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Oh my God! I can't believe I just realized this! If Blaze hits an enemy with her flying chop, and Zan punches the enemy on the other side while Blaze is still in the air, the enemy will be hit again by the flying chop! So I can get in 3 flying chops and 2 Zan punches before Blaze even hits the ground. That's 8 + 8 + 8 + 4 + 4 = 32 HP, the equivalent of Blaze's slam only the enemy isn't knocked down! This also works with Zan's downward attack in conjunction with Blaze's flying chop. If an enemy can be hit 3 times with Zan's downward attack (enemies with tall hit boxes, like Electras) then I could possibly get in 5 (!!!) flying chops and Zan's downward attack damage at the same time. That's over 50 HP in 1 second! It's hilarious when done versus two enemies, because the yellow hit animation is done rapidly so many times, it's almost like watching a CvsS combo video. Too bad it only works versus multiple enemies.
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Arcade X-Men with all 6 players. 'Nuff said. Edit: Either that, or the Simpsons Arcade game with 4 players. That would be awesome too.
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You might as well get the emeralds, because you can't fight the final boss without them. Trust me, I've played the Genesis version a thousand times.
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Thanks for the feedback. That's one thing that's great about this game: there are so many ways to take an enemy out in roughly the same amount of time. I did some testing, and I'm 99% positive that Truncated's hypothesis about the 8 HP refill is correct. In Stage 2 Scene 1, the two players can't touch each other without taking visible damage. In Scene 2 they can (and this is further proven by the fact that Zan can get in two 4 HP punches without Blaze's lifebar showing it).
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The arcade version of Raiden is probably the only game I can think of where you have infinite continues and you STILL can't beat it. At least I never could, anyway. I considered it a good day when I got to level 3.
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I personally think that the full SMW run is still awesome enough for a star. Sure, the short version has a few much better tricks (I would have NEVER thought to jump on a P switch over a lava pit), the full run still has a ton more tricks, and it's just neat to see what the player does at certain levels. I don't know, I've just always had a soft spot for 100% versions of Mario games, mainly because you skip over all the good levels when you warp.
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Another short trick; if possible you could keep throwing away Roo between the rounds of flurrying Bruce. He always lands on his feet, that could look kind of funny. Heh, that would be more entertaining. It'd also be a lot slower, though. Here it is, Stage 2 Scene 1 completed. I had to alter the game plan a little due to some technical problems (damn that Roo for trying to jump at the drop of a hat), but in the end I'm still a whopping 22 seconds faster than my 1 player run! Edit: Uploaded a new file in its place. Now it's 23 seconds faster.
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My hypothesis was something like the automatic 8HP refill you get between scenes fills a non-visible portion of the health bar, because I usually noticed it by being hit by a weak attack just at the start of a scene and it not showing up on the health bar. I haven't tested it at all, so I have no idea if that's correct. That makes more sense, now that I think about it... I haven't tried with Zan and Blaze but with some other characters in real-time playing, and it's possible for both to hit someone without hitting each other. It's very efficient against some bosses, especially with Shiva. :) Hmm. Well, believe me, I tried to get them to hit in synch, but it just didn't work. Zan would ALWAYS hit Blaze if his punch and Blaze's punch animation both share the same frame. They have to take turns doing it. Good luck with Roo and Bruce. I know I always used one character to hold Roo (he never breaks loose even though he has a special attack), and the other to wail on Bruce. Will you save Roo or kill him? Killing is probably faster, no running away animation and all that, but less styleful. Probably what I'll do is let Bruce jump on-screen, then punch/grab him on the right with Blaze, do a flurry, and have Zan knock him out of the grab on the left. Then Blaze punches, grabs, etc. And hopefully I'll figure out a way to get Roo to jump into the knee-fest as well (and that would work really well...Roo only has 3 lifebars of energy, while Bruce has 4, so he'll die sooner anyway if I get him in there fast enough). Oh and Bruce is the biggest cheater in all of the SoR series. Seriously. He's even worse than Mr.X. He has magical "punches go trough me except when I'm jumping which makes me fall and take minimal damage" properties. Heh, I know. Electras have an annoying habit of doing that, too. That always pissed me off. Thankfully, Bruce won't be able to do shit though once I get a hold of him.
