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Pang 3 would be an interesting run to watch.
[URL=]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
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You can save a few seconds right off by just not killing the agents the second time. Run to the right directly. Really? Damn, I should have tried that first. I'll probably just redo the whole stage anyway, though. I'm thinking there should be a way to destroy the "svichboad" without taking a break from hitting the enemies, or skipping it until last. Well, I tried my best to equalize the two and make sure I'm not stuck hitting the switch or the enemies longer than I have to. Is there any consistant way of getting the robots to selfdestruct? Sometimes you can do it with constant punches/flurry, but it doesn't always work. Edit: Stage 6 redone. At this point, I honestly think the self-destruct thing is random.
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You missed the running in the beginning of stage 5. You mean the weird running at the beginning? I could've done that over, but I figured it didn't cost me any time anyway. You can roll up trough the wall just as the screen fades out in the ninja house. Just for fun. I did that before, and it actually costs you time (the screen doesn't fade until you start walking). When you grab someone and do the flurry, and someone else comes in between so you drop the guy, you can do the flurry again when you grab them directly after. I've never seen you use it. This might both be because you didn't know or because it hasn't been useful. Pretty much the latter. I occasionally used it throughout the run, but it was usually just 1 extra hit on an enemy I needed to hit 3 times and throw to kill. Testing both is probably the easiest way to find out. I tested the other option numerous times, and the results were just unsatisfying to me. Done through Stage 6 now. At the beginning with the robots, the reason I do the weird and (what looks like) time-consuming method is because I could make the two robots with large health self-destruct that way. Also, the first set of karate guys just did not want to cooperate no matter what I did. I ended up having to wail on one while the other camped outside the screen.
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How the...hell... I thought your first run was insane, but this just takes the cake! Personally, I think this is the best movie I've ever seen on this site.
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You can still hear the chicken explode, though. I guess that's even better, a glitch of an easter egg. Note: Sometimes I wait a long time while holding someone (in one instance, 3 whole seconds) so I can get a good throw opportunity on 4 or so guys. I'm not sure if that gained or lost me time overall.
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Through Stage 5. Only two more stages to go...
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Up to the Stage 5 elevator now.
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Pure excellence. Seriously, there's not much else to say.
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Heh, I never knew about that easter egg... Progress: Once again through Stage 4. This time, with no damage taken (and the Yamato battle is much faster).
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Argh! How could I have possibly missed that!? I can't believe I have redo all that work (and just when I was halfway through Stage 5)...
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Progress: through Stage 4. Same link as always. I'm well aware that I could've saved a couple of seconds by just slamming all 3 Yamatos to death repeatedly, but that's just too boring. Now I'm kind of in a dilemma. I have no clue which of the 4 routes I could take in Stage 5 would be the fastest. Also, is there a way to make the music/sound "smoother" while in slow motion? It seems like it's jerking.
[URL=]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
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I personally like the game (especially the music). A time attack of it would be pretty interesting.
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Huh. I guess I got whatever I had out of my system, because I feel much better now. You can use more than one save state you know.... That's what I've been doing. I have my most current state (zan), then I have states for every time I went to backup my copy. FINALLY, I got through Stage 4 Scene 1 without it messing up or desynching on me.
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I somehow managed to get stomach flu today, and I've already thrown up a few times. I'll start back up when I get better.
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Yeah, I use Shift F5 to save and Shift F8 to load.
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Cool, now I can have some fun with uber Zan as stress relief. The first time, I was a victim of that cancel glitch that I told you about earlier (I'm just going to click the X now). The second time, I went to load my current state (named zan) and it thought I was going to load one of my earlier states (for example, zanStage1Scene2). I pressed enter without thinking, and there you go. If I was doing it, I would probably do one scene at a time, stop and playback to see that it worked, and backup the working copy. That way you lose one scene maximum. Which is still bad but at least not as bad. That's what I've been doing so far, but Stage 4 Scene 1 is so long it's frustrating when I lose all of it (especially considering some of the maneuvers I have to pull off are quite hard to do). Not to mention reproducing the same procedure is near impossible due to the AI and the fact that I can't remember the exact movements I made to make the enemies move where I wanted them to. I'll probably end up having to backup when I'm around halfway through and again at the end of the scene.
[URL=]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
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I never could get the Super Zan code (FFFF1C:FFFF) to work. I tried it on both Gens and Kega Fusion (both support PAR codes). ... This is the second time in a row I've lost ALL my Stage 4 work. It's starting to make me mad, because Stage 4 takes forever to do.
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I decided to stray away from hidden characters for the fact that they are cheap and boring to watch.
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The menu manipulation is slow. Use frame advance and you can test which frame is the earliest to move/press start. Tried that on the end score screen for Stage 2, and it didn't work as well as I thought it would. Shiva battle is a lot better, but it would be faster if you could take the last health with something else than a throw because it means a lot of extra slowmotion airtime. Again, just me not thinking. I was just relieved to finish the bastard off after countless rerecords. I'm not sure if what you said about the bikers is correct. If you hit them after the start-up phase they tend to stop in their tracks halfway. I think they only go faster if hit before they start moving. Certainly the question of whether or not it saves time can be debated, but one thing's for lose a significant amount of time if you kill them. The Roo-clown battle is a LOT better, but I wonder if not down-punch + flurry every time would speed it up even more. I personally don't know which is faster, so you could very well be right. When there are more than one enemy and one of them have more life than the other, you should attack that enemy first. The second signal group in the disco comes to mind. I threw the Signals so more fodder backup would arrive (ironically, more weak Signals). It doesn't matter in the end though, as I end up killing the strong Signal and the two final Galsias that come with him in one blow. Heh, you can damn well bet I'm not going to lose my entire video to desychs or overwriting again. By the way, I'm finished up through Stage 3. Same URL as always.
