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テスト~ ^^
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My birthday's also the name of a song from a famous jpop artist. =]
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It's all about the SIZE of the Triforce. =]
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A nicely done entertaining run. ^^ I really liked the Kintaro tag-team gang up round especially, since he couldn't do anything. =] Yes vote ^^
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Will you eat your hat Zurreco? ^^ Good luck on the job though OmnipotentEntity! Hopefully you won't be overqualified for the job that they don't want you.. =/
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I'm not sure if people are attacking me, but I apologize for Corneria taking 6 months (not 8, because I took two breaks) because the first 4 months were mostly testing as I had not fully known about the workings of StarFox and Corneria. Now that I somewhat capable of the controls, the time for each planet should not exceed more than a month or so.
AKA wrote:
I think you missed the robot in Corneria City which costed you +5 and I'm sure back when I played this game that there was enemies to hit in the background during the first boss, but then again bosses hit points decrease as time goes on so you might get a worser deal. I couldn't see this getting improved by any more than 10 hits without doing Expert mode.
1. What robot is this that you're talking about? Which avi do you have currently, the one that ends up with 337 or 322? 322 was the first version DeHackEd produced, and it was with a wrong ROM, so my score was not as high as it should be. Then L4yer and DeHackEd made a second version that ended up with 337. However, if you DO have the 337 run, please do tell me where I missed the robot in Corneria city because I've watched the run several times over and I don't seem to have missed anything, let alone a robot worth 6 hits. 2. There are also no enemies that fly in the background of the boss, unless you mean the missiles/enemy fighters that come from the fighter bays which I destroyed in the first two seconds of the boss battle. And besides, they don't provide any extra hits. =( 3. As with expert mode, this run can be improved by an additional 28 hits, as there are 14 more enemies and as we all know from math class.. 14*2=28 ^^ I also believe that Corneria CAN be improved upon by no more than 3 extra hits, which can be obtained from more efficient braking and frame advance spamming with charged blasts with better strategies.
AKA wrote:
Why is there a talk on testing every level when there is a very much a well accepted route through the game i.e CRN>>AST>>KAT>>SEC_X>>MAC_B>>AREA_6>>VENOM
With all that being said, I will reinforce what has already been said above. There is no route being chosen yet, so I must choose based on running through it and seeing which provides the highest score, which upon finding will be the route of choice to proceed to Venom. As for segmenting a run, that is no problem for me as I have to run through about 1/2 of all the levels (fortuna, sector z, Solar, titania, and Bolse being the only planets I can't visit for my run) However, these planets can easily be taken as a third run which will unlock expert mode, so that's probably more potential good news for any avid starfox 64 followers/fans that have been looking at this thread. All segmented runs of the worlds, a WR breaking normal mode playthrough, AND the development of an expert mode run too. =] What more could you ask for? (Don't answer that, it's a rhetorical question. =P)
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CORNERIA IS FINISHED!! Here it is, I get 337, more than 20 more than my previous run! =] Major thanks to everyone who've supported (and put up with me and my slowness, first level finally done after 8 months x.x) me and provided with helpful tips or advice. Onward to Meteo! (for now, I'll test that route first)
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AKA wrote:
Why not just purely go for a high score run
I am. =[ That's why I need to figure out which planets are better to run through.
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To be honest, I don't know which route is better. I've done my calculations so far, and (totalling expert hits, because WR applies to any mission on any difficulty, so expert is the preferred mode of play) I added up all the hits for each level for each route. However, I decided to use both the Japanese and American/European WRs to take the highest score, rather than simply choosing from one side, as Sector Y is a level the Japanese specialize in, (getting more than 50 hits than their Western counterparts) and Americans/Europeans are better at Area6. The routes are calculated as follows: Route 1: Corneria¹ (361) -> Meteo (526) -> Katina² (369) -> Sector X (345) -> Macbeth (371) -> Area 6 (670) -> Venom (270) Total: 2912 Route 2: Corneria (361) -> Sector Y (448) -> Aquas (330) -> Zoness (485) -> Macbeth (371) -> Area 6 (670) -> Venom (270) Total: 2935 Now, as you can see with expert mode on, the hits can rally up rather fast. However, there's something important to note, which is that I'm playing on normal mode right now. The additional enemies appear in expert mode for each stage (which I do not know the number of) will most likely vary from stage to stage, and provide varying amounts of difficulty. Corneria for example, has 14 more additional fighters in expert mode. Because of this, progress (in the long run) will not be made for a very long time as I must test which route has more hits on NORMAL mode. My plan of action after Corneria is done with, is to run through both routes and see which one is better. The problem with this is that some of the levels can be improved on a lot, and some only a little. Once all this is figured out, I will announce what my route is and go through with it. ¹ This is the theorotical limit of Corneria, as this is based off what my emulator run would get. This is the ONLY level where I can use my own information, as Corneria is the only level I have technically "finished". ² I am not sure if this is actually on expert, as expert mode enables the destruction of wings upon crashing against anything, and since Katina is a level that has tons of fighters flying around with a high chance of crashing into something, I cannot tell if someone tried expert, nor is there video proof of this score.
