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They do this on SomethingAwful from time to time. The main problems come from multiple people grabbing image A and posting the versions with their work (A1, A2..., An), and then you have all of these A+1 versions around with no coordination. I would be down to work on this. I can offer up some nice source images if you want.
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You know, p_s, your name is listed on the Players page. I sure hope someone doesn't accidentally email your partially complete name to the International Association of Personal Information Buyers and Sellers. oops!
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pirate_sephiroth wrote:
<Zurreco> since when was pirate_sephiroth's paranoia worth a few seconds of our time?
I stand by my statement. While it may sound like a general sloth on my part, having to go to the trouble of undoing the trouble that someone goes to to not "pay for stuff with your personal info" is slightly aggravating. Having to copy/paste a coded link isn't so bad that I won't do it if I have to, but I will generally avoid links that would otherwise pique my interest if the poster went out of their way to make me have to go out of my way. ...That paragraph is full of so many crimes against prose that dead poets around the globe are rolling in their graves. We should harness this by hooking up power generators to their feet when they die, so that abominations like that paragraph will create enough energy to power a small household for a few hours.
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I just noticed "Off the Richter!" --> I swear to god, I'm going to kill you JXQ
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Bob A wrote:
In any case, as i've said before, justice is objective by definition, so it seems that what you're arguing isn't so much that justice is subjective, but that it doesn't exist or is irrelevant.
I think you're putting words in my mouth I don't think justice is objective by its definition, since it is based off of the personal bias of those that promote their version of justice. You can't create something that is objective out of something that is subjective. The application of justice may be egalitarian, but the spirit of justice is not. Otherwise, there would be one universal law for all mankind that we can all agree on, and it's applications would be blind to all non-extenuating status.
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I don't that there is a 'standard of justice', since there is no high authority that governs everything everywhere. Unless you want to claim that the tag team efforts of Physics and Chemistry are entities that can pass judgement, which I would accept on the grounds that they are so non-opinionated that they only baffle on what can and can not happen/exist, not on how we should value things. Yes, Bob A, I think that you're trying to create an entity (justice) that operates objectively out of a series of subjective standards. It isn't logical. Otherwise, people would start dictating that reality exists only in the ways that they personally see it, and that everyone who doesn't see it their way (read: everyone) is perpetrating against the law of the universe.
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RT-55J wrote:
Why has this movie not been published yet?
Enough people found it non-interesting, which causes enough doubt to hold back encoding. Granted, encoding this would take only 5 minutes, but hey, principles.
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pirate_sephiroth wrote:
Zurreco, it seems he wants to know how to DON'T get the room...
You're right; she wants to know how she didn't uncover that portion of the map. Isn't that what I addressed in my post? Whether or not Persona is trying to avoid uncovering it (low%?) isn't really pertinent, though.
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I'm pretty sure that as soon as you pay the money for the temp-shovel, the heart can appear anywhere on that screen. If you leave the screen, you lose the temp-shovel.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Kaz wrote:
What's the goodGBA # of the ROM Atma used? I have 1758 and it desyncs immediately.
1864. Atma said that he has made some progress, but he isn't releasing the WIP to the public.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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True, but voting for a movie without watching it should be frowned upon at least. What happens when someone submits a 20 minute Super Metroid run and our viewership immediately rushes to vote Yes simply because it's faster? What if that movie used cheats and terrible breaking glitches and whatnot? Those votes can't be unvoted without mod approval! What about when people vote for someone's work just because that specific runner did it? I won't name any names, but it feels like that is what AngerFist did in this submission. If he saw it beforehand, or something, that's cool and I apologize for bringing it up, but it seems in bad taste to approve a run so quickly without possibly having not seen it.
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That was pretty epic. +10 to JXQ The only question I would have is pertaining to one area. Right after you first enter Castle B, around frame 14000, you have to ascend some platforms. On one platform, you dash to the left to go up the passable portion of it. I'm wondering if you can maybe go around that ledge on the right to skip the two extra dashes.
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Sir VG wrote:
Maxim's route only has one objective: KILL DRACULA. That is accomplished in this run. It's not a single level, not a "walkathon", it's a run of a game using a secondary character and breaks the game. This is no different than Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow using that through the wall glitches and that has been published as a normal game run and not a concept demo.
Firstly, Maxim's secondary objective is "don't get shanked." Secondly, to compare this to the glitch Aria movie is folly. By using a secondary character, you redefine what is and is not acceptable by the player. This is something that is not done with Soma, but is done by swapping Juste for Maxim. Why do you think the Julius run was moved to concept demo status?
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xoinx wrote:
Zurreco wrote:
No one wants their property stolen? What about social communists?
Well, to be exact, social communists believe that everything belongs to the state, hence the property isn't quite theirs to begin with.
To be fair, I was grasping for a quick way to complete a second example. I did the same with using Utopians in my justice example.
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Bob A wrote:
I don't see why that couldn't apply to any statement of fact.
You don't understand why opinions shouldn't be expressed as facts?
Bob A wrote:
I would say that Joe is wrong, but i don't see how you could, beyond your subjective preference.
Exactly. I can't say that he is wrong, because no one is right or wrong. It is a matter of personal preference. Knowing this, it is really illogical to portray your preference as 'right' compared to another person's 'wrong'.
Bob A wrote:
That's one definition of 'justice', and it does't seem like a very good one
Would you like to give a better definition of justice? One that agrees/disagrees with my statement that justice is relative since it is based on an average of personal morals across a society? You stated that justice is on the same level as science, but I highly disagree with that, since science is essentially universally applicable, whereas justice is entirely situational. Justice to one person is not justice to another, therefore it is relative.
