Posts for jdurg

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Thanks. Wasn't aware of that. Can't wait to see this thing completed. :D
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Can't wait to see this movie completed. FF IV has always been one of my favorites. (First one I ever completed). Sadly, the file located on your website (FF2.smv) desynchs for me after the party leaves the castle. Ah well. :(
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minglw wrote:
schneelocke wrote:
Besides, I don't know about others, but when I play games myself, I don't usually get very far - part of the appeal of the runs on on this site is to be able to see games (all parts of them!) you otherwise wouldn't see.
I agree, voting YES for a Doki Doki Panic TAS run.
Same with me. Though I'm also a person who likes to see games completed 100% without any glitching. Sometimes a TAS is great to see, but I'm a much bigger fan of a "Fastest possible time to complete a game the way it was intended." I think it would be neat to see a complete run of Doki Doki Panic. (Just as I'd like to see a complete run of Legend of Zelda, 100% with the levels completed in the order of 1=>9).
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moozooh wrote:
Haven't seen that one yet, though I probably will tonight.
Highness wrote:
How's it going with your run moozooh?
I've put it on hold, and will restart it upon resuming. I wasn't too familiar with neither the game's physics nor memory watch so the beginning could've been improved despite being optimized a bit more than the any%. Also, I will try some randomness manipulation. And Brushy has quit TASing. :<
I look forward to seeing it finished. I've been patiently waiting for a while now to see a suited 100% run. :)
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Kitsune wrote:
I personally think there should be different TASing catergories as far as runs. Like GLitched, Normal and 100%. Each one should get it's own listing, so they don't automatically obsolete a run from a different catergory.
I agree with this as well. Some people like different aspects of the TAS runs and it would be nice to be able to have separate categories for each. I get the most enjoyment out of watching games played as they were intended. I'd LOVE a 100%, no restarts, run of Zelda or Zelda 2. While the Up+A trick is valid and is mentioned in the instruction book, I just find it's use to be kind of boring. The thing is, just because I like to see the full games played as intended doesn't mean that others do. Hence the idea to have different categories seems really neat to me.
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Wow. I forgot just how great the sound and visuals are in this game. Even better is that the run was incredibly entertaining and at no point did I think "When is this movie going to end?". Very well done. Now if only I knew Japanese so I could read what's going on............. ;)
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I'd love to see full, 100% runs of Zelda and Zelda 2 without using the Up+A cheat and done in the proper order of the castles. Basically, I guess I'd just like to see a completed game movie as it was initially intended. Maybe I'm just old school in that regard. :D
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Inzult wrote:
jdurg wrote:
Is this a 100% of items collected run, or is it "collect the bare minimum needed to beat the game?". In addition, is the up+A cheat used to restart or is it completed without that cheat?
It has been submitted, as Serj said. You can (will!) see it in the Workbench forum. It collects the bare minimum of items. Up+a is used. Left+right, jump+fairy and that weird town glitch (whatever it is, I don't even really understand it) are not used.
Ahhh.... I see it now. Very entertaining movie. Nice job!
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Can't wait to see it. I don't mean to ask a silly question, but since the thread has gotten quite long it's a bit of a pain to look back through the past to get all the details. Is this a 100% of items collected run, or is it "collect the bare minimum needed to beat the game?". In addition, is the up+A cheat used to restart or is it completed without that cheat? Thanks.
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SectionX wrote:
cool can't wait! bart vs space mutants is a game i long wanted to see
Same here. That game made me so angry as a kid because I wanted to play it so badly, but could never get past the first freaking stage. Lost many controllers due to that game. ;)
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For me the most impressive thing would just be seeing the game completed. It has to be one of the worst made games EVER. Horrible control, insane difficulty, and frankly just a nightmare to play.
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Man, that brings back good memories. It's looking good! Thanks a bunch for doing this run suited. It's going to look good on the DVD I'm burning of the Metroid games. Now if only someone would do a full version of Metroid 2................. ;)
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Guybrush wrote:
This is going to be suited.
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Guybrush wrote:
Just informing that I'm still doing a 100% run, it's progressing slowly though.
Is this run a suited run, or is it another one of the suitless runs? (Just curious since it seems as if all the 100% runs out there are with the suitless Samus instead of the suited one.)
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King Of Chaos wrote:
Why not create an option yourself to turn it off?
