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Using Thunderbird, I can set '' as the incoming/outgoing mail server. If I check for new messages, I don't see any. If I mail something to myself from myself, it goes through but I don't see it in Thunderbird. If I try to mail to somebody else, I get an error: 'relay not permitted'. Installed mailx, used it to read/cleanup mail. Tried to reconfig exim4 to solve relay problem, didn't work. Mail from other systems seems to take an unusually long time. Can send messages to others though!
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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I tried your "chown" suggestion but nothing changed - identical warnings occur at startup. Maybe it's no big deal? I was able to send a message and if I go to /var/mail I can view a text file containing mail - various server bulletins along with the test message. This is a good sign. However, the link you mentioned is apparently bad news, because if I telnet in and type 'MAIL FROM whatever' I get a '500 Unrecognized command' error. EDIT: Using Thunderbird I cannot see any mail on the server, although I get no errors. That is, it seems to connect to the mail server and login but it tells me there are no messages there.
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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Like a headless chicken, I am proceeding. I went ahead and reinstalled exim4 and dovecot, and now telnet works. My only guess is that by installing dovecot ealier and then uninstalling it, telnet was somehow left hanging. I now get responses when I telnet my IP address or my domain name, although the responses do not exactly mirror the ones in the guide. Then again, I don't get errors either. As I begin to configure dovecot, can you tell me if I have to choose one format (imap, pop3, etc) in configuration or can I choose them all? The instructions aren't clear at all on this point. EDIT: I just went with the pop3 to be safe, and so far the instructions match. Telnet produced the '+OK Dovecot' response. However, as mentioned the other day, I still get those warnings about dovecot permissions. At this point the next big question is how do I check the mail?
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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HA...oh, only 'helo' doesn't work either. I tried to install 'telnetd' but that didn't affect anything. Shit, what if the rest of these instructions have typos too?
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Since I can't see it, I'm guessing the answer is no. I think Bisqwit is no fan of graphical signatures. I used to have one myself, but it was suddenly removed one day.
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OK, here's the latest status: mySQL seems good, but mail setup is not going well. I have configured the MX settings and '' now resolves to my machine. However, the instructions recommend using telnet to test the installation. When I try to telnet to my machine, either by IP address or domain name, I don't get much of a response -
Trying my-ip...
Connected to my-ip.
Escape character is '^]'.
After that it just hangs there, waiting. I can press CTRL+] to get a 'telnet>' prompt, but I can't seem to do anything else. The instructions recommend typing 'ehlo' but 'ehlo' gets an '?Invalid command' error.
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Already removed the 'skip-grant-tables' item, everything seems to work now as far as MySQL is concerned. Mail is another story. I figured I would just start over and reinstall the items one at a time as indicated here: Part of the reason for that was I had neglected to set my mail server at '', it was actually just ''. That seemed like a problem worth correcting. After setting up Postfix and SMTP authentication and configuring Saslauthd, everything looked good. Then I tried to test it using telnet (as the page recommends) but I received a 'Name or service not known' error. However, this may be my fault because I didn't previously configure the MX settings at our online registry. If I telnet to '' I get a response.
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When I hear "Akanerva" I think of Neon Genesis Evangelion and the red NERV logo I've seen on T-shirts.
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MySQL is definitely running and your test confirmed that. I edited the my.cnf but when I tried to restart I got this -
$ /etc/init.d/mysqld restart
-bash: /etc/init.d/mysqld: No such file or directory
Your dovecot suggestion returned this -
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 120 2006-08-16 16:14 /var/run/dovecot
EDIT: Big news - I'm retarded. The user I created in place of root still exists and works, I just had the wrong goddamn password. Anyway, I can get into MySQL now and use your 'select * from users' but it returns a very long, nearly illegible string of information. In the meantime I'll try to read more documentation about this. 2ND EDIT: Getting closer, I hope! I had read a stored password for user 'debian-sys-maint' in a file somewhere and so I decided to try and (re)establish that password in mysql. I entered this command:
mysql>GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'debian-sys-maint'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'supersecretpassword';
That seems to have solved my startup errors, because I rebooted (only way I know how to restart mysql) and the errors were gone! Let's hope the dovecot situation falls into place as easily.
