Posts for Zurreco

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As per an encounter with BoltR, I am equally sure of these statements:
  • This YouTube video was ten times more interesting when listening to power goat.
  • Imperishable is in no way one of the more impossible shmups out there.
  • "Go play Mars Matrix."
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Err, not really too entertaining to be honest. The only part that I kinda smiled at was when you plowed the pitcher and two fielders into the back wall. The game design is creative, but the skills you showed are just overpowered and boring. Also, the goal here, even as a concept, doesn't really fit to this site all that well (in my opinion). It's great that you showcased how boring the game was, so that I never have to play it in the future.
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adelikat wrote:
I redid all of episode 1, this time with low resultion and zoom. I improved every level and as a result this movie is 13383 frames (3.72 minutes) faster.
Not too shabby. I'm glad that you've started using Flechettes to tear through mobs now. My only qualm, and this is one that always bugs me, is that you can use a lot of your waiting time to not wait so much. When you get the Emerald Key, for example, you could run around and grab the few Flasks and whatnot in the room while the trap resets. You could also maybe take a few swigs of Flask while waiting for Guardian of Ice to open, thereby allowing you to be a bit more reckless in Guardian of Metal. Just a few thoughts, and I know that they'll be kinked out in the final version. I'm sad that you get to skip so much of the game :(
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Maybe he should put something in the video to mention that it's a TAS...
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FreshFeeling wrote:
It still might be possible to porkalate oneself by reflecting it off a centaur's shield, but I tried and wasn't able to; there were a lot of pigs running around.
It's very possible to reflect a porkelator shot off of a Centaur shield at that point in the game. I'm pretty sure I pulled it off on the console in the past, though I didn't really appreciate the skip back then.
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I was hoping that this was going to become a big debate about "antisocial" vs "unsocial", which are two very different things that people confuse too often. Looks like I was wrong.
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Oh man, I really don't want to give this a Yes vote because of all of those scrolling stages. Oh well.
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I actually saw the site a bit before the SMB3 explosion. I remember this because when moSMB3 came out, I already knew what it was and where it came from. Didn't register for eons, though, since I had no reason to do so until |Icc| made the Demon's Crest thread.
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Since when did we need to have megathreads where one person relegates information? On top of that, didn't you admit yesterday that you had barely played this game, to the point that you didn't even remember half of the game mechanics or even what the Wraithverge was?
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kirbymuncher wrote:
How many kills did it get, it desynched for me.
47, most of which came from the Homerun Bat.
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Wow, that was repetitive and boring. Voting No in a heartbeat.
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There are a few programs out there meant solely for ripping the audio out on your sound card. If you aren't willing to go that far, though, you can always put a microphone up to your speakers :)
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Use a program like mencoder or VirtualDub to re-encode the file. Resizing the avi and compressing it with a better codec will cut the size to a fraction.
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People say I rock a fairly simple desktop set up, and I tend to agree. I'm no zen minimalist or anything, but that doesn't stop me from constantly deleting stuff from my toolbars and whatnot. Shortcuts I don't employ within the last 3 weeks usually get removed, assuming I don't remove the shortcut target as well
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Adaptive Pitch: 1.5 Hz Tonedeaf: 72.2% Rhythm: 91% PROTIP: Don't try these tests unless you're actually focusing on them. Answering a phone call during the tonedeaf test ruined it for me.
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Typing with the wiimote is troublesome, but you'll start getting really good at it in a short amount of time. The only atrocious part is that you can't drag select in the text fields, which makes quoting certain parts of a post the worst thing ever.
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Yowza. That's an improvement if I've ever seen one. Awesome job finding all those tiny optimizations. Also, thanks for finally implementing all the tricks that I had dumped over on to Mickey_Mage for his speedrun. Obvious Yes vote.
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If you already have a wireless router, you don't have to buy anything to connect your Wii to the internet.
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zggzdydp wrote:
Sorry, I'm afraid that I don't know how to make it frame-exactly without turboing, would someone tell me how to do it please?
While VBA does have that confounded "Frame Search" function, manually using trial-and-error is the only surefire way to get dialogs frame perfect. Just tinker with how what input affects each text box's flow and turn, and treat each box individually. Think of them as small, easily defeated obstacles. Since this game has very little text when you glitch through it, you really don't have a whole lot of extra work on your plate.
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Rridgway wrote:
For some of those: you need to know the context. for the 8+13 one, i was saying that perplexed because a guy in my class had written that 8+13 is not 21 on his test.
Oh ok. I guess that makes it funny now...
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moozooh wrote:
Even though wikipedia can be edited by anyone, it doesn't generally mean it's mostly edited by ignorant morons and other dummies.
It still stands that wikipedia is a tertiary source at best, so it's not on par for "proper" citation. That being said, all these asides are getting out of hand. People haven't mentioned the actual submission in ~25 responses. I know that I had a hand in it, but I'd rather this didn't turn in to a "ALTERED BEAST SUCKS AND WIKIPEDIA IS UNRELIABLE" thread, lest we all forget about FODA's work.
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If that was the case, then all ratings should be undone and we should all have to re-rate everything based on the new sense of average.
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Phil wrote:
Zurreco wrote:
Chef Stef wrote:
Look at the entertainment rating of the published movie - it has a 4.8, hardly one of the most popular runs on the site.
4.8 = Just slightly below average. Do people not understand how 5 is supposed to be the mean value there?
I totally disagree. How many movies under 5 and how much over 5. I think the average is 6.
Doesn't that prove my point, then? The ratings options clearly state:
5 - Average
The fact that people are voting to the point that 6 is the new average means that people aren't rating movies relative to other movies.
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Kyrsimys wrote:
Does anyone know if the published movie was also played on this difficulty or if it uses the hardest one? Either way, I'm very much against publishing runs that are not played on the hardest difficulty, because it creates a problem for future runs. Should they be played on the same difficulty level? Would it be acceptable to run it with a harder difficulty even if it was slower? If this is the case, how can you compare the times to see whether the new run is actually of the same quality?
Old run was on the same difficulty as this. Also, there are many many runs that have been accepted despite using a less than "hardest" difficulty, all in the name of "it will only be me fighting the bosses for 10% more damage" and whatnot. Personally, I always strive to play on the hardest difficulty (without using SRAM, looking at you pirate_sephiroth), but I can still accept other reasoning from time to time. So long as quality and content are not compromised, I usually won't care about difficulty.
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KaitouKid wrote:
Risking imploding the universe, I'm gonna have to agree with Zurreco.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine