Posts for magus

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ok i'm looking for a free host. i've copy/cut some stages too :) [ edit ] Prehistorik Man stage 15.smv here it is
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ok 2nd boss kill, so i'm at the same point than before ! i save some sec on stage litle bit improverd. for the boss same desync problem so i manipulate him a bit to have spikes ( more regular, more damage ) and it works !
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i think i need a soft like youi have for speed run to compare times. i need the 5 basket. for the first one i have 'land' and i loost time. for the 3 others ine the burn forest i'll loose time. i'm calculating that but i think that quite the same. diamons st6 951 / st9 3451 / st12 3980 ( + around 100 for st8 i think ) bones st6 1097 / st9 around 4700 / st12 around 3180 i haven't tas them proprely but it was to have an idea.. i save about 800 i loose about 150+100+1300 ( ok let say this one is not good ) to be at 800 it's like 550 and i'm prety shure i can't clim + fall down from the tree + clim pick up the two other + go back in 550 frames. ok i just made simple not obtimised test but even if i save 1000 frames it let me like 750 in stage9 and it's still not possible i think ( about 12,5 sec ) what do you think?
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it's getting faster than i thougth. i've finish stage 6 with the new weapon. i save like 3000 frames by skipping the level. i tought about the next skip, i think i'll loost more time to collect the 5 basket of bones than the time needed to finish the level normally, but i'll i need 100 bones for stage 15 of course.. i'll try to reach the 2nd boss toomorrow
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yeah that's true. a good thing for me is that i know the 'main' way to run 14 stage for now. i check my videos and i realize that i'm not happy with it.. i have some bad souvenirs ( stage 3, 4, boss desync ) but restarting is the best option i think. i'll watch your speedrun( may help me ) and i think restarting is the best option. maybe the idea tu cut-paste stage will work ( in case i already have 100 bones before stages i've done ) [edit] ok bones packs will make the job correctly. i definitively have to restart..
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i've think about that, but to collect 100 bones i have to kill like 100 mobs, i dont know if its better from stage 1 to stage 4. it's a good idea for the rest. the main problem is that i'm now at stage 15, without 100 bones and skipping stage will desync me i have to check that too. im quite lazy to restart from the begening and the desync boss bug don't help me. maybe i can 'cut-paste' stages already done to save time.. i stop this job beacause i've tralled around australia for 6 months so i forget many of the things i learned about tas, i'm alone on my project and i'm pretty shure that i already made mistakes since now.. :( in an other hand i would be proud to finish it for some reason - never tased before - quite hard game if played normally - beeing posted on 88mph ( a french blog speaking about tas ^^ ) to resume i don't know what to do now
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hi every one. i'm tasing prehistorik man in france but im in ausralia and i think about tasing a game here without sync probs ( i have them with p man ) here. i dont have to much time for tasing something complicate but i was wonderig about diablo on psx. the point are : -do you think it's a 'tasable' game cause of damage take/roads/items needed/leveling.. -is there known bugs on this game? -is it allowed to use codes ( like beeing level max with heavy stuff.. ) if they exists?
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some news 2.0. i will have a descent laptop soon ( normally ) and some free time... maybe i ll continue the tas. but im afraid that filesrv/megaupload n co are down now :( so i dont know if i could find my savesstates/wip for p-man. ( they are on my pc in france.. ) at least if a can't finish it now i'll finish it back in france. in this case i think i'll try to tas an other game in oz.. maby less dificult and without sync prob known.. i just need a game never tas on snes FTW !!!! or sms/gba something old.. even if im still a newbie i think i have train myslef enought to try new challanges, maybe a funny or bug exploit game.. what do you think about that?
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hi ! i bring some news, i m acctially in australia, travelling around and i don t have the time to finish my tas for now. maybe when i come back , i dont know when but between july and november, something like that. for the tas in genral i was on the next levels, seeing if i have to loose hearts, lives.. the main problem is stills the bosses who always make desync when i play it back. i have to manipulate a bit the boss without loosing to much time and to be shure its not desync.. i'm ok if someone want to continue my job, i think there is all you need here. i just want to be on the final videos for my newbie contibuion/experience if yo succed in finishing it. i already know that it could be better ( maby 200 frames ) cause of thoses motherf***** bosses :( cheers
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ok, done !
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i'm at the 2 boss stage ! i will share the movie after his death ! edit i have bug on the boss (like the 1st one). i stop here today
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ok stage 11 done ! i'm sure about stage 8 , 10 and 11, 9 may be improvable, but it's not a bad job i think. what about you? i still have this bug on boss after reading the movie 2 times O_o but it work fine for me at the 1st run stage 12 is a diamond colecting with and awfull ' boing boing stuf ' i'm looking for best way :(
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some news. i have rush the game up to 2nd boss. there is one other ' diamond collecting ' stage and one stage i think i will loose 1 life. stage 9 done! working on 10 an other thing. there is 23 stages with a boss at 7 14 21 and 23 :) i have made near half the game :) ps i have find a code who allow me to choose my stage. it's helps me to know if i need lives/hearts for next level or not. it's helpfull here is the trick : From the title screen, enter the options menu. Select "Exit" at the bottom, then hold L Button and press Start Button. Select "Game Start", then hold R Button and press Start Button. Stage skip After starting the game, press Select Button skip to the next stage. Stage selection To display the stage selection menu, press Start Button to pause the game during gameplay, then press Select Button.
