Posts for andymac

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I believe bobmario511 made a few playarounds. Extremely impressive. There was a 16 star and 2 star run of SM64. Personally, I think one should be published; the run was more entertaining than the current 0 star.
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Problems and solutions
Rick wrote:
This forum is enough motivation for some...
Xkeeper wrote:
You have basically strived for a level of perfection so high that only the people who got that far in the first place can achieve it.
Bisquit wrote:
That is naturally true for already competed games. Still, for new games, I wish to keep the bar lower. Unfortunately there aren't that many new games anymore...
LagDotCom wrote:
More playarounds!
Moozooh wrote:
1. (newcomers) resign their ambitions as soon as they witness the level of optimization involved. Exceptions are rare. Solution: none. 2. Obscure games are obscure. Many of them aren't even accepted on the ground of extreme obscurity that may not appeal to everyone. Solution: broaden the range of material allowed on the site. 3. In a sense that it's the audience that raises the standards too high, not the admins. Solution: for the audience to be more moderate with their judgements, as well as their expressions. 4. More Playarounds! (never actually said this)
SXL wrote:
this site ought to have a "beginner's" section... It would help if the tools were less crude
DarkKobald wrote:
More newbies may come after PSX tasing is more real and stable.
Xkeeper wrote:
God, the whole "I'm working on RUN X, don't you goddamn DARE work on RUN X while I am or ELSE" mentality has RUINED so much.
Jimsfriend wrote:
Chopper wrote:
Harden the fuck up[/verbose]
I hate ridgeway because he was once an immature kid
Joke (just nothing helpful there)
alden wrote:
Those who can't do, teach (I would posit that generally there is an inverse relationship between post count and number of movies published.)
That just about sums it up I think.
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That is absolutely true, but it isn't a crime to ask what the final time will be if it's not measured by in-game units. EDIT: one post between clicking reply, and then submit EDIT2: wait, what am I doing? this isn't BK related, it's general.
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I meant as TASvideos would put it next to the description. Due to lag and such, the VI count makes this run 1:49:xx.xx already. With the addition of CCW, the quiz and the final boss battle, 2:05, which was my original guess would probably be a little generous, and the final run time would be around 2:10:xx.xx. The in-game timer will not be consulted when the final time is calculated because it is skewed. Lag, loading times and cut scenes contribute to the difference between the actual time and the timer.
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I played a flash game like that about a month ago: gravity master is the same sort of thing, you have to get a ball to reach checkpoints to finish the level, and you draw objects in order to do that. It's not crayons, but it's just as entertaining, also objects start disappearing after too many are on screen, so the game doesn't break. Um, I just learned, that apparently gravity master was made that way because of crayon physics. :P
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arflech wrote:
Actually, "initialism" and "alphabetism" are synonyms
Quite right, I somehow misread the google definition
arflech wrote:
Also, to be super-anal, the long form of "etc." is the Latin et cetera.
That is super-anal, but correct.
Bisquit wrote:
I think "phonetical spelling" is the worst bad joke in English.
I think that that statement would be fairly obvious considering that we're having a discussion about the pronunciation of a three letter word. Even with the help of IPA and such, people can still pronounce words differently to each other possibly due to regional dialects or misunderstanding. TAS falls into the second category. I think that due to the fact that no-one is actually speaking to each other, as long as TAS's spelling is correct, no-one knows the difference. It seems that a lot of surprise was generated when the actual pronunciation was known, I was surprised to find the pronunciation was with an s, rather than a z sound. Other people couldn't understand how people could say tazz. This seems to be a characteristic of regional dialect; there is a difference between a New Zealand and an American accent for example. Or the seemingly obvious example of Bisquit and I pronouncing Task differently. This is one of the reasons, I think, that it is accepted that English is one of the hardest languages to learn: because it's not phonetically accurate.
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Initialisms are read phonetically. Alphabetisms are read letter by letter. Acronyms are a set of words that include alphabetisms and initialisms. I knew I'd missed something
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DarkKobald wrote:
Seriously. It's an acronym. Say the letters.
That's quite a harsh generalisation. You don't pronounce EFTPOS ee-ef-tee-pee-oh-es. you say eftpos. Which stands for electronic funds transfer whatever. You also don't say el-ay-es-ee-ar, you say laser, which is another acronym other acronyms such as scuba, radar, and amphetamines, are all pronounced phonetically rather than letter by letter. There is also no generalisation when it comes to capitalisation of acronyms. PIN is fully capital and is not pronounced pee-eye-en. It is however true that most acronyms intended to be pronounced letter by letter are fully capitalised.
Bisquit wrote:
TASVideos: /ˈtæsˈvɪdˈɛəʊz/
Also Bisquit runs the site and he says it's pronounced task without the k. The correct pronunciation is either that or /tʊl'əs'ɪs'tɛd'suː'pʌr'pleɪ/ pronunciation: Wiki (in the wiki, əʊ is oʊ and there are possibly other changes as well.) I also think I must pronounce task differently from you, but /tæs/is objective. I think that sums it up well enough..
