Posts for bkDJ

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mmbossman wrote:
70 is the new 16.
I couldn't agree more. I even thought the sm64 thread agreed a few months ago that forbidding the BLJ would make for a nice 70 star run, but apparently a lot of people are hung on 16 for whatever reason.
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okaygo wrote:
I got BT booting again on Mupen64, seemed to be a problem with the ini settings as I suspected. I wonder where the fireegg thing occurs.
I'll try to be precise: once you have learned how to hang from ledges and aim eggs in level 1 (mayahem temple), you can proceed in the overworld to the plateau (3rd tunnel/teleport thing in the game, and contains entrance to level 2, glitter gulch mine). If you have enough notes, jamjars in this area will teach you how to launch fire eggs. If you shoot a fire egg at the icon above a brown gate, the gate is supposed to open giving you access to the meador (with the 4th tunnel/teleport thing and 3rd level (witchyworld) entrance). The bug with mupen is that the gate doesn't open at all. Edit: I have provided a state which under normal circumstances would be fine, but the glitch prevents progress. Press Z to launch a fire egg. (R changes egg type, C-up gets out of aiming mode)
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Well a lot was inevitably the same but so much fun and new stuff as well! Some of the most memorable moments of the run for me were - crazy yoshi spring stuff in crystal cavern and pipe world - "P"ower of the switch - bowser world 3 - crystal star world - misty star world was fun and different each time but where was the fish? Overall, yes!
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LOL (apologies for sound sync issues.)
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13 minutes into this SMW playthrough.
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Heh, that was sweet. It's a good thing everyone in this facility has wheels on their feet so you can cart them around. Videos of Escape can be found here. (choose your quality)
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Oh! Whoops. Hmm. Well, beak buster from below should be tried, but it might not be possible. Edit after trying: It looks like it's not even checking for collision. when standing the ice, if you crouch, your nose can be intersecting with the jiggy, but nothing.
FILIM0NAS wrote:
Thanks for the encoding. This site will crash your browser if you use firefox.
Right-click, Save-link-as. Firefox is retarded for trying to open mkv files as text in the browser. Not even IE tries that. Makes sense that opening an 82MB text file would crash it. I tried doing a workaround to that when I encoded some of Perfect Dark, but whatever. Also, lower quality encode of run (for older computers) is in my earlier post now.
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Latest Progress, 13m14s: 640x480, 82MB 320x240, 40MB And Sami: How does the wonderwing help get the christmas tree jiggy? I thought a beak buster could get it, but I might be wrong.
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MezzoDragon wrote:
WIP on Youtube
Youtube is terrible. Not to mention, the level is slightly longer than the video length limit. I'll have some mkv's ready tomorrow, though. And since my hosting has changed between the last WIP update, I updated old links from the past 20 pages. OCTOBER 2014 EDIT: hosting changed again, but I bought a domain finally so I don't have to update dead links anymore... Assuming anyone reads these threads this far back? If so, hello future people!
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AMAZING. On top of what was already mentioned, I liked the collection of the notes in the sand using the speed shoes, and how many puzzle pieces were left to be collected during flight. Bravo! Edit: Re: Fredrik's error: savestates don't like syncing, I had to fastforward. Also, a savestate made with antiDS mupen will cause an error in mupen rerecording v2, and vice versa.
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z0MG wrote:
hee hee. Actually, why do you guys keep saying momentum when you really mean velocity? Does mario's mass have anything to do with this? :v
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Wockes wrote:
bkDJ wrote:
that syncs with many plugins for me (tried napalm, direct64 alpha and, and jabo 1.5.2) so no one should need a video file, but I'll have one ready in a bit.
I don't know why, but that makes me laugh.
:P and here it is
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that syncs with many plugins for me (tried napalm, direct64 alpha and, and jabo 1.5.2) so no one should need a video file, but I'll have one ready in a bit. Out of curiosity, since you have some down time waiting for nuts in the 2-3-1 room, would doing the dekustick jump slash in there (to save the stick from breaking) keep the crouchstab charge in the next room? Not really a timesaver question but a game mechanics question.
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Ver Greeneyes wrote:
How are the values stored? It would be vaguely amusing if you could design a (massive) area so that the value would overflow and you'd stop dead for no apparent reason after going at light speed :P
If they are stored as floating point numbers, they can't overflow, they just get less and less precise. And I'm not sure but I think fixed-point doesn't overflow either. Anyway, if there is no cap on forward motion, and assuming BLJ's are used because forward motion causes mario to enter the "knocked back" state when he collides with a wall at a high enough speed..., does that mean that forward long jump spamming could reach the same speeds as BLJing in areas where walls aren't used (such as on staircase edges)? Not that it would really be useful since those areas tend to be small and reversing speed helps mario spend longer on them and so on, but thought I'd ask.
