Posts for bkDJ

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comicalflop wrote:
DCK2-102% V7 Squawk's Shaft it took me months to finally finish world 1, and world 2 only took me a little more than a day lol Boss fights are not my forte, I have Arne's Kleaver's Kiln to study, I wrote down what to do at what exact part but we'll see how this boss turns out
I enjoyed the double jump for that one dk koin that I don't know what diddy landed on. Again, everything looks good except for squawks blowing up wasting a few frames.
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Hothead hop looked great, I don't see 3 seconds worth of mistakes :o Lava Lagoon is really laggy during a portion you are swimming to the left and there are many ennemies. did you try different ways of swimming around them, and moving differently once out of the water (with more lag) to see try to minimize it? And at the end of the bonus level would it have been faster to hop off of enguarde before he blows up?
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bobxp wrote:
I'm going to skip the third Giant Ring in MHZ2, because it requires using a pulley machine to get to which would just waste time. That way, I'll still be able to get Hyper Sonic by the end of MHZ.
Is this possible? (I don't remember if you can go through the floor there)
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As much as I liked Steve Irwin, it's not like nature will just be forgotten and undocumented. Sure, the style is totally not the same, but don't forget David Attenborough is alive. For what his work lacks in IN YOUR FACEness, it makes up for in beauty.
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Why after all that work would you not be tightly precise? Either way I didn't see any mistakes and that was certainly the fastest time I've seen for that boss!
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upthorn wrote:
bobxp wrote:
upthorn wrote:
I note that there are 8 giant rings accessible as sonic in Mushroom Hill zone 1+2, with no death required to get all of them in one go
Wow!! That really helps! Do you have a map of both acts of MHZ? I only know of 3 Giant Rings in that zone.
I don't have a map, but I could probably mark their locations down on the TSC maps pretty quickly. Edit: Mushroom Hill 1 Mushroom Hill 2 The rings that are crossed out can only be accessed with knuckles.
uh, did you miss one that I had circled in my picture? for act 1? or is there just an extra life tv in there?
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So you're saying lockjaw locker is improvable by 15-20 frames?
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Alright, I've watched v7 and these questions are purely from not looking at frame input and just looking at the video at 100% speed. a) level 1: wasn't Rambi kinda far from the door when you have to charge backwards? b) non-levels: do you really have to go in them all for a 102%? c) water level it seems like you could have hopped off enguarde a frame or two or three earlier before going into the warp barrel d) same level, at the end: it seemed like time was wasted going farther into the area than necessary to collect the DK Koin. or maybe I just saw wrong, or the collision detection is not what I think, it was quite fast. everything else seemed perfect.
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JSmith wrote:
bkDJ wrote:
I think I figured out how to get them to be close. the way the jiggies pop out depends, I THINK, on where banjo is when the cutscene starts.
Then can we pull the same trick with the jinjo jiggy and the hut-busting jiggy?
It seems like all the objects will always come out of each hut at a specific angle, and the jiggy and jinjo never intersect. Anyway, here sami (I did not use slowdown or savestates so there are MANY errors, but it's the concept that counts)
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you're going through this quickly. hilariously bad game :D
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I think I figured out how to get them to be close. the way the jiggies pop out depends, I THINK, on where banjo is when the cutscene starts. the way we did conga's blocks was the best. I will try to make a video.
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DK64_MASTER wrote:
Sami wrote:
How to hell you can get those in a one dance? :D
ROFL. Maybe damage boosting from Conga's orange?
conga throws 0 oranges between dropping his jiggy and you collecting it edit: so much for the egg shooting cancelling the dance. nevermind
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I've explored the first two stages of S&K a lot when I was younger and did find many many more Giant Rings than one would expect. They're all over the place. here are some maps but they do not show where all the rings are specifically. I think I found them all but I might have circled a wrong area or missed one so don't take this as set in stone: [URL=][/URL] [URL=][/URL]
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JSmith wrote:
AdmiralJonB wrote:
DK64_MASTER wrote:
Isn't the mountain slope (the entrance to the first level) a lot larger than the first note door's slope?
By large, i'm guessing long distance not the angle of the slope.