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Hey everyone, not much to really update for now as I've been a bit busy. I'm a little bit stuck too, as I'm at the part after getting divebombed by the firebirds and just before the little tree things that pop out of the ground. I'm currently holding a +9 lead, and hope to extend it by one more. It's infuriating thoughs, so I haven't been doing much here. I found a japanese wiki page about StarFox 64, and details how to get high scores (or at least medals) on each stage, so if anyone here is fluent or has a strong background in japanese and wish to help, I would greatly appreciate it. =] Anyhow, progress remains slow as I'm figuring out which route would be better now that the Japanese have ripped my plan to shreds. =[
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Rerecord count is just a little function to let everyone know how much effort (if you will) is put into a run. The higher the rerecord count usually means there were more attempts at optimizing, manipulating, or whatever the game. Having it reset is no matter, as long as the run looks good, we won't say anything. :)
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bkDJ wrote:
...but I meant that the TAS should include the game being beaten 3 (oops, not 4) times with anyone..
Do you honestly want to watch someone beat the game three times over? That was the problem with runs that required an "unlock" feature, as the game won't save unless only soft resets occur (like beating a game, or a manual input that resets the game without erasing temp memory), so the only way to really do something like this is to continue beating the game while recording until everything's unlocked. So the main issue here is pretty much replay value and time constraints there is in a game. I haven't played SSB in a while, but since it can be beaten in 5 minutes, (Thanks Dk Master for the correction, haven't played in a looooong time) take 5 minutes and multiply that by 3 since you need to unlock all the characters, and that's 15 minutes of SSB TAS running. Not to mention there's still Board the Platforms and whatever sidegames there are. As much as I <3 SSB, I don't think I could watch them beat it over three times. Two times is fine (with different characters) but three is a bit much. Then again, 15 minutes isn't that long, so whatever. Gaahhh I wish we could start recording from savestate T_T Anyhow, g'luck =D Edit: Oh, sorry. 5 minutes =] Edit #2: Fixed some grammar and added stuff xD
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The problem is though is that if SSB doesn't automatically save characters in the Nintendo64's internal memory (and relies on a memory adapter thing) then he can't make it a run since all videos here are required (for the most part) to start recording from a hard reset, meaning the characters he would obtain from beating the game would be lost. That's the way it was for me to unlock expert mode [in StarFox], which is why I'm not capable of making a submittable/acceptable run of expert mode. T_T
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Well, I got 6 hits from the waterfall bomb so far (I'm not attempting 7 unless I get a "it's possible" from Dimi/Burning and Dark) and I'm now doing the birds section where they divebomb you and stuff. My question is, after taking out the ship Falco is shooting at (or at least chasing after), isn't there a ship that appears on the left a little after the hills and before the tree-poppers? o.o I recall shooting one of those things down. In any case, I'm trying to extend my +10 lead to maybe 11 or 12 if possible by spamming the tree-poppers early while they're in the ground (between two of them) and again when they're in the air for the kill. Wish me luck <3 Edit: Nevermind, I figured out where that ship comes from. If you don't take out the ship Falco's shooting immediately, they'll come out on your left and fly towards the tree-poppers.
