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Even though that's what everyone does anyway.
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Like I give a damn.
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Yet again you misunderstand me. I don't want to see this made into an enforcable rule. That would be stupid. I would however like to see this be accepted as an ethical standard, like correct grammar and punctuation in submission text.
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Now you're just playing devil's advocate. You know damn well as I do that this game can be done in less than a day compared to others which take months and sometimes years to do, so it's not out of the question to ask that all these faster times be posted in a neatly-organized thread instead of being scattered all over the Workbench.
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Because we all know it's going to be obsoleted very soon. So all it does is waste space when you could just post all the faster times on a forum thread until you get a time that no one can beat.
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Give me one good reason why this should be in the Workbench and not in a NES Monopoly thread.
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Because unlike some people, I actually check the Workbench for submissions that will actually get published and don't appreciate it when it gets clogged with multiple submissions for the same game. Especially when you could just as easily continue this war thing in a NES Monopoly thread.
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No point in voting, since this'll probably be obsoleted before the day is over.
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Yeah, it was cool. I have a feeling that The Flying King could have definitely been improved by trying to bounce the balloon while taking a continuous rocket ride at the same time through the magic of frame-by-frame precision.
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Though on the other hand it is quite annoying when atro city posts his "I don't find this interesting" schtick in every thread on this game. What the hell are you talking about? For one, I never said that I didn't find this interesting. In fact, I've NEVER said I haven't found a Monopoly run interesting. Ever. So I honestly have no clue where you got this from. Atro city, just letting you know that you aren't the only one who doesn't find this game, run, or war entertaining. I never said I didn't find the game/run entertaining. OmnipotentEntity: I didn't say that atro city is unworthy because he doesn't like the game but it's just that I don't like the "Come on the game is easy. Do it once and for all" mentality. The game is pretty hard and really painful to TAS. I admire Hero of the day and acmlm's courage. Where in any of my posts did I ever say that this game was easy? I'm saying take your time and stop submitting every few days when you know it will be improved very shortly. atro city talks as if he hadn't taken into account that the only way to know if a movie is the fastest is to test every input, which cannot be done with current technology. No, just the input that directly affects the luck required to beat the movie faster. Argh, all you guys do is misquote and misunderstand me, so I'm just going to stop arguing this completely retarded topic, because it's going absolutely nowhere. Leave it up to Phil to force you to argue over something pointless, then stoop to the level of a child and fan the flames further.
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I think you're missing the point. Do you really think it's necessary to submit every single improvement, even if they're only by a few frames and you'll know it'll be beaten in a day anyway? I could've sworn submissions were for the purpose of actually getting published, not showing how fast you got it before it gets improved a few hours later. Monopoly is pretty much different than DK. Aside from luck maniuplation, I don't see any differences.
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Sometimes I wonder if the competition is rushed because each person wants their name on the current fastest submission. Not in the particular case of this run (since it shaves off 40 frames, which is great for a game this size), but I can see where this is going to go. Eventually we're going to have 5 or 6 submissions where each improvement is only by a couple of frames (like Donkey Kong).
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I don't have a problem with the game. I don't even have a problem with the run. What I do have a problem with is this so-called war. Instead of submitting every single improvement, why not just see if you can do it faster before submitting it?
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Why would I waste my time with this? Because you decided to turn this into a pointless debate (on some pretty stupid grounds, I might add...if everyone had to do the runs themselves to prove a trivial point, there wouldn't even be a Workbench forum for people to give advice)? You're just swinging and hoping you hit something.
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As usual, I'm the only one who doesn't find this amusing. Instead of this submit-every-two-days competition crap, why not just pool your skills, take your time, and submit the absolute fastest run possible?
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No, I'm just saying that you guys wouldn't see any updates for the whole summer.
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There are a few problems with that... 1. Even just redoing the options part, assuming I posted the latest WIP (I did do some work on the run before I found out about the rebooting thing), hexing the very beginning would screw up ALL my savestates, not only the ones I use to do the run, but the ones I use as markers at the beginnings of stages. 2. If I were to go back and redo Stage 1, I'll never get to finishing this run. Even now it's looking pretty bleak, because there's a good chance this summer that I won't have any Internet access whatsoever. 3. If I did redo Stage 1, it would be a lot more redundant and boring.
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It's a bit too late for that. Besides, I'm tired of this subpar computer, so I'm scrapping it for a true gaming rig (which has 2 gigs of Corsair memory).
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Hah, I always knew there was something fishy about the last few rounds. I kept thinking "That's not possible, dammit!" If you're that far already, could you post a WIP? Pretty please?
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Another damn delay... Bad news: My computer has now started to reboot randomly for no reason at all, meaning that if I were to work on the run now, I could get cut off, which is the last thing I want to happen. So no progress for now. Good news: In a few weeks, the new computer I bought (which kicks this computer's ass by miles and miles) will arrive in the mail, which means I can work on the run then. But then it will only be on the weekends because of school. Sorry, guys. Seems like something always comes up to obstruct progress, whether that be my laziness, my computer crapping out, or college.
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No point in rejecting this, especially with a better (and funnier) strategy on the crab boss.
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Crap! I forgot to vote for this. My bad.
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Of course, that'll be after Golden Axe II.
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Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Active player (254)
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Great run. I laughed when you used the flying fish to attack Birdo in 5-2.
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