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The christmas tree seemed resistant to jump[-stomp]-climbing when I was playing through last...but that's a bit of fuzzy recollection.
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Nothing hits my eye as problematic (The apparent slowdown in Pyramids of Peril obviously has to wait for the platform), still looks quite good... Boomerang Bosses vs Samurai Haze = inconsistency. That murderwall speeding forward behind you in Forced Entry as you sat on the teleporter was a high point. BlizzardMountain->FrostyDoom->15->BloodySwamp planned?
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...*offers a cup of good cheer*
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Also relevantly- TASing a scene, though I suppose it falls outside the usual definition of tools here- he's to be messing with the game world a bunch outside of rewind, slow, etc.
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This feels so much faster than the last one...major kudos. The hatches are still inoperative, except for the ones keeping you in the nav room. I think the thing I liked least about Fusion was the absurd amount of hand-holding, that you had to go to two nav rooms between sectors at least."You've been there before, but I'll show you again anyway"
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Um...yes. This looks like 4/5 of a game. Meh.
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Couldn't you interleave the fuse times, though? I.e. activate mask, drop bomb, pick up bomb, hover, hover(change timings if it's faster than a bomb)? It'd be faster than strictly bombs that way- and perhaps speed up even chu hovering maybe, or save a chu should it be viable (if you can activate the bomb mask while getting set up, say)... But is it even shield-blockable?
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Ooh, new wip. *downloads* Looking good. I'm guessing you need no more lives, because I think it would look snazzier if you managed to grab the other (nonrandom) extra life with boomerang cutter in SC- and you aren't lacking in shots against SC itself, so...feasible? Just a suggestion. (edit: argh, browser lag hit submit first time)
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Yeah, it sounds like a good idea. I don't particularly understand the "Computers are getting so much faster, why optimize?" argument- perhaps they want to use that cpu time for other purposes. [/bicker and argue about who killed whose cpu] Something semi-related has been suggested before. (And a yet older topic.) I'm not sure if the sprite information is the hints he's using, but...
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bkDJ wrote:
Two things. 1) So holding A speeds up text, but L+R+B doesn't help? :/ (not on a computer that can emulate right now or else I'd use the provided savestates.
I don't know about LRB working or not- I was basing "A speed up works" on the SDA run I have downloaded. (No, I don't have mupen set up to try the savestates, and I don't have a save close to furnace fun on console- and my gameshark is the one one version before they added the port for updating/downloading saves.) ...though I do seem to remember LRB auto-selects the B-button option if the person was going to ask you a question, such as Boggy w/ "do you want to race" etc. but you've probably already run into that.
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Johannes: I'm curious, how's the internal timer included there?
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Rattleman: error: upper right honeycomb (three left of life statue, up of three skulls) is also a life statue...
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Or, use the notedoor etc. sandcastle cheatcodes and save bundles of time over other options.
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JSmith: Each joker square allows you to skip two, not one. edit: Kirkq: No can do, I haven't got an emu for it- I used cart and console.
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I liked this movie. And some of the music. (And I'd guess it'd be something simple like bosshp-> triggering death-animation triggers "next level sub", which cases what level you're in by room, and the else/default case is if you're not in any of the non-final bossrooms, therefore you're at final boss.)
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keyboard>mouse But it's good to have independent verification- now we have two maps that agree. ...Actually, you got a square wrong- fourth row, column seven(junction down, left, downdown from last square) should be a timer, not a honeycomb. [URL=][/URL] edit: all other squares on our two maps agree.
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[note: possibly subject to human memory errors] You can interrupt Grunty at any time stopping the question typing No, wait, that's Tooie's Tower of Terror Quiz. *pulls up marshmallow's SS run* He takes the joker on the left: UULLLLRRUUULUUUUULLUUURRRRUURU. You can still use the standard "speed up talking" by holding button (A?) at the least. The first joker's worth taking obviously- one question is much less than the two minutes saved on minigames. Whether it's worth answering four additional questions (top left) *returns from downstairs* Here, have a freshly sketched, converted to unicode map:

J B   B    S
  AAx♫δ    S
  I   I    S
  B   xBSI♫δBx
x♫δ♫S   S    ♫AJ
♫   I   A    I
x   ABxBδ♫IABI
AIB♫S      x
x   x      S
J   AδxBδIB♫AB
     B  x    B
     I  B    J


I: Visual question
S: Death question
A: Witch question
B: B-K square, general question
♫: Music/voice question
Ω: 1up statue, no question
x: honeycomb, no question
δ: Timed minigame!
J: Joker: Answering question yields two jokerskip cards.
visual and music questions will take a bit longer because you must look/listen before you're allowed to pick an answer, consider. edit: invisible walls to keep you on track are there after you've finished Furnace Fun too, btw. But you can freely roam the board (and get easy extra lives should that be your aim) edit: I know you can speed up talking because marshmallow did it. I don't have any saves at a point that can play Furnace Fun- a pity because I thought it was the high point. (Lack of boss refight also was something I didn't like...)
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Curious how it's coming, eager to see.
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Isn't GA2 4-player in its arcade incarnation?
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Also you won't take fall damage for any height traversed pre-bounce, iirc.
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At least one is accessible without, marshmallow used it. I think the others all have minigames in the way though - also, gamefaq's map of the board is incorrect in some squares. Been a while so I don't remember exactly which, but felt it bore mentioning.
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Whelkman wrote:
Nitrodon wrote:
He needs to be the main character. If you talk to a certain person in Bone, he will give you the key to Grime Tower...
I'm 95% certain Olvan can get the key if he is the partner AND the leader is dead.
The Let's Play run does this for the key (Wilme main dead, Olvan partner), so yes, this is possible.
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Watched, was...well...I like the game, but it seems like it's still a "more of the same" TAS. Optimizations and some route fiddling without any serious added tricks from last version 8/9
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Corrupted savegame, maybe that would be possible...but dubious. Perhaps if you somehow managed to buffer-overflow to the down-stairs from Crono's room destination and change it to the last Dream Team room. :D [/levity and jokes]
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I'd like to add my amusement that you prevent death by suffocation by filling up with helium on several occasions.
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