Posts for mapler90210

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I'm in the middle of a power outage (no internet except my phone), or else I'd check this myself, but how does this game run on the latest installment(s) of dolphin? I may try TASing this again if it's gotten better.
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Success. Manticore Skip without Flying Armor will be in the segmented run. Although I now question whether the run itself will exist within this decade >_>.
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Please explain the current method, then. I may not use it, since the old method is pretty easy for me, but Id love to at least try it. The baselard has proven very difficult to get, though I still have plenty of testing to do. I"m closer to a consistent method to get the soul than the weapon. EDIT: When I do a hard mode run, I'll use pirate_sephiroth's method from the last hard mode w/ warps run. I get it 1/20 tries, roughly. Thanks for encouraging me to try.
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klmz wrote:
mapler90210 wrote:
Ah, alright, then. I doubt I'll ever manage a death-warped run, so I probably can't use the first one. As for the second, I do recall that being possible, though I honestly don't even remember the "intended way" of getting there at this point. I'll play around a little bit to remind myself.
You don't need do that sequence-break if you are going to beat the game with glitch-warps, as you can tell from the old warped movies by pirate_sephiroth (somehow manageable in realtime) and by zggzdydp (bat-corner-sinking requires frame-and-pixel-perfection and is very difficult in realtime).
um....when you say bat corner sinking, do you mean the glitch I abuse after Balore in this run? Considering that was some of the worst execution I've had with that part of the run in any of my completed runs, I think it's not as hard as you may think.
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klmz wrote:
mapler90210 wrote:
Ah, thanks, then. Can you elaborate about the use you were thinking of? I've never seen another damage boost, and I'm curious what it might lead to.
Floating Garden: Without the ability to double-jump, you can still reach the higher floors in the room with a Golem inside it, by getting knocked flying with the Golem's upcutting at the correct position. It was originally worked out in my first death-warped run but then obsoleted when I figured out that I could skip straight from the entrance of Creaking Skeleton's room to Chaotic Realm. Inner Quarter: I must have been misleading with this one. I was actually talking about one of the early-discovered sequence-breaks that you could exploit the very Flying Armor with double-jump to enter Inner Quarter from its "exit" intended by the designer. It has nothing to do with damage-boost.
Ah, alright, then. I doubt I'll ever manage a death-warped run, so I probably can't use the first one. As for the second, I do recall that being possible, though I honestly don't even remember the "intended way" of getting there at this point. I'll play around a little bit to remind myself.
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Ah, thanks, then. Can you elaborate about the use you were thinking of? I've never seen another damage boost, and I'm curious what it might lead to.
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Perhaps I didn't make this clear, but I have no trouble with the Catoblepas glitch. It's in my 16:23 New Game SS run, even (not that I could reasonably expect you all to have seen that).I'm asking purely about the damage boost, for the sake of skipping Flying Armor in a segmented run (which would otherwise be used to enter the room with the Catoblepas). I've gotten two piece of advice: one saying that I just have to be hit at the very peak of the jump, and that's it; the other saying I need to find the right place on the slope to jump from. Since the TAS doesn't jump from the slope nor have my attempts doing so gotten anywhere close, i'm going to assume it's all about height. Also, Kriole, I meant "why was it a non-glitched run"? It seems like all-souls could benefit from glitch warps, and I'm not aware of any other situations where 100% would be split into Glitched and non-Glitched unless it involves memory corruption.
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That doesn't bode well, then, since I was considering it for a segmented run, not a TAS. I'll keep at it, though. Thanks for responding so quickly EDIT: On another note, is there any particular reason the all-souls run doesn't use glitched warps?
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Fantastic, but could you explain the damage boost? I assume it's frame perfect, but is it stricter than that? I've gotten hit at what seemed to be the highest part of the jump many times, but still failed to land on the ledge. Is that because of anything besides it not actually being the peak of my jump?
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I've tried reading through every page to check, but I only made it to page 14 before I decided to just asK: What can anyone tell me about using the Axe Armor's axe to damage boost into the room with a Catoblepas and Copper Plate? I've tried it quite a bit, both in real time and in frame advance, but I can't seem to get it to work.
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Glitch Wall Kicks require proper positioning as well as proper angle (how strict each of these is seems to vary depending on the particular GWK). While it is theoretically possible to GWK on the corner of the platform as you mentioned, nobody has managed to do it, mainly because you have a very limited range of angles when jumping to that platform.
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I love how so many of the complaints were that this is a boring hack. I agree with the decision, but i'm literally forcing myself to overlook the terrible arguments that were made throughout this discussion. Please don't rely on the TAS you are judging to decide whether you like the hack itself. You would never do that with an official title and it's bad policy to do it for a hack. Look it up before judging it. If you can't find anything, then you know it's a backwater hack that might not deserve publication.If you do, then maybe you can judge as an INFORMED viewer, and not just look at the aesthetics.
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I'm confused. Why does it matter that he is new? This run is not at the level it needs to be for it to be published. That isn't an insult. I would love for him to keep trying and eventually beat the current run (though he might have better luck with another game. I don't recall there being much room for improvement left in this one), but this particular run does not accomplish that. It also ignores several other guidelines enforced on this site, as others have pointed out. I vote 'no' for those reasons. I hope he continues TASing and is able to have future runs published.
