Posts for bkDJ

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creaothceann wrote:
It would be pretty cool to be able to use SNES9x as a frameserver, without the detour of temporary files. :) "Weave" works best on uncompressed videos. Also, see this thread. ... haven't seen the new video yet, but am planning to.
I think you meant to say "lossless" instead of uncompressed. there are plenty of compression formats for lossless video. h264 at quant 0 and huffyuv to name some. Also most good formats allow for compressing interlaced formats so that alternating lines are stored together instead of storing the full image together, so you don't get interlace bleeding.
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Solon wrote:
EDIT: Even better, 2:01 in this video, upper left quadrant, appears to be an explanation for what's going down. Unfortunately, I can't read Japanese.
I can't either but thanks. Though I did search for the video's title on the japanese youtube equivalent and was pleased to see you can actually tell what's going on when there's movement. Comparison shots (youtube on left, niconico on right). [URL=][/URL] [URL=][/URL]
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z0MG wrote:
I tried it and it worked fine. Jabo's.
But did you read the post above that? "Banjo-Tooie cannot be [played on mupen] because the plateau fire egg switch cannot be activated to open the gate to the witchyworld area." Or can you get that to work too?
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nivek535 wrote:
man, if only i could get it once =X. id get the feeeel of it >:D hausehauhesahu. dont i sound so pro. hhehehehe
What's with all the emoticons and keyboard mashings and shorthand?
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girfanatic501 wrote:
Schnretzl wrote:
SNES runs at 30 frames/second. So 30 frames = 1 second.
O.o I thought NTSC ran 60fps and PAL ran 50fps....
You are correct. 30 frames gained = 0.5 seconds
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DeusBACO wrote:
i knew you knew it..... ehehe btw, not even that trick that avoids the stairs in that area is possible?
there isn't a top of the stairs. the whole upstairs is not in memory. there's an invisible wall there because if there was't you would just "fall"
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Ok, my biggest problem is getting the leaf. When you have a leaf, all jumps are slower so you only want the leaf if you HAVE to have it (like how you finish the castle quicker with it) (notice in the warpless movie, the leaf is gotten rid of as soon as it is no longer needed). Also, is what is left+right max x-velocity? how about P running?
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hero of the day wrote:
Don't take it too personally man.
Cpadolf wrote:
I sure hope you didn't take it that way...
I think JXQ forgot his sarcasm flags, guys.
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Loved everything from the input to the beat of the music (sometimes visible, like jumps or fireballs, but also sometimes where input had no effect) to the improved routes in so many levels. Great job! One thing I noticed: In the pipe world airship, there was a spot that might make you get pushed forward a bit like those final levels in the other run so you can enter the boss pipe sooner. Probably I'm wrong though. or you wanted to goof off like you did in said final levels.
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MUGG wrote:
Awesome run! What's up with the 1-up sounds at frame 8500? =) With the discovery of how it works, I'm surprised it was only used twice. Either way, obvious yes is obvious.
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So this site will have an any% run and a warpless run using the NES version... and the playaround run by genisto (and eventually this future 100%) on the SNES version? Really? I mean, I'd watch it, but it would have to be exceptionally TASed to be accepted. Keep up the improvements! (can't help with memory watcher since I've never TAS'd on snes)
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ShadowWraith wrote:
They had to reduce the quality of the visuals for improved sound quality, or something like that.
the GBA processes sound and graphics independantly. You can't get better sound from making smaller sprites, or vice versa, and the quality of one or the other doesn't even effect framerate in a game with just scrolling backgrounds and few enemies on screen at once.
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wow. Well I have a feeling there'll be another improvement coming from cf or you again but sure, have a yes vote (it took longer for me to get the smv, open the emulator and rom, and select the file than it did to watch)
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N. Harmonik wrote:
How problematic. Even though I did download FFDShow, I still can't watch the Paper Mario WIP without the music eventually not matching the action on screen... Say, is that what desyncing is? I hear about it but nobody ever explains it.
audio-video desync is one thing, but doesn't come up very often on TAS videos, since the prominent desyncing that can happen is when the replay file doesn't work right. Like, if you do something differently early in a run, and paste the rest of an old TAS onto the end, something might be different in the game events or random number generator because of the modification, so the way the replay file says to play will have him e.g. jump over an enemy too soon and and on him and get hurt ad knocked back. the file will keep pressing buttons as if nothing happened but now the character looks retarded and starts running into walls and dying needlessly. That's a desync. It can also happen where the emulator accidentally for whatever reason missed a button press record for a frame and the rest of the movie, when played back, even though it kept recording fine, will be not as planned.
