Posts for bkDJ

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Captain Forehead wrote:
I am kind of oblivious about skipping the goron mask
That word! I do not think it means what you think it means!
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petrie911 wrote:
But of course. However, I think this will be faster. After looking at previous runs, getting the Goron Mask takes 6 minutes. The Goron Race takes 2 minutes, and the extra trip to Pinnacle Rock takes 3 minutes. So, unless the other time lost adds up to more than 5 minutes, it looks like this should be faster.
But throughout the run wouldn't there be many many many many seconds lost due to lack of goron rolling? Or is this compensated by infinite super slides?
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Johannes wrote:
Correct. After pressing C^, you can't jump or otherwise control Mario until you fall off a ledge, which is what is done in BoB.
Oh. I figured it could be cancelled at any time with A or Cv. I guess that limits its applications even more.
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Bobmario511 wrote:
You can't actually just jump after bouncing though
Why would that be? You sure it's not just the first tap of A that doesn't work because C^ is still on?
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I really suck at tasing this game. I just messed around with the rolling cubes outside the pyramid. That's some hacky collision code there. I was slipping all over the place, clipping in and out of the box and sometimes insta-dying in the air for no reason. No luck getting a BLJ though since the hole inside is bigger than I thought. And I guess if one of the signposts could be used it would be known already. What about using the walk-walls of a pillar in conjunction with the bird? :/
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well there's the "mupen64-rerecording" thing with the red ".exe" icon, but some members here have created other versions all with blue icons, like the one that works with reset-recording or that splits recorded avis into 2GB parts to avoid corruption, and one made with an apparently better savestate system and more robus rerecording, called antids (antidesync). It's doesn't eliminate the problem but it alleviates it somewhat. Or so I've read. EDIT: hmmm. I couldn't figure out what settings make it look correct (it looks best on napalm but oh well) so the motion blur and dynamic lighting don't seem to work at all. And flat stuff (fences, grass) just looks awful. But anyway here's a badly cropped, oversized encode:
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were you using the vanilla mupen or the antids version?
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I caught your post before you removed it. please don't use jabo 1.5.2. Use jabo 1.6 or rice 6.1.4 or glide64 napalm. The reason being that if you play the game without special effects (like good transparency and shadows and dynamic light and bloom and anything that uses a framebuffer, like the pause screen) then no one can watch or encode the game with the best-looking options either. or else it will desync. (cf. latest ocarina of time run)
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andymac wrote:
sorry to bring this thread up again, but I did a short WIP of this game up to the part where you bash the key with the frying pan. Anyways, the game keeps desynching. I think it's to do with the length of the cutscenes when you hold down frame advance, but I can't put my finger on it, and I'd really like to TAS this game. So if anyone could help me out, that'd be great.
what video plugin are you using, what are your processor/graphics card specs. (I doubt I can be helpful, but at least some information is better than "it desyncs too much" because that was said of Majora's Mask too at one point)
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I loved this run! Tails yawning was probably the funniest moment for me so I dunno if it should be the screenshot but hey, why not :) Also here's a 65MB encode: (not publishable since I didn't put file stats like play length)
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encoded (the textures in this game love to go transparent or blurry for no reason for me, sorry)
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Johannes wrote:
Your logo has "tool-assised" in it.
Wow. Ummmm... I just wanted to see how long I could leave that typo in there until someone pointed it out (lol 3 months). Thanks! :v
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I put up an encode of the wip from the beginning, and I'll probably do future levels as well: EDIT: oh, there's already an encode of the latest part. oh well.
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andymac wrote:
Can anyone give a definitive answer to why there are collision fields off the map in BOB?
Not definitive, but it could be a) limitation of the engine, every level needs them or b) it wasn't obvious during testing and the busy level designers forgot and were never called out on it.
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So, reading the above, it seems like this trick (can we name it? "BLJ+C^+Invisible Wall" is kind of impractical unless you want to abbreviate it BLJCIW. I suggest FBLJ for the forward-backward-longjump... or BLJF for backward-longjumping forward, but FBLJ rolls off the tongue easier :P ) could be used for many stars in Shifting Sand Land (I can't wait to see 100-coins done with this method) and Snowman's Land. Also for Cool Cool Mountain since there at least 2 invisible walls that collide with the floor that I know of (the one near the black area close to the lower teleportation bridge and the random one near the top of the elevator). And maybe Tiny-Huge Island. I think that's it though.
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Wow at the latest freerun! That ridiculousness will be useful for pretty much every BoB star except chain-chomp's. EDIT: this was a pretty boring 1000th post :/
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Sami wrote:
Blaise wrote:
I always think that anchor is gonna rip open that dolphin on RBB =(
yeah same here, poor dolphin =(
Oh come on guys. It's obviously a dolphin ghost playing a prank on you. he had no problem going through the anchor, so he could have gotten up at any time. :P I wonder... if they fixed collision/plane problems in the xbla version, did they also fix weirdness like the awkward anchor cutscene?
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Ah, so you mean you have to start a Beak Bust before Banjo starts tumbling, and then you need to hit the ground before Banjo starts tumbling after that?
No, you beak bust ON the high up platform, and while banjo is in the air going from "upside down with kazooie's face out" mode to "standing on feet" mode, you fall from whatever height, and when you land, 0 damage. EDIT: encode. ("part10beta" will be deleted in a month or so but for now, I'm leaving it up for those who want to see the differences (nearly 10 real-time seconds saved!))
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1st pass should be done with a crf of the encoder's choosing (picking 22 to 26 seems reasonable) and pass2 should just use that bitrate. That way you are encoding to a certain quality and don't have to guess a good bitrate. Oftentimes, it will be less than the 414 kbps limit (assuming 128kbps sound) and mroe efficient than a guess. Also since pass2 is like 20% better than pass1, you can also do like pass1 at crf19-23 and make pass2 20% lower bitrate and be near exactly the same quality. All this gives every game an equal chance to look good at a reasonable filesize. Naturally the more demanding 3D games' encodes will be bigger this way but not "bloated." My 2 cents.
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arflech wrote:
I suspect that it starts with "1 4 6 8 9 10 12 15 16 18 20"
Yeah. I deleted it though because I made a new version that's 10x faster. to nineko: ... whoops
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Fuck it's after the deadline but I didn't see this thread until now. Sending PM asap. Edit: Oh nevermind. my code is kind of long, and I was aiming for readablity and fastest execution, not fewest characters. (28 seconds to execute to 1000000 on a 1.8GHz laptop) Edit2: quickly shrunk it anyway and PM'ed
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Hi BrianRuleZ: The above link (this) is always up to date on my encodes for this game. And vlc kinda sucks, try mpc+cccp. And to onReload about the 5th jinjo pause: Banjo doesn't collect the jiggy until the jinjo has disappeared, whether he has to dance (on land) or not. You can see this in almost every level. Situation was similar in Clanker's Cavern, too.
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about the ladder stuff earlier: whoops. Watched it now and I realize it's not where I thought. But yeah, Sami, you should probably redo that part if it saves more than a second. And I wanted to say: Amazing damage boosting all throughout RBB. For those who haven't seen the wip yet, I am uploading the encode now so you can at least see the preliminary version of the level. I'll post back in like 2 hours.
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um. I haven't watched it yet but if you are talking about what i think you are talking about with the falling thing... isn't there a ladder you can touch near the last possible frame to cancel the fall damage? It seems like aiming for the ladder would be quicker than doing a "rat-a-tat rap" (lol window breaking move) mid-fall.