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Its funny how much the bot failed taking good pictures :) I guess this run is mostly screen scrolling?
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My guess is that 83% have seen exactly one. The amount of people who have seen a run on digg or something aweful or whatever vastly dwarfs the population of this site so I consider this community negligible for the percentage. Now the question becomes how many have seen several tas on these sites. Im going to guess that at most 4 runs have been posted in huge numbers. Now the question is how many have seen 2 of those 4 links as opposed to just 1. Now considering how lots of that crowd is casual i'll estimate that on the average they've seen 6% of links posted in the time-frame we are interested in. That leaves an 83% chance of having only seen one.
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Pretty tight :) I still have hope for a 0-star run. I really like what I see. Finally manipulating bowser so you can stand right under the final star looks nice. Bowser 3 seems to have alot of improvement. BTW, someone posted a long time ago a vid of waiting for the elevator in Bowser 2 and doing BLJ up to the expanding slopes. It looked like it could be faster but it was a tough call. Just wanted to check if you ever tested that. EDIT Ahh here it is: EDIT2 After comparing it with the run I think it might be 1-2 seconds slower... its kinda close though so am not very sure.
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I vote to simplify the set of possible rules to a single core principle. "Don't be an ass" When you post just ask yourself: "Does this make me an ass?" If the answer is 'yes' or even 'maybe', chances are you're being an ass. Stop it. Simple right?
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Did you want volunteers? If you want I am actually trust-worthy but am also somewhat lazy. I think I could definitely help a non-zero amount.
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There is definitely a lot of passion on this board that I feel would be better directed towards more worthwhile goals than the behavior of the tag.
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"Canada's Mexico"
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Puerto Rico is a common wealth and Guam is a territory. I don't really know of other countries that put the word "America" in their common country name so the US called it the way I see it. The words "United" and "States" are both generic anyway and "America" is the only proper word in the official country name.
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If anyone is curious the magic text size limit in firefox for me was 546129% Now what is the significance there...
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Great work Mukki. So many great N64 submissions recently :) Voting yes.
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No biggie... but our pop-culture always spreads quickly to the far corners of the Earth!
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4-game runs has been done... you need to up the anti and go for 9-games.
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Fabian wrote:
Horrible president.
I'm sorry the choices were "great" and "greatest". I'll just put you down for "great" then. -colbert
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Fabian - George W. Bush: great president or greatest president?
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FractalFusion wrote:
I did. There's a huge spike around 2000. Or did you mean two-digit representations of years? People have learned from Y2K. :)
That was an edit because I was surprised by the spike after i got more data. "See" as in "foresee".
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ShadowWraith wrote:
Possibly because of the x264 encoder for the H264 video codec? :)
Ahh good point.. google must be categorizing it slightly differently.
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arkiandruski wrote:
Dear Bisqwit, I am not a programmer and only have a basic understanding of binary and hexidecimal, but I notice that 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256 all are very popular numbers. However, 1024 is the next number that seems to be important. Why doesn't 512 get the same amount of attention as the others?
I found the question of the popularity of numbers rather fascinating so I wrote a quick script to use google to search for the number of occurrences of a number from 1-1500 and plotted the results on a graph. I might extend this to 10000 later. EDIT Excel maxes out at 3200 points for some reason... so this is it. I completely didnt see the popularity of the usage of years in dates. Some interpretations: 1) We get sharp drop offs in popularity at 30 60 markers dues to use in times. Another drop off at 100 due to percents I suppose. 2) Round numbers are more popular than non round as expected, from 0-100 multiples of 10 are popular as well as multiples of 100 later on. 3) 1024 is indeed more popular than 512 for reasons FractalFusion mentioned probably. The real shocker is that 16 is more popular than 8 for some odd reason! Anyone have any theories why? Probably because 16 = 2^4 and 4 itself is a power of 2, but still 8 is the number of bits found in a byte which I thought would make it popular... ohh well. Hmmm 264 is also remarkably uncommon (falls well below the trend line). Odd.
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I coulda sworn you posted here before Myles... maybe you are just on that Gamefaqs board. I think you'll find that many readers of this thread already know who you are :-)
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AKA wrote:
I've tested all the known BLJ locations in the basement quite some time ago and the outlook seems bleak at time of writing.
Can you please enumerate the known BLJ spots in the basement? I think you said before there were 8 or so but I've never seen a conclusive list. That HMC BLJ looks kinda cool.. but Rikku doesnt show the actual spot.. or was that just testing of BLJ speed? If you crank it up high enough cant you just go through the wall and not need the door? Also did anyone check the black room of death behind the basement key door for a BLJ spot? The stairs should be able to get you in there and maybe there is an invisible wall there to get lucky.
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Sakura just so others had to endure being beaten senseless by a school girl wearing a seifuku. In SF2 I really enjoyed rebounding off of peoples heads with Chunli... lightning kick was great too.
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Heh that is a kinda underwhelming submission text... you need to work on your sales pitch :)
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I like that Rikku is willing to try unorthodox camera angles and it is interesting having mario run to the left every once in a while. He shouldnt get flak for having his run not look like previous versions although those rapid camera rotations are not pleasant. I also appreciate that Rikku put more effort into entertainment here than his other runs. Voting yes.
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Don't USB keyboards have fewer troubles here than PS/2 keyboards?
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Bisqwit wrote:
An example I can remember right away is a fence near the beginning. He jumps over one or two successfully, but then he climbs across one and switches the camera angle, and Link is just standing there for a moment doing nothing. I compared with the published movie, and it really is worse.
I see that and for some reason I thought he might have a reason to have jumped from the fence to the hole.... did he collect a ruppee in the air? bahh... I still maintain this isn't quite as bad as people make it sound but I doubt it is publishable.
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Well I just sat through the whole thing without knowing too much about OoT. To my untrained eyes things werent as offensive as everyone made it seem, but I kinda agree that the gameplay resembled high-quality human play as opposed to a TAS. Also I would like the writeup to explain more about the tricks used as the route seems much different from the last one. I did consult the tricks page but it was kinda light on the subject of the bottles. Anyway I think I'll vote a solid "meh".
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