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franpa wrote:
If anyone makes an improvement to this can you please NOT spam Roll, Jump and Flap during the early areas (Just RUN for christ sake) and when you get the Breegull Trot or whatever (where Kazooie runs for you) can you not spam the jump? So very, very fucking annoying, like when watching someone else play and they go out of there way just to annoy you with the same sound fx over and over and over.
It's slower, so no, the next TAS of this game will not simply run instead of "spamming" the other forms of movement.
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No. It set 100 lives as a goal, and tried to reach that as quickly as possible. It does not acquire every 1up in the game.
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Bzb95 just recently found a slight flaw in the savestates that almost assures periodic desynchs. He plans to fix this issue soon. The fix will only affect the accuracy of savestates; it will not affect emulation in any way. I will edit this post with more specific information once I talk to him again (I forgot most of what he told me.) The important thing is that this fix (once it's done) can be applied to any rev without breaking a run, so....yeah. It should save you a few desynchs throughout the course of a TAS. EDIT: I'm not sure if you will be able to keep using your old savestates, though (it might change them a little bit). Again, more specifics once I talk to him. MORE SPECIFICS: Alright, I talked to Bzb95 again. His exact words were "anything that gets redone based on a timer doesn't get reset when you load a save. so maybe you have 1/486000000 left before a poll if you load a save you will still have that amount vs what you had when you made the save. 486000000 being a second for the gc don't ask me why" Since you don't have the full context, here's a complete explanation: Dolphin polls input, determines what audio to play, plays that audio, and does a few other things at specific intervals. The variables which keep track of these intervals are not currently saved when you make a savestate. This means that the timing between when you load a state and when the next of the aforementioned processes takes place is not determined by the state of the emulator when you make the savestate, but by the state of the emulator when you load the state. As there is no guarantee that the two will be identical, this can very easily cause desynchs. Of course, this assumes that Bzb and I are understanding all of this correctly. Not sure about him, but that's only around 50% for me. EDIT2: Bzb says 50% for him, too. And I forgot to add that old savestates WILL NOT work after this, because the information that I've been talking about was never in the savestates to begin with.
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DDRKhat wrote:
WIP recording It's yet to be completed, as I said due to crashes loss of input due to said crashes, refusal of input from the emulator and intermittent de-syncs that seem to go away if I get the emulator to play it fresh. Any suggestions/comments?
I might be misunderstanding you, but you should always close and reopen Dolphin before playing a .dtm. It's the only way to reset a few things that would otherwise lead to de-syncs.
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Even though the Light Dash is very fast, you lose a lot of that speed once it finishes. At full speed, spindashing is roughly the same speed as a Light Dash and obviously it can be maintained.
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N. Harmonik wrote:
And maybe after this... Sonic Adventure DX and Sonic Heroes!
Once I get a controller, I'll be working on SADX. I haven't heard anything about TASing SH, though.
petrie911 wrote:
I take it that means you're on Sand Ocean. I did a lot of work with that level when I was speedrunning the game, so I'd really like to see what you've come up with. I may even be able to give you a few pointers.
I would love to compare notes with you. So far i've gotten 2:02:94 Segmented, non-TAS, no hover, and infinite lives (AR). Is that in line with what you've seen? I can PM you if you'd like to know more of the details. Also, do you know any tricks for preserving speed with Eggman? There are a few (i can think of two off the top of my head) places where you have to turn about 180 degrees around a wall or fence, which I haven't managed to do without losing most of the speed i have at that point.
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So are we. The only things giving us trouble are my lack of a controller, and the large amount of time it takes to play the .dtm back. Other than that, it's going fairly well. I never expected to be this far in less than a week. I have to give credit to SP for that, who has obviously been doing everything so far.
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Ah, right. I forgot about that, even though I need to use it every time I do the 99 lives trick. As for the meteor, perhaps the game only uses the RNG to determine subsequent locations, while the starting location is fixed on the first life/after a restart.
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Thank you very much for all of that. My only question is this: How sensitive is the RNG? Would it change by delaying a button press at the scoring screen? How about pressing a random button that doesn't do anything at that moment? Pausing for a frame or two? Pressing 'Y', which does nothing for P1 to my knowledge?
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Just thought I'd post a quick update. The routes are almost finished. I just need to spend some time with a hex editor to fix a desynch, then SP and I will go over which routes are final and which ones can be improved with TAS precision. After that, the project will mostly be in SP's hands until I can get my hands on a USB controller.
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Comicalflop wrote:
I had thought about doing this game since seeing some speedrun routes for 100%. It's definitely TAS material. Have you thought about trying boost+jump? I don't know if there's quite as much delay when landing as boosting on the ground, but even if so, perhaps it'll save more time since you're spending more time being in 'boost mode' in the air, and thus over a longer time there's less delays.
Yeah, that's something we need to test if emulation for this game gets fixed. You do slow down a bit when you jump, but the small delay between dashes might make it worth it.
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moozooh wrote:
Well, make sure to post a WIP then so we could see. It might very well be that going for fastest time will reduce the amount of meaningful content so much it won't be worth it.
I've seen score attacks and time attacks of this game, and I found the time attacks to be more enjoyable. It could be that because I'm not overly familiar with the game, it's hard for me to appreciate what goes into a good score attack, but I honestly don't think it will affect entertainment value (the run during SDA's recent marathon was quite fun to watch, in my opinion). We'll make sure to post a WIP, though, since we aren't as familiar with the game as we are with most of the games we've TASed.