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moozooh wrote:
I find that somewhat less than completely unreadable.
That is being generous. Imagine after resizing to 256x224 and compression, lol. p.s. sorry if you were making a serious suggestion, but it seems ridiculously bad IMO or maybe you thought I was trolling and you're just counter-trolling me =_=
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Maybe drop the needlessly wordy text and just keep the high points. P.S. thanks for the correction
Post subject: Re: Depersonalizing logos
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turska wrote:
I propose that a generic TASVideos logoset be created...
If you had made a generic logoset that looked awesome it would be easier to see a positive side to this proposal. A concrete solution would make your criticism more constructive. I'll start. Here is my logo, made more generic. Gimp editable: generic.xcf
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smb2.avi #dump from emu 4.avs
Language: avisynth

avisource("smb2.avi") assumefps(60) converttorgb32 num = AudioLengthF * FrameRateNumerator denom = FrameCount * FrameRateDenominator AssumeSampleRate(Round(num / denom)) ResampleAudio(48000) trim(0,38628) dissolve(last, last.trim(38429, 38628).amplify(0), 200)
Language: avisynth

import("C:\Users\vehi\Desktop\NGcode\lib\NGcode.avs") src=avisource("4.avs") ReplaceFramesSimple(src, src.ng_deblink(), \ mappings=" [2378 3071] #first boss [28627 29181] #wings") ReplaceFramesSimple(src.ng_deblink(1.0), \ mappings=" [2025 2053] #shyguy twitching [2564 2708] #toad twitching [4254 4341] #falling creeps [6137 6182] #falling logs [17391 17439] #invinc [18675 18679] #footsie [19699 19746] #invinc [22756 22803] #invinc [25922 26137] #egg+invinc [26596 26615] #toad twitch [27401 27455] #toad twitch")
Language: avisynth

import("C:\Users\vehi\Desktop\NGcode\lib\NGcode.avs") multi = 1 src=avisource("M:\TAS\smb2\4.avs") import("subs.avs")
Language: avisynth

SetMemoryMax(2048) import("C:\Users\vehi\Desktop\NGcode\lib\NGcode.avs") multi = 8 src=avisource("M:\TAS\smb2\4_yt.avs") import("subs.avs") SelectEven()
Language: avisynth

subff = 425 system = "NES" title = "Super Mario Bros. 2" author = "DonamerDragon" time = "07:53.32" rerecord = "15215" sub_str1 = title + \ " by " + author + "\n" + \ " in " + time + \ " Rerecord Count: " + rerecord sub_str2 = "This is a tool-assisted recording.\n" + \ "For details, visit" src main=pointresize(multi*width, multi*height) AviSource("M:\TAS\logo.avi") ChangeFPS(main) audiodub(blankclip(main)) logo=spline36resize(main.width, main.height) logo++main ng_bighalo(sub_str1, y=17*multi, align=2, first_frame=subff, size=(13.0 * multi), halo_radius=(1*multi), memo = "1") ng_bighalo(sub_str2, y=19*multi, align=2, first_frame=(subff + 300), size=(15.0 * multi), halo_radius=(1*multi), memo = "2")
Using import("subs.avs") like this makes it act like a function that returns a clip with the subs applied.
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This might more sense with examples, so I'll use a super mario bros 2 run that YoungJ1997lol mentioned on IRC last night. The linked youtube is 240p and just uses SelectEven. Young's attempt upsizes to 480p and applies TASBlend throughout. There is very little blinking in the run, so the TASBlend ends up blurring motion everywhere with little positive effect. SelectEven is the correct approach for most of the run. I put together a collection of some of the more complex parts and I'll try to explain how to use the test=true option to sort things out. Section 1 The first 100 frame are typical of most of the movie. Blues for pixel change. Greens and yellows for flashes. Nothing that needs to be corrected. With the shyguy at the bottom there is some real blinking which shows up as red/magenta. Section 2 The flashing at the beginning isn't very distinct, it might just be a sprite limit issue. Toad looking back and forth is definitely blinking. Section 3 The enemies are constantly swapping screen order as they fall. The shyguys at the end flash at odd intervals. Section 4 The fish at the beginning looks like it might be blinking, but a double check shows it is just complex motion tricking my filters. The logs are blinking, which seems strange, probably a sprite issue. Section 5 Flashing at the beginning with some blinking as Luigi lifts the egg. Section 6 Mostly flashing, some blinking while Luigi is invincible. Section 7 Health bar blinks with the mask a bit. Blinking egg, sprite issue. Section 8 Egg blinks, probably a sprite issue. Boss blinks. Toad blinks when invincible Section 9 When Toad looks back and forth at a 1 frame rate it is blinking, but the (2 left, 1 right) isn't. Section 10 Wings are blinking.

