Posts for bkDJ

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about a second or two can be gained between entering the lair and activating mumbo's mountain by cancelling gruntilda's speech before collecting jiggy 1.
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Comicalflop wrote:
And I hate nagging, I get nagged about this project on a near daily basis.
jeez, you may hate nagging but as far as this thread is concerned, it's been nearly half a year. jeez.
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AQwertyZ wrote:
Actually, it kinda depends on the what part of the video you're looking at. Sure, the intro video, some cutscenes, the "demo" scenes (if you don't push a button on the title screen), and even some portions of gameplay run at 00024446, which of course will looks smoother as 00224466 (essentially 0123). But not all. At least, not with a plugin that shows the puzzle transition, lens flare, and underwater sections, unless I overlooked one :/ ...Anyway, I don't think I said this yet but I finally saw the stuff after RBB. Click Clock Woods was great, and the final battle was hilarious! :D
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Ver Greeneyes wrote:
Could you use AVISynth to cut out the duplicate frames then double all of them?
Judge Ito wrote:
Couldn't you do something in post-processing to remove every other frame to get that 30 fps fidelity across the whole movie? (theoretical question -- not a gripe)
Uh, whoops. You guys would be right if what I said was true. I could easily fix a 0,0,0,2 pattern to be 0,0,2,2. But I made a mistake with my post up there. the pattern is really 0,0,0,3,4,4,4,7. Post-processing that to 0,0,3,3,4,4,7,7 actually makes the motion look worse. Sorry for the confusion.
Ver Greeneyes wrote:
(or apply interframe blending if you wanted to be really fancy)
I've tried that. It looks even worse than the juddery movement. ..And another thing. Different plugins put the HUD elements at slightly different spots, and the camera zoom is also off. so even if 2 sources were used, going from one to another would be pretty jarring. Like, there's no pretty way around it.
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blahmoomoo wrote:
Just a comment... I wonder if Mupen64 does not use floating points for positioning or something because there were many times that the movement of Banjo was quite jerky... This has nothing to do with your run's quality, but it makes me wonder why the movement was so jerky...
It's actually a problem with most plugins rendering this particular game. I'll try to explain. If instances of time of Mupen's 60fps are numbered 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7, most 30fps games would show the following: 0,0,2,2,4,4,6,6. That's all well and good. In fact, some plugins even do that with Banjo-Kazooie, but they have problems like blacking out the screen when underwater, and discolored stuff and missing effects. Unfortunately, the best video plugins treat BK's 30fps like so: 0,0,0,2,4,4,4,6. If you try to ignore it, your eyes kinda adjust. But yeah it's fucking awful and I don't know what to do about it except pretend that it isn't a problem. I suppose a perfect encode would use a plugin that does the 30fps properly everywhere except specific parts that it doesn't work in, like puzzle transitions and underwater areas and such, and jabo 1.6 for those parts. But jeez, this run is crazy long and the capture is already taking up 50GB. Splicing all those moments in from 2 sources would be a nightmare. :P ...I think I'm going to splice in the ending from some other plugin though, because jabo1.6 with the rdram option on still does a terrible job of showing those "picture" framebuffer objects that mumbo holds up.
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about goht... why do you have to kill him with an arrow? if you (HI)SS over to him couldn't the sword deal damage? and if it has to be an arrow maybe it's faster to shoot while backflipping than to shoot in 1st person.
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Yay!! I've been following this since before it began. It's been a bumpy ride but it was all worth it since it's finally done. Great job! I look forward to watching click clock wood and the end. And I will attempt to encode this... though it may take a while
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chaosv1 wrote:
To clarify, the glitch works with something that deactivates A,B, and C buttons(like the tunnel). For w/e reason the game takes a while to reactivate the controls after you climb out of the tunnel so that if you do something else that deactivates your buttons(like activating text), the game will reactivate the buttons while you are talking. Anywhere these conditions can be met, the glitch should be able to be activated
So... ladders?
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julianface wrote:
in french it would be "ils"[/quote] I thought the topic was second person plural possessive pronouns? In french, that's "votre"/"vos" depending on the direct object's number. :P English versions that don't sound too "unproper" would be "your-all" "you-all's" I like how last week people were saying "hey SL go on, nothing major will be discovered" and now like 5 pages a 10 routes later, ideas are still evolving. I can't wait :D
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I don't remember there being so much free time on the night of the 3rd day of the first cycle. Is getting 2r from NCT at that time really better than 99 from ECT right away in the second cycle?
