Posts for bkDJ

Post subject: Re: AVI4U! Really this time!
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Raiscan wrote:
TAS- American soundtrack
Well. I enjoyed watching that, great job, but oh my god that is the first and last time I have ever and will ever hear the american soundtrack. Maybe I don't have the US rom and that's why it desyncs (I probably have the european rom but whatever, small price to pay for a great soundtrack).
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I had a PSP a long time ago before I sold it. With the 1.5 firmware (downgraded to that from like 1.7 or whatever), I had a program that could play multimedia files encoded in xvid and h264 with any filename (though the resolution had to be rather low, that shouldn't be a problem for an NES TAS). Why are you limiting yourself to the default PSP video playing thing? I'm sure the psp dev scene is still alive with custom firmware and programs to add functionality.
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I speak french fluently and watched it all. The commentary was good and I liked that you explained various techniques such as the continuous walljumps and armpumping and fast shinespark charge-up, etc, but words like "skill" and "dexterity" and "impossible" were thrown around more than I'd expect. Though you did make amends at the end by stresing "Tool-Assisted" and saying this was the first episode and just a taste and that you'd focus more on the technical aspects in future episodes, so I really have no qualms. I also apreciate that you explain the work that goes into these with the many rerecords and time put in to complete, and how savestates work like the average PC FPS's save system, though the explanation was split up into like 3 different parts, so maybe next time you can explain it all at once to better help the casual viewer. Great job, and I look forward to watching more :)
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BrianRuleZ wrote:
How about getting one egg, and trying to "clone" it by doing different stuff with the bottles
I may be wrong since I only played MM through once, but I don't think eggs are clones. I think each egg is distinct since the same egg will always drop to the same area in the tank. I could be wrong too and I don't mean to discourage any effort to break that part of the game. Edit: Flip explains what I was thinking much better.
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I have the US game in ISO+MP3, and the version 2 bios. The file made for version 2 desyncs at the beginning of cc2, I guess the same way it does for stickyman05.
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ShinyDoofy wrote:
Admit it! You're working for the booze industry, right?
No way. I just want to make sure this is as thoroughly tested as possible because it looks like no one is putting any effort into trying to BLJ through the key door and just walk up the stairs to bowser. I mean, in Oot you can just bomb-hover over the forcefield and enter ganon's tower, so this "invisible wall"/forcefield should be no different at all because both are nintendo games for the n64. Duh.
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What if you just load the upstairs from the castle-entrance, and then BLJ through the Key Door. This solves the loading problem am I right? Why has no one done this? I think you should work on doing this right away because it will obviously work just like that screenshot a few posts ago shows, without an invisible wall. actually, maybe it is loaded already and there isn't an invisible wall at all! I mean, you can't even see it so how do you know it's there?
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Wow, Duksandfish, that encode looks awesome. Filesize is huge but it looks very close to the source :) (EDIT: I looked at the encoding options and lol'd, "rc=abr bitrate=405 qpmax=20". A bitrate of 405 for a 640x480 encode is not enough to keep every quant under 20 which is why the size inflated to 307MB. If it had really stayed at abr 405, it would have been around 120MB (including sound) but a lot less beautiful.) Heh, I doubt this wip needed any more encoding done but I went ahead and did it anyway. Low and high qualities available of all progress so far, with HQ having the zelda cutscene done using jabo. (Note: I use an older version of Direct64 in which fog works, at the expense of a few near-clip-plane and lighting issues. Files are 80MB and 130MB respectively)
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Cpadolf wrote:
camera angels
Is that what the lakitu bros. are? :P
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Bobmario511 wrote:
so more of like freerunning while completing it, like this 0 tas?
Is it just me or does that run show a faster DDD skip than the current 0-star TAS that was just submitted...? Edit: haha, ok my eyes were playing tricks on me, nevermind :P
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evilchen wrote:
does 3day cycle mean you gonna finish it in three cycles or what?
He could have just said "cycle" because in this game, a cycle is 3 days, hence "3-day cycle". All he meant is that he's done 2 cycles so far. As for run progress: Simply awesome, a pleasure to watch. As far as encodes (only looked at 2nd cycle ones): YautjaElder: nice quality-to-bitrate ratio. I notice your fog is off just like my encodes used to be (not our fault, some graphics cards don't play nice with direct64), but great job overall. Duksandfish: You have higher bitrate than yautja's to show a screen a quarter of the size, yet macroblocking is noticibly worse...? (Is it a 1-pass cbr encode?) Also it seems like you are capturing from mupen at the same res you are encoding to. Either antialias, or render to a higher res before encoding to 320x240, please.
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petrie911 wrote:
And you really should have used Jabo's 1.6, as it does the best job of rendering MM.
Glide 64 Napalm renders MM the best (maybe tied with jabo though, I forget, but it's openGL so that's a plus, and it supports hi-res textures too so.. :P). I don't know what I can get this run to sync with though, since I just watched the encode (thanks YautjaElder), but I wouldn't be opposed to making encodes of future WIPs (starting a week from now) if Yautja isn't around or whatever :) Anyway, sweet improvements so far, eagerly awaiting the rest!
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Vykan12 wrote:
part 6 and the first few minutes of part 7 are identical. Sorry if someone else already pointed that out.
I knew that before I started to encode but for some reason i thought it was a good refresher since part6 was from ages ago. Either way, missing seconds and redundant minutes will all be moot when there's one file covering all of the progress. :) ...which I have pushed back 2 weeks since my gf is in town and she happens to be higher priority :P
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KDR_11k wrote:
Wasn't it possible to manipulate luck by changing the input on the unused frames (is SM64 one of those 30 FPS games?) in this game? Or do I remember a different game?
