular. Tool-assisted can mean anything other than the original cart on the original system. "Can't we all just get along, and keep the ignorami from dividing those who enjoy these videos of video game classics." I'd actually like to see older consoles, but the Famicom/NES from Nintendo was where video games came to the household market. (I am heiðindómr) :)
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Bob Whoops wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
"no way, no one could play like that"
I remember watching the smbj3 movie, and thinking "thats crazy!! How can anyone do this??"
Put me in that boat too... the super-humanness of some of the videos, SMB3, and my choice (LoZ) is awesome. I would never have thought <33 mins. runtime for that game was possible. Along those lines, there's a big difference from what people expect of these games depending on their genre. Imagine a RPG vs. a puzzle game like Arkanoid. I know that's not the best analogy, but I'd rather use that one than Tetris. People expect Arkanoid to be faster than thought humanly possible for a "speed run" or "timeattack". Therefore, I agree that all the points mentioned are part-in-parcel of the emergent property that is enjoyment. :)
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Phil wrote:
It's already completed in 26 minutes
I would very much lik to see a faster time, but i'm not sure how that can be accomplished without levelling up some, which means the boss battle with Dragonlord must be shorter. I'm sure you can replay it each hit so you don't die, but that would be tedious in the best-case scenario. :) Overall the run is nice for a v1.. though i don't think there's much impetus as its not very interesting to hit for 1HP on the boss.
Post subject: Re: Metal Gear 2 - Snake's revenege
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Torn-doom wrote:
One of the few games I have in the original format.
Umm, do you mean on the Famtasia EMU in FMV format. If so, submit it to Bisqwit as in Submitting to Bisqwit Interest depends on those criteria...oh, and don't worry about time... some of us WILL spend 17 hours to watch games like FF7, were they on NES :)
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Bisqwit wrote:
Famtasia is not developed. The author lost the source code.
:( I agree with foxy, that is a saddening day for nesvideo freaks! I will say though this (seemingly) random byte-patching is a wonderful way to tweak your favorite emu.
Bisqwit wrote:
We are not affiliated with the Famtasia author. Blip is just a hacker genius :)
I concur, Blip is a hero for us all. :) I'm trying to get ahold of an original Famtasia 5.1 EXE without success. Also, I'm trying to compile the various hacks and I can't seem to make them patch on winXP. can it be done using the GUI, or does it have to be command-line? I know some byte-patching needs to be done in the latter. Oh, I forgot... three cheers for Blip.
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Deviance wrote:
There's only one room of red darknuts in Lv3 that I am forced to beat, so it may take me around 2 minutes ...somewhere under 3 mins from power on to gambling room...I'll record myself this weekend doing Lv3 to see exactly how fast I can do it.
Awesome, and let us see the perfection. I cant wait to see what the new version will bring. :)
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Phil wrote:
Well 10 days later the supposed 20 minutes rin isn't finished. :P
nownow, don't discourage the wonderful time-attackers :) I think puzzle games are the most unique in this regard because there are as stated many ways to be "amazing"... fastest time, fastest FULL time, more UNIQUE approach, and them there's best FULL 100% completion :) Anyways, if that doesn't say it, I'm a firm believer in the artistry required to make time-attacks, speedruns, and art out of these classic pieces of video game history. :)
Post subject: Are you serious????
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Umm... am I to understand this as you mean NO sword-killing, i.e. reverting to BOMBS of avoiding ALL above-ground enemies??? Doing Zelda without a sword is IMPOSSIBLE (i use that term loosely), so I'd love to see any FMVs of these runs :) P.S. and no, i'm not sick of Zelda :)
Post subject: Re: Problems with viewing fmv
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Bisqwit wrote:
Just set the speed to 100% instead of the default 999%.
Yea, uncheck "Max" box, replace 999% with 100% and good-as-new. :)
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feitclub wrote:
Maybe someone should write them a letter. Not me, of course. I loathe EGM.
Heh, well some news worth mentioning... as on the news, Bisqwit was slashdotted!!! (cheers) Umm, that is all
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Boco wrote:
kwyjibo wrote:
I would enjoy an AVI of Zelda 2. :/
Not yet. Let me do version 3 first.
Uhmm, pardon, but is there any video/replay available? Or how about just an indication of where you are on that one. It sounds very fun.
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Phil wrote:
That's a really nice news.If it works well then Bye Bye NES ;)
<grandpa>eh, sonnie?? what do you mean bye bye NES.... oh, do you mean PSX speedruns now??</grandpa> Awesome, keep us appraised :)
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Culden wrote:
Alright, went through it once, i beat it in 5 hours and 57 minutes... Anyways, i know i can do better, and i will... my first try... as fast as possible...oh and i died 2 times... practice makes perfect eh ^-^ i will retry tomorrow
Any update beating that 5:57 ??
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Kyrsimys wrote:
Double post, but I wish for Wodball to see this. ... From start to "Movie stop" it's 34:33. There are lots of mistakes though, so you should be able to hit 34 flat with some planning. Don't give up! :)
Don't be that modest, your 34:31 run has quite a nice baseline for v1 when it's accepted. ;) Personally, I think its a great example of a first run, and a most bodacious first time-attack
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Well, DigiPen is awesome... partly because of my newfound BEST puzzle game Bontago, link HERE. Chiller was a light gun game, the only one I know of for the NES. It was a phantasmagoria-type game whereby you killed ghouls... albeit in 2D on an 8-bit console.... but I think that teacher is an awesome piece of video game history, maybe you could interview him. :)
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I had two NES systems, a Game Genie, and over 200 cartridges. However since the consoles stopped working... I found less desire to keep all of it, as I'm not electrically inclined to keep it up-and-running. I think the collection of obsolete hardware is admirable, but (un)fortunately not for me. :)[/url]
Post subject: Definitions for Game Movie making...
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I take these with respect for Arc, from Arc's main page: (THREE qualifications for video game runs) Speed Run: Videos of amazing achievements by humans on a continous, real-time attempt ('run' implies continuity/flow.) No saves states, etc. are used. They are based on minimizing the amount of time needed to complete the game. Time Attack: Videos that are made for entertainment purposes. They attempt to be theoretically perfect (often meaning as quickly as possible.) They are created by any means that the game allows (but there is no cheating or video editing.) More. Aesthetic Form: Videos that are not focused on time. They are games that have automatic scrolling or require certain actions by the player for a set amount of time. They focus on doing amazing actions in the game. Bouncing to get 1-Ups on the ships in SMB3 is an example of an Aesthetic Form within a Time Attack. The Aesthetic form I think fits quite well for some of these NES game movies made. Also I see definitions similar to this @ 's SDA archive (speed runs, from continuous play ... such as the much talked about 100% speed run on Metroid Prime in 1:37 ) <rant>What I hope to establish from this is a concensus that there are many ways to enjoy these classic games. Being a 2nd-gen console gamer, I didn't grow up with the C64 or coleco, but the NES is and will remain a wonderful baseline in video game history in my, and I hope others' minds as well.</rant> :)
Post subject: Re: "Cheating" in games
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Therealssjlink wrote:
Well, If that is what you believe then I cannot say anything to change your mind. The videos are made to be cool, not to show off superhuman skills.
A wise man once said... flame comes from the idiot with ignorance, but firewall engulfs sooner or later. :eyes: