Posts for bkDJ

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new wip comments: 1) Marble Garden 1 boss: why is it that sprintgod is the only one to have beaten it before it went up? :( 2) marble garden 2 boss: not sure how you'd manipulate it but it seems like if the first cycle is 2 diagonals, that you can maybe get an extra hit, and if the second cycle starts with a vertical on, then you can hit sooner. This is assuming the boss travels at constant speed along the line and not with a constant vertical vector no matter what. 3) casino night 2 (or whatever it is), nice glitch around 0:30 edit: when you say 4x as fast with the yellow, is that 4x normal, or 4x holding up? you should still test it just to see :v
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watching old wip.. 1) the 3rd and 7th emerald runs looked particularly though out. 2) I wasn't so sure about the Super Ring at the start of Launch Base 1, but you did that crazy fast... Launch Base 2 as well. It's obvious at this point that you are very familiar with the games physics. 3) Nice Light Blue (2) Super Emerald. 4) Since the Blue (3) one is so linear, I don't get why you didn't jump over the yellow and reds to get the final blues without using the bumper. Maybe you did in the new wip. 5) For Flying Battery 1, you should definitely jump so that you're falling when the missiles are done breaking the ground. 6) In Flying Battery 2, you shouldn't wait on the spring to get the rings on the ceiling around 0:40, since there are plenty more on top of the vertical spinning thing and you don't need to be hyper before.
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news? ;_;
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AzHP wrote:
I feel like getting the bottle in Hylia would be faster, because of all the various hoops one has to jump through to get the bottle any other way, but I'll admit it's just a feeling...
It's not called Bottle Adventure for nothing!
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watched it, and I have noting to say :D
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Holy shit this was some good stuff. My favorite level was probably Mystic Cave 1 for always keeping tails on screen. And Oil Oceans (especially 2) for being so broken. The use of tails throughout Metropolis was great as well. A clear yes!
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alright, well, apparently the total time saved is 4 minutes and 54 seconds. I took a guess and put 4m55s in the video files I made for those who can't watch m64's for whatever reason. they are being uploaded to the usual folder as 04v2. only the last ~3 minutes are different from before. HQ will be ready to download in 15 minutes as of the time of this post. LQ will be ready in an hour or so (I dunno, at this point I'm not really expecting people to want the LQ)
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GuanoBowl wrote:
updated, new Spirit Temple: Watch for the climbing room!
how much time did you save? Less than a second?
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comicalflop wrote:
I could not do a goal switch at Lava Lagoon was because I was invincible flasing... moot point but an unanswered one. You can't get the DK coin without hitting the invincibility barrel, not without losing a lot of frames.
I'm glad that's solved. I didn't notice anything that could be faster except the sideways-moving barrel in the bayou. towards the end. did you test to see exiting the previous special stage later, or entering the level on a different frame made a difference to where it was?
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Ozmodiar wrote:
upthorn wrote:
As for the bittorrent situation... rather than have nach seeding the torrent, alone, with his 1kb/s connection, it's more efficient for him to send the file to someone who has better bandwidth. This is due to the fact that when seeding a torrent, the connection may be split multiple ways, due to multiple connected users, and there is no guarantee that when he has sent 100% of the filesize that he will have sent 100% of the file.
The point is that he has to send it to someone anyway, so it mine as well be however many people at once so that they are all able to send it to others right away. Also, his connection is 12 kb/s, but is only devoting 4kb/s to the torrent.
splitting connections is the best way to maximize your pipe. so he will probably upload faster to the collective torrent swarm than to one person via ftp/dcc/whatever. and if he is using super seeding, then YES, 100% of the filesize = 100% of the file. EDIT: unless a piece he uploaded to someone didn't get sent to anyone else in the swarm before that peer disconnected before finishing for whatever reason, but one piece doesn't add much time to the upload.
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I agree that it's usually faster for one person to upload a single copy through bittorrent by superseeding, than it is to send to one other person who then has to torrent it. As long as he's uploading close to as fast as his internet will allow, no one should complain. Edit: hey ozmodiar, the quote in your signature is out of context as well!!!! edit2: oh god this is so retarded.
