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since iam using fraps longtime now, G hertz and or RAM wont help that much.. to run fraps or similar things properly you need: - decent ram/ghz for the game performance while running the third party programm - very very very fast harddisk - and for the best results record the video on a harddisk seperated from your OS
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even the rock/mega man crew is a big fan of haruhi suzumiya !!! do the harehare haruhiism ftw :D
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hell i cant stand it, i really really yesterday i talked to moozooh that iam missing a turko tas!!!! thats so funny haha god heared my prayer what a coincidence btw yes(but you should try to improve it soon :D)
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first i thought well so much faster, it will be a yes from me but - after i saw you fail doing some tricks and did redo them or anything else i cant vote other then NO i did not care much about the unoptimized stuff because the movies is faster at all even if you did not make everysingle move perfect - but failing the third superslide in the movie (shortly before you go to the gerudos for the second time) was the hella no iam sorry
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good to know i never heared about that thats pretty neat invis enemys :x
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Location: Mettmann you may watch it in frame adv and/or try to jump on it from anywhere else it still hits you and i dont know WHY and WHAT it is - i hope you can find the answer for me (to add: this thing happens more then once to me at that point now but i dont know why and what it is - it interupts my refills at that point) edit: you might wanna know, this thing does not vanish if you wait or anything it just goes off when you get hit by - it even stays if you go away and go back to it after killing the enemys and even more weird things happen there
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yep ! nice improvement there can not be another vote from me :)
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fooling arround again and... i can get the missile but iam behind the door and cant get out yet sheesh.. strange strange
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Cpadolf wrote:
I noticed the speed changes at some places :)
hooooo? how i guess this wont be possible since the speed increases continuating with the time soo far :D the music wasn't my style either it was just i could make the scenes fit better to that kind then my own style(you dont want to know :P) - i do better next time but don't expect me to find songs fitting for everyone ;D
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3 second pallet changes? do you mean the color invertions? i used sony vegas 5.0 alternative music? give me some genre examples :D? ill give my best for the next video - maybe its about tases in general i dont know yet edit: you guys didnt notice the speed accelaration or :P? it is a very nice trick making it hard to notice :D
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nice dude ;) i followed your wips and watched the end right now very nice improvments! yEs
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its hard to me to decide wth the music sometimes because iam listening to more extremer songs and stuff but well iam glad you liked it at all :) so jxq loves more visual editing? i thought i should not overload it or things like that :( - what do the others say?
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i've completed and finally encoded my super metroid music video and here is the download: (use telia sonera mirrors they have over 1,3 mb/sec for me) it was a lot of work and i hope you enjoy watching it and give me a review of it :D here are some video notes: -aims for realtime without loosing any ingame frames :P -skips all pause buttons hahaha -used heros any%(so you might wanna look at it now if you liked heros any%) -i did change the color slightly of some rooms maybe youll notice -i made most of the music parts fit to the video(was the hardest work) -and some other tricks and edits are inside to maybe youll find everything -its x264 codec - was a hella lot work to do !!!!!!! :( ----------------------- btw woot 300 posts :D
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since ceres is finished now the run goes rolling i wont post a wip yet but maybe someone is intrested(tonski i just say cwj xD) i tried the varialess.smv hero posted some pages ago after finding the new tourian entry its 1121 frames compared to heros 1171 (note: he goes down and emulates taking the missile but his smv was well more optimized and he had the highjump boots ^-^) i think i can shape more and more frames off since it was just a small test done in 5-10 minutes ^^ for anyone intrested iam currently in the old motherbrain room
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îts just a color glitch but it looks awesome :D or not? :P
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we should stop talking and begin to enjoy the nice beam of me here you go no cheats used its all true used freejump and armor equip/unequip and things like that note: freejump bugged jetjump obtainable from draygoon ( used to flee out of his pit in an suitless/rbo run)
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it would be a shame if you post you smv any day and showing you used a different tech or boost anywhere else beside the optimizing stuff :D are you 100% serious you use the boosts and ONLY the boosts from the 49'07 for example(jxq 49'01 does count to was the same steam pattern)
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~~ you should read with a bit more attention tonski T_T edit: well tonski the 49'07 was put together with help of moozooh hero jxq and me :x and the 49'16 thing was if saturn had a ingame count from 3057 but he delayed his frames inside of ceres so i said "ops nevermind :D"
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well now i forgott about that you saced ingame frames for i dont even want the 49'15 just a good ingame time at the ending screen so its not worth for me but maybe the improvements continue to go up near the 49'15 still it was 49'04 yet but i lost some frames and i need to punish the lost out of my run :D edit: btw iam a little confused i remember this post
Saturn wrote:
Looks great, hero! I'm glad you finally realized that the only way to show real quality in a Super Metroid run is to aim for ingame frame counter and not let yourself depend on some emulator version [...]
and now you this
Saturn wrote:
The decision is yours. I go for fastest escape time, even on cost of slight frame sacrifices before it, because it will be clearly noticeable in any video (unlike the frame sacs), and because it gives a nice characteristic value to the run. It's just for art, no other reason.
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And JXQ is right, let's not argue about this anymore. Believe what you believe in, and I appologize for trying to tell you the truth. It's just not possible to convince one with words, so let's wait until the facts come in form of a movie, ok?
Evilchen: The in-game counter doesn't matter, because I have a different beginning length anyway. The rest you can see on the escape timer pretty exactly.
ah i forgott your +3 frames in the begining and stuff never mind anyways forgott about that - but was it all worth to get 49'15 and having a slower ingame framecounter if you go for ingame time? yours must be beyond 3057 or even more slower as jxq's v2 (even ingame time)
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well i just wonder when you touch the elevator in ceres , since iam improving the current one for weeks now ( or trying at least with some gains up to now) yours should be 3057 based on what you said and a 49'16 is possible with that too
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meh meh the 1 star run was awesome yes but the 120 one could be bljed more or? i want to see that! to the all coin or the ccc less stuff, i never thought i would say it but : i did not like to watch any of the wips / tases from that kind they were just to borring i dont know :(
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