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Oh yes, we'll definitely be doing B2 first, then the 100 Coins/Red Coins (which, for the fastest way, require the sub), and then getting rid of the sub. ;)
See order above. no need to make the level entrance farther away when you don't have to. star 2 isn't lagged by the sub.[/quote] Ah, this is true. Orderwise... Shortest to longest? Longest to shortest? Coolest to most boring? As the game orders it, except when it could be faster? I think we need somewhat of a consensus here...I don't really mind anything.
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Comicalflop wrote:
Why not just situationally make different choices per course? Also, doesn't it take frames to switch from star to star
In the star selection screen, yes, but virtually all stars in the game can be gotten without actually being selected in the star selection screen, so that's not a problem.
Also, the random number generator sounds interesting, but it wouldn't be as hip if it weren't for the fact there's only 6 numbers, and fewer for those stages where some stars are necessary to get first.
I guess, though we'd still kind of want to do the stars in a fairly random order (ie, not actually in order), and I thought the generator would be a good medium for choosing...Any ideas (Chamale's were noted)?
Also, not many stars benefit from having the sub there. I'd say removing it removes lag for the other stars and can only be a good thing.
Oh yes, we'll definitely be doing B2 first, then the 100 Coins/Red Coins (which, for the fastest way, require the sub), and then getting rid of the sub. ;)
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omg 2pac lives!!!~! Listen close, as life turns its pages Makaveli here, kickin' rhymes for the ages Seen things on stages, wise words spoken by sages From SkyTel to BlackBerry pagers Your crew don't phase us, we'll make you bustas pay us Run up in your spot like CJ from San Andreas ... I wrote this song a long time ago A real long time ago Feel me!!! I wrote this song a long time ago It was the dopest song I ever wrote... in '94!! Oh yeah, the, uh topic. I read your lyrics when you posted this thread (a year ago?), and I was impressed from a lyrical standpoint; today it's not so often you find multisyllabic rhymes in amateur raps. Also, these new beats sounded very nice. FL Studio works good if you're into experimenting with instrumentals.
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Actually, as dumb as it sounds, for each level. I'm first taking the stars that will be necessary (eg, JRB Ship) (if at all), then possibly choosing ones for first/last (eg, our Pillar strat at the very end of JRB would look kind of cool, I think) and then determining the order of the rest through a pseudo-random number generator. The stars are numbered in the game anyway, so it's just 1 to 6 randomly arranged (100 coins goes with whatever star it comes know what I mean), and then choose the stars corresponding to the numbers. I guess most people will think this is a horrendously stupid idea, but it seemed to make some sense at the time.
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Chamale wrote:
25 signs you're Canadian My fave: 2. You understand the phrase "Could you pass me a serviette, I just dropped my poutine on the chesterfield."
Let's see... 1. You're not offended by the term "HOMO MILK". Not offended, but a little confused, seeing as I've never seen "homogenized" abbreviated like that. 2. You understand the phrase "Could you pass me a serviette, I just dropped my poutine, on the chesterfield." Understand perfectly. 3. You eat chocolate bars, not candy bars. wth is candy bar? 4. You drink Pop, not Soda. wth is soda? 5. You know that a Mickey and 24's mean, "party at the camp, eh!!!" ??? 6. You don't care about the fuss with Cuba. It's a cheap place to go for your holidays, with good cigars . Sounds accurate. 7. You know that a pike is a type of fish, not part of a highway. Agree here, too. 8. You drive on a highway, not a freeway. wth is freeway? 9. You have Canadian Tire money in your kitchen drawers. *checks* Yep. 10. You know that Casey and Finnegan were not part of a Celtic musical group Celtic musical group...? 11. You get excited whenever an American television show mentions Canada. I generally postpone my plans if I know this is upcoming. 12. You brag to Americans that; Shania Twain, Jim Carrey, Celine Dion & Mike Myers are Canadians. ... also , Alex Trebec, David Foley, Matthew Perry etc.etc. I don't brag (as I'm not proud of any of them), but unfortunately I knew them all. 13. You know that the C.E.O. of American Airlines is a Canadian! Erm, who? 14. You know what a toque is. Check. 