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Alright, so I need help. How exactly do you get 6 or more hits from the waterfall bomb? I'm not there yet, but I'll be there within an hour or so of this post, so I'm going to try and optimize the bomb and get maybe a 6/7 or 8 if possible. I'm worried that it's all pre-determined because I can't tell if it is, which means I can't optimize it. T___T;; Thanks in advance <3 Edit: Here is the run up to the waterfall! =] I finally got my +9 lead that I wanted after 3 hours of trying. Much thanks to N-1, Brushy, JXQ, and the #nesvideos people for giving me encouragement. ^^b
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Not really here to flame or argue about anything, but I want to let you know about the difficulties we have when we TAS. so that you can understand why Guano did not use some of the new tricks discovered while he made his run. First let me introduce myself, or rather, what I do. I play StarFox, and I have absolutely no knowledge or experience in OoT. However, I do have experience using Mupen, and some experience in TASing as well. With that said, I've been playing StarFox for about... almost a year, to be honest. Know how much progress I made? I'm still not done with the first level. Five revisions, substantial efforts on new tactics/movement, and stuff like that, totaling around 15k rerecords or so. The reason it took a year was because I took everyone's advice and immediately changed things in my run if it would benefit it. The result? Hours were immediately lost as I had to restart the whole run and redo everything I did with the new trick/method. As you pointed out and inquired, "Why weren't the newer tricks used?" which proved that walking backwards was "a waste of time". Had he taken your advice, the entire run would, in order to achieve fastest time, have to start all over again. HUNDREDS of hours would be lost immediately. Furthermore, Guano's run was first meant to be only a test run, as a demonstration/concept thing for others to look at. However, it was "too good" to only be a demo, so it was decided to submit it as a run, even with any problems it had. As a console speedrunner, I'm sure you can understand that sometimes you will have a few "tries" on a certain segment, just to get a feel for it, but it turns out you had a REALLY good one, so you just save it, even with some errors, you know? But what if he DID restart? Now for us, restarting is a lot harder than for regular console speedrunners. We only do one "real" run, from start to finish. Speedrunners will play, maybe make a mistake or two, and realize that he/she needs to restart and try again. So while a good run for speedrunners may have taken 50-100 tries (or more, I wouldn't know), we spend MUCH more as we have to optimize and be much more in depth with our precision. Whereas you may just get hit by a monster, we can't accept/tolerate it if it can be avoided. I'm pretty sure YOU wouldn't also tolerate it since you know we're using emulators, so why should we be sloppy and take hits? Miss shots? Have movement errors/problems? So when the new walking method was found midway of his run, he couldn't have gone back and redone it all. He COULD'VE been like me and redo the whole first level and use the new method, but he decided (and I understand, since OoT is 2 hours and a half or so, while Starfox is only an hour tops) that it would take too long, and the effort in doing so was too much, because after all, we are also human and have limits. So while I understand that it's not a perfect movie (even the author acknowledges this), it is still a good one nonetheless, regardless of all the mistakes because it is HARD to do a run (I'm sure you know that) and not just to do a run, but to do it WELL and well enough that it is worth submitting. Cheers? ^^ Edit: Oh yeah. Good job Guano, great run =]
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Yeah, I'm using a keyboard. 253 before the water! Here you go. :) Any feedback/comments are greatly appreciated, as I feel the asthetic value has dropped a bit after the checkpoint (it's a bit sloppy.. maybe) but I'm aiming for score here. I'll probably get 254 tomorrow morning though.
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Here is the checkpoint run! Alright, finally at the checkpoint since I had to go back and redo something. Changes made so far: 1. I opt for what Dimi and DarkPlayer do, and hit the falling tower early (the one that lands v not -> or <- getting an extra hit in early 2. I use my brake super early right before the checkpoint bots, and time it so I can use my brake again on the last bot before I cross checkpoint, adding in an extra hit and a +7 lead on the 323 emulator run.
