Posts for minglw

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Experienced Forum User
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Very interesting and fast-faced TAS! I didn't know that watching a minigolf game can be this entertaining. It would be cool if all of them can be done in hole-in-one style. Unfortunately, I doubt course 18 is possible. Voting yes!
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Very impressive! Very face paced run with almost constant action. A very enjoyable run! Voting yes!
Experienced Forum User
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Wow! That was very entertaining to watch! Turtle shell power! (sounds like TMNT to me) And the power of tiny Mario... Voting yes!
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Wow! That was amazing! I, too, hoping that someone would make a full run with all treasures collected. Voting yes on this one!
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This run is fun to watch! Voting yes!
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Very nice run! I haven't watched it with 3D glasses yet, but even without the 3D glasses, this run looks very good. Voting yes! I will re-watch it in 3D. :-)
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Wow! That was very impressive! I didn't know, until now, that swinging a fishing rod can be this fun! :-) Move over spiderman! Voting yes obviously!
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Anyone still working on the "warpless walkthon" run ?
Experienced Forum User
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I think this TAS has potential to be published if it includes the 4th game and also make many of the improvement suggested by people above. I enjoy the run but I am voting no because it can be better.
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This is a very interesting idea! However, if you still have to press any button, I don't consider that as "end of input". You're still doing something to the input. Aside from this, most of the movie is pretty boring. If there's a category for "concept" runs, I would vote YES for it. Otherwise, I am voting no.
Experienced Forum User
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Very impressive! It's definitely entertaining to watch. Are we going to a "playaround" category for this ? That would nice. Edit: Voted Yes.
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I found this run to be pretty entertaining. Given that this site doesn't accept most of the hack runs, I don't know if this one will get published or not. Regardless, I am voting yes.
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A very entertaining run. Voting yes!
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I am not a Rayman fan, but I like the TAS. Seems entertaining enough to be published. Voting Yes!
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Mitjitsu wrote:
How come every time I try to watch this on Snes9x the emu crashes? I was able to watch it thanks to the encode and I was surprised how obvious the improvements were, and Donut Plains 1 was significantly improved in terms of watchabilty. Compared to all the previous runs.
I had the same problem before. If you delete the cfg file ("snes9x*.cfg") and re-run the emulator, you should be ok. At least that's what I did and it works fine ever since.
Experienced Forum User
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Wow! Just an amazing TAS! Second stage is just unexpected... I was asking myself: What was he doing? Was it a desync that Mario is just dumping around and duplicating blocks? .... a few moments later, the "WTF moment" occurred and I was speechless. :-) The Big Boo fight was nice, for a moment, I thought Mario was playing Slidoban (a Sokboan variant in which the player slides the blocks). Final boss fight's opening was very creative. Through out the run, whenever I see Mario flys, it makes think he's Superman -- flying seems to effortless and so fun to watch. Thank you ISM & Mister for the very entertaining run! A big YES vote from me. BTW, is the 96-exit run in the works ? (can't wait to watch that one)
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I never expected that a minesweeper TAS would be fun to watch. This TAS is fun. It's funny to see how slow the CPU does the update. Voting yes!
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Some levels seem repetitive (boring), but some are nice -- especially level 6. Not as entertaining as I've expected. However, I do want to thank Ryuto for creating the TAS. A soft yes vote. PS. I request someone do a sokoban TAS. :-) (just want to see how fast it can be done.)
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"100% kills" is a bit vague when the enemies wasn't really killed by the blocks. If finishing the stage automatically kills the enemy, then the following objective is enough to cover it. Objective: finish all stages as fast as possible. Unless.... it's faster to kill the enemy without clearing all the blocks in the stage AND you're aiming to kill the enemy. Then the goal becomes "100% kills ASAP". It's an enjoyable TAS to watch. Voting Yes!
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Fast and Furious.... Thanks for the entertaining TAS! Voting yes!
Experienced Forum User
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That was fast! All I hear was almost constantly (almost every second) the sound of completing a Tetris. Entertaining to watch! To sum it up: it's short and sweet! Voting Yes!
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Lord Tom wrote:
Can't watch now (at work, movie sites blocked, grr) but would like to voice the following theory: HappyLee is actually a bot running the following pseudo-code indefinitely on faster and faster hardware:
foreach PUBLISHED_MOVIES where ROM_NAME like "Super Mario Bros."
  if PLAYER_NAME is not "HappyLee"
    while isNotImproved(MOVIE) tryCrapNoOneCouldEverThinkOf(MOVIE);
    submit(MOVIE, "HappyLee");
haha... that's hilarious! That birdie is really cheap cheap... it helps in this case. Nice find HappyLee! I vote yes for submission!
Experienced Forum User
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As a few others pointed out earlier, I think the Metal Slug series is more entertaining to watch for a 2P run. It's more fun to watch for maximum kill/damage (or some other tasks that equates to doing a 100% run) instead of speed. With that aside, this 1P run is still entertaining to watch. I am voting yes to this run. I didn't encounter any desync problems. I assume it's related to the ROM being used. Here are the step I've taken to verify the ROMs: 1. export the ROM info to a dat file to be used by cmpro. 2. rebuild the ROMs using cmpro (just dropped the ROMs from MAME and let cmpro do the rest)
Experienced Forum User
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Thanks for another entertaining TAS of SMB!
Experienced Forum User
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Posts: 269
The WIP looks awesome! Please keep up with the excellent work!
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