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Well, she's definitely Japanese but I suppose she could be of mixed heritage. Certainly her first name is unusual, ne?
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Ouzo wrote:
I thought of the character from Predator.
That was Harper...Arnie's accent makes it sound like "hopper" though.
Predator (1987) wrote:
Dylan: Look, we've been looking for this place for months. My men were in that chopper when it got hit! Harper's orders were to go in and get my men and he disappeared. Dutch: He didn't disappear. He was skinned alive!
Although IMDb uses "Hopper" in their quotes, but those are notoriously misspelled/misquoted anyway...shit, can someone watch this movie with the Close Captioning on? My DVD collection is sitting in my sister's house back in NY.
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I can't view this movie right now (using a school computer) but I just wanted to give my full support to this project. It sounds like each attempt is better than the last. I love this game and I can't wait to see it...whenever that might be. As Vanilla Ice once said, "Go Ninja go ninja GO!"
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Haven't we done this topic before? Or maybe I've just answered this question before on another board...I use this nickname a lot now. Anyway, my last name is Feit which sounds like "Fight." So "Feitclub" is kind of a pun, combining my name with a movie (and a book) title that I am very fond of. Why did I put in lowercase? I don't remember. It's also my domain name,
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Truncated wrote:
You missed something, that's for sure.
Damn it, I don't have access to any emulators/ROMs right now. Now I've got a reason to get to some though; I must see this.
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daniayaw wrote:
in feitclub idea, i would vote for genisto's smb3 toad house death XD
Huh? Did I miss something? When did this happen? And how do you die in Toad's house?
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OH....funny. The Picard thing is a loop from a techno song somebody made from audio clips of the show (adding the music, obviously).
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When I first spotted this topic, I thought you were proposing something very different: movies which feature innovative, improbable or amusing deaths. I like your idea too, but I think a "death competition" would be pretty cool!
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Wow, this was a great movie. I should tell you that since I'm here at school, I'm not supposed to install anything so it took quite a bit of effort (and a wee bit of secrecy) to download the movie and get it to play correctly. I've been out of the loop on movies because this is too much trouble usually but when I your Rockman movie was finished, I had to see it for myself. My favorite bit had to be skipping the Cutman & Elecman rematches on Wily 2 which also removed all the enemies from the rest of the stage. Hearing poor Cutman trying to throw his little Rolling Cutter at Rockman while you had already left the room was really funny too. I'm also flattered that you chose to thank me in the movie! Now I have to go back and search that thread to discover what advice I gave you! Fight Bisqwit! For Everlasting Peace!
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While I agree that it seems greedy to charge a fee just to be allowed to program for a system, I think this is a case where the ends justified the means. A winner was everybody: Nintendo got loads of cash and the consumers got a higher standard of game. I remember the Tengen games, they were not well made to begin with. Just look at the Rolling Thunder translation and you'll see what I mean.
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Hey, that's pretty cool. That would be a lot of fun for emulation gaming. Or MUGEN, if only it still thrived.
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Thanks for your kind words. As a member of the moderation team, I take a lot of pride in our harmonious atmosphere. Not that I don't love editing other people's posts but I prefer peace and quiet to shouting and flaming. Despite the fact that the forums have grown a lot, I'm happy to see that there have been very few rivalries/troublemakers. Indeed, usually the only problems have just been annoying people who eventually got bored and left (sometimes with a little encouragement ^_^).
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Bob Whoops wrote:
This site is fake.
Well, it's no more "fake" than we are "cheaters." It's a "real" site but I don't think there really is a pregnant guy. More likely, it's some kind of spoof/parody site, possibly to promote a film or support some political movement. If you go to the "main page" you'll notice that all of the featured "attractions" on the site are similarly far-fetched, such as Genochoice.
Highness wrote:
Now we don't need woman anymore. We can kill all womans and only care about computers.
"Women: can't live with 'em so we obsoleted them." Wave of the future, Dude... [EDIT] The good people at Snopes found the answer by reading the site more carefully than I did: I'm suprised to see their article is five years old, which means this site must be even older!
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Figuring out which exits you may have missed in that game is a real headache. It reminds me of Grand Theft Auto, trying to track down which hidden packages I might have missed. It drove me a little crazy.
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I think it's fascinating. So long as they make a sequel to Eternal Darkness, I'll consider investing in The Revolution.
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nitsuja wrote:
What do flies mean? (the most flies I've seen anything get is
I think flies might have something do with Flash, only because my friend's rather simple art page, Troutmouth, gets a fly but not much else. He also has no (I think) outgoing links, which might explain his lack of vegetation.
Bisqwit wrote: assaults the viewer.
A similar effect (only vertical) occurs when you view my review of the movie Sin City ( which confuses me because that page is little more than black and white text with no outgoing links and very few style modifications.
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Xaphan wrote:
I have a funny one (and easy to find) : assume that a = b and a > 0 a = b >> a² = ab >> a² - b² = ab - b² >> (a - b)(a + b) = b(a - b) >> a + b = b so, if a = b = 1 then 1 = 2 :)
This problem was actually part of Randil's signature until recently.
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Post subject: Organic HTML
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I recently came across this site, OrganicHTML and I'm fascinated by it. On the one hand, it's a fun way to waste time by just feeding it URLs to see what you get. On the other, I'm very curious to understand why some sites produce bigger/more colorful results than others. So I was hoping some of the skilled programmers and coders here might venture a guess or two or at least have fun with it for a while.
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Whoa, thanks! Other than the "big" tunes that you hear covered over and over, like "Vampire Killer," I can never keep these titles straight. Great link!
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Lan-Di wrote:
Shinryuu wrote:
These are some guy made Submissions.. Formats are Emulator Movie files .gmv,.FCM,smv.... in zip files if you want get AVI's You must Download Them with Bittorrent Client and read FAQs before you are doing anything
The thing is, there isn't a link for a torrent.. So this means there isn't even a avi? K ty, soz for not checking faq
AVI files are only made for accepted submissions. Pending/cancelled submissions (such as the one you have linked to) have no movie file, just the game replay file. Notice that the number of submissions greatly outnumbers the number of movies.
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unless wrote:
Hitler No Fukkatsu looks interesting, and I might pick it up later, but I really can't decide whether that Japanese Nazi version of the game is intriguing or off-putting. Lord knows I can't show it to my Jewish girlfriend.
Why not? You get to kill Adolf Hitler in the end. As a young Jewish boy I found that to be extremely satisfying. (personal note: This is my 800th post and my first from Japan)
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I've been hooked on this game since you posted this! Thank you! After much practice, it's not that hard to finish. Frankly, I'm surprised it ended when it did. I think the key is to take it slowly on the high levels so as not to overwhelm yourself in enemies. Also, you have to avoid that "?" item like the plague - every time I touched it my weapon power and energy was reduced to level one.
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What ROB did was respond to signals from the screen. I played Gyromite many times and when you played alone, you had a button that would signal ROB to lift/drop these plastic things in front of him which would then raise/lower barriers in the game. Your character would look out (breaking the "fourth wall") and there would be a flash. ROB would then respond. Of course, ROB didn't move very fast so it was a hell of a lot more fun to have a second person just operate the barriers on the 2P controller. And I bet those flashes of light drove epileptic kids nuts.
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
Alright. Looks a heck of a lot like part of some circuit diagram.
I was thinking it looked like the languages you see on Star Trek Vulcan or something. Or music perhaps, in a new notation format. Could it be an artistic representation of the data in a FMV file? I give up!
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Hey, I can't see any of pictures at the top of the thread. All I see are broken image placeholders.
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