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The "no piledrive" challenge seems fun yet almost impossible, so why not using the soon to be published run to help us a bit. Thanks to Truncated for those maps:
Truncated wrote:
Stage 1: Stage 2: Stage 3: Stage X: Stage 4:
Rows are letters and columns are numbers, starting at A1 from top-left, so in Stage 1 Pitch starts at E1 and the boss is at A4.
  • Every room that could be done with only bricks (maybe counters but no piledrive/throw), without losing life, will be labeled Brick perfect.
  • Every room that need Ice to be done without piledrive/throw and without losing life will be labeled Ice Perfect.
  • Same for Rainbow Perfect.
  • RIP is self explanatory.
  • Remove the Perfect if you can't avoid damages but still can defeat the room. As HP are filled up again after each level, this could be exploited.
  • "Death" if you need to die in the room to defeat it. As we gain one life after each main level, this could be exploited. If you can't have enough lifes to completes the room with deaths, just jump to the next notation.
  • NO if whatever you try, you NEED to piledrive/throw.
A low piledrive/throw% run could be done if it's proven to be impossible to reach the end of the game without piledrive. Stage 1: E1: no enemies E2: I have the impression that this room could be Brick Perfect. Tseralith goes in between the two elves stream but it might be possible to make them walk after you while you shoot them backward (impossible in RTA). E3: Same impression, as Pitch seems to be able to handle the elves stream, after that the beyblade's pattern is easy to manage. E4: ? Doesn't seem Brick perfect. D4: I don't think it's Brick perfect. C4: Easy Brick Perfect, Tseralith doesn't even use piledrive, and he only uses Ice to gain time. B4: I don't think it's Brick perfect. A4: Brick Perfect! Stage 2: B5: Brick perfect. It would just be slower. B4: ? C4: ? Maybe by avoiding the flying elves shoots while slaloming going to top-left of screen this could be Brick perfect? C3: Surely not Brick Perfect. B3: I would rather go to C2 instead lol. Suicide perfect. B2: Brick perfect. B1: I don't think it's Brick perfect. A1: Brick Perfect! Stage 3: D1: Maybe one beyblade's stream could be cooled down by not destroying the boxes? And such not need any piledrive? C1: Suicide perfect, or rather NO room, another route should be tried at D2 instead. C2: Not Brick perfect. B2: Suicide perfect! Why not another route? B3: Why the fuck do the elves shoot through walls? oO Not Brick perfect. B4: I don't know if Tseralith shoot at the boxes to optimizes piledrives or if it's done automatically, still not Brick Perfect. A4: The beyblades and the mecha santa hats are pretty easy, the droids and the metal elves are hard. A5: Brick Perfect! Stage X: NO Stage 4: A2: I don't think it's Brick Perfect. A3: Rather hard room. B3: ? The beyblades are easy, the bubbles and the mechas are meh. Maybe Brick Perfect, but Rainbow Perfect is more likely. B4: Brick Perfect, or Rainbow Perfect just to kill the big droid faster. C4: Surviving the two flying elves stream while shooting the robot stream seems hard. C1: Brick perfect I don't know, but Ice and Rainbow Perfect is likely. Rainbow to kill the sickle and Ice to make up with the small beyblade team? D1: Definitively not Brick Perfect. D2: Tseralith uses piledrive/throw to kill elves before a Legendary Charge (could be killed without that), many times during a Blast on Blast off to kill elves and avoid shots (not sure this could be avoided, maybe with Ice), before a Death Metal Disaster Zone (seems like there is enough time to kill the elves with bricks). After that, unless there are others moves between the Disaster Zone and the Multi-Hand Storm, it's just counter against Artic Thunder and counter + shoot against Deep Freeze, so the hardest would be already done. These are assumptions and haven't been tested at all. Every room before the boss seem harder than the boss itself, so one would need to take damages before entering the boss's room. A lot of Ice has been used in Stage X, which won't be done in a no piledrive/counter run, so this could help in many rooms. Watching Tseralith's run doesn't show even a quarter of all the rooms available, hopefully HPP's sources are available so the game could be tweaked a bit to make the exploration easier (let's get 99 lives in RJM!).
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GOT4N STOP SKIPPING At 4:10 in the tower, couldn't you use the same jump as earlier to skip one stage?
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This game has been featured in the last Speedgame episode (in French), formerly 88mph, by ReaMyop and CoeurDeVandale. I don't know if it's anyhow relevant to post it there, since there are no English translation available, and I can't try one right now due to incoming exams.
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Would this allow to do a counter without piledriving/throwing an enemy?
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Opera now uses the same rendering system as Chrome, so yes that's still a Chrome exclusive bug.
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Well tried nonetheless. :)
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Finally the submission. Such TAS, very piledrive, many speed, wow. Yes vote!
Nach wrote:
Radiant wrote:
So from that point on, every Remar game has a Reallyjoel's Dad (or in this case, Mom) joke difficulty that explains how RJD
It actually says in game that RJD can play it this way?
