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Truncated wrote:
The movie that irks me the most is probably Icarus 100%, since it doesn't even get the best ending. That should be obsoleted quickly or removed altogether...
I made a better run of that some time ago... for VirtuaNES, though. =P Wasn't perfect by any means, but at least I actually DID get the best ending. Perfecting a run like that is rather difficult, really, since it involves finding the fastest way to get exactly 200000pts before the final stage. The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
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mikwuyma wrote:
I thought your run was good, but I noticed three mistakes. -In the third area of stage 1 (the hallways with big robots) you don't have to kill anything, you can just dash through all the robots.
ORLY? Good to know. =)
mikwuyma wrote:
-Why didn't you fight Big X? Is it faster to defeat him later when you have a bunch of upgrades?
It's an optional fight, and subsequently an optional Omega upgrade that takes too long to acquire.
mikwuyma wrote:
-In your fight against Pook, around frame 34300 couldn't you have either jumped earlier so you could punch the fin, or manipulated the fin to move more slowly so you could hit it?
Yeayh, actually, the Pook fight has like 5 mistakes, and none of the boss fights have been optimal thus far, except for maybe the big red globe and the Amazing Three. The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
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Games like this are what time attacks are made for. =) Now we need to see one of the Roadrunner game. The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
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Yeah, I remember seeing this run ages ago and I basically came to the conclusion that it was all right, but the game itself just isn't very entertaining to watch in this regard (not that that's stopped runs from being published before.. =P). I feel this way about 1-on-1 fighting games in general, and this one is particularly simplistic. Should be noted that due to the nature of the programming, it DOES take some work for a fight to end up perfect. On the other hand, I wouldn't feel too bad about rejecting it since the game is so short; it probably didn't take too long to make. =P The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
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Yeah... there are a few places in the test video where that technique probably would have sped things up. Kicking really isn't something that should be done unless knocking the enemy back would actually help. And yeah, the machine gun, while nice to have in the regular game, is useless in a time-attack, so that can be entirely factored out, along with the sensor and the Life upgrade, since I don't think there's ever a moment when taking damage can help save time. I don't think the EX dash is all that useful either, though I admit I never used that move much in regular play. Incidentally, the test video includes stages 1 and 2 now, mainly 'cause I wanted to try out one of the shooter stages. In it, I get three of the optional Omega upgrades (Alejo, Rainbow Parakeet, and Magma, none of which are significantly out-of-the-way), which I THINK would be worth it in the long run, even though the upgrade process is time-consuming. Anyway, I still can assure you I'm not likely to make a complete run myself, so I hope someone else will. >=O Nay, I DEMAND it! The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
Post subject: Re: Astro Boy
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Whaaa.. are people missing the
josh l. wrote:
I'm hoping someone who has more skill in time attacks will see this and be encouraged to give it a shot. =) I think it'd be a really fun video to see.
part? =P I don't think I'll ever finish this run myself. Too much planning and calculating is required for this game, and I'm not that talented a time attacker. In every situation, you have the punch, kick, punch combo, jets, and three special moves you can do (all of which incorporate a very long delay), and there are so many combinations which could be faster or slower. Plus, figuring out the best way to power up Astro is a whole job in itself... But I may try to make a video if no one else does.... To encourage someone to make a better one, if anything. If I ever find a whole lot of free time. AnotherGamer: Actually, you're required to beat all the enemies in order to move on, with a few exceptions in the shooter stages, though you should defeat those guys too, since it'd speed up the game. And unfortunately, all the enemies get a power boost the second time through, which pretty much evens out the powering up. =( The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
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I made a test run of Astro Boy and uploaded it here. It's a run of the first stage, up until its boss is defeated. As you can see by the video, this is a rather complicated action game with LOTS of moves, and there are so many combinations of strategies to use that finding the optimal one can be very difficult. I'm hoping someone who has more skill in time attacks will see this and be encouraged to give it a shot. =) I think it'd be a really fun video to see. The one major problem with making a video of this game, however, is that it does the "Ghosts n' Goblins" thing and makes you play through the game twice to see the "real" ending, with very little variation in the stages. I'd suggest forgetting about the second playthrough entirely, when making a video. Also, there is a "Hard" mode, but this is one of those cases where I wouldn't recommend it. All it does, in comparison to "Normal", is give the enemies more hit points and make their attacks stronger. It doesn't add more enemies or anything like that. All this would really do is slow the pace of the run, really. The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
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I can agree less! I'm just kinda concerned, because this site has become pretty useless now. But if nobody cares, then whatever. The El Viento run was pretty fun to do, and I'll probably try to do another improvement someday, regardless of whether or not it gets published. The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
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I thought so too, but my El Viento improvement has been sitting in the queue for a month and a half and counting. >=| It's not really off topic when the topic is about a Magaman game, and the point I'm trying to make is "Bisqwit really needs to stop skipping over every single submission that isn't Megaman, Mario, or Castlevania". It's not that there's anything wrong with the submissions being accepted, it's that there's a lot of equally entertaining stuff that isn't even being looked at anymore. It feels like a lot of authors are just being blown off. It feels like submitting stuff here is a waste of time, since the view on what's important enough to get publsihed is getting more and more narrow. And believe me, I'd love to encode my own movies. I can use the "create AVI" option on these emulators fine enough; it's the "compression into a suitable size while still retaining a good quality" part that I can't seem to figure out, and I can never find any instructions for it in layman's terms. The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
