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Ha this thread is pretty funny. Frozen Dreams The correct way to ask for a request is to say something along the lines of "Hi all I am having trouble doing BLAH. If someone can make an avi illustrating BLAH I would be very grateful" If you dont sugar coat requests to strangers you come off kinda rude and demanding.... did you ever send that cheesecake to Boco by the way?
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Well you do have to redo half of magna centipede's stage before you fight sigma IIRC... Still I am very eager to see this on the main page. Keep up the momentum (-:
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Heh those clips were pretty good. I never thought MMX could be so buggy (-: If only some of those glitches could be worked into a TAS. alas.
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Ohh yeah forgot that you needed to save zero... The dual run is nice stuff :)
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The WIP is looking really great :) I am really looking forward to seeing the zero-sigma-dragonpunch bug. Any new progress on this?
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Doesnt 36 frames translate into just over a second of improvement? I thought NES is 30 fps. Anyway the one thing that really bugged me on sleepz run that looks better in phil's is that the last vegetable that came out of the tuba was caught optimally. Sleepz's had a noticable delay there that stuck out every time I watched it (at least 6 times).
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The most notable things for me were - Standing too long on enemies if skipping a layer of sand while digging - Jumps overshooting platforms alot (slows you down) - Walking up to ladders instead of jumping onto them Good strategies in most situations but I dont see that frame-perfect beauty that you get by optimizing seeing what happens if you start something one frame earlier or later.
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Man that last level looked really annoying. What is the point of an autoscroll level that randomly jerks back and forth (and taking a wrong turn a screen ago will get you crushed?) It is pretty illogical from a game-play perspective. I enjoyed the really fast parts but it doesn't look like the physics allow you to be nimble enough to weave through enemies and some of the tunnels. Definitely a hard game to optimize but you put forth an impressive effort.
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This game completely killed me when I was young. Really I had no idea what I wa doing and never got more than the first fuel. It's nice to see how it is supposed to be played but looking at it now the game doesnt look that fun.
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Those clips are really cute. Man it would be great to have an organized glitch database with glitches illustrated as such... probably outside the focus of this site though.
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Nach wrote:
Perhaps, but I'm sure most of us would rather see a quad Megaman run, than a quad run with only 3 Megaman games and something totally different. DeHackEd is also a Megaman fan, so it's his decision, and he probably will do Megaman only. BTW, is now a bad time to suggest all 5 of the Megaman platform games for the SNES?
Personally I think seeing something involving multiple popular games with radically different gameplay would be a greater display of mastery. But yeah how about seeing X1 X2 X3 all beaten with hadoken, shoryuken, and gold armor+z-sabre :) There is no ceiling now to difficulty in this new "genre".
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My favorite part was the final Sigma battle, though X2 had it easy then. :) People have already said to do all three X games. How about throwing a dissimilar game into the mix like super mario world? My screen is demanding some 4-way split screen action :)
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alexpenev wrote:
The camera angle usually affects your orientation, so switching angle while your buttons are being replayed could well cause a desych somewhere along the line.
The camera position is dictated by button presses and so is encoded within the movie and not susceptable to desynch.
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Congratulations on the sub 1:40 TSA! While I can watch the TAS and be entertained by the creativity, this one is just an amazing display of skill. Great job! -Ast
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spezzafer wrote:
I assure you I avoided every ring I could...some were either too high to jump over or not enough space to get around.
Well this video is more perfect than I thought :) I remember seeing a version a while go with lots of little hops in it but this version is a lot more entertaining and impressive. Great job finding all those glitches and strategies!
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Just finished watching this in full. Great movie! This game really has lots of aspects to it from the eggs to the vehicles to the bosses. You make great use of all of them, I especially like the shell climbs you do. I did however see a few areas where it looks like you could of avoided the continue ring or a red coin (I know only the first red coin is a significant delay).
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Im not sure if I agree the whole download from the submission thing. Some of these movies grow up on the forums like SMW and so you would know the contents of the submitted movie in large part already.
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I thought the def that was agreed on was the time at which the last input is required to cause the ending to occur at the soonest frame barring any further interfering input... Although I must admit that I personally like the way you are ending it here.
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Does a feather dropped down from the box fall down or drift down? It drifts right?
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Heh, admonishing people before they even try, thats a new one :-)
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Well looking at it now frame by frame it looks like you break them as you pass through them o_0 So they dont slow you down but by breaking them you arent being pushed down for that distance either so this should be slower.... I tried experimenting with this myself some but it is evident to me that my recording powers not as advanced as yours (heh as if that wasnt clear after that boo battle). This area is one of the trickiest to get right but I think there are 2 or 3 frames to be saved there.
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CoolBumpty wrote:
That fight was so beautiful that it made me want to cry.
Definitely agree with that. (-: Nice job there Is there a reason that you break that bottom block on the the first part of starworld1? I dont remember Viper doing that in the 96 exit run and I would think it slows you down. Do you know how the frames compare here?
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I havent played final fantasy much and all the fleeing wasnt very interesting but I was impressed at how you can beat the game with very low levels. I dont know much more about it to comment though but am glad that there is a decent rpg run now :)
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Im having issues with the frames of the avi not being interleaved correctly. Am I the only one.
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I think you have to make sure you check "use WIP1 timing" in the movie play dialog. If you dont see this option try going to the SNEX9X forum and get the modified 1.43 version from there.
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