Posts for atro_city

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I've been thinking about this, and since the conditions are different (many more enemies to deal with), one shouldn't really obsolete the other. If so, why doesn't the Battletoads 1P warpfull run obsolete the 2P warpfull run? It's 2 minutes faster, isn't it?
[URL=]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
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OH NOE! That sucks. Maybe you can gain some frames back on the level 11 boss and the Queen. Is it considered bad to have a 2 player run that's longer than the 1 player run, even if it's of excellent quality? I'd like to know because I'm doing a Streets of Rage 3 run with 2 players, and it could very well be slower than my 1 player run because of extra enemies with more health (in fact, it's already behind).
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In that case, I guess I'm just out of luck. I can't find it anywhere.
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Oh, that's right. No hacks allowed. Regardless, that version was the first I tried, and all it gave me was desynchs.
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Desynchs no matter what version of SMB2j I use...
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Progress: see current post. As usual, no progress today thanks to two desynchs in a row. I'll never get this done. Note: I will edit this post with future progress, so check this topic occassionally.
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My Internet at home has been cut off, so I won't be able to post my progress again until Monday. I think I know how to improve on the Garcia wave part, though.
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Finally, it didn't desynch. Just when you think the theoretical time has been reached, somebody comes and shaves 19 seconds off it. Excellent run, a definite yes vote.
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Just watched it, and I've enjoyed it so far. I liked how you made the snake stage more entertaining. I think the second lost was a fair trade.
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Progress: see current post. I'm kind of disappointed about this part. Vaulting over doesn't work, so I had to throw the first time with Blaze (throwing with Zan also doesn't work, and they have too much health to be shield-charged). After that, tossing the last 2 Garcias and having Blaze scroll the screen was faster than waiting for Zan to catch up, throwing him, and running with delay. Surely there's a faster way...any ideas?
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Super Skate is boring to watch, and he requires taking damage anyway, so it's null and void. I fear I may have desynched it by 1 frame, so I saved it as a different filename just in case. I accidentally loaded a save out of order in frame advance, but I did not advance a frame. I'm not sure if this will desynch the rest of the movie, so I decided to stop here and make sure. Edit: Phew! No desynch. I'm safely through set 2 now. Things are looking good... Wow. 500 rerecords already...
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Luck manipulation can change that, surely.
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Voted meh. On one hand, the game was played excellently, but the fact that half the levels were autoscrolling kind of made it dull after the first level.
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Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Active player (254)
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Nice 10 minutes of black screen.
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Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Active player (254)
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Progress: through the first set. This is going really's amazing what you can do with an extra player. This will definitely be more entertaining than the 1P movie.
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Why get hurt at the end of each level? One of the objectives was to start and end each level as small Mario.
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Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Active player (254)
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There's some hesitation in the start. You don't start moving as fast as possible. This could be for enemy movement manipulation of course but it looks strange. If I start running with Blaze immediately, the Goldies move out of running range. Then I would have to chase them down, costing more time in the end. It doesn't really matter either way, though. I still have to wait for the two enemies from behind. Did you frame advance the menu in the beginning now? Did you keep in mind that both players can input menu commands? Really? Crap, well I guess I'm out 2 or 3 frames. By the way, I noticed a glitch in the game when I was bored. I made a 2 player game with Skate as player 1 (can't remember who player 2 was), and Game Over'd player 2. Then every time I press B, Skate does some weird flashy thing and gets a huge amount of health removed from anyone he touches in about 2 seconds. Maybe this should be investigated? It should be of use, especially if it works with other characters too... That's the Super Skate glitch. I've always heard you got it by letting Skate get killed without moving, though...
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Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Active player (254)
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Argh! It took me all day just to do this much! Well, I guess I shouldn't be rushing this, but damn, this very well might take all summer to do. (disregard the pause before the movie ends...I forgot to stop it until then)
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Huh. I just tested, and I can only press three buttons at a time. That means I might have to alternate frames to get both characters to attack (or reconfigure the button setup). may very well be right. Axel has few redeeming qualities compared to Blaze. In fact, his damage figures are weaker almost all the way across the board.
[URL=]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Active player (254)
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Well, I've decided that I'm going to do a 2 player run with Zan and Axel, and this time I'm going to do it right. Frame by frame perfection. It may take me the whole summer just to do two or three stages (not to mention the difficulty of controlling both characters at the same time), but it will definitely be worth it in the end. I tried doing some research on 2 player runs, and besides the fact that only two buttons can be pressed at the same time, I couldn't find any universal tips. Any advice I might find helpful?
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This is my first tool-assisted run, so please be gentle. *curls into a fetal position* >_>
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Of course it can be improved. Nearly any run on this site can be. I just don't want to do it all over, especially for a game where every time I do it over, it's a little different no matter how close I copy my actions (which could very well make the run longer or nearly the same time at the end). I'm pretty much exhausted by making a 4000+ rerecord movie of this game anyway (it's a miracle I even did it at all, I'm a very impatient person). I've also got exams and other outside factors coming up that I have to deal with. I might do another version this summer when I'll have all the time in the world to get things perfect. Either that, or I might start a run of Final Fight 3, depending on if I'm still burned out on SOR3. I think I'll just toss my hat in the ring and see what happens. The worst that can happen is it'll be rejected.
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Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Active player (254)
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Finally! I'm finished with the game. Robot Y was easier to grab than I thought... Comments? Suggestions? Should I submit this?
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Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Active player (254)
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Wow. That makes my run look like a work of art. There are so many things wrong with that run, it's hard to even start somewhere. Let me just say there were two things I liked about it. The first was how near the end he went from a sword dash attack directly into a grabbing combo, taking off over 2/3 of a lifebar fairly quickly. The second was how he was able to grab Robot Y often. You'd think almost 2000 rerecords would've produced a much better result...
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Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Active player (254)
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I've just about had it with this shit. This is the FIFTH time I've lost ALL my progress in the lab scene. I'm just posting what I have and maybe some other time I'll finish it, when I don't feel like throwing my computer out the window.
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