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"sdkess7," I enjoy time attacks. I enjoy making them, and I enjoy watching them. I also enjoy watching "unenhanced," for lack of a better term, speed runs like those Metroid movies. But I don't enjoy the idea that time attacks are cheating. Cheating only has negative connotations: (noun): Someone who leads you to believe something that is not true (noun): The act of swindling by some fraudulent scheme (noun): A deception for profit to yourself (verb): Deprive somebody of something by deceit (verb): Defeat someone in an expectation through trickery or deceit (verb): Engage in deceitful behavior; practice trickery or fraud If you came here to defend yourself from comments that offended you, fine. But you took time out to tell us that we're viewed as "cheaters" by "serious gamers." And the comparison between yourself and a professional athlete is illogical. Derek Jeter is serious about baseball because he is paid $18 million a year to play it. I know professional video gamers exist, but they're not playing NES. They're competing in international tournaments, earning a living.
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I've played the game on Famtasia, no problem. Pretty fun. Definitely avoid collecting those coins that enemies drop, as it launches a between-level "bonus game" like Super Mario 2.
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Post subject: Re: Something I want to say
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sdkess7 wrote:
You aren't concerned with the "gamer" rules of playing the game because that is not your goal. I understand this, but it doesn't change the fact that the methods used are considered cheating by basically all serious gamers.
"Serious Gamers" is, in my opinion, an absurd oxymoron. Games are supposed to be fun, and most of these games we are playing were designed for children. If you guys want to practice for days/weeks/whatever to produce an "authentic" speed-run, I hope to Christ you're enjoying yourself. Otherwise you should stop.
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Wouldn't the US version be faster by default since it does not have disk loading?
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Well, it's time for a status update, as I know you are all waiting with baited breath for my new time attack. [/sarcasm] The good news is that I am way ahead of all previous versions recorded/discussed on these forums. Between what I already knew, and the new techniques revealed to me, I can definitely complete this attack in well under 17 minutes. The bad news is that I have to start over because one of my early decisions to save time has, in fact, slowed me down tremendously. The issue at hand is trying to avoid the frequent top-view segments which are triggered by contact with enemy trucks. These battles are brief but not very entertaining and I feel they are an unwelcome departure from the game's signature "arm-swinging platform" gameplay. It seems that the Japanese run linked to by Boco (above) is most likely the fastest possible route, although I have yet to determine if the incredible secret in Area 17 is actually faster than completing Area 9, which is a pretty short stage. Bottom line: this won't be as captivating as the Zelda debate, nor will it involve the scrutiny of a Mega Man game, but it's going to be pretty cool when it's all finished.
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Genisto wrote:
Yes, I am French, but I know English just enough to read and write it. That's why I did not come to this forum before. But, I will do my best.
Bienvenue, Genisto. Et félicitations. ^_^
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Deviance wrote:
he used pretty much the same strategies in his time attack that I did on my speed run, but with savestates he was able to control the randomness, something I could not do playing the game from start to end. His time attack beats my speed run by a little over a minute, which is very good for me :)
Deviance, thanks for the info about the video codec you used. I am now able to watch your Punch-Out videos. Great work. I must have missed something here...who is "he" in this conversation?
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Bisqwit wrote:
I speak gaijinese ;) I know some japanese, but I'm relying heavily on computer tools that convert between languages and transliterations.
Are you translating Japanese to Finnish, or Japanese to English to Finnish? Is there a Japanese-Finnish dictionary?
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Bisqwit wrote:
I decided that I'll try the game myself and if I can't beat your time, I'll publish yours. Your time for levels 1-10 was 2:27. I got 1:55. Conclusion: Your movie won't be published as it's now.
That's a pretty cool way to determine publishing standards. "If I can beat you, you don't get in."
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This is really cool. As more people choose signatures, that page will become quite colorful! BTW, what is the distinction between "active player" and "player?" Sleepz has many more movies made than myself, but he is only a "player."
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Location: Kansai, JAPAN anyone recording at this point? Or is this all theoretical?
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Bisqwit wrote:
Not planning. Now that you got my attention, I wonder: what on earth do the "total downloads" and seed counts signifiy in that avi-less movie?? Humh.
Does "total downloads" include the FMV files?
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Lezard wrote:
Great, i can't wait to see it, i'll be doing another after this weekend (i'm taking a break) so watch out :)
Lezard, I must say that your Batman run was really cool. I loved your technique of running through damaged enemies rather that killing them.
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Post subject: Mozilla Help
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I downloaded Mozilla after hearing so much about it. Seems neat, but I've got a problem accessing this site. In particular, I can't download the FMV files using Mozilla. All I get is a "text file" of 3 or 4 kB, much smaller than normal. Using IE they download just fine. Any idea why this happens?
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Thanks for the link. I have a hell of a time finding Japanese fonts. Do you know of any other free J-fonts?
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This time attack totally offense to Bob, but this run is 100 times cooler. I loved using the feather to save time waiting for platforms.
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Contact Bisqwit direct using the PM feature. He runs the site so the best way to get something fixed is tell him. Posting on the boards means you have to wait and hope he's reading.
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I think the fundamental problem with "beat 'em ups" is that they are extremely repetitive and thusly not very entertaining as a video. I'm reminded of that Renegade video that was might still be in the Workbench board somewhere. Lezard's "2P by 1P" Double Dragon II video was a little more refreshing, but even still it can be slow at times. I give him a lot of credit for bending over backwards to try something new as well as stage fights in an entertaining way. It doesn't help that DD2 was one of the easiest games in the world. The super knee attack was just way too powerful. We all loved playing these games, but that doesn't necessarily make them fun to watch.
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I'm really looking forward to seeing this time attack. I haven't played Zelda II in a long, long time.
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Post subject: Re: Games I'd like to see (Which should I run?)
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Boco wrote:
I'd also like to see a Hitler no Fukkatsu run under 17 minutes.
Bisqwit wrote:
I have a 17:06 long movie (fmv) of that game, but I don't yet know if I can publish it. It origins from
Boco shared that FMV with me earlier this week. I am confident that I can beat that time, especially since he doesn't use A+B+START to exit the neutral areas quickly, nor does he escape the fortress with maximum efficiency. So publish it if you must, but I vow to beat his time, and possibly even make it under 17 minutes. Count on it!
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Thanks, both of you. I had heard about using "PRINT SCREEN" before but I never knew how to see what I had captured. You have to use image software and then "PASTE" the screen shot in.
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I...don't understand.
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Post subject: Famtasia Screen Capture?
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How do I take snapshots of the action in Famtasia? Is it as simple as pressing a key, or do I need another program?
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Post subject: Kid Icarus
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Once upon a time, I played the balls off of this game, but 15 years apart has left me with a lot of questions regarding the significance of certain elements. I enjoyed watching the new time attack, but I don't understand why certain choices were made. [1] What's the point of collecting all those hearts? Is it like experience points? [2] I understand using the hammers to free flying soldiers, who then help you fight the boss. But if the boss kills them in a flash, do you really need to free them at all? [3] I know what the bow and the fire do, but what's the point of that wand? [4] I remember a "good" ending where Pit turns into a tall, good-looking dude. How do you get the good ending?
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Viewed the clip...very educational. Obviously he does some things faster, and I never heard of that bizarre shortcut in Area 17. But I definitely do some things faster than he did, and not just using the ABSTART quick-exit. Well, given this information I am confident I will produce the fastest Bionic Commando/Hitler no fukkatsu run yet!
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