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How does a 2p run work anyway, the only logical way I can think of is frame advance and holding possibly up to eight keys at once That's what I thought, too. But in reality the most keys I've ever held down simultaneously (not including the frame advance button) was four, but that doesn't happen often. The real headache is AI manipulation, not multiple button presses. And yes, I did the entire run using frame advance. maybe I'm wrong to say this but I think the boxing in still punches could have been used more Do you mean what I did against Bruce and Roo? Up until then, there was no real advantageous opportunity to use it, and afterwards, I discovered the 2P downward attack bug, which is much faster. Good news and bad news... The bad news: I haven't touched the run for a few weeks now, partially because of summer school, and partially because of being tactically stumped on what will be the fastest way for the next area. The good news: Should the worst-case scenario happen (me not getting any progress during summer school) I will have a break during August where I definitely WILL make progress before fall semester starts.
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Well...this was unexpected. I thought Sonic Advance would play out more like Sonic 2, but it turns out to be the most broken run on the site. Egg Rocket 1 and the final boss roffled my waffle.
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This thread should be locked. Hard.
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It doesn't matter what I do, I can't get this stupid ass thing to replay movies correctly. It ALWAYS starts out paused whether I uncheck read-only or not (and it doesn't matter what I do with the pathetically few options FBA has), then after that there's no input at all. I'm about to give up on the whole thing. Edit: Now it works, but it desychs. In fact, every recording I make desynchs, tool-assisted or not. Hooray.
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I think it'd be best to do that when I get to Stage 6, because I plan to hex-edit the switch room the second time around, since there's really no point in me doing the exact same scene again and getting a different (and possibly imperfect) result. But until then, I don't really know anything about hex-editing either.
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I always thought w00t was like saying "Yeah!", only in retard-speak. Edit: The one abbreviation that pisses me off the most is "gg". People just say it out of obligation after a game, regardless of whether they mean it or not. "[game ends] gg gg gg gg gg gg roflcopter gg gg" I mean, come on.
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You broke my internets.
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If people are too stupid to go look up what a TAS is, that's their problem. It shouldn't become everyone else's problem by making them watch a small video whenever they open a TAS movie. And, like Nach said, it makes the video file larger, which means wasted space and longer torrent downloads. I'd support the disclaimer being displayed for longer (and being more descriptive), though.
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Well, I hate to let you down, but I didn't get as far as I said I would. I did make it to the third set of enemies, though. Let me know if that crappy site won't let you download.
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Voting no, since this is apparently Opposite Day.
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Well, finals are done now, and although I won't have internet access again until June 1st, I'll have plenty of spare time on my hands. If all goes well, I should be able to at least complete Stage 4 Scene 1 before I get back. So, until then. Edit: Oh yeah, and if any of you guys care (which is doubtful), I looked closer at the insides of my old computer and discovered that both sticks of RAM were Kingston ValueRAM. I looked on Newegg and these sticks had over 500 positive reviews. The reboots could've been because there was a lot of dust on various parts (CPU heatsink, graphics card, IDE cables, and the whole bottom of the case), or because of the 200W power supply (yes, 200 watts...I was shocked, too). But then again, maybe it's because it was an old crappy Dell in the first place.
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This is finals week, and I have a 6 page research paper due. I won't be able to work on the run until school's over.
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Huh. Well, I can't.
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Yeah, the Walagata servers asploded for some reason (I used to use them to upload as my avatar is gone).
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Oh, that one. I guess it'd be neat to show the first few Goldie punches go right through me at the beginning of 5-3 while the other enemies get on the elevator.
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but I wonder if it's gonna be useful, considering that atro city may be in the end of 4-1. Yeah, I wish. In reality, I still have yet to finish the first set (out of three...rediculous) of enemies. I did work on it some yesterday, and 2 hours of work for less than 5 seconds of gameplay is just no fun. The car just has a goofy hit box that seems like a regular box rather than a parallelogram like it's supposed to be. I already demonstrated this in what I did yesterday by pretty much doing what you did, only it was useful for doing more damage to an enemy (i.e. getting a flying chop in on a Zack before he gets run over). Dumb Zack trick? You mean the one where he punches from off the screen and hits nothing? It might be possible to implement it without losing any time, but with Zack's stupid AI, I just want to kill the bastards and move on with as little pain as possible. Well, I have to say I'm surprised there are people out there who are still supporting my lazy ass. I really appreciate it. Hopefully progress will speed up once I get the Zacks out of the way and deal with normal enemies with normal AI gain.
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Bosses where Echo Screen/Joker Doom or Vanish/Doom are available: Cranes Flame Eater Ultros (Thamasa) Ultros/Chupon Air Force Atma Weapon Nerapa Tentacles Dullahan All bosses in final dungeon (I/S/R, Guardian, Doom, Goddess, Poltergeist, three tiers/Kefka) See? Those are all the fun bosses in my opinion. At least seeing different deathblows would be more entertaining than the same instant kill trick used for however long the rest of the game lasts. To me, the WIP that was just posted in the other FF3/6 topic (up through Number 024) was the entire game that's worth looking at if the rest is just hours of Joker Doom.
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That's a problem I encountered as well. I believe I got around that by switching to another graphic plugin or whatever it's called.
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/*- wrote:
Erim wrote:
There is one rule I have applied though: No instant kills. All kills will be through damage. So I won't be using Vanish/Doom or Joker Doom, or even Fenix Down. Yeah, it uses up more time, but it's more entertaining at the same time. Although I have to admit, watching a run for this game is hardly entertaining.
im glad you're working on it, but theres nothing entertaining about drawn out battles that don't have to be. abuse everything you can in the game. or maybe thats just me. still, happy to see someone working on this again. best of luck.
Actually, that was the reason I wasn't looking forward to this game being done. Using Joker Doom on everything is just plain boring, especially for a long run like this.
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Sorry for not updating in a while. I worked a little on the run, but I'm still far far away from finishing Stage 4 Scene 1. And unfortunately this weekend I won't have access to my computer. I'll try to work on it when I can.
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I don't really care one way or another, as long as Google Ads are the only ones being displayed.
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Your site is complaining about hotlinking. Edit: Nevermind, I'm a god damn idiot...
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Better suggestion for Diman: Post the WIPs for feedback before you do the whole thing. It's sad to see all his efforts go to waste.
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And if it's any consolation, he stocks up on plasma blasts for Flamin' Yawn.
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I took your bet.
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