It's strictly horizontal distance; The steeper the slope, the higher you can go up it, as long as you can stand on the slope. A few misc. mumbo's mounatain points, some of which you may already know: 1)The orange can be collected with a backflip 2)Hit conga's orange crates in 1-3-2 order so that you can grab two jiggies in one dance. 3)You can hit Conga from anywhere when he's done throwing oranges. 4)in Ticker's Tower, for some reason the gaps between the platforms won't reset Banjo's slide. 5)theres a glitchy slope in the white cliff that extends underwater. I have not successfully egg dived on it. Egg diving in the main room in Clanker's Cavern would be awesome if I could just find where to do it...
All very good points. as for 2), that would mean 4 orange throws since the distance from 1 to 3 is farther than 1 to 2 I believe. so is a 4th throw faster than a dance? Probably :D and for 3) does that mean we only have to wait until the last orange of the last volley is thrown and then immediately go for the witch switch and shoot an egg at him from the switch platform and in the time it takes to fall he will be hit and we can be ready to collect both? And since sliding and shooting and egg cancels cutscenes, someone should check to see if sliding and egg shooting into a jiggy cancels the dance. THAT would be possibly the biggest timesaver in the run if it works. for 4) I think that's normal since the "he touched a slope and needs to slide down" parameter is set no matter if you change which slope you are on, as long as it is a slope
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bobxp wrote:
AKA: Though, the least you could do is make Sonic do something random in the idle time.
Sonic glitched pretty bad during one fadeout. I think it was one of the starlights that he did that.
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SA3 is the only 2D sonic game I played and did not enjoy, and I never got past cyber track, but this was one heck of an entertaining tas. voted yes.
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bobxp wrote:
Edit: I improved your run by 18 seconds. That version of HCZ1 is only 1 second longer than the one I already have in my run. The time spent getting the last Giant Ring is around 10 seconds. I'll definately be using this new route in my run. :)
That is sweet. I didn't know it was possible to jump from the geyser. I hope hex-editing that in doesn't cause later desyncs.
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DK64_MASTER wrote:
hopper wrote:
This is horrible news. A man who stared death in the face so many times should have lived forever. I'm sorry to see that it finally caught up with him.
The thing is, a stingray shouldn't EVER be called "death in the face"...
Death in the chest applies here though. Steve, you will be missed!
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And that's why I voted yes. this is the fastest way to beat the game properly, whether the bonus stages are boring or not (I don't really think so, especially since I could never beat the 6th). JXQ gets a "game over try again" at the end, this gets a "the end"
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I'm voting yes but I have one question. you said scrap brain 2 is not improved over the original, however there was some movement in that level that didn't seem optimal. the most glaring of which is the snakey land right before the end. jumping on the downward slopes really doesn't help?
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LagDotCom wrote:
R-t13 you mean. Je preferrai a parler un langue qui n'a bes... Crap! An o!
I hope you never took a french class, because if so, there is a french teacher somewhere tearing her hair out when she read that.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Boco wrote:
The edges of the video screen correspond exactly to the edges of the NES display, exact tile boundaries. Check for example when a level ends or begins. So, it's emulated. Whether it's assisted or not I don't know.
Couldn't it just have been captured exactly perfectly? Could that happen?
No this was definitely played on an emulator. try capturing this game with a real NES and look at the overscan. Here, instead of overscan, the edge of the picture is good. It may not use slowdowns or savestates but there's no way it was captured from an NES. Edit: but man is he good on that synthesizer
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JXQ wrote:
Edit: I just tried hex-editing your file, by replacing the zero's between 290A7 and 290B7 with F's, and the movie synced all the way through Scrap Brain 1.
I just did that and watched it. I have no idea what the fuck happened in scrap brain one though. You went into a gas pipe and came out with the fire, didn't you ????
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What happens if you try to get rid of all the zeros between 000290a6 and 000290b7? so that 000290b7 and forwards would continue after 000290a6 without anything. edit: I think that's what nitsuja meant by deleting them. oh well. edit2: replacing them with FF's works.
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dumb people sure do liven up the General board :)