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shouting the boss, no effects. i can't jump on mobs who have been hit to. i juste can be hit an jump on them !
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some news. i have made the next stage, it's a jump stage and i want to show you, it may be improvable i think. i have a problem too, after editing the movie, i have desync probs when i play it 2 times, 1srt time it's ok and second time i have a desync problem on the boss O_o any idea? here is stage 8!
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urf, sorry! i was asking beacause my friend have desync probs and not me, and i dont want to share a smv file 'desyced' at stage 4 ><
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ok movie editor ok. boss re-down ( i had a desync 'random' move boss problem ). the next level is a jump rush level, so i thnik about taking damage to rush more quikly ^^ you want the new smw? i follow what partyboy1a say to improve a litle bit my run..
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ok 200 frames win taking damage on bear, 4 frame win on the jump and i dont have desync problems ( but my friend who edit the movie have O_o ) i will post, or he will post the .smw file to verif that. for the level 3 i cant make better, taking the best road ( down up dwn up ans so one ). i will make try but i'm quite sure it's not possible :(
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after a short try i think i could take 3 damage on stage 4 3.29 3.31 3.36, and the lastl in the room. i loose the invincibility frame when screen change! now i have to calculate if i save frame or not during the time i'm taking them.. but i think you're right ^^
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the sync sound prob is from youtube, my video don't make this pb :s if i remember it mp4 for the sound h264 for the movie. for the boss sync wtf pb you can see at 5.40 i'm on his 'nose' and the boss move a little bit, but i'm my recording frame by frame the boss dont move O_o i have obtimised taking damage on the turtle, winning like 200 frames. taking damage on bear, i haven't think about. it's really interesting with 2 or 3 damage to obtimise the invincibility time. in that case i'm not sure. i 'll calculate how many frames i loose taking damage on the way and compare it with the time needed to jump+die ( dieing on the room will make a death animation more longer than dieing on the bottom of the map too ) for multiples jumps i have noticed that when you jump ther is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 frames jumps and i can rejump directly if i press b before touching the floor. exemple i'm running, press 8 for 7 frames 15 frame later pressing b until i jump tha will make me jump as soon as possible. i have test pressing forward+bottom and it's the same ps what do you think about the run in general? is it boring, fun, intresting? should i continue or have to kill me beacause it's crap? >< ps2 : is it possible to remake the stage 4 without loosing stage 5 6 7 ? i've heard that a linear record so i have to remade all of them from stage 4, and i reaaly dont want to re kill this awfull boss -_-
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Game: Prehistorik man System: snes Authors: MaGus, Ventrach Completed: up to 14 stages ( 2nd boss ) Discussion Thread: Video: Link to video
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ok ! at 2h27 i'm proud to say 1ST BOSS DEAD !!! i'm on it since 3pm. many problems of sync/bugs/what the F? and so on. i post the video on the tread. i hope you enjoy it. edit. here is my .smv file here is the video edit 2 sorry for the sound of the video not sync with the game :S
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update ! i have completed 6 stages and i'm in front of the first boss ( stage 7 ). it's about 5 min of play. my friend told me something level 4, when i die on the turtle. explanation : ' you could loose 2 heart during the way, to save frames from ' invincibility frames ' on turtle. i have made some test death by turtle : invincibility time 97 frames 97 x 4 = 388 2 heart losing + 2 heart turtle ( 2x97 ) death : 'from kb to max speed ' frames lose : 28 frames from kb to max speed ( frames saves at max speed in death by turtle ) frames lose: 31 frames from kb to max speed ( frames saves from 0 to max speed ( 4 ) in death by turtle ) frames lose: 15 frames (2x28)+(2x31)+(2x15)+(2x97) 56+62+30+194 342 frames so: 388-342= 46 frames 46/60 = 0.76666666... sec do you think that's right? question from a newbie : how to display the number of re-record. question 2 from a newbie : how to compress the avi recording to have a good quality and not 4go for 5 min? ( windows moovie maker? but i have a bad quality ) question 3 from a newbie : do you want the .smv or a vidéo in the wip tread of thoses 7 stage ( boss not down, about 5 min ) ?
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Some news ! I have completed 3 stages ! i have a vidéo ( meduim quality and it's short ( about 2.19 min ) i'm not sure about myself for stage 3 from but it's good for me. For the rest i'm at max speed every time i can, I try to kill some mobs and make some funny stuff during the run. Do you want i post the vidéo now or i wait for 1st boss ( stage 5 or 6 if i remember good ).
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s the new 1st stage what do you think ( its nearly the same than the older ) i'm loosing speed for ths 2x2 mob + jump. i have my 'way' for stage two, i think i will make it tomorrow. for stage 3 joker, those 15 diamonds need to be study