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Another factor is that, unlike neutrinos, neutrons are not electromagnetically neutral -- since neutrons is composed of quarks, not only do they have a magnetic dipole moment (meaning they generate a magnetic field, couple to magnetic fields and to dynamic electric fields), but they also have an electric dipole moment.
Marzo Junior
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You don't have to stop TASing if you don't want to; it is just that the people with the knowledge to make tools for TASing it will not want to.
Marzo Junior
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Given Megamix is ultimately based on S1, I would try x_vel = $FFD010, y_vel = $FFD012, and g_vel = $FFD014. As for the springs: the main collision routine (which is the same for basically all solid objects) checks for collisions with the top, bottom and sides of the object. For collision with sides, the game checks if you are touching the side and if you are pushing on the side. Each of these (collision with top, collision with bottom, touching a side, pushing a side) becomes one bit in the return value, so information as to which side you collided with is lost. In the spring code, it determines which side you collided with by checking your relative position to the spring: if the player is to the left of the center, then it collided with the left side, and likewise for the right side. The spring then propels you on the direction you hit it, not checking if it matches its facing. S1 and S2 springs only accept spring collisions if the pushing bit is set (which requires the player to be on the ground); S3&K springs check for the touching side bit too, meaning they also work if the player is on air. The bottom line is that this is a bug inherited from S1, but probably not visible there due to the level layouts.
Marzo Junior
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Warepire wrote:
Since the BIOS actually sets up the memory etc to be ready for use by the games, I do think that the BIOS is a required part of the reset/restart. The problem is that most emulators ignore the BIOS by initializing the variables of the emulator to the state it would be in after the BIOS execution.
At least for plain Genesis games (no Sega CD, no 32x), BIOSes don't do anything like this: the cartridge does all the work. This includes initializing the memory, input devices, graphics and sound initialization and any other supported peripherals. So beware hasty generalizations.
Marzo Junior
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When there are lag frames, it would be a good strategy; but the end of act in Sonic games usually have no lag except when they end and the screen fades to black; but when that happens, you can do nothing about the ensuing lag as it is loading the next level.
Marzo Junior
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You have to understand that the skipping is done by fast-forwarding the movie until certain conditions are met; the movie (the generated gmv file) will not be any shorter, and anyone playing the gmv without using the script will not see any skipping.
Marzo Junior
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It takes work to dump maps; it either requires special tools or vastly more work. IF (BIG if) there are no code changes, compiling Gens with vanilla S&K maphack support would be up to the task. If it doesn't, you likely won't get much help regarding master edition 2 -- the dimbulb that made the hack not only did so by hacking master edition 1 without its author's consent (which, by itself, is already heavily frowned upon in the hacking scene), but when he got kicked out for it, he then started posing as if he had approval from SSRG by posting movies with their logo on YouTube. Also: you linked to a ROM. Not cool, man.
Marzo Junior
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New version of the HUD is up; you can download it on the Google Code project: here. Changelog: Sep 5/2012
  • Added horizontal scroll delay support for S2, S3, S&K, and their supported hacks.
  • Fixed bugs 'Sonic 3 & Amy' hack.
Edit: I made a new version that works regardless of where it is decompressed to. I also add a couple of scripts to it, at the same location as the other stand-alone scripts. Same download location.
Marzo Junior
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Will look into it.
Marzo Junior
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Requesting support for anchor and goto BBCode tags, as described here.
Marzo Junior
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I will also do a shameless self-plug and link to a thread for Sonic tools:
Marzo Junior
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WST wrote:
Can you please add support for this hack?
Done. Changelog: Aug 25 2012:
  • Sonic 3 & Amy Rose support;
  • Updated Charmy in Sonic 1 support to v1.1;
  • Perfect rings counter in S2;
Edit: Anyway, I created a Hg repository for the Lua HUD; it is here. The "source" does not have the *.luaimg images nor the generated files, meaning you can't just clone the repository and load the script into Gens. It does have scripts to build these files; the scripts require a bash-compatible shell with Lua and png2gd both installed, meaning it can only be built in a *nix environment. I will see if it is possible to set MinGW/msys up to build on Windows. The scripts also need to know where to find the ROMs (all of the supported ones) so it can find where the HUD and boss codes are. I do provide a built download, which is essentially identical to the one at the top of the thread but with a readme file and licensing information. Edit 2: Added links to map for the original games.
Marzo Junior
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Ah, I misunderstood you. It is known, and is used in the Knuckles 100% TAS -- in FBZ1.
Marzo Junior
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The first is known: Sonic can do it with a bubble shield or with the aid of Tails, and they will be featured in the next version of the run. The one at the end is not useful (at least, not at that spot) -- at best, Amy will be left stranded inside a wall.
Marzo Junior
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Even outside of a movie it would still be useful -- variables in RAM can be inspected, for instance.
Marzo Junior
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You don't have a gmv of that... but do you still have that savestate you loaded in the movie? It could be useful.
Marzo Junior
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I fixed a few things in the hitbox display and made new versions of Gens for the 4 Genesis games; they are in the first post. Edit: After a brief talk with Aglar, I added anchor points for terrain collision in the modified versions of Gens. The new versions, and the details, are in the first post. Edit 2: As it turns out, I had neglected a factor that made the zip anchor incorrect. The first post has been updated with the new links.
Marzo Junior
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In S3&K, maximum camera speed is 6144 subpixels/frame (24 pixels/frame).
Marzo Junior
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Maybe with Amy + Tails you can use that shortcut. But then, you'd have to do the TAS with both, and you would not be able to do the Marble Garden trick. Abusing the anti-gravity may work; Maybe Amy can even climb out the "wrong" way at the very end of the level (similar to the Tails version).
Marzo Junior
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You need to die in act 2 to reset the screen boundary or you won't be able to wrap around the level.
Marzo Junior
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As far as I know, no.
Marzo Junior
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WST wrote:
For example, Sonic seems to weight more (I guess there is such a parameter in the game’s physics).
There isn't, no.
Marzo Junior
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Green overlay = top solid, sides and bottom not solid. Red overlay = top not solid, sides and bottom solid. Blue overlay = top, sides and bottom solid. Will see about dumping the 2p maps. Edit: Done, here they are. These were done based on the Zone 0 maps.
Marzo Junior
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Please note that I am on Linux; that being said: I have a shell script that lists all files in a directory with the original PNGs and calls a tool called pngtogd to convert the images to luaimg. This script also generates the "sonic/common/hud-images.lua" file. I also have some scripts that search for the HUD and boss code for sufficiently unmodified hacks for the respective auto-generated files (they tell if they are), but those are lua scripts (but meant to be run from the command line, and not from Gens).
Marzo Junior
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DDRKhat: your code has a few problems: collecting ring boxes increase the number after the slash, and losing rings changes it back down. I think a simple counter is better in this case -- I have just put it as "%03d (%d)", with the number in parenthesis being the number of rings left to collect for a perfect. As for the clocks when playing -- I don't think that there is a function that detects whether Gens in on frame advance mode or not. Anyway, will look into making an option to turn on clock mode for timers. Hm. And I still have to think where I will put Knuckles' HUD when I modify the HUD to accept my hack...
Marzo Junior