15. You design your Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit. Don't, but know people who do. 16. You know that the last letter of the English alphabet is always pronounced "Zed". Use "zed" and "zee" interchangeably. 17. Your local newspaper covers the national news on 2 pages, but requires 6 pages for hockey. Another check. 18. You know that the four seasons mean: almost winter, winter, still winter, and road work. Except when "road work" becomes 36 degrees C most years. 19. You know that when it's 25 degrees outside, it's a warm day. Because of the difference between Fahrenheit and Celsius (the latter of which isn't used only by Canadians), yes. 20. You understand the Labatt Blue commercials. Damn right...the Silver Bullet. 21. You know how to pronounce and spell "Saskatchewan". Yes, and I'd assume most Americans would know how to pronounce and spell "Arkansas". 22. You perk up when you hear the theme song from 'Hockey Night in Canada'. Something like that. 23. You are in grade 12, not the 12th grade. Was. 24. "Eh?" is a very important part of your vocabulary, and is more polite than, "Huh?" Part of vocab: yes. Used more than "huh": no. 25. You actually understand these jokes, and forward them to all of your Canadian friends! Then you send them to your American friends just to confuse them! Sort of. I guess I am, in fact, Canadian. =(
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Like the 3rd and 5th shots a lot. Just incidentally, doesn't making predictions about this being obsoleted so soon (not gonna attempted for a very long time, at least not from our camp) kind of take away some of the enjoyment from this run? Just saying.
Post subject: Re: I found a faster version
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kuja killer wrote:
I dont know if anyone's seen this before, but a friend just showed me this video on youtube of someone managing to get thrugh the game with absolutely no (zero) stars It's about 1 minute, 40 seconds faster than this published 1 star run. And I do say rikku's is very impressive, this 0 star one awed me even more! :) Maybe rikku might want to look at this and try to do a 0-star improvement ? :)
Wow, the authors of that ought to submit that to this site! What a revolution it would be.
It's about 1 minute, 40 seconds faster than this published 1 star run.
You obviously calculated this intensely, but in fact it is nothing of the kind.
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After the initial shock...moar words. Well, we all knew it was going to happen, and we all knew it was going to be big, but it still feels like the most shocking, unpredicted-by-anyone improvement in the game. The glitches were fabulous, and it looks incredibly optimized and clean. Even completely useless things (mini-steps whilst waiting for the key in B2) were entertaining and practically shocking. Setting aside everything from earlier, congratulations and a good "fuck yes" vote.
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You've done it. You've done it.
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It's less to load at once, so it probably does have some effect on performance. Also, it does what it does: keeps Mario out where he's supposed to be, or you'd get this.
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Randil wrote:
mr_robert_z wrote:
FEMALE: Same exact thing, but with the probability for girls (which would be 1-0.512=0.455). 0.455^7= ~0.0040371
Eh? I don't think 1-0.512=0.455, it should be 0.488. ;)
Oops, typo. Damn keyboard. 0.00659
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Arrgghh, three minutes too late.
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Guybrush wrote:
Here's a probability exercise I can't solve. It's supposed to be kinda easy, but I just can't think of the right way to solve it. Here goes: Of all born children, 51.2% are male. What's the percentage for those families that have 7 children and all of those children are a) male b) female Any help would be appreciated.
MALE: Probability is 0.512 that if they have one child, it'll be a boy. Let's say they have two kids; that would be 0.512*0.512, since they're independent events. So, for seven, all boys, it's 0.512^7= ~0.0092233 FEMALE: Same exact thing, but with the probability for girls (which would be 1-0.512=0.455). 0.455^7= ~0.0040371 Not hard at all if you work it out a little.
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Bisqwit wrote:
mr_roberts_z wrote:
You know: The value V of a Chevy Cavalier Coupe that is t years old can be modeled by V(t)=14,512(0.82)^t When will the car be worth $4000?
You forgot too much!
mr_roberts_z wrote:
You know: The value V of a Chevy Cavalier Coupe that is t years old can be modeled by V(t)=14,512(0.82)^t When will the car be worth $4000? If the car is y years old, at what price will you pay too much?
