Posts for kooz

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Nice work! Especially with figuring out how to maximize the results when sliding... and really cool shortcut at Zig Zag! You are destroying my run and I love it. About the previous movie ending early... I don't know the rules on it anymore, but I remember a HUGE debate on the matter in regards to SMB1... If I recall, as long as the movie ends at a point where any additional input cannot affect the outcome of the game, its acceptable... Am I right? Bosses in this game are a bitch... I had a sneaking suspicion you'd get hung up on some of them. =/ I have no idea if my playing was ideal or if you're way ahead, or whatever... but feel free to hex my boss fights in, if it will help. (lol, probably not though, judging by how much you're improving on my run). Don't give up!
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Yeah, when I saw you slide down the first hill, I realized that I really should've done more research/experimentation prior to attempting a TAS... I didn't even consider sliding down hills as an option. Its clear to me that this run will be so significantly faster than the current one that it almost seems pointless to compare the two. I wasn't keeping a tally because I honestly thought you had warped past many of the ones I had to pick up. I figured your count would be lower, but if you're at +39, I'm sure you're correct in assuming the extra amount of time it will take to avoid a bonus plok would not be worth it. I did set out to avoid shells from the beginning, with the obvious priority being speed. If avoiding shells wasted frames, then I would simply get them, however I was fortunate enough to wind up VERY near the amulet when the count was getting too high, and as a result only needed to go back a level or two to find an obvious point where the tradeoff would not be too much of an impact. With an extra 39 to deal with, in addition to any others that could potentially be grabbed as a result of sliding... yeah, I agree, that amount of planning would be complicated, and could possibly even wind up a fruitless effort. If the sliding acceleration works anything like it does when he's limbless, I know what you mean. In Gohome Cavern, at the end of the slides you'll see that I actually accelerate in a short burst after having already decelerated down to ~normal speed. I'd be curious to know if the same "acceleration" variable you're referring to produces that effect as well.
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You could avoid grabbing that shell at the very end by not shooting limbs on the lift. It's just one... but when I was nearing the amulet i had to specifically go around them to avoid a bonus plok, so it could matter in the long run.
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Awesome! I've been hoping someone else would pick this up for so long... Really nice find with the route change. I don't know why I never tested that. I'm really looking forward to seeing this as it progresses. If you post the WIPs you can at least count on me to watch them =) I'm particularly excited to see boss battles more optimized... I'm not sure if any scripting/luck manipulation tools/etc were around when I did my run, but I definitely didn't use any... I was (and still am) a noob at TASing, and frame-advance was pretty cutting-edge to me back then. =P Anyway, the whole run was freestyle, and as a result I'm sure there's a lot of room for improvements with the tools available now. I'm still hoping someone will do a warpless run eventually. Killing fleas (especially prior to getting the amulet) is a daunting task in terms of optimization to me. Can't wait to see more.
Post subject: Re:, gb.flac.7z, still compresses well
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moozooh wrote:
What the hell. Seriously, what the hell. o_0
Ok, I haven't posted here in a while, but I have to second that. Does anyone know if this has been brought to the attention of those developing FLAC? Of course, I'm guessing FLAC+7z can't be that effective with all source material, but that particular example is certainly impressive! I'd like to see some examples of lossless x264 encodes. Hopefully hosted somewhere other than MegaShare, since it seems to be down, or I can't get to it. I've been thinking that 2D TASes would be the ideal candidate for a custom lossless codec for quite a while now. Looks like it's actually becoming a reality.