Sometimes it does. In Iji, Reallyjoel's Dad becomes part of the story when playing with his own dificulty. For Hero Core, you could see how Reallyjoel's dad would play at his own difficulty with only 1 toe, but that's out of the game's story. However, in Iji, the game has been designed so that even with TAS, you can't win on Reallyjoel's Dad difficulty. There is a forcefield that is supposed to vanish under certain condition but it doesn't vanish whatsoever.
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Not so terrible, at least there is variation in how you instant win a game. I found it funny to finish a boss's phase by kicking his ass.
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I vote for the 1st and the 4th screenshot for publication. For Vault!
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Sorry for the necropost, but it seems that the livestream hasn't been kept on adelikat's Twitch account. Anyone for an encode?
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Some plugins are completely vanilla (being able to change one game's original textures for some custom ones) and thus useless for TASing, others affects the TAS and the emulator's accuracy so you shouldn't use them unless you need them for your game to work on emulator.
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That last room before Mecha Santa is crazy, with that huge santa stream. … But Mecha Santa is even more insane. I am barely watching how you succeed to avoid all those damages and oh snap, the 2nd form already starts. Congrats!
Truncated wrote:
In the Wishlist for Windows topic, the user Billy Johnson claims to have TASed this game up to the final boss. I have tried sending a PM to get the WTF file, but no reply. Post: He also said that it was not possible to avoid the final attacks of Mecha Santa and more extra lives are needed. See his picture. It sounds strange to me that it wouldn't be possible to block the shots with piledrivers, but maybe it's true.
Tseralith did it :)
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SMB or burst.
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Just watched half of the 1st video and wow. Impressive jumps and neat glitch on the pink rock level. Maybe this has already been shown in this thread, but still it's neat.
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What seems the most appropriate formula would be using the reverse probability. What is the opposite of having all the faces? Having at least 1 face missing: (5/6)^N. Thus 1 - (5/6)^N. Let's try that: N=6: 66,5102023% N=10: 83,8494417% N=100: 99,9999988% But to check that, one would need to count every possible dice result, and I started the wrong way to count them all. The tricky part is that any number could be the missing one, however if you just count every combo with 1,2,3,4,5 and then you count every combo with 1,2,3,5,6 so you add them up, you are likely to count the combo 1;1;1;1;1;1 twice. Out of the curiosity, what were your two other formulas? Since I can't check if mine is correct…
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Location: France For now it doesn't works, and it it does, you would need cheats anyway.
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Tu ferais mieux de poster ta question en anglais dans la section "Dolphin" de ce forum, pour qu'elle soit vue par un développeur de Dolphin. :)
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Bien qu'il y ait des émulateurs Android open source, donc capables de prendre tes .apk sans problème, aucun projet ne tente d'en faire ou d'en modifier un pour pouvoir faire des TAS. Sinon, Genymotion marche mieux que l'émulateur Android officiel, à moins que Google ait sorti un nouvel émulateur il y a quelques mois de cela. ^^
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henke37 wrote:
The problem is that I already have coded something that I could pass off as a platforming engine. But it's so buggy that I can't take any pride in it. It's just annoying at this point.
Show us what you did. A small video, and what is the current state of the "physics engine" : what works, what doesn't, what would you want to get that you haven't started yet. Remember that you are in the world or programming: if you come and say "I'm stuck, please do it for me", you are perceived as lazy, however if you start saying "I"m stuck here, trying that and that didn't got me this, I followed these links but these don't explain what I'm looking for. Is there anything I miss? Could you help me?" then it demonstrate people that you are trying hard, your problem becomes a challenge and helping you solving it seems worth it, anybody helping you would be entertained by the problem.
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I mean Mr.Stone Peaks. :p
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Lol, you shit on the boss's design. On the previous video, you took damages against the boss for entertainment purposes or it was part of the old strat?
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Grincevent wrote:
Maybe the easier is to start without any inertia for testing, then adding it to fit what you want to have in terms of gameplay, but again, I'm not a coder.
This is the best advice. The easiest things first, when it's somewhat usable (you have a few levels, enemies, and your character jumps) you then start with the details. Googling "platorm game programming physics", the first link I found was this thread, with a link to physics in Sonic games among other useful stuff.
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Radiant wrote:
Tub wrote:
As an aside, aren't ram cells guaranteed to contain just zeros after power loss?
No, they don't. Most games start by zero'ing all the RAM that they actually need, before they use it; some games omit that step. We had a lengthy debate about that just a month ago.
It's in the Cheetamen II run thread.
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^ And get the diploma as a proof. Then you are supposed to beat the league to go to the credits. It's impossible to have all items in this game because there are more items than rooms between your bag and your computer.
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I think i saw saw on Gamefaq that the game's author made it sure that the game is impossible to beat without TAS, and even started a TAS himself to show what reallyjoel's mom would be like if she was playing that game. Iji from the same author seems impossible to do in reallyjoel's dad difficulty even in TAS.
reallyjoel's dad difficulty […] As for why it's impossible, at the end of Sector 1 is a forcefield that requires 100% kills to lower. But even if you would get 100% kills, which can't be done in two minutes, the forcefield doesn't lower.
So unless the project is slighly modified to honor the contract, that game is impossible to finish on hardest difficulty.
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