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use imageshack instead of tripod for image hosting. your avatar is just a big tripod ad.
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
Quick suggestion, Gold Skulltulas do 1 heart of damage. Can you jump into the Gold Skulltula at the top of the stairs and then warp out?
But then he would have to die twice, and the second time, he would have to deminish 3 hearts. whouch would probably take longer in the desert than it did to run to the entrance like he does...
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oh whoops. I moved the file to where it belongs.
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latest progress is 04 on the page. only high quality so far because I'm lazy. LQ coming eventually.
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Posts: 1215 now updated with hyrule field crossing. they are 03. HQ is <20MB, LQ is <10MB.
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JXQ wrote:
AKA wrote:
Asides that has anyone ever been able to break an egg by sqeezing on both the ends(?).
I would think this wouldn't be too hard. Most likely the yolk would be crushed as well, but that wasn't expressed as a concern in your question.
you should try it.
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Everything was awesome, and I didn't even know about that WDW teleport, but couldn't you have gotten the elevator star or gone through the grating to the city with the red coins with a blj? edit:
5)Elevator: Can't you start the wall kicks earlier? With a good angle you may bypass the elevator that comes down and land on the platform with the star i'm not sure if that's faster but i'll try. you mean, start the longjumping from the ground, right? i'll check it out.
He means going down to the bottom and wallkicking before the left elevator reaches the bottom
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theenglishman wrote:
Someone encode this mutha@#$%^&* run to mutha@#$%^&* AVI!!!!! </snakesonamutha> My computer cannot play Mupen because of awful video card so I'm stuck out of this :(
I'll wait until sami's done with mm, and then I'll make an avi of the latest spiral mountain + mm. everything else already has an avi or mkv. in the unorganized (hosting provided by spacecow)
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evilchen wrote:
MM? huh? what have i missed
mumbo's mountain, not majora's mask.
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DK64_MASTER wrote:
VANDAL wrote:
I have proof that it is possible to press Left+Right on an SNES controller, you can either remove the little ball in the middle of the D-Pad (on the inside of the controller) or use a 3rd party controller called Myiicco (probably others too) which has a faulty D-Pad center (not a ball but an outlet/tiny hole that sticks out; also on the inside). I have been able to, on Super Mario World, fly faster as helium Mario because of it.
Those are both considered hardware modification.
vandal is trying to say that if the cc hardware mod is uncacceptable that it's hypocritical to allow left+right in tases. But he's wrong, it is possible to push down really hard and get left and right pushed at the same time without breaking the controller (not recommended but proven possible on at leat least two occasions that I've read on these boards)
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upthorn wrote:
bobxp wrote:
Shield actions and Hyper Sonic's burst in whatever the hell direction you want are practically priceless in a speedrun, assisted or not. Tails and Knuckles runs would, therefore, be a lot more boring.
At least, if you play them normally. Theres a lot of fun physics breaking to be done with the S3K. And then Super Tails has some awesome benefits once you get him.
Isn't super tails just normal tails with fast shoes and invincibility, but HYPER tails the upgrade that gives you the kill birds? And I wonder if sonic+tails would ever let you benefit from tails carrying sonic. probably not. and both knuckles upgrades are pretty useless apart from speed but knuckles does have his own routes which are sometimes faster or have no bosses.
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I have to wonder if that moving platform really has to be waited on for so long. Is there no way to reach the red coin over there by using wall kicks on the poles hanging from the ceiling?
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FODA wrote:
because it's a maze! and it's quirky and swirly and curvy!
wort excuse ever! (I must admit that it looks like the maze route for the "navigate the toxic maze" star is not the best)
FODA wrote:
new wip with 74 stars
Oh I accept this though! the red coin stunts were great. and the 100coin route was impressive.
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I may be mistaken but I think that DKC2 and 3 require yo to save at least once or else it's as if you were using some no-save file like in Sonic 3.