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First of all, thanks for the quick and well-thought out replies. This is a stark contrast to the people at the Ubuntu forums where my request for help in the "Beginner Talk" went unanswered for days on end! I've heard about the '--skip-grant-tables' option but I don't know how to stop mysql in order to restart it. Can any user stop it? Do I need to login to MySQL first, or can I stop it from the shell command prompt? Once I stop and restart, can I recreate the 'root' user? The Dovecot error is consistent, it occurs after every restart. And typing 'mail' (or 'mbox' or 'maildir') returns a 'command not found' error. Yet again, I see I have new mail.
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LSK wrote:
Aren't our usernames already custom? Do you mean titles?
D'oh, yes, I meant titles. I used to have a custom title, but not any more. I miss it!
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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Small bit of good news - this afternoon I discovered that the MySQL username/password combo I set up for Wordpress works. However, it does not have root privileges. Let me show you guys all the errors/warnings I get when I start the server.
*Starting kernel log...				[ok]
Starting MTA: exim4.
Starting MySQL database server: mysqld.
/user/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Access denied for user 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost' (using password:YES)'
Starting SASL Authentication Daemon: /usr/bin/mysqladmin: connet to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Access denied for user 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost' (using password:YES)'
*Starting FTP server: vsftpd			[ok]
Starting mail-server: dovecotWarning: Fixing permissions of /var/run/dovecot to be world-readable
Warning: Corrected permissions for login directory /var/run/dovecot/login.
*Starting RAID monitoring services...		[ok]
I don't even know what that 'debian-sys-maint' user is all about, it's certainly no user I created. Frankly, I'm still a little fuzzy about how to create new users, especially for FTP access. And no, this isn't for my home computer.
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First let me mention that I've been following the step-by-step instructions over at: The initial setup worked fine - no errors or warning at startup. When I got to the mail settings (specifically Dovecot) things didn't work as the instructions indicated. I couldn't telnet to test the installation, the connection was rejected. Ever since then I've been receiving notices that I have "new mail" although I don't know how to check it. Making matters worse, I now get MySQL errors and I can't use any username/password combo to use mysql or mysqladmin. I took someone's advice to replace 'root' with another user for security reasons but now I can't do anything. I suspect the two problems are related.
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How about custom usernames for prizes?
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Post subject: Linux Server Help?
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Hey, I know a lot of the forum users run their own websites (like the one we're all using right now), and I was wondering if anybody out there knew some stuff about setting up a LAMP server. I've been working on this thing for a while and after some initial success (hosting and FTP seem to work) my mail settings are not right and MySQL went from OK to errors. Any advice would be appreciated. For the record, I installed Ubuntu 6.06 from a CD and I'm not using any GUI. Of course, I am frequently reconsidering that latter decision.
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This seems like a good topic to mention this site: I actually ordered the book.
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
Post subject: SNES9x 1.43 +v10 download?
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The EmulatorHomepages page only offers a link to v9 and the new SMW run says it uses v10. Where can I get that?
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Yeah, without seeing it we couldn't possibly determine if the text was Japanese, Chinese, or mere gibberish.
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In case anyone was curious, I picked up a collection of H.P. Lovecraft. I like his work, although the olde-tyme spelling can be a little annoying at times.
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That fountain is really cool. But what is DIY? Do-it-yourself?
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Ouzo wrote:
Very well done, loved Bongo and Ganon fights. I think someone should put an explanation of the pause bug in the movie text. New people will probably not get it.
Is that what was happening? I assumed it was an AVI thing.
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Hope I'm not being uncouth, but it seems a long time has passed since this run was accepted. Where is the movie? I'd very much like to see it. BUMP?
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Post subject: Reading Rainbow
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After thoroughly trouncing the forces of evil in Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow it occured to me that it's been a while since I read a really good book. With summer almost over, I was hoping to share and acquire some reading recommendations. Here are a few of my favorites:
    • Animal Farm
    • 1984
    • The Catcher in the Rye
    • Fight Club (of course)
    • Fast Food Nation
Not much of a list, I guess. Help me out?
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So, did you try to memorize things or just, literally, play it by ear?
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This seems like a great topic to mention Arbuckle's World, a blog where Garfield's "dialogue" is removed. I think it makes the strip funnier.
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