Heh. My programming skills are nowhere near good enough to figure out how to do that. :D
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Well I was able to dig around in the source files and found the right items to change so that 'Movie Replay' and 'Movie Ended' no longer display on-screen. Took me a LOT of time to figure out how to compile the source code, but good ol' ingenuity taught me how to compile it with MS Visual C++. (I had only compiled MAME previously which is pretty straightforward). :D
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I was just wondering if there was an option in Snes9x that will remove the on-screen text. Whenever I record an AVI movie, the text messages that appear on screen (such as "movie replay") are being recorded into the AVI which is kind of detracting. Is there anyway to get rid of that text?
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JXQ wrote:
jdurg wrote:
Would be interesting to see a 100% run of this game. (As we now have 100% runs of virtually every iteration of Metroid).
We do?
If you dig around the forums here and pick up the 'WIP's'. ;)
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I think it would be kind of neat to see a SMA Lost Levels run in addition to an FDS SMB2 run. You could merge them into one movie and see the original game alongside the 'remake'. I was able to see the movie that was posted earlier in this thread, but it stopped after level 9-4 so we still need someone to do levels A-1 through D-4.
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Would be interesting to see a 100% run of this game. (As we now have 100% runs of virtually every iteration of Metroid).
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chyren wrote:
How do you watch the movie the guy posted?
Download the .smv file the guy posted at the bottom of page 1 and play it in Snes9x. The site here has a pretty good FAQ that explained it to me. :D
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Wow. I remember getting this game as a kid and being so happy to finally have a Spider-Man game for my SNES. Then I remember how HORRIFICALLY difficult it was and how it pretty much brought me to tears because it just couldn't be beaten. I had never wished pain and death upon game programmers before, but after playing this game I wanted them to suffer horrifically. I really don't care how 'neat' or 'clean' the movie was, just seeing this game beaten amazed me. I sincerely thought it was impossible to beat this game. Great job!
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I had never even seen the game Metroid Fusion before, so I was very intrigued by your movie. I enjoyed every minute of it. I can kind of see why the 'Metroid Crowd' wasn't all too fond of it as it did seem VERY linear which is kind of the opposite of every Metroid game out there. Still, watching the movie was worth every minute spent. Can't wait to see the 100% run. (And if you ever do a MZM 100% run, Metroid 2 100% run, or an original Metroid 100% suited run, I'd be the first in line to watch it.)
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Would it be possible to set up Mupen so that when recording AVI files it will automatically split them at the appropriate interval? I've had to go through a lot of trial and error to figure out where in a game I need to stop recording and then start on a new file. (Tried to record the Super Mario 64 120 Star run and I'd rather not repeat what I said when it had finished and the .AVI file was far too big for it to work. heh).
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LocalH wrote:
Are you complaining about the filesize of the interim AVI (if you're using one and not feeding an AVS straight to your encoder, should it allow you do to so), or the filesize of the encoded MPEG-2? If you're troubled by the interim disk space, I recommend using the CamStudio Lossless codec. When set to GZIP at level 9, it produces files that are quite small, but is slow. I use it for my emulator raws, before I manipulate them with Avisynth, and then I feed the AVS directly to TMPGEnc (my encoder of choice). As far as the final filesize on DVD, that depends on the encoding parameters, and to a point whether you use VBR or CBR. VBR usually takes longer to encode but will create smaller files than CBR at the same quality. Conversely, if you have both a VBR and CBR file of the same filesize, the VBR will have better quality (although if the bitrate is high enough then you probably won't notice a difference). Did you just mistype or did you really use 325x240 instead of 352x240? I don't see why it would crash either way (unless it was the encoder crapping out during compression).
Yeah, that was a mis-type. :-) I eventually got it to work out just as I had hoped and was able to get the video to work with Samus still visible. I had an old 40 GB hard drive laying around so I installed that in my PC and am using that for all of my video file work so I don't have to worry about file size any longer. :-) It's pretty neat being able to pull out a DVD of Super Metroid and watch it when I feel like it. Still, I think I'll spend more time watching these movies right on my PC as my PC monitor if pretty danged huge and they look great in the .avi format. Might just wind up putting all of the videos on DVDs as normal files. Save the "movie making" for my buds who are kind of technologically challenged and would just want to pop in a DVD to see the movies.