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p_s: the second smv works for what minglw provided which is the second game so... Anyway, here's the list with the realtime playthroughs: I thought at least someone might want to watch these, sicne I found it again. They might not be as fun since you saw them sped through in the TAS but since I saw the levels for the first time here, it was fun trying to figure out how to get past the puzzles as I watched this poor guy die over and over. the video credits once he beats the final boss are also pretty good. So, not a TAS but still entertaining. Plus you can see the puzzles the TAS managed to skip by exploiting glitches available when you're big in passages that are only as high as small mario. On the list, you'll want to see: Parts 1 through 10 and Final. Enjoy., Kaizo 2 is titled "自作の改造マリオを友人にプレイさせる 第二作" (self-made remodelled mario played by a friend, episode two)
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thanks minglw! The TAS was good and entertaining so I forgive him for never corner-boosting underwater.
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does left+right have the same effect when not holding B?
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AKA wrote:
Raiscan wrote:
Would it be daring to request an avi with the speedometer/camhack/stuff included? Might make an interesting watch :)
A camhack might be interesting, speedometer isn't as exciting as it sounds unfourtunaltey. Unless it can be convertered to look more like a speedo seen commonly in cars, but then we'd need 2 since Y-speed need to be taken into account as well.
Well if you're using a program sophisticated enough to turn numbers into an angle of a needle, you can probably add x^2 and y^2 and find the sqaure root of the result for total speed.
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I've never played Kaizo Mario 2 myself but I did watch some guy play the entire thing one level at a time with no savestates on niconico once. Very entertaining. I'd link but I can't find the mylist that has them all. As for the tas: Very cool. I've never seen that glitch he did in Stage 3 with the midair jumping, nor the pipe-enter glitch in Stage 5. However I must have the wong kmario1 rom because the CRC of the kmario2 rom patched from it is not what the smv indicates and it desyncs during the yellow switch palace.
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gocha wrote:
Kaizo Mario World TAS by 荒島博久 (ism, youtube) Kaizo Mario World 2 TAS by Mr. (blog)
Well, I wasn't going to ask, but I've been looking for half an hour now, and I can't find a rom of Kaizo 2. There was a link to it on some youtube or niconico page but it was dead. So, where can we get the patch?
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around frame 12000 or so, in marbe 2, there are 3 swinging platforms. you do an immediate hop on the first one (which has forward motion), and spend a few frames running on the next one (which is moving backward) without jumping (I'm guessing so that you can cross the very large gap). What about spending that extra time on the platform moving forward, instead? Would that save a frame or two? Anyway that was the only thing that stood out as possibly not being perfect, so great job and here's a yes.
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You know, in the video, he activates the text of a locked door(maybe not significant?), then runs at the door at a shallow angle and punches, and as he slides from momentum, gets himself stuck in the door and gets out on the other side. Now, This is still useless for key skipping, since he probably stuck a warp point in the BRoD. However, is this possible with single doors elsewhere? If so, would entering WF, CCM, or PSS this way be faster than a lobby BLJ?
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ShinyDoofy wrote:
The video looks quite nice. Do you have a name or such for that particular patch?
Not that I can decipher from the guy's video decriptions. He just has two videos (I linked the second) of the hack he's making.
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Well, you'd need to actually have an account. It's the japanese equivalent of youtube except the videos aren't full of macroblocks and the sound isn't crushed to 16kbps or whatever youtube does to make its uploads look and sound really bad. Although whoever made this particular recording has a weird echo going on. Anyway, I ripped the flash video from the page, so if you can play .flv's (VLC plays them fine), here it is.
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speaking of going through locked doors, I had a good laugh at this video. Also starting at 4:37, he doesn't press any keys except to skip text for automatic fun. (I'd post a youtube link but it's not on youtube)