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Hey everyone, decided to revive this after a restful (and pretty relaxing) vacation. Am now currently working again on Corneria and re-doing some parts, and I am fairly confident in saying breaking 330 will be done with some ease. Current run has a +5 lead despite losing it somehow (we kill the same things, but I think I lost a few hits from the bad hit system) so I should be able to top out about 330. Don't expect much for now, but do expect Corneria done from me sometime before this month IS OVER. (thanks kwinse <3)
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Not to get in the middle of this, but I think most of the decision making is usually, and should be, left up to the person who is making the run. However, he/she is entitled to asking players who have more experience than him/her on the game and consult with WR players like many people in this community have done (me included). Naturally, for the more serious and competitive gamers, anger often arises at the false claims of superiority in that person's gameplay. Proving and disproving a strategy is useless if it doesn't get used or if it doesn't work. And I should remind you all that arguing isn't going to get you anywhere. I myself have tried to aim for a goal that sounds, literally, impossible. I took that impossible-sounding goal and tried it, showing that it's not possible on a console, unless there was some secret glitch that wasn't told. It even beat my emulator run, after I had consulted with two WR players that told me his run probably wasn't possible, and if I couldn't beat it, he couldn't have gotten it. My advice to Wouter and those that discredit AKA is this: If it's wrong, prove it wrong. If it could be right, let it be wrong until proven right. If AKA is a liar, so? He's not the one making the run, and his advice to Rising Tempest isn't going to make Tempest use (or shall I say waste?) countless hours on trying to get 5 damage boosts and shave off a few seconds. So just relax, all of you. As for Rising Tempest, I should remind you that the advice of others is purely up to you to use. If you feel it's not possible and you don't want to try, don't do it. If you want to see if it's possible, or want to use it to benefit your run, then by all means try. But don't let others (as Wouter, AKA, and a few others have) change your view on what to do, or how to do this run anymore than you want it to. After all, you're doing the run, not them. So good luck to the rest of the run, as I'm sure it'll be great. =]
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samurai goroh wrote:
Just curious, does any of you 2 knows Japanese? Because it would be certanly hard to get, for example, the item you wanna steal or learn blue spells or equip/use items... I was thinking on looking for the memory address, so you don't have to guess. Currently I'd found 2 values that behaves like the item you're going to steal, though you can't steal a different item if you use cheats...
They could just come on IRC and ask. We've got people that can speak or at least translate most of the needed items. Good luck to you both on finishing the run!
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Well, actually.. N64 emulators are pretty buggy as well, since we still have many plugin-compatibility issues and playback problems (ie Guano's OoT) but it's gotten stabler after the release of Mupen v8. I can't really answer your question as I'm not familar with coding (especially emulator coding and support) so I can't explain detail [or at all] why Neo-Geo doesn't yet have a working emulator while a more "advanced" system like N64 has one. I would assume that the Neo-geo isn't as popular as the N64, and thus less support or work on those emulators when compared to a more popular one like Mupen? I don't really know. =/ IN any case though, lighten up on the attitude. We're not all out to nit-pick you on everything, just have some respect for us and we'll get along fine. After all, you've only been here for... a day? O.o Edit: Nevermind.. Just found the thread where you got banned. -_-
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Actually, isn't there a working PS2 emulator that has rerecording features? I remember someone made a demo video of FFX and it was pretty good, though I do recall them saying it was "too hard" to pull off as it required an enormous amount of space. And for the record, most PS games are roughly 700mb a disc, and I have no idea how big PS2 ones are. I don't think hard drive space is much of a problem with computers nowadays. Mine has about 160 gigs. =/
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Finally had a chance to see the OoT run, and I must say it's VERY impressive. I have to wonder though, why the backstepping? Unless it's faster, I think it'd be better (both visually and TAS-wise) to sidestep it all or just run forward, although I admit it is funny when you run backwards through a lot of stuff. Still, it did get a little bit boring watching you just backpedal your way through the Desert. Like everyone else here, I had de-sync problems playing it normally, until I realized I needed raw data to be checked, which proved fine up to the Silver Gauntlets, which is apparently where everyone is having desynch problems. A very nice run so far, so keep up the good work Guano!
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I watched this a while ago though I never responded. I don't think it's bad, but it doesn't look very interesting. Much of it is just running around (not so much like the original Castlevania games, and the GBA ones too) but it looks so redundant.. Maybe I just haven't played it to know? The boss battles and item manipulation was pretty well done, so that's a plus. If it was a bit more interesting (or looked better.. ¬¬) I'd be voting a definite yes. Despite that... Voting a reluctant "Yes" ^^? Nice job.. I think. o.x
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