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I swear, there are divine forces keeping me from getting this done. So I go to load a state (I was in Scene 2, Stage 3), then I decided not to and clicked cancel. Then, out of the blue, it loads a state way back in Stage 1 Scene 2! ARGH! That means I have to redo half of what I had done so far...oh well, at least I can do the Shiva thing now. This is already getting really frustrating. Edit: Ok, I'm through Stage 2 now. I'll be updating the file every level to at least prevent losing my whole movie to a stupid fault. Overall, I'm very satisfied with the way things in the movie are working out so far.
[URL=]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
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Thanks for the frame advance thing. I'll definitely find it useful. Zan's combo is crap, so it makes no sense to use it on the agent enemies. Throw them. Yeah, throwing is much faster, but that early on, I wasn't serious about time attacking. However, in my actual run (which I have done through Stage 1), I take them out much faster. You don't use down-attacks for an extra hit even though it would probably save time in some places. Yeah, I didn't really realize this until I was done, but you'd be surprised how much health Zan can take off in one go. The flurry can be done faster. Probably so, but then again, I'm playing this whole thing at 33%, and sometimes it just decides to be slow for some reason. Some of the frames for Zan's tackle doesn't give enough damage to kill the bikers. Redo it until you get one which is enough. Again, I didn't realize this, but killing the bikers actually slows you down a few seconds, because the game waits for the biker to disappear before throwing another one on the screen. Hitting them all once (and not killing them) before they dash off makes them go immediately, saving you time (this is what I'm doing in my actual run, with the exception of the one last biker when the boat comes up...then it doesn't matter if he dies or not). You can stand close to Shiva to make him get up faster. You mean the jump kick thing? I just assumed he would either hit me or jump too far near the edge of the screen. Either way, it's not that huge of a time loss. You could use the X button to use the bigger blitz attacks. Zan's are pretty lousy though. Yeah, but that's sort of a pain, and there's really no time it would result in significant time loss anyway. Getting thrown by the signals loses time, unless possibly when hitting other enemies. But just fighting likely has a higher damage output. Again, just too lazy to redo it at that stage. In my opinion, health is for using if it saves time. I know that some people disagree. Yeah, but of course it's really the author's choice in the end. I just think that using your specials strategically and not just spamming them all over the place is more entertaining in my opinion. The Mona-Lisa can be grabbed and thrown a lot more. They are weak when they get up from being knocked down. I couldn't get them to cooperate for some reason. They kept tossing me over and over. I'll try again on my actual run. That reminds me, I'll also try to kill both girls at the same time, as that doesn't result in a slow motion death. The walls take damage at a constant rate, so I think the only way to beat them faster is with a character who runs faster. Yeah, but Zan's triple charge at the end of a wall's life kills one wall and quickly advances him to the next. That, and his stationary special lasts long enough to damage the wall and back the bulldozer off at the same time (which I will be doing instead of directed specials in my actual run). You can time the car in level 3 to hit the three garcias jumping down. Also you can hit them while they are sitting there (buggy) Huh, guess I just didn't notice that. I'll look for it in my next run. As usual, your input is greatly appreciated. Thanks. Oh, and while I'm at it, I might as well post my VASTLY improved run of Stage 1 for all to view (although I probably would have saved some time with that Shiva thing you told me). For some reason, the menu selection just didn't want to work with me. Yeah, it's the same URL, but the file is different, trust me.
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*feels like an idiot* Frame advance? Where is that? Sorry, I'm new to this.
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Argh! Looks like I had to learn the hard way...always make backup savestates. My movie desynched at the end of Stage 4 Scene 1. Oh well...I might as well post what I have. Yes, I know Stages 1 and 2 are really, REALLY crappy. That was just me fooling around with slow motion and recording. That, and it's kind of hard to dash in slow motion. It gets much better in Stages 3 and 4, though. Comments before I start the actual run?
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Yeah, we traded tips long ago to complete our Streets of Rage 2 FAQs.
[URL=]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
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Yep, I remember you all too well, Truncated. Actually, the scrolling screen is still a constant speed. It's just that Axel can't keep up with that kind of speed, Zan dashes exactly at that speed, and Skate barely beats it. To tell you the truth, I'm not really sure who would beat the game faster. Axel has a more powerful combo and dash attack (as well as good damage with the sword), but Zan is again faster, and he has a more powerful throw and a much faster directed special. That, and Zan can beat the bulldozer scene faster than any other character (even if it is only by a few seconds). Meh. I guess I'm not giving the "good" ending enough credit. It's a solid stage, but the Dr. Dahm and Robot Y bosses at the end really hurt it. Not to mention doing stationary jump kicks all the time is probably the fastest way to beat Robot Y, and that's no fun. Then again, in my run, I'll be balancing speed and entertainment equally because: 1. There isn't even a run of Streets of Rage 3 in circulation yet. 2. A pure speed run is just boring. It should be fun to watch as well, as I think that's the purpose of most of these videos. My progress so far is almost at the end of the first scene of Stage 4. I might post the practice run when I'm done with it, as it's contained a few miraculous things (like killing a green biker instantly by throwing a Signal at him).
[URL=]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
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