The only unused frames are during cutscenes (door transitions, dialogs, etc) because input is actually only polled at 30fps. (i.e. fastest autofire is 15Hz)
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Kuwaga wrote:
While chatting I don't even bother to correct myself if I spot myself misusing them, as it would just unnecessarily distract from the topic. (Is it correct to use 'spot' in this context btw? My English teacher said it wasn't) So making those mistakes doesn't necessarily mean the author doesn't know the difference. Edit: I just realized that last sentence of my post could be logically incorrect. Is it? I'm not sure because I seem to be referring to people in general in the first part of the sentence and to the author in the second one.. Trying not to make mistakes is really troublesome..
Re the first question: "Spot" works fine there. So does "catch", "find", "notice", and "see". Re the second: I'm pretty sure it's ok to construct a sentence like that. I would have said "So someone making those mistakes doesn't necessarily not know the difference"... Both sentences have double negatives but mine are closer together so your sentence probably gets the message across faster.
mmbossman wrote:
mr_roberts_z wrote:
Warp wrote:
Question: Is this contraction correct? "The rest of it is not difficult." -> "The rest of it's not difficult."
Technically it is, I think.
Technically, it's, I think.
Oh you.
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z0MG wrote:
Well, you're not exactly nice either.. I don't like you as a person
What the hell kind of thread did I wander into? z0MG, keep that kind of drama out of these forums and in PMs (forum or IRC), and also, get over it. I don't know how you can still expect any help with that kind of attitude. I'd be pretty disappointed if the next few pages look like what the super metroid thread looked like a few months ago. I believe in SS's sincerity, however.
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chaosv1 wrote:
You wouldn't ever need a small intermediate encode, because you can end a movie anywhere, not just at a keyframe and the a recording always starts with a keyframe so it would always work.
To be honest I wouldn't know what tool to use to cut off an mkv at a non-I-frame without reencoding. I just figured it wouldn't look right considering how B-frames use data for their image in images that come afterwards. I haven't done much research into that though, because cutting a I-frames and inserting isn't difficult (call me old-fashioned).
chaosv1 wrote:
And I forgot that you have unlimited filesize storage, I thought you might have to recompress after each append to keep it a manageable size.
Well I do quality-based encodes anyway. i.e. I encode to crf 20 on the first pass, and make the second pass use an average bitrate determined as a percentage of the first pass's average (percentage differs for LQ and HQ). All that to say, it looks as bad (not good) as I want it to already, so no need to recompress after appending. :)
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Sami wrote:
Hmm I have all bottles moves so why I do have do that fast landing :o
I don't know what route you're using, but possibly to talk to boggy for his race? heh, I don't know :P
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chaosv1 wrote:
Couldn't you make the current progress single encode, and when freezy peak or really all following wips get posted, just append them? Of course that might be very time consuming so i dont know
Files of the same resolution, codec, framerate, and audio format can be appended in mere seconds. Any work would be in making the ends (fade-out, stats, etc) and beginnings (intro, fade-in, etc) look correct as one file by strategically cutting at keyframes (and in the event that the keyframes don't match up, a small intermediate encode to fill in the gap). So yeah I could.
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MezzoDragon wrote:
what happened to part 1 through 3 of your Banjo-Kazooie TAS on your directory listing?
My old hosting ran out, deleting all of my encodes. I had backups of most of the relevant ones, but not parts 1-3. I've been meaning to make one long encode from power-on to latest but I haven't, and most people following this run already had them. If Sami says FP will be done just as quickly as MMM, I could wait for that, ortherwise, I might as well start tonight (takes a while). PS: Sami, surely you'll need energy before RBB... Won't you be doing the fast landing that takes away health, like you did to speak to bottles in GV at all?
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BoltR wrote:
DrJones wrote:
I see what you mean, but why is this case different from the 1-star SuperMario 64 obsoleting the 16-star run?
The 16 star run already used glitch that breaks the game to skip most of the stars. They just found a better way of using it and were able to skip the rest. Any% Super Metroid runs don't use this glitch...obviously...
Well they should. Physics in this game hate the player, so the player should fight back by having Samus backwards long-jump through walls and it would be way faster than x-ray climbing.
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I don't know what I just watched, but it certainly wasn't Super Metroid. Yes vote.
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What the demo videos show is that changing the star count does not modify memory in the same way that collecting a star does and/or that all door checks are caluclated every time you collect a star. Getting 120 and still having doors locked... I'm sure they'd unlock if you collected a random star.
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In french, "To have a bicycle in the head" means "to be crazy" Also in english and french, "your eyes are bigger than your belly" means "you've eaten too much" Edit: one more french one: "I have as much as a bowl filled to the brim" means (using more english idioms, heh) "I've had enough," "I'm sick of this," "I've had it up to here," "This has gone on too long," etc
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Titus Kwok wrote:
Tried it a whole bunch of times and it just doesn't seem to want to work.
Some suggestions: Try deleting the .eep file made in the \save\ folder, or reinstall mupen, and don't forget to reboot. This run syncs well (for me) with many plugins including Direct64 (black during underwater sequences, but less likely to desync in general), Jabo 1.6 (great but no puzzle effect without a really slow hidden option turned on), and glide64 napalm (which I have used for encoding since two WIPs ago). Hope that helps.