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Damn, you work fast. I'm looking forward to it. Also, do you know approximately the final time on the run. I'm guessing 2:05 but I could be wrong.
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The A + Z invincibility works on my rom: (U) ! The invincibility lasts from when you hit the ground with your beak, and you are mortal once you land on your feet again. If you just A+Z off a cliff, you will most certainly die. Also I think you fall faster with the beak buster invulnerability, but I'm not sure. BTW, you have serious dedication. I can't believe you redid 4 jiggies just to save a few frames, you are a seriously awesome TASer.
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Post subject: The big PUSH!
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I recently got a baseball style cap from a project that my father was working on, a fairly large project codenamed "iceberg". I was assuming it was big due to the fact that all members working on this project had sworn secrecy, which generally means the project would be some value to those who like to exploit insider trading. Anyways, the cap read: "THE BIG PUSH: icebergers go hard or go home". It was a really stupid hat, and I quickly got the old jerry can out and lit it up, before anyone else was subjected to it's horror. However, the above paragraph is completely irrelevant to what I am trying to achieve in this post. I just didn't want all that typing to go to waste. What I wanted to do is start a big PUSH!, and start getting non-TASers to start TASing, or at least get the ball rolling. So if anyone can suggest a way to encourage non-TASers to TAS, without displaying pictures of boobs on-site or promising financial gain (for the slightly older audience), that would be great. If I can get even two people to start TASing I would have achieved my goal. If it requires changing something about the site I can't promise anything, But I'll try to talk to Bisquit and see if it can be done. It doesn't matter how outlandish you think you're suggestion is, (if it's skydiving or something like that it probably won't happen), but if you have a reasonable suggestion that can actually be accomplished, Ill see what I can do. P.S.Also can anyone tell me the correct pronunciation of TAS? I always pronounced it tazz. KTHXBAI
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duksandfish wrote:
a = b a^2 = ab a^2 - ab = a^2 - ab 1(a^2 - ab) = 3(a^2 - ab) 1 = 3
This proof is wrong anyway. this line is definitely correct: A^2-AB=A^2-AB, because it's the same written term on both sides, then you divide on 1 on one side and divide by three on the other. Yes, 1*0 = 3*0 but to con the reder into thinking this proof is correct, you have to make the 0 term more discrete. The "proof" goes like this A = B AB = B^2 AB - A^2 = B^2 - A^2 A(B - A) = (B + A)(B - A) A = A + B A = 2A 1 = 2 however, that only "proves" 1 = 2 Your proof, however is a more complicated version of: 0 = 0 1 * 0 = 3 * 0 1 = 3 EDIT: just realised: my proof also simplifies to that And for a question for bisquit: What is the best TAS on the site
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The correct way is: "It's in assembly. It compiles at least with NASM."
He's right, NASM is just a compiler and the language is assembly. but we all know what you mean when you write "it's in NASM", and it's a lot shorter to write than "it's in assembly and compiles to NASM". BTW does anyone have a LOLCODE compiler/interpreter? I want to check if it works, the I'm going to submit it. For the LOLZ of course. Also for those who want to know, CHEEZEBURGER and LOLCATZ are variables, and have no actual meaning to the program.
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Holy shit. Sweet WIP, and I can see you frustration with new time savers appearing. It looks pretty good and about 99.9% optimised. As for Swordless Link, shut the fuck up already, no-one cares. Have your little petty arguments via pm.
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I just read that and realised how rash I sounded. What I was trying to get across in my bumbling speech was if I could get a link to the progress of the 120 star run. I know there's a link, but I can't find it anywhere.
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A possibility is the beak buster (or for the n00bs here: "the switch pressing move") invincibility glitch; which seems to make you invincible from anything. (this, I think, is a well known glitch, where you beak bust, and while you're flipping up, you can fall from an infinite height and not get hurt, you are invincible from enemy attacks, and the "magnetised" grunty attack in the final battle. I don't think I've seen this glitch abused at all this run. One improvement I saw was maybe only 10 frames, but you broke a door, started a talon trot, and went inside. then took about three steps before free falling. It would be a lot faster, I think to just traverse the short distance with a forward roll or something. But on the plus side, I think your planning is excellent. I have not seen any better planning in any other TAS. Unrelated, here is an excerpt from the PROSH: SAGITTARIUS: Metastatic lung cancer is not funny. Your face is funny. In a cruel twist you will get metastatic lung cancer. Everyone will laugh, but rest-assured this is because of your face.
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I'm just waiting for someone to use golfscript. win the "other" category hands down.
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Hows the current 120 stars run going?, if it still is going. Isnt mr_robert_z doing one? and if he is, is he just a little bit pissed that by the time he finishes, there will be another billion timesavers available?
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There is no reason to still be using MPEG-2 - H.264 is far superior. Would you care to explain what exactly is unstable about it, except for the high CPU usage on 6 year old computers with shitty hardware/decoders?
Basically what you're saying here is if you had a video format which could not be played on any other computer but yours, and the quality was lossless and file size was a mb/min, then it would be perfect. What you're missing here is the fact that there may be quite a few people who have shitty 6 year old hardware, and if that's the case, and they don't have a ROM, then H26.4 is definitely not for them. So here's a radical thought: why don't you try using a different format, or encode in more than one format? It doesn't necessarily haveto be mpeg-2, but it will run on any machine without question.