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Kyman wrote:
bkDJ wrote:
(the kind that I think only exist there and at the end of BitFS)
There's some in BBH. Also how do I watch that video? :/
Oh right, forgot about the BBH ones. And sorry, you watch the video by either having an account there or using this link:
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So I was watching a video on nicovideo (2 guys trying to get 8 red coins while a mushroom chases them), and at the end of the video they showed an outtake of a failed attempt. To sum it up in words, mario was on one of the collapsing blocks in Whomp's Fortress (the kind that I think only exist there and at the end of BitFS) and exited the course as the block was falling. Instead of landing on the sun mosaic thing in the lobby, they landed behind the upstairs key door. I wonder how the block changed mario's exit position and if that could be abused in a tas. Like maybe exit course into/near the next painting or whatever.
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I thought the kokiri sword was skippable for low%. And why do you need ruto's letter if you get the cucco bottle anyway and jabujabu is skipped? Maybe the letter is required for the gold scale but then my question is why would you need that? Aaaand why would you talk to zelda for her letter? I guess I don't know much about this game's low% route at all.
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Mitjitsu wrote:
We were saying that 2 years ago about OoT, and now look where we are.
Without a run that's been published less than 2 years ago? (ho ho!)
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This should have been in the nintendo64 emulator forum, not the nintendo64 games forum... Also, the top of every page here says "If you have a question, please read the FAQ first to see if your question has already been answered." The page that might be most useful to answer you is right here: :)
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MissileWaster wrote:
Comicalflop wrote:
See if you can pick me from the crowd.
you're the one off camera saying "why are you faggots holding hands it's not like it's going to help anything."
I see what you did there. :)
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Kyman wrote:
Awesome! :) I accidentally left on a texture mod I was checking out while capturing/encoding, so apologies if you dislike the way it looks :P Download here.
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Johannes wrote:
I tried encoding SM64 with DeDup, and MediaInfo reports 30.000fps from the result, which makes no sense. There's two 60fps fades at the beginning of the video. Apparently, it displays.. what framerate is most common, and not an average. The video is fine though.
Yeah. mario64 gives 30.000, and my mm encode gives 20.000 wich makes no sense since the menu is 60, and there are long periods of no action at all (my intro video, the story after file creation, black during loads). But the rules were written so people don't make 30fps videos and motion information is lost (by motion information, I mean less than 60fps cannot acurately show 30Hz blinking, "wobbling", etc, and either blends/blurs frames or drops frames to achieve the lower fps). I doubt bisqwit would have any issue with true standardized varibale framerate in a video with no lost motion information. I even figured out how to fix the glitch I mentioned above (last frame before many dups lingering) so this method is problem-free, and I reupload the MM video. But yeah, back to MM :)
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Swordless Link wrote:
Great job. You should consider encoding the final product when it's done. Your encodes are perfect, and Jabo 1.6 looks exactly the way I want it to on your video card (which is crucial, and I'll make this very clear in the submission text).
Thank you. As for my video card having it look perfect, the sun looks kind of messed up imo.
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Johannes wrote:
Unfortunately, MediaInfo does not report 60fps from the output, so this probably won't be allowed.
I don't see what that has to do with anything... It even makes sense since it's not 60fps, it's variable framerate? The video itself is real speed. And I always thought the decimate filter was kind of hacky. I mean, it breaks bframes, and can only even be done with 1 encoding thread. Anyway, the grave entrance was crazy awesome. And even if the moon did always have an entrance collsion area, wouldn't it be behind the teeth? In any case you'd need the bow to gain so much height without a lot of horizontal distance. Last but not least: "v3" is the encode of latest m64, where I always put them, I still need to work out the kinks with this dedup thing. it seems that the last frame before a long dup sequence is held for longer than it should. But overall this encode looks pretty sweet.
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I'll encode it. But I won't be able to upload until late tonight, since I'm a ways away from home. Note to encoders with good x264/mencoder knowledge... So, I can have "threads" be more than 1, "bframes" more than 0, AND have duplicates decimated. Only possible with avisynth input, mkv output (as far as I know). If you care, you should google "DeDup" :)
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MrGrunz wrote:
has somebody a debug rom to see if there are any potential places to use wrong warp or is somebody keen on helping me with it?
Some plugins (like jabo 1.6) have a wireframe mode. I wonder if that shows the polygons that make up the collision boxes of rooms that are all in the same map...?
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Comicalflop wrote:
So all the "when is this done?" "I demand to see a WIP!" "what's ur statuz?" posts are, utterly useless. Progress cannot be posted before it is made.
Yes, but lives can intervene. Surely you don't think it's useless or rude to ask for an update after a month or so of no word. It has happened that people got busy and never updated, and a "sups, progress?" post spurred them to inform "sorry, busy, but will post back when I pick it up in x months". Though in this case he was probably just eager :)
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duksandfish wrote:
Bobmario511 and Kyman did just that.
Old or not, I see mario bouncing from backwards hyper- (ok fine, super) speed to forwards hyperspeed on walls that I can see with my eyes. I would like to know more.
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Blaise wrote:
Now do TTM slide, ya know, because you can.
but he can't. Gaps and such. I would have started going up PSS with a BLJ