Posts for Zavalix

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I was going to vote meh due to it being not that boring but level 6 (3:57 ~ 6:00 run right for justice) kind of ruined it to me. Voting No due to game choice :c
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Voting yes due to the guy roughing up the clam 6:10 ~ 6:48 And because the game is good enough to be fun (not crazy fun as metal slug or such but fun enough).
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DarkKobold wrote:
We've rejected plenty of runs that didn't break the rules, and simply had poor feedback. This run had inarguably poor feedback. In this specific case, it was almost wholly due to the deaths in the run. I fail to see how this isn't fair...
By "poor feedback" you mean the yes/no vote relation or simply that more people who voted "no" actually stated why they voted no rather than the people who voted yes and decided not to tell why?
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So basiclly if more people posted that they were "OK" with the deaths because it brought variety of characters and a quicker run this one might, just might, be considered for judging?. No offense but that sounds kind of odd because it's like giving more merit to what some people might think making any kind of judgement totally subjective instead of fair. Probably there should be more rigid rules about this kind of statements and apply them regardless of the public opinion (just like in the fighting games, some may think it's "good" because they know the game while others may think it's boring due to the sutile bugs being almost non perceptive)
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AngerFist wrote:
Because it's there, you cannot ignore it or exclude one factor or the other. Tasing is 99% about pure speed, being godlike in every situation and being entertaining as possible. In this case, getting killed takes too long to continue and affects the entertainment in such a way that I have to really vote no. I hate people who vote no without explaining how they reasoned.
Well I could argue the part of "takes too long to continue" but I rather not. I understand and actually I appreciate you actually said why you voted no rather than just doing it and at the end I can't really argue anything because it's YOUR point of view and I simply can't say it's good or bad because it's YOUR view and you (just as me) are part of the general public so yeah your reason is way valid just as anybody else. As always I'm afraid the judge will have the last word on this death vs no death issue.
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AngerFist wrote:
I voted definitely no. I cannot stand the death sequences. They kill the entertainment for me. Otherwise, the run was fairly well made.
Oh no, no, please god, NOT the death drama all over again... really, how many time we've been through this issue (even so far to open a topic just to discuss it)?... Why not focus the vote just on technical merit instead of "I like it because he don't die :3" otherwise we'll get to a discussion again and finish with almost the same comments as always: - Death kills entertainment value - Death can saves frames - Death is another way to cheat because it replenish your grenades with no effort at all - Death is strategy rather than convenience - etc etc etc As for my vote, I'll go with this run rather than Marcos' run due to it being faster and just as fun... And yeah, I won't say my reasons as why death is something good in this run because I don't want to take part on the drama to come.
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Heisanevilgenius wrote:
Voted meh. The super speed was the only thing entertaining about it...
Not exactly: The fact that Dr Willy is now over a budget and he had to froget about an expensive new fortress and had to move to the suburbs, build a fence around and put a skull on the door so everyone knows it's his house (for the ones who didn't knew him he was so nice to put the "Dr. W" sign right over his mail box) add the fact that he has also a robot dog to guard his lawn in case Megaman showed up... and his 3 "robots" which seems VERY suspicious... "Sonicman" = Plumber guy, "Voltman" = Electrician, "Dynaman" = Butler living in the basement. Now if THAT'S not hilarious I don't know what it is...
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Exxonym wrote:
I just noticed at the final screen that 9 lives were used, thankfully this game wasn't called Aero the Acro-Cat! [/stupid humor]
That joke alone is enough for me to vote no... still, in words of Baron Werner Ünderbheit "Yet, you still know me as a fair man"... so voting Yes.
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Simply amazing, nice improvement. Yes vote of course.
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Look at the rack of the Q <3 card, oh yeah, yes vote... because of the techincal value I mean
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Nicely done... but it's kind of long, taking in consideration I started getting dizzy after 10 minutes of straight hoping. Anyway I'm between a yes vote and a meh (due to the game being a bit repetitive). Must watch it again later to make up my mind.
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Voting "Pony" because Celestia made me do it .. the crazy bench sounds interesting though, any kind of experiment which may result into something horribly wrong is interesting enough.
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Yes vote
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Slow paced indeed. But I think the backgrounds and the variety of the mini games makes it bareable... still it's slow so I'm voting meh due to techincal merit... (The mini game at 8:30, the giggle is way creepy... and a bit sexy... but creepy... creepy). Suggested screenshot:
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Voting "no" just because you hate ponies is just dumb... here we have a GAME (regardless of its theme or characters) so if you people really want to vote No at least give valid reasons. That said, I'll vote after encode.
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Voting yes; reasons? like if I need to write them down. Still waiting for a Metal Slug quad-run oh yeah
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OK, another Street Fighter movie... so WHERE ARE THE GLITCHES?... I could only spot some "interesting" parts which would be Ken's 2nd Round, Adon looking like he's made out of rubber (really, why he bounces like that?), Sagat's kick in the nuts (Around 620) and Bison 2nd round. But still, the lack of A.I. going nuts or make something happen when it's not supposed to makes me think (as always) this kind of movies are well made and maybe for some enthusiast is really good BUT the question here is if this movie is WORTH publication which in my opinion is a "No vote". Sorry if I sounded rude but fighting games are usually REALLY hard to make publishable material mostly because they MUST be a glitch fest to be so.
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Fast enough to ignore the SFX. Voting Yes
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So let me get this right, the Pokedex have a built in calculator in case you're bad in math so Ash just divided by 0 and won the game?... that has to deserve a Yes vote indeed.
Post subject: Re: #3255: praetarius3's SNES Seiken Densetsu 3 in 3:24:49.0
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Oh boy, this one is going to be exciting... 3 and almost a half hours of fun; as I wait for the encode I'll go and get some popcorn.
TASVideoAgent wrote:
4. the battle against Zable Fahr - goes pretty much against the expectation of how a boss battle should go imo
That's exactly what I'm talking about boo ya
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Voting Meh due to game choice. It's nicely done and seems optimized but the game itself is kind of slow and repetitive making it boring to watch... just my opinion though.
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I'd vote a straight NO due to the other run from the same author (MK3) which makes me guess this one goes along the same line... sadly I can't vote until I see an encode but even so I wouldn't watch it.
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Not very interesting hack, voting No.
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I never said it was harder to manipulate the luck in the first boss. I just meant that maybe it's more probable to make the whole run quicker by saving time on his fight rather than searching for new ways in the route to the bossess or the other boss fights which seems pretty optimized (actually the second boss was quite amazing and I find it difficult to make it quicker).
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Fast and entertaining so it's a Yes vote. As for the optimization I'm guessing it will probably focus more in the luck manipulation of the first boss because that's basiclly what took more time in all the game as I could see.