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Wow. This run entertains in every department. I loved the music-input (or sounds, in the case of Star World 2) effort. I don't remember seeing an entire level (Yoshi's Island 3) have it before. As for the actual run, the new point routes and different ways of fooling around had me entertained the whole way through. Definite yes.
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chaosv1 wrote:
Bloobiebla's Child Route AVI
The video quality is good considering the bitrate. The sound itself is fine, but it drifts/desyncs/whatever (windows/mupen problem :( ). By 27m54s into the video, sound is off by two sidehops' worth. It then gets progressively better and is only like a quarter-of-a-second off by the time the Master Sword is taken. Overall though, nice encode. :)
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nfq wrote:
i use mpc with ffdshow. i can play a 1920x1080 h.264 avi but not a mkv at that resolution
Hmm, didn't know there was a difference. It might be that I use x264.exe instead of mencoder... Like I said, ffdshow is kind of slow, and you'd get better results if you a) disabled its h264 playback and let haali+coreavc or divxavc handle it, or b) use the aforementioned tools to cook your own avi. Future encodes of this game's progress will be back to small-o-vision (or at least have the small counterpart if I still feel like making bigger videos) though, because the point is for more people to be able to see it since mupen hates syncing for many people, and making video specs too demanding defeats that purpose. Sorry.
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nfq wrote:
mkv is so slow to play back at big resolutions, why not make avi's?
What. How would using a container that isn't meant for supporting .264 streams help playback speed using the same video stream? I generally disapprove of .264 videos in an avi container, but if you are experiencing slowdown, it's either because your computer is like 10 years old (I used to have a computer that couldn't play back the megaman X1+X2 dual-run at full speed. Now my 5-year-old laptop can play 1920x1080 .264 mkvs fine) or you aren't using a good decoder (ffdshow is kinda slow, coreavc is very fast, and I hear DivX's new avc decoder is even faster) or player (MPC, zoomplayer, and VLC should be cool. VLC doesn't need a separate decoder, but it kind of blows). Anyway, you can use MKVWizard and avc2avi to make your own avi using the mkv, but let me know if it plays back faster.
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Zowayix wrote:
How do you spell "doko kashira" in Japanese katakana? (or hiragana or whatever)
I dunno about the title, but it means "Where, I wonder" and depending on who is saying it and what the medium is, it would be written as either of the following... hiragana = どこかしら kanji + kiragana = 何処かしら
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andrewg wrote:
I've been trying that for a while now, I cannot seem to do it. My idea was to be big mario, jump onto one of the koopas to bounce upward while I hit the other shell forward. Right after I do this I would bounce off the shell I hit forward and then mustache jump up to the platform using the koopa on the right platform.
That sounds like a setup/timing nightmare, but possible. When you say you couldn't do it, do you mean the timing was off, or you still can't get enough distance to mustache jump?
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I think it has been used in a few AIR-like glitch/puzzle hacks. Either way, in a real run, going left through a wall would never be useful. [Je pense que ca a ete utilise dans quelques hacks, style "AIR", qui sont bases sur des puzzles et des bugs. De toute facon, dans un vrai TAS, aller a gauche a travers un mur ne serait jamais utile.]
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Well this is horribly after-the-fact and way-too-late, but if anyone is making a list of "possible improvements" of Bloobiebla's run, then here goes: After the first superslide across hyrule field, you backflip over the fence (spending quite a bit of time in the air being propelled at backflip speed) and land below, where you sidehop your way to gerudo valley. I'm sure it would have been faster to backflip ONTO the fence and sidehop off (the time needed to fall down would now also have sidehop speed instead of backflip speed). PS. chaosv1 check your PM please
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Rescue is now with the others. Also I made it higher quality for no reason. PS. Wouter Jansen: done.
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MUGG wrote: This is my favourite.
Mine too... except now everyone on niconico decided to make videos using it for singing and putting more than the instrumental as the background as well as speeding it up so it's x times faster... There's even a backwards version (I'm sure youtube will have it in a few days. "組曲『ニコニコ動画』全自動マリオVer.を逆再生してみた"). Kinda makes it hard to find new ones that don't have to do with the medley. But yeah, the guy who did it is good, here's another one by him:
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I guess this means the japanese rom could be done in under 3 minutes? Oh well, I was entertained so yes vote.