It seems like you're just restating your position without giving any supporting arguments. I think i offered a fairly simple noncontructive proof that morality isn't purely subjective.
I don't think you gave any sort of proof other than your personal opinion, which is what I'm currently stating can't be expressed in a very logical way. You said "there are natural laws of morality that we can all appeal to," but you never explained how or why that is. While I was saying that each individual person has their own set of morals that can't be brought to a common denominator across the species, you said that you only need "most people to agree on" what those morals are, which doesn't refute my statement. As MahaTma stated, you are confusing these opinions with 'facts' when they are just a common and popular thought. You also said that simply because we have some sort of justice at all, there is therein proof of a commonality in human nature. I disagreed, saying that justice differs from society to society, and even person to person. If you commit an offense against someone, there is no guarantee what the outcome will be (if there even is one), since each person uniquely responds to each situation, be they driven by societal norms or their own natural reactions. Sorry if I'm still not answering anything or repeating myself to much, but I don't really see what you're getting at here. I'm trying to argue that since opinions/morals/ethics are personal and not factual, you can't use them as effective debate devices. Yet here you are asking me to support this statement with what I can only see as personal opinion and morality. I've tried to stay as far from using personal belief as I can, but I concede that it is impossible to have a debate on the ethics of using ethics in a debate without using ethics in the debate!
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Voting yes. You shot through half of the game so fast that I couldn't really take in what was going on. Very impressive. I reall liked how Mushroom Hill 1 was played normally, and then Mushroom Hill 2 was halfway done before 1 even ended.
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AngerFist wrote:
This is without a doubt the best TAS ever made. Where is the Hell-yes-vote-without-a-shadow-of-a-doubt feature?!
So you watched a 35 minute movie in 2 minutes? Isn't there a rule against voting without watching the movie?
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comicalflop wrote:
I thought as such, but with improved climbing to the spot above the skulltula as well.
Well, yeah. That kinda goes without saying, right? The Deku Tree is as follows:
    Enter tree Get Slingshot Get to top floor Vinewall jumpslash to web Grab vines in proper position as soon as web breaks Do skulltul vine glitch Get past Deku guards Kill Ghoma
It shouldn't take more than a few minutes, I would say. The Deku Tree is so borked now.
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What I find odd: everyone has their own beliefs. No two people naturally have the same beliefs. Having this in mind, it is illogical to use your standards of principle in an argument without first mentioning that it is just your opinion and not fact. Think of it this way: why would Person A feel justified in telling Person B that they are wrong in terms of non-factual evidence? A better, more purinent example: Joe thinks that anything not natural is vile and a testament to all that is wrong with mankind. Jane has a cancer that can be treated with certain drugs. Would you say that Joe would be in the right for hating Jane because she accepts what he believes is wrong in order to save her life? Why is it that Joe has any justification to impose his morals on to a person who does not share the same belief? The standard of justice is determined by the standards that a society agrees upon: -Steal from someone in the US, reimbursement + community service. -Steal from someone in old Middle East, lose a hand. -Steal from someone in Utopia, become a slave. There is no universal sense of justice. To say that there is one baseline of justice that every human being naturally follows is wrong. No one wants their property stolen? What about social communists? No one wants to feel pain? What about masochists? Etc. etc., you can't logically hold anyone to your standards or a society's standards unless that person accepts those standards as their own. This is key in the idea of citizenship: to live in a society, you must adhere to its rules. Anything else I need to ramble on about?
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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While we can study moral and ethics, we can not assume that there is a standard by which everyone agrees/disagrees. Therefore, by accepting that each person is intrinsically unique in comparison to anyone, it seems very odd that people still think that morality and ethics make for a good basis of argument. Morals are based on personal opinion, and so you can't expect that the application of your morals on others will ever be OK. I would say that justice is as relative as morals are. Not everyone has the same sense of justice. To say that some people 'get it wrong' is a bit myopic, but I would agree with your clarification that 'no one has it completely right'. However, I would venture to say that no one has it 'right' or 'wrong,' because there is no scale of 'correctness' when it comes to personal beliefs.
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Wild guess: Julius' fade/dash is fast enough to move him at an angle that he won't enter the 2nd or 4th quadrant. That, or he isn't located within the game while faded, so he can't get map collection.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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comicalflop wrote:
which one of those methods (in the movie itself) will be used?
Probably the one that isn't a failed attempt (the latter). Only difference will be that it begins with the wallslash, rather than hopping from under the skulltula.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Bob A wrote:
but the only thing you need is for most people to agree
Umm, I thought we were talking about "natural laws of morality and justice we can all appeal to." How can it be universally applicable if you only need a majority decision?
Bob A wrote:
By the way, what do you have against anarchists? I'm an anarchist.
When did I say I had issues with the people on that list? Also, useless bold wording!
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Because there is no guarantee that everyone will ever agree on one thing, no matter how simple, so long as it isn't fact. Even with fact, some people still waiver due to opinions that blind them. Name one moral that we all, as humans, share. Keep in mind that there are sociopaths, zealots, sadists, anarchists, and internet folk to take in to consideration.
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SXL wrote:
something that breaks the rules (not legit rom, not speed at first goal, does not reach the end properly, too glitchful that it breaks the game, etc.) ?
All but the last one are good. You would have to define what 'breaks' a game, and that debate would never end.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine