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I think if you are going to show all the strange little things in this game, why not one of the secret areas? The wall next to the door is pretty pointless since it doesn't skip the set with the 4 karate guys, and the other two have a ton of enemies compared to the normal route. The one I would like to do (the cracked red door at the top) would be entertaining because of the stupidly large number of enemies, but it would also be a good 30 seconds to a minute slower at least. Edit: Maybe his 1 star dash attack would do (dunno if you tried it though) Well, you can see that I used it in the video, and even at max distance (doing it at the bottom of the screen right when input has ceased so the door doesn't halt Zan's progress) he still breaks the door. Jumping doesn't work either, and neither does rolling. In fact, I've tried pretty much everything short of a team attack, which I have no reason to believe it would work. Believe me, I'm just as flustered over this as you are.
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I think the next logical step is support for arcade TASes. The arcade has a huge library of great games to be tapped. But of course, talk is cheap.
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About the first door, I know nothing could be done, so that's no problem. Ok, that's good. The first door was the one I was referring to having problems with, not the second one. I've made a watchlist for you. Right click -> save as It lists what I am fairly certain are the Hit Point values for the eight possible enemies that can exist at any point in time. I didn't test it too thoroughly, since my gimpy wrist doesn't agree with SoR type games. Damn ninjas. That's pretty neat, thanks. I tested it some as well and it does seem like they're representing enemy hitpoints (although when I tested it on Shiva one of the values stayed at 28 for some reason). I'm not sure if this would help with determining when the robots explode, though. 1) Which robots explode is predetermined and the same robots explode every game. 2) The robots don't start to explode unless they are close to you. I have a feeling you're right on both accounts. I think the doors cannot be hit directly, it takes some time. Which door did you choose? The door that leads to the "normal" route. Edit: Through the second set, and here's a savestate at the beginning of Stage 5. Unfortunately, Zan breaks the second door no matter what. Even if you do his triple charge at the bottom of the screen (his triple charge has the most distance), he still breaks it. Also, for the first door, Blaze has to be at that exact spot because the game cuts Zan's input while Blaze moves to that spot, and you can't break the door before that.
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go on with ninja ass-kicking in the next level One step ahead of you. The ninjas got their asses handed to them in around 30 seconds total. However, I'm a bit confused about the door. I know the first one has different mechanics than the second one (on the first one, player 2 loses control while player 1 chooses the door), but I'm having trouble doing anything other than what you showed me in your demo (Zan using his forward jump attack). His dash attack doesn't seem to work on the door, and I want to make sure that there isn't something I'm missing before I move on to the next set. Edit: Just out of curiosity, has anyone figured out what circumstances make the robots in Stage 6 explode? My guess is that it's completely random, which means I would have to look in the game's memory to be able to manipulate them. Unfortunately, I know nothing about RAM watching...
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What's this? An update? Impossible! The combo thing didn't go as well as expected (it's a bit limited in what moves you can cancel), and if you guys don't feel like it's up to par, I could try to redo it, although I don't know how I could make it any more entertaining. Oh, and here's a nifty little one-frame Yamato glitch: Edit: Here's the savestate for the beginning of the Yamato fight. I imagine that by now whatever link I posted it as is now broken.
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There should be some unexpected combos involving crazy glitches or things nearly impossible to do in real time, but that doesn't mean your idea is to forget. Funny you should mention that, because that's similar to the next thing I have planned. You can actually use moves that have knockdown hits against Yamato (like Zan and Blaze's directed specials) and use the other player to hit Yamato at the right time so he won't be knocked down and you can continue the combo.
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Wow, I didn't expect a reply so quickly. Glad to see that you're still around. Well, I tested out the team attack idea, and there's good news plus bad news. The good news is you can keep Yamato onscreen infinitely (albeit barely). The bad news is there's only one way you can do it, so it'll get boring fast. I think I'll just do it 4 or so times to prove to the viewer that it can be done infinitely, and then move on to something else. I like the idea of using all of the ideas for a few seconds to spice things up. Maybe I'll throw in some infighting between Zan and Blaze to see who will kill the Yamato at the end. I might not be able to finish Stage 4 this weekend, which would postpone it to next weekend because I have 3 exams and a program due next week. Regardless, it will be done relatively soon. Interesting note: Yamato can be hit before he even lands from getting up.