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You have to use %28 and %29 instead of brackets: Banjo Kazooie Tas by Sami Watching it now, the last one was amazing.
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Mzscla wrote:
HappyLee wrote:
Johannes wrote:
nineko wrote:
Raiscan wrote:
nineko wrote:
And, of course, encoded.
The audio seems to desync for me, and the picture seems oddly fuzzy. It also seems to cause FFDShow to use alot of cpu on my laptop, far more than is usually required to decode h264...
That's weird, it works fine for me :\ Oh well, thanks for the report, I guess. Anyone else can confirm/deny this? I'd like to know what I'm doing wrong...
It looks fine, but seeking.. doesn't work right. (Also, the bitrate is higher than needed, the image is too thin (you're supposed to force a 4:3 aspect), and the fps is 59.999 instead of 60.100 like it's supposed to be.)
But I think it's good enough, and it has my name on it!
Haha~~ Me,too. Me,too...
Um, a yes vote from me. 6.5/9.5. It just looks awesome on a page to quote someone, who's in turn quoted someone else ect... as for the review... well, you're walking, which can't be good for the entertainment, but on the technical side it's amazing. the bullet bill skip is... unexpected. I wonder if you could use that in the actual SMB run, in 8-2 maybe? Also doesn't everyone know where they can get they're hands on an SMB rom? And if they don't have it, they can always just go to youtube, which is the obvious choice, rather than worry about a perfect encode. Why do you have to use H26.4 anyway? can't you just go with the good old MPEG-2? H26.4 seems like a shitty format when it comes to stability. It's only a 7 minute video anyway, so size won't really matter.
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I get really confused writing in NASM, I can never keep track of things, it doesn't help that the only control flow is a conditional GOTO.
I got 83 in Python.
WHAT!!!?? Qfox provided one which supposedly gave 85, but it was riddled with syntactical errors. Cutting fatal corners and such. HOW? did you use conditional sets or something?
Is exactly the same.
It seriously is. Starting a new python shell and running both programs gives the exact same output. This is including the header and the >>> afterwards. Basically opening a new python shell and running either program, then Ctrl+a, Ctrl+c, into a text file will produce the exact same file. MD5:72014911BE26119697EDB0D393EA9D60. There is no new line that is created for the print that is not when you use sys.stdout.write. This is what I've seen, maybe it's my version of python or something, but that's what I get. If I got a new line after the program terminated (like you said) I probably would've noticed. Either everybody else is wrong, or my python shell is changed/old version. I don't know. Also crashing python generally gives a little error notification. This would be considered output. Unrelated, My dad was looking up some environmental statistics/whatever, and one of the sources was a guy called Dr De'ath. He was (in this article) predicting the extinction of certain species of coral (how ironic). No joke, just thought it's a funny anecdote.
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I got Ytterbijum's code to see what you meant by the new line at the end, and there's a reason that I didn't notice it, because it doesn't exist! The output from this code:
import sys
for i in range(1001):
 if i%7!=0 and any([i%n==0 for n in range(2,i)]):w(' %d'%i)
and this code:
for i in range(1001):
 if i%7!=0 and any([i%n==0 for n in range(2,i)]):d=d+' '+str(i)
print d
Is exactly the same. the MD5 is 72014911BE26119697EDB0D393EA9D60. On screen, both output this:
Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Feb 21 2008, 13:11:45) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.

    Personal firewall software may warn about the connection IDLE
    makes to its subprocess using this computer's internal loopback
    interface.  This connection is not visible on any external
    interface and no data is sent to or received from the Internet.
IDLE 1.2.2      
>>> ================================ RESTART ================================
1 4 6 8 9 10 12 ....... 995 996 998 999 1000
The only way to rid yourself of the line at the end is to make sure that the program doesn't finish. On a semi related note, this is my feeble attempt at making the shortest compiled code:
	x	dw	1	;reserves 16 bits mem for x
	g	db	"1 $" 	;g = '1 $'
	y	dw	2	;y = 2 (16 bits)
	org	100h		;starts program
	mov	cx, [y]		;CX = y
	mov	bx, [x]		;BX = x
	mov	dx, g		;DX = g
	mov	ah, 9		;ah needs to be 9 for stdout
	int	21h		;dos service interupt(stdout)
whilex				;while x<1000: (label only)
	inc	bx		;x+=1
	mov	cx, 2		;y=2
whiley				;while y<x: (label)
	inc	cx		;y+=1

	cmp	bx, cx		;while y<x: compare x, y
	jnc	whiley		;goto whiley if cf=0

	cmp	bx, 1000	;while x<1000> 1000
	mov	ah,4CH		;ends program
	int	21h
It's not finished. This program outputs "1 ". Each line represents one opcode except for pseudo codes.
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<HTML> <BODY> <A>Banjo Kazooie TAS by Sami</A> </BODY> </HTML> DESYNCH!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOooooo. BTW HTML tags don't work. at all
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