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And of course this game gets accepted for publication within three seconds. :rolleyes: Hey judges, a game doesn't have to have Megaman in it to be entertaining. How about getting around to looking at the other 50 or so submissions in the queue? The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
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I wonder if this grievance is worth reposting in a seperate thread on another forum. I doubt the judges will ever see it here, since this thread is about a game that doesn't involve Megaman or Mario. The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
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Hahaha... I'd put it a little nicer, but I agree. It's really annoying seeing perfectly entertaining submissions such as this languish for months on end as they accept movies submitted a day ago, again and again. And as you say, the voting system seems to mean nothing now. And there are still submissions from 2004 in the queue, for goodness sake. I understand time is limited, so maybe Bis should add more reviewers and encoders to the staff or SOMETHING. The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
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This really needs to be published. =/ I'd like to see it again, but I can't find the ROM anymore. The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
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Relevant to our interest! DK is up at the Speed Demos Archive now! Don't give up, OE! The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
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Suprised this hasn't gotten more votes! The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
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You know, I've played El Viento dozens of times, but never the spinoff/sequel. Looks like it's just as bonkers as El Viento was. Earnest can't seem to handle the whip quite as well as Simon Belmont does... Also, I love the level that lasted two seconds. (voted yes!) Just to complete the trilogy, I downloaded and played Annette Again after watching this. It really is a crappy game, and it would make a bad time attack, not that savestating works with Mega CDs anyway. The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
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BUMPING OWN POST BECAUSE EL VIENTO NEVER GETS ENOUGH LOVE. Fun fact: I discovered the glitch on the final stage by accident, when my recording desynched, it caused movement that led to the bug being demonstrated. In short, the flakiness of Gens's movie recording actually helped me make my movie faster in the end! The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
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I made it to the end of level 4. The luck I was having with desynching has ended, I'm afraid, but I've been able to handle it this time. Stage 4 was the game's big hurdle, and it's more or less smooth sailing up until the exruciating final stage. 5608 rerecords so far.. about 20 seconds faster than my published run so far. The last half of the game was already pretty optimal in the published run, I'm not really expecting to beat the complete run by even 30 seconds, let alone get it below 10 minutes... but we'll see! I'll submit the completed run within the next few days. Probably won't bump this topic anymore until then, as I know this isn't really a widely known game and there isn't much for anybody to discuss. =) The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
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Hey guys. Gens is being nice to me now, so I'm ready to see if I can make a REALLY perfect time attack of this game again. =) WIP: Stage 1: There's an intentional missed shot near the beginning, which somehow affects the cyclist's movement, so I can duck under him. I am very impressed with my handling of the three mob cars this time around! Boss was optimized much better too. Stage 2: I managed to make this stage look better than the recording I lost, so maybe it was all for the best. While there are no seriously noticeable improvements over the previous run, it IS a few seconds faster, mostly due to a few less wasted jumps. Stage 3: I already had the strategy for most of this stage down pretty well the first time, but I did find a few better ways to do things and to shave a couple seconds off. Changing the order I go after the dragons did indeed optimize the fight significantly. I'm going to try to beat the Level 3 boss without ANY wasted shots. This may well be impossible, but I'm going to try! In the first run it took me 28 seconds to beat it, so if anything, I'll try to beat that time. Time so far is 3:53, where in the published run it's 4:06 at this point. Not bad, eh? There's a very slim chance of getting the total time of the run below 10 minutes. That would be pretty awesome. =3 The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
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This hack was the work of an insane genius and I'm glad the movie was published. The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
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Wow... thanks for publishing this. =) Anon: A bit of dialogue after the "Annette stands in horror" line is cut too. The game actually does that if you choose to skip the previous cutscenes. I don't know if it's actually a bug, or if it's something they programmed in under the assumption that if you skipped all the previous cutscenes, you don't want to see the full ending. ^^; I hope to make an improved run of this as soon as Gens 3 is released! The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
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WHY do people keep time attacking this game? And why does it keep getting published? No level of expertise can make it not boring. I'm sorry. The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Any good reason why this 1 hour movie would be interesting?
Because it's a lot more entertaining than all the movies that have been published on the site lately. bobxp: I had problems too, but when I got it to work, it was with the European ROM. The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
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I'd like to see this too. Why wouldn't anyone else? =| Pac Land and a 100% kill Galaga 88 would be two very nice movies, not to mention all the Bonk games and lotsa others. The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
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Eep... sorry, there isn't. But the earlier version stopped just a bit past the first music box, and it shouldn't take more than 20-30 seconds to fast forward up to the point where I left off. The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
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