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I'm sorry for vanishing like that. I kind of forgot about this after my few months of being burned-out by it. Funny how it came around full-circle once I recently started playing SOR2 again on the Wii's Virtual Console. I think I have gained enough motivation to continue where I left off, barring a possible crapton of work this semester could have in store for me. However, I still don't know what I should do for the third Yamato. Rythmic punching wouldn't work because it would waste far too much time to be worth it, and if I punched as fast as it let me, it wouldn't be in tune with the music. Here are a couple of ideas I have though: Beating him with just team attacks (not sure if it's possible to keep him on-screen all the time). Having both characters jump constantly, slamming him right when they land. Beating him without moving either character except to grab (not sure if it's possible). Having both characters do their dances simultaneously (this is a last resort as it would mean literally as much work and planning as the first two Yamatos combined). Let me know what you think of these ideas and their potential entertainment value. If anyone has any suggestions, I'll be more than glad to consider them. I don't want to bum-rush through the last Yamato just to get it over with, only to regret it later.
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[URL=]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
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*in Predator, Arnold tosses a knife through a bad guy, pinning him to the wall* Arnold: Stick around. Such an awful pun it's downright hilarious. Another one from Predator, when he takes off his mask. Arnold: You are one...ugly motherfucker. And here's one from Kindergarten Cop: Kid: Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina. Arnold: Thanks for the tip.
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See, this is why I hate saying anything on these forums; every time, no matter how trivial, it turns into a big argument. Maybe I should've been more clear about it earlier, but I don't think BitTorrent is evil. My school does.
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Exactly in which country is bittorrent illegal? I don't know of any. I said it implies you're doing something illegal, not that it's illegal itself.
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P2P file sharing, whatever. Stop being so picky.
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thats more likely to be because it eats the uni's upload bandwidth. Nah, my school has this big anti-file sharing thing going on. I've seen flyers posted about it, bulletin boards, and even commercials on DVDs.
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Eh? BitTorrent implies you're doing something illegal? Yep, which is why I never use BitTorrent as long as I'm on a university connection. Torrent activity is completely blocked on some other campuses as well.
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Out of a vast selection of possible avatars, I chose this one because it's truly special to me.
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Figures...what a waste of time.
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Why does it work for everyone but me? Argh!
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Sorry, there is not enough data for your type analysis I feel sad now. Edit: Yes, I did answer all the questions.
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When I posted I didn't even realize I was on page 2 of this thread. I'm sorry I didn't check everything and use the search before posting, I'm not used to these forums that actually work! From now on, I'll check everything before even opening up the posting page! Bisqwit merged your post with this topic. That may be where the confusion's coming from.
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I remember playing some version of Warcraft that had a bunch of short missions and then a mission which you're not supposed to be able to win (either that or I really, really sucked at it). You get swarmed by orcs immediately as you hopelessly try to defend a town. Perhaps this was the demo of Warcraft? I don't know. Either way, a TAS of that would be very interesting.
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Post subject: Battle Toads (arcade version)
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I doubt there's going to be much competition over this game (although I think it's a great game and much, MUCH better than the NES and SNES counterparts), but just in case, let me chip in the first video: Battle Toads arcade beaten in 46:38, loses only one continue Since the game's very hard, you get bonus points (not like they mean anything) for losing as few continues as possible.
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Filefront? More like Failfront m i rite?
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Where could one find this google? Google it.
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Streets of Rage Remake would be awesome, if they could get the damage, and difficulty right, and clear out some of the bugs (like losing two lives when you fall in a pit) Yeah, which they will get to in due time. Remember, it's a beta test release.
[URL=]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
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