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OK, the only real non-minor thing I can think of is Shiva, can't you throw in some Zan punches there more often while Blaze is running toward him, like you do on the final set? Not really. The punches are so weak in the first place that I would probably lose time (since Shiva can get up so quick and be slammed again). The only reason I even punch with Blaze at all is so he won't automatically grab me. And if you notice on the final blows to Shiva, punching him isn't near as fast as punching a normal punk like that (even though I did it at the earliest possible frames), because if both characters try to punch Shiva at the same time, Zan will hit Blaze, and no amount of distance between the two seems to stop that from happening. Even if it did, though, it still wouldn't save time. If you're going for no damage, you should now that the actual life bars are sometimes bigger than what's printed under some circumstances that I don't fully know. Also being hit by a parter really does lose some life, but sometimes it's not displayed - rounding error? I personally thought that it had something to do with the special bar being filled up, since the characters can seem to hit each other then and not lose visible HP. Of course, I could be wrong. Either way though, I figured nobody's going to really cry over it and it's a neat abuse of a programming error. I'll hopefully have Stage 2 Scene 1 finished and uploaded for all to view by the end of today.
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there are no adequate FAQs at GameFaqs for this game. Are you sure? I found [url=[/url]this FAQ[/url] to be very informative and in-depth about ghost AI, board patterns, and other miscellaneous things. Although that FAQ is for the Arcade version, surely some things in there apply to this version.
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Dan_ wrote:
quietkane wrote:
Y'know, I was just wondering the other day why no one's done Earthworm Jim yet. I'd do it myself but I'm completely unfamiliar with Gens and the series in general. Though I would like to see runs of all of them.
/*-'s Genesis Earthworm Jim in 29:04.
That one always desynchs for me at the "What the Heck" level.
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Woohoo! After weeks of hard work, Stage 1 is finally finished! And if that wasn't good enough, it's currently around 5 seconds faster than my 1 player run! *breaks out the keg*
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Well, you didn't edit the post with future updates as you said you would. Actually, I did. I updated it every single day, as a matter of fact. The filename just remained the same every time for convenience. In the future, I'll probably just post when each scene is done instead of the editing. One thought: did you try teamattacking the agents, or is it slower? They get up kind of fast. It would have just been slower, seeing as it would knock the agents off the screen again.
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Just watched both Star Light vids, and I have to say they're both unbelievable, especially Star Light 2.
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All right, you guys have been silent for long enough. I need some feedback already. If I'm wasting my time on this, go ahead and tell me so I can go do more productive things.
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Obvious yes vote. I liked how you made level 11 more exciting.
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What about killing all the enemies and grabbing zero rings?
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I watched one of your earlier runs, so I'm not sure if you've taken this to mind yet: on the special stages, surely there's a part where you can take a shortcut by jumping over the endless field of red spheres to get to another part of the stage faster?
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It just kind of seems stupid to rush through a level, then wait 5 seconds (or however long) just to reduce the bonus. It's a technicality that kind of takes the fun out of the sport.
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It's been stated somewhere that the goal of this movie was to minimize the level times and not worry about the bonuses.
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Holy hell...amazing bug.
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I have been trying to speedrun SoR3 for a while on Hard with Zan, but I always get owned by RobotX by accidentally grabbing him when I do the forward tackle. So this was a lot less frustrating. One thing I learned from doing my 1P run was how to beat Robot X easier. He's really vaulnerable when he gets up (and you can slam him when he gets up,'s not as suicidal at 100% speed as you would think), and when he's shooting, walk below him (or just rush him if you're fast enough) and wait for him to run right into your punch. Also, which dash attack were you using? The 1-star dash has a nasty habit of doing that. Good luck on that, though. I can't beat Hard mode at all. Edit: On the subject of your movie, I thought it was great (especially the tactic you used against Wayne and his crew). Of course, there were a couple of improvable spots: Vulture (and Z. Kusano) can be grabbed from behind every time they get up. On some parts, you seem a little overcautious (like against R. Bear and the last Jet on Stage 5) when you could've just specialed the last bit of Jet's health away...and for R. Bear, sometimes you can just walk up and smash him without having to wait for him to move (which it seemed like you were doing). I was also kind of confused why you didn't try to Thunder Tackle Barbon and Zamza... But then again, I'm no one to point the definitely did better than I would have.
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Argh...the movie desynchs when I use "Final Fantasy 5 (J)". What ROM did you use (referring to Boco's movie on page 4)?
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It still needs to be fast, too. Axel (and especially Skate) would slow the game WAY down (at least 5 minutes). Plus, their moves suck, so I would be resorting to only 2 or 3 decent moves per character anyway.
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That also throws any chance of the 2 player run being faster than the 1 player run out the window.
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