Posts for Zurreco

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Great run. This really puts that sloppy test run I made a while back to shame. I'm glad to see that this game finally has a legit run done. Yes vote. I think that a lot of people won't find this run as impressive as they could/should because the average player usually has the exp hording mentality when playing this. Trying to speed through this game skips a lot of what makes it charming: branching evolution paths, interacting with NPCs, killing random amounts of people for days. Still, the slight repetitiveness and lack of involving content is a byproduct of simply skipping what isn't necessary. I hope that this doesn't hold the run back from publication.
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No thanks.
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Actually, a lot of people that 'cheat' the Score Hero tables for vocals will just deconstruct the vocals of a song into readable pitches and then export them to the microphone.
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I always thought that SNES Mechwarrior 3050 was a great way to practice simple skills associated with tool assisted work. It is open mission/objective based, so planning is involved. Ammo for better guns is limited (not by a lot, though), so refills and evasion tactics need to be used. Memory watcher can be used to find and track enemy HP levels. You can get a bit more control from the mech if you try switching to 2P mode, which then opens the door for people to try two inputs at once. Etc etc.
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ivmaddnessvi wrote:
Am i going to really need the deku nuts?
I think you need at least one for Gohma, don't you?
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"Fast cash" actually comes in the form of being really good at a commission based occupation. There are a million all over the world, but it seems like Cutco and ACN are the go to jobs for most inexperienced but well motivated people. If you want an actual job, get in line. There are a few million people ahead of you, and a lot of them are going to be way overqualified compared to you.
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Is "newbie" really a better fit than "newcomer?" Nine times out of ten, it's used in a negative fashion. Maybe I'm just being crotchety...
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It's a good improvement, so I guess that's enough for a Yes.
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Wow. The amount of abuse in this run is incredible. I knew a tool assisted run would be impressive, but I had no idea it would come this far. Easy Yes. Is anyone planning on doing a warpless run?
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Very cool. Very odd, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Giving this a Yes vote, though it seems that there is a little bit of optimized motion missing.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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This is one of those runs that has a lot of high quality action and way too many breaks from the action to keep it fluid. I guess that's the price we pay for having ridiculously fast motion and fighting. Yes vote. I would like to see this without the fire dash thing, as it got repetitive, but it's obvious that a run without it goes against the objective of submissions.
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I've always found the warpless runs to be way more entertaining than the warp runs. This was no exception. Yes/thanks FODA.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Very nice improvement. Yes vote on this. Subtitles were cute, too.
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I agree that there are two types of people who eventually submit movies; those that rush in and those that do their research beforehand. The latter is an awesome group, as they take the time to read the FAQ/tutorials, will post in threads/send PMs asking general questions, and seek feedback before doing any work. These people are great. There have been a few people who have PMed me in the past with questions and advice on running, and I was more than happy to help them on their way. We need more people like this, honestly. The former, however, are the troublemakers. Creating multiple threads for help is silly and submitting without any feedback is reckless. Some of them mean well, though, and we can really easily remedy both of these issues by adding an addendum to the submission page that states "please seek help in the forums before making any serious attempts at submission material, and be sure to post early examples of work in order to get constructive feedback." Once that is posted, people who may be a bit impatient will (hopefully) take the advice and get better. People who are still going to ignore that warning, submit crap, and then get angry when their work is rejected really aren't conducive to a productive group. There is such a thing as being user friendly, which we do now (FAQ, feedback in the forums, etc.), and then there is babying newcomers. I think that a new subforum could be great for newcomers to work together and reduce the culture shock, but forcing people to go through the motions when we already have a good set up seems a bit superfluous. That, and I'm guessing that a lot of people will still get turned away when they realize that quality submissions require way more effort than just playing a game super fast. Maybe that's just me not having faith... I think a much better way to induct new members would be to have a semi-trial, such as "PM someone a run of SMW in under 13 minutes without cheating." It's a fun way to weed out those who want to try from those who just want to get their name on the site. (After reading the thread, I realize moozooh decided to edit the same sort of idea in.)
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If you want to travel west from the 40 a bit, hit me up on the San Diego coastline.
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This poor game has been broken so much as is. Why would you do this? Yes.
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andymac wrote:
Also wouldn't it be fairly easy, if you hate the layout of the dailymotion website (to ignore it?) to embed it on the TASVideos website somewhere? sounds reasonable to me.
Where would you embed them? Regardless of who we end up using for a host, won't embedding on game pages increase page load times? Or would we be creating fresh pages for each embedded video? It's a small obstacle, but it's worth noting. I think Vimeo would be the best option for a purely embedding option. e: Scratch that. Didn't know Vimeo was anti-gameplay as of late. Also, ignoring DM's poor layout doesn't solve the issue; it merely avoids it. That qualm is my own, though, so it shouldn't really matter in this discussion. I only brought it up because adelikat wanted to hear my reasoning.
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adelikat wrote:
Such as?