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You know: The value V of a Chevy Cavalier Coupe that is t years old can be modeled by V(t)=14,512(0.82)^t When will the car be worth $4000?
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Bisqwit wrote:
Xipo wrote:
会当凌绝顶, 一览众山小
Babelfish wrote:
In English: Can when insults 绝顶, as soon as looks at the numerous mountains to be small
Google wrote:
Automatically translated text: When Ling will be extremely, small viewing public Hill
Makes sense to me... Anyway, that poem Xipo put up before was very good; Du Fu wrote over a thousand of them like those, almost all of them relating to nature. Moar.
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EDIT: that would do it. If anyone's curious, we redid the red coins route with another that was recommended to us, but it turned out to be significantly slower. I think it looks kind of cool, so if anyone wants to see if, I can put it on YouTube.
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Congratumalations NES/TASVideos.
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Thanks CF. What happened to the rest of the 100 coins, though? The BLJs are different because each one needed different aiming, angles, and distance. I think they're all quite optimal.
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Thanks for the feedback so far! I'd prefer to do without YouTube for now, but if someone would capture the WIP and put in on a hosting site, that would be great.
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Optimized, and beats the game as fast as possible, right? Yes vote then.
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plusminus wrote:
mr_roberts_z wrote:
So it's finally snowing today, and I've got two big sweaters on and I'm wearing gloves as I type... and yes, the heating's working just fine.
...and I just almost got frostbite shoveling snow gloveless. *cancel <things> post*
Post subject: Small Fast Forwarding Trick - Intended?
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I noticed that when holding the fast forward button in Mupen64 and then switched to another window, Mupen would continue to fast forward even if you let go of the FF key. To stop the FFing, just hit the key again. I found this particularly useful, because you don't have to hold the FF key for as long as you need to, and when just raising the speed to 1000%, it's kind of clumsy to slowdown all the way back to 100%. Anyway, just curious to know if this was intended or not (if not, did anyone else know about it?)'s a little odd feature, but pretty helpful.
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Something I copied from something pretty similar: 50 Fahrenheit (10 C) New Yorkers try to turn on the heat. Canadians plant gardens. 40 Fahrenheit (4.4 C) Californians shiver uncontrollably Canadians Sunbathe. 35 Fahrenheit (1.6 C) Italian Cars won't start Canadians drive with the windows down 32 Fahrenheit (0 C) Distilled water freezes Canadian water gets thicker. 0 Fahrenheit (-17.9 C) New York City landlords finally turn on the heat. Canadians have the last cookout of the season. -40 Fahrenheit (-40 C) Hollywood disintegrates. Canadians rent some videos. -60 Fahrenheit (-51 C) Mt. St. Helen's freezes. Canadian Girl Guides sell cookies door-to-door. -100 Fahrenheit (-73 C) Santa Claus abandons the North Pole Canadians pull down their earflaps. -173 Fahrenheit (-114 C) Ethyl alcohol freezes. Canadians get frustrated when they can't thaw the keg. -459.4 Fahrenheit (-273 C) Absolute zero; all atomic motion stops. Canadians start saying "cold, eh? " -500 Fahrenheit (-295 C) Hell freezes over. The Leafs win the Cup Not really "poking" fun at Canada; more like "lightly brushing with a feather".
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pyromaniac wrote: EDIT: you might be able to blj into the side if it (i accidently said cant)
He's already on the other side of the DDD wall in that video, so it wouldn't have a huge amount of use. Anyway.... I guess some people already know that Rikku and I are making a new 120 star TAS. For those who don't...Rikku and I are making a new 120 star TAS. The pace definitely won't be as fast as the previous run, as we're trying/experimenting with plenty of new things for each star (you'll see what we mean in this WIP). JRB alone took us about 1.5 months to get down right. Here's the first WIP; at the end of JRB, we're over 30 seconds ahead. After JRB, we plan to go to PSS twice, giving us 10 stars (we might substitute B1 for PSS2), then get the Wing Cap and get into BoB. Then, CCM, WF, and PSS2/B1 as normal. 8 Stars Done Enjoy... Feedback is appreciated.
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