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mz wrote:
Could you please try this test version?: test1.7z If that one still crashes, could you try this one too: test2.7z If both of them crash, could you see if at least you can use the command line in any of them? Also, if anyone else having this crash wants to try these builds, that would be very helpful too. Since I can't reproduce this bug, I'm only guessing for now. If these versions still crash, I'll have to make a special build with debug information. :/
Well, ok this is weird. I tried both of those test versions and simply went to file-movie-start playback, and they both crashed. Then I tried the command-line start (starting with test2 since it was the most recently used) and it worked! Well here's where it gets strange... I tried test1 afterwords, and it works, and so does the original pcsx-rr-v007 release. I know it didn't work before trying the test1 and test2... it must be some registry entry? Where are the registry keys located? I can delete them and start from scratch to tell you which one fixed it for me. Note that ALL of them still crash by using the menu... =/
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DarkKobold wrote:
It's kind of funny, really. Almost a poetic initiation into the world of TAS. Really, getting all huffy and argumentative over something inconsequential like a TAS serves as a distraction from real-world issues. Isn't the core of a hobby based on distracting yourself, and allowing yourself to care about something that doesn't have a grand, worldly impact? Pretty much, the petty arguments keep the forum interesting. It reminds me of Slashdot, where the mock rage flows like chocolate in Wonka's river. It serves to entertain in an indirect and obscure way. Righteous indignation seems to be an addictive form of entertainment.
Haha... Poetic indeed! What a candid, insightful, and quite hilarious perspective. I didn't even realize it until now, but I find this entirely true. While the driving force behind me coming back here is the possibility of a new TAS that I can relate to, I tend to fall back to lurking in the forums. And I have to admit, I do get a chuckle out of the entire seriousness of it all sometimes. I see a community of perfectionists even more anal than myself. Of course, we all have our own idea of perfection, but mainly I'm going to give a +1 to the idea of a semi-glitch-less run in favor of entertainment (which is obviously subjective) over speed, mostly from a nostalgic perspective. I personally find the 100%-style TASs the most entertaining. Specifically, I like to see the game beaten extremely quickly and strategically, while still being confined to the way a human would play a game to completion, not to see how much it can be broken. I'm sure I'm in a minority here, but I know I'm not the only one here to think this. There needs to be a community dedicated to glamorized or nostalgia-focused TASing, LOL.
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I can't seem to get movie playback working with this emulator. I am having the same problem as FODA (crashes when I click file - movie - start playback). However, I am also getting the same result when trying to start playback using command line. It crashes immediately... :/ Running XP Pro SP3 on an X2 4400+, I can post other system specs if helpful. I would love to try this thing out :)
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Despite the low re-record count, this movie was pretty well-done. There were a few places that could be better optimized, I think. But you gave the game much more effort than I was ever willing to, so I'm glad you did this game. Yes vote from me.
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I enjoyed the movie so far. I'd definitely say you should go for speed on the downhill jam. This game is a lot slower than I remembered it being :)
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I think kooz overlooked that you want to make a 100% speedrun and so you are not competing with the existing speedruns.
Exactly. Sorry if I offended you or anything. I'm actually going to watch your test run right now because I'm quite interested in it at this point. Would there be any way to convince you of doing a run on the DX version instead? Since you're going for completetion/entertainment over pure speed? Edit: Just watched it. That was awesome. I can't wait for the optimized run, B&W or DX. Haha my screen looks so... vibrant after looking at B&W for 2 hours.
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I'm going to do a Speedrun of this and aiming for <1:40.
Might want to check the runs at SDA first... Not sure if the timing is calculated differently or not, but the non-TAS runs there are 1:30 for LA and 1:45 for LA:DX.
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Location: Michigan, United States did desync for me as well when playing from power-on. i tried several times. it does seem to play from the supplied savestate, though. been lurking on this topic for a while... thought i'd throw in another 2 cents :P
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kooz, maybe you want/need to see where he's going because you're not so familiar with this game?
Nah, I played this game to death when the N64 was still in full swing. I guess it would only be impressive to me if had done any OOT speedrunning. I have a hard time watching this for the same reason I can't watch Goldeneye 007 speedruns, and I played the hell out of that game too. I guess I just like to see where the player is going. *shrug*
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I totally see your point and I don't mean to be mean or anything, but you're definately in the minority on this one. It's somewhat rare for TASes to intentionally sacrifice time to make something look more entertaining, and when it does happen it's usually for very small amounts of time. I don't want to make up numbers here but not backwalking or sidehopping would make this ALOT slower. It really is quite a bit faster. Edit: Of course, it's also arguable how much more entertaining looking such a run would be. Personally I like the style of Guano's run.
