Posts for bkDJ

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Why is it that I've seen videos, on youtube for example, of people ariving at the second bowser battle WITHOUT bouncing on top of the green circle leading to the warp... just bounce off lava and land inside. Is that slower than the method used in this video?
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L4yer wrote:
It is said it randomly crashes, I guess I could check it out later, how far in game is the plateau?
progress naturally to level 1 (should take about 5-10 minutes plus cutscenes) learn the ledge grab move (needs mumbo activation and exploration, should take another 5-10 minutes) go to the second area and if you have enough notes (less than 100 I believe. easy to find in level 1). then you can learn how to shoot fire eggs. there's a door on the west side of the area (assuming the endless pit is south) with a fire button. shoot it with a fire egg. every time I've done this on mupen NOTHING has happened. the door should open and you can't progress if it doesn't
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mwl wrote:
I'd like to see an .avi of what's already done if it's not too much trouble...
I don't know what has been causing so many A/V sync issues with n64 zelda game videos lately. Oh well. This is only to show the beta route since guano is fixing it to incorporate more bomb pickups. I suggest just leaving the sound off since it's not really sync'ed. (14m43s, 33MB)
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if there is a video plugin that looks good in banjo-tooie, and allows you to activate the fire-egg switch in the Plateau, then BT might be runnable. Last I checked though, that wasn't happening.
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Hmmm, ok... Can't you get bombs from grass after the temple though? I don't think anything in or near the temple gives anything but ruppees, magic, and arrows. but the grass outside kokiri forest where you did the first superslide should be good. Or I'm completely wrong and there's a faster way. I will make a video of your next wip though.
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it goes to the chamber of sages. he doesn't trap phantom ganon on the railing, but he definitely beats him very quickly. I'll have a video up in a few hours maybe (but first, sleep!)
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I would hope so. the emulation errors are mostly speed-related which is good because the SDA run of this at normal speed was REALLY boring.
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I won't have a chance to try until tonight...
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comicalflop wrote:
yay! how many deku desynch flowers are in the whole game? that's strange though, the first two flowers at the very beginning of the game you seemed to do successfully. hm.
FWIW, before my computer could magically play back the wips, the first flowers and the one in clock town were major desync points.
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the number that increases by one is the amount of input frames. but there are only 30 of those per second. sometimes more, and sometimes less (especially during lag) and lag has no effect on input frames in mario 64. so if you are just going by those, that doesn't give us an accurate idea of real time saved. we could just assume that there's no lag and divide by 30 and have the number of seconds saved, but I think we'd prefer to know the number of real time frames saved (the number that increases USUALLY by 2 every time you hit frame advance).
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To clarify, when you give frame numbers are they out of 60 per second, or the number of extra times you push the frame advance button?
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I'll wait to see what's decided to be the best route before I make any videos. Good luck understanding why mupen doesn't want you to get to the boss early :(
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I made my life easy and I just made an mkv (using x264) that has 4 audio tracks and you can listen to whichever you want in VLC, or media player classic. It's 2MB more than the other video, but full framerate. I'm retarded and I let the music go for far too long in all of them and I'm too lazy to trim them so I'm posting this as-is.
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are bombs really that hard to come by? you could probably get some from those green enemies in the desert on your way to NL...
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GuanoBowl wrote:
AKA wrote:
Guano, if you're getting Nayru's Love then its definitley advisable to do the Minuet skip and then warp to the Colosus, since you still learn the Minuet when you do the bomb hover trick into the void.
I just dont see the time saved when doing the bomb hover. I'll try.
when you fall into the void to skip the cutscene, you restart at the beginning of SFM and would have to go all the way back to the temple entrance. with this new time saver that needs NL anyway, once you retsart SFM, you can just immediately warp to colossus, get NL, and then warp back using the minuet. That means you only need to go through SFM once.
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djs: would hi rez textures make much of a difference in my videos? I think people have already expressed they prefer lower bitrates. for faster downloads. If you want to watch this in high res, get the texture pack yourself and watch guano's m64's in your own mupen.
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I watched all 4 separately in Gens. if you want, for future incarnations of the run, I could try to encode them... maybe make 2 audio tracks you can toggle, one doing the top two games and the other dowing the bottom two... I'd need to get all the programs I need for that but I'm just offering support.
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he's slashing at the rock like he was slashing at Mido some weeks ago. I call random corruption. though it is weird that he got all the way up there before it corrupted, AND he didn't get the desired bombs from the tektites.
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guano, can you really play yours back from the start?
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I didn't have a problem playing it at all. file 03 starts where 02 leaves off (slightly better quality than mukki's, and shows the rest of clocktown that was missing from my earlier video)
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When I get home tonight I'll see if the m64 works. you really shouldn't worry about encoding, I do it when I have a chance.
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I liked it, looking forward to the next world
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correction edit: desynced at the great fairy. I started from the beginning with no sram.
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what does SFM stand for? also I will have a video ready in a few hours when I go home, I hope.