The layout is terrible: giant related keywords, ugly header and footer, etc. It's much easier to get videos flagged and, as a result, blocked by the family filter. You can't leave comments in the video file itself, and the comments section requires you to log in. There is a 20 minute cap on videos. I much prefer Viddler. I know it is a bit of a CPU hog, but the videos seem to run smoother, the non-embedded videos are still the center of attention, and the ability to have the author and the community interact via the video is great. You also tend to have more control over your content at Viddler. That's just my side of it, though. However, the majority of my exposure comes through the LP group at SA, who usually use Viddler and/or Baldurk (get friendly with him and he will host for you, though I don't know if he would want to host something with as much traffic as we get) for hosting VLPs. Take their advice:
LP Forums wrote:
Syrg posted: Know Your Video Hosting -updated April 27, 2009 There are a hell of a lot of places to throw up videos for an LP! Here is a handy list, with links, that tells you all you need to know about each. Try and choose two or so in case one site shits out on us down the line so we don't have to scramble and save your shit for future generations, and if you have a suggestion, point it out. Youtube Pros: New high quality and resolution options mean that Youtube is actually a half-decent host now. Not likely to crash and burn anytime soon (RIP Stage6). Cons: 10 minute limit is killer for longer-form videos. Community is horrible. Google Video No longer accepting uploads. Dailymotion Pros: Like a slightly upgraded Youtube. Longer time limit (20 minutes), simple to use, so on. Make sure to use the high quality option; the regular quality is horrible and will mangle any subtitles you have. Cons: Can't download the original file. Viddler Pros: Has low-level player resizing to fit the dimensions of your video, you can download the original to watch later/in full quality, if you're clever you can use the comments/timing feature as impromptu subtitles (but this takes some effort). Cons: Tends to fuck up subtitles which are ON the video, is a little too small to use reliably for anything highly detailed/with a lot of text needing to be read. Lower-end CPUs will struggle if you go over the default resolution, as Viddler's player resizes it in real-time for some reason. Veoh Pros: Seems a little better about playing nice with subtitles than Viddler, otherwise similar as far as I can tell so far, save... Cons: Sometimes runs a brief ad before the video starts, video isn't downloadable (at least on any I tried: it wanted me to download a Veoh-centric player to watch it in a larger window!), any video over 30 minutes forces you to use said player to view it. Gamevee Cons: Dead. GotGame supposedly is reviving it, but that doesn't seem to have gone anywhere. Avoid. Bonus Russian Roulette Option: Vimeo Pros: I love this site. The player scales to the resolution needed, they do HD content, you can download the original if logged into an account there (which is like a ten second process)... Cons: ...and they claim to fucking hate game videos and said they would nuke any they spotted. This is a gamble to use and not recommended by 99% of people here because despite a lot of videos slipping through past the "everything will be deleted" deadline in September, nothing is to say they won't someday finish the job. Use at your own risk.
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Dailymotion link was totally smooth even without being fully loaded. However, I abhor dailymotion for a multitude of reasons and I hope that we don't use it.
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Are you guys letting the runs fully load before running them? adelikat's uploads are fluid for me regardless as to whether it was still loading or not. Everything Randil linked was fluid while loading as well. For that matter, every LP that uses Viddler or Baldurk has been fluid while loading. Flygon's SMB video, though, was really really choppy until I paused and let it load. After that, it was fluid again. I can only assume that this means the service gives priority to older, established videos, rather than newly uploaded ones. Maybe it's a really stupid, roundabout way of preventing users from uploading and/or streaming copyrighted content before it can be located and removed by the admins?
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pirate_sephiroth wrote:
Not a video... A LOT OF THEM!
I don't get it. Is the point of these to be creepy and waste my time? Hell, the majority of comments berate her. Does she not notice that people are just going to troll her?
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After watching alden's encode, I have to vote No. The game choice was terrible, as the first 2/3 were incredibly boring.
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If there is anything I have learned from Viddler, it is that fresh files seem to play at a lower quality than others. If the problem persists/fleets, though, it's probably the source rather than the service. I'm all for this. It's a good step forward.
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Glitcher wrote:
This was a mixture of bad editing and good play over too long of a duration.
Nicos wrote:
THIS is a combo exibition
This was great editing and great play. Unfortunately, it shows very clearly that Ryu is in too many games. The fact that you can use (fairly) character specific attacks to transition whole eras of gaming says a lot about how rehashed he has become. That being said, I've always thought that this video was a good example of combo videos done correctly: Granted, the music chosen is really aggravating, but the video is pretty spot on. Not enough editing to beat you over the head, the combos are short and sweet, and there are some tech demonstrations as well. It sucks after 4:15, but that's because the credits are as useless as the anime cutaways in Glitcher's movie. Maybe I'm just more prone to enjoying GG/BB combo videos, though, since there is a lot more going on at any given time.
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It's a holiday in grueville, isn't it?
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