It's cool. I figured I was in the minority when I was the first to mention it. I'm definitely not in dislike of Guano's style, but of the trick itself, which is, unfortunately, required to effectively make this TAS. I had no idea it was 1.5x faster than regular walking. As far as entertainment value goes, I'd still have to say I'd rather watch it for 4.5 hours being able to see what's going on than 3 without. But since I'm the only one who cares I'll probably have to do it myself ;)
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I've been waiting for this run for a long time. The WIP is extremely impressive and well-played, GuanoBowl. But, am I really the only one who is completely annoyed by the fact that 90% of the time you can't see where Link is going? I know it's faster to walk backwards and all but is it really that much faster? I mean in a TAS that is potentially going to be up to 3 hours long is the speed improvement really going to be worth the decrease in entertainment value? I don't mean to be a pain in the ass or anything... If nobody else agrees with me I'll shut up. I just find it difficult to watch. EDIT: ...Probably a lot more than 3 hours, lol.
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The Genesis version has worse graphics due to the lower color spectrum. The music is, in my opinion, not as good, as it was changed from its original arrangement on the SNES (seems more like a muzak version of the SNES tracks), and was definitely not simply ported over to the Genesis' synths, perhaps because the original composer (Charles Deneen) was unhappy with the sound quality. Sounds to me like Silicon & Synapse were trying to get away with sounding as close to the original as possible without infringing on his copyrights. I don't know about the Amiga versions of this game but the Genesis version seems to be the only one with this odd music. The Genesis version does have more levels, and the ability to have 3 players. There are probably other differences but I'm not positive. I prefer the DOS version with a good General MIDI card :)
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I would love to see a 100% of the DX version.
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That's good another bug that will be fixed soon
Cool, that's good to hear. It doesn't matter what settings I was using. I had modified all of the settings, and nothing would work properly, even setting the buffer really high. Also, when I used "use old update code" it would studder occasionally. Not skipping/crackling/popping, but almost like the sound was rewound and played back for a half-second. It would happen every 30-60 sec or so. This is all at 100% speed.
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When using the latest version (v6 - Dec 4, 2005) the sound skips/studders terribly. I know it is this specific version because I reverted back to the previous one and the issue went away. Did something change in the sound code with v6?
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Well, let me be the first to say... I think this is extremely well-done. I have never played this game before, nor would I even touch it with a six-foot pole, since the game seems to be incredibly sub-par compared to other Castlevania games, but your playing seems to be be quite precise and you have made this surprisingly enjoyable to watch. I look forward to seeing more progression.
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I think you might be using the wrong version of FCEU. I know you said you're using 0.98.13, but try downloading 0.98.13 again, in case you missed an update of it that didn't change the version number. And if that doesn't work: Does it also desync there for you in 0.98.12? (If so, I would guess that your ROM is probably bad.)
Very interesting. Yes, you were in fact right. I was using: FCE Ultra 0.98.13 5:59:20 Nov 19 2005 I updated to: FCE Ultra 0.98.13 7:53:13 Dec 4 2005 This did, in fact, fix the desync. Interestingly enough, the savestate I made using the old emulator still caused a desync. What I found even more intriguing, though, was the reason for Mario's death in the previous emulator. It was not the player off-sync, but rather the game using a different set of randomness. In the correct version, there are two throwing stars, one low (ducked under) one high. When the movie is played back with the old emulator, there are two low stars. Mario gets hit by the second low one and is then crushed. Maybe this is old news or something, but I found it to be strange. Anyway, thanks for the help. And of course, JXQ, this run was awesome. I had been following the WIPs and this is an obvious yes vote from me.
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I don't know why, but this run still desyncs for me at frame 140434. I used fast-forward to get to this airship 3 times now, and without fail it desyncs there. I'm using FCEU 0.98.13 and Super Mario Bros. 3 (U) (PRG1) [!].nes. Mario ducks under 1 throwing star, gets hit by another, then gets crushed by the boat itself because of autoscrolling.
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What I meant by "I ended up" was "The method I used to view the new portion of the movie"
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Desync'ed for me as well. Mario dies just before fighting the world 7 boss. I am using FCEU 0.98.13 and Super Mario Bros. 3 (U) (PRG1) [!].nes. I ended up fast-forwarding up until the ending point of the last WIP.