ReplaceFramesSimple(src, src.ng_deblink(),
\ mappings="
[2378 3071] #first boss
[28627 29181] #wings")

\ mappings="
[2025 2053] #shyguy twitching
[2564 2708] #toad twitching
[4254 4341] #falling creeps
[6137 6182] #falling logs
[17391 17439] #invinc
[18675 18679] #footsie
[19699 19746] #invinc
[22756 22803] #invinc
[25922 26137] #egg+invinc
[26596 26615] #toad twitch
[27401 27455] #toad twitch")
Post subject: Famtasia Encodes
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Famtasia isn't great, there are a number of reason one would want to avoid it when making an encode. But if it doesn't sync on anything else you might be stuck. I have a possible work-around, but I don't know what kind of practical limits it runs into. If the movie syncs on famtasia and the savestate data for each frame could be recorded, could that then be played back with TASEditor? IE a large collection of single-frame from-savestate movies, using famtasia to recreate its faulty logic and something else to render the A/V. Edit: ACK, the famtasia source code is lost, pulling the savestates out of the .exe is probably nigh impossible. Oh well, plenty of SNES youtubes to encode.
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turska wrote:
in that time, many won't even be able to read which criminal encoded the release
turska wrote:
Telling viewers to pause is not a solution.
People don't read text in a video on the internet because they don't want to, not because they can't.
Post subject: Re: Depersonalizing logos
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turska wrote:
  • Presenting unnecessary information is undesirable.
But what information is necessary? I think the encoder's name is as useful as the rerecord count. I'm all for a standard logo I could just drop my name in. Making an individual logo sucks, someone is sure to think it is tacky or bland. Finding placement for subtitles is more my level of artistic expression ;)
Post subject: Setting up a deblinking workflow
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I've updated the deblink function ng_blinkmask(test=true) will show a side by side of the video with some motion vector information. Use that to tell when you have blinking. Decide how best to deal with the blinking you have. (some guidelines at the pastebin) Then tie it together with some ReplaceFramesSimple.
ReplaceFramesSimple(src, src.ng_deblink(),
\ mappings="
[2235 2266]
[3729 3760]
[4673 4688]
[5361 5374]")

ReplaceFramesSimple(last, src.ng_deblink(1.0),
\ mappings="
[1933 2002]
[5165 5266]")

ReplaceFramesSimple(last, src.SelectEvery(4,0,2,1,3),
\ mappings="
[6595 6800]
[7861 8175]")

ReplaceFramesSimple(last, src.SelectEvery(4,1,0,2,3),
\ mappings="
[19677 19864]")

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Adjectives aren't usually pluralized in American English, and "0 star" is being used as an adjective.
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Optional memoization is in. That should save some time if you preview in vdub or end up re-encoding, so you only have the lut creation times once. Give each memo a different name.
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I think it runs out of memory, recycles the masks and then has to remake them again and again. Maybe splitting into two function, one that makes the masks and writes them to a png, and another function to layer the png on the right range.
Post subject: Subtitle halo for youtube encode
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The default halo width is fixed at 1, which isn't visible when supersizing. I hacked up an alternate subtitle function that allows for bigger halos.
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natt wrote:
Honestly, given all of this information, it doesn't sound like there is a good way to cut this video.
Maybe show "This has been a tool-assisted speedrun, for more information visit" and then end. Might make the ending look more intentional.
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natt wrote:
As far as the ending goes, use your best judgement... I dislike where this encode ends not particularly because of the song (it's the same song that has been running the whole race), but because it seems "abrupt" and unprofessional; it looks like something may have been cut off, even if that's not the case.
Yah, the ending is a non-event because its a 2-player race and the 2nd player hasn't finished yet. Can I finish the 2nd player and splice in whatever ending happens then?
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must include the full ending (with at least one full loop of the ending song for those games that have them).
Ok, I can extend it to include a full loop of the song.
The video must start at the beginning of the input file (normally console start-up) and
The .smv starts from a save state. Is that part ok, or does the missing input need to be added?
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Post subject: x264 --tune touhou
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Has anyone heard about/tried this or other psy tunings? Touhou is the video game the x264 team uses to showoff how good their motion estimation algorithm is. It has its own tuning, but the documentation has been removed.
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Velitha wrote:
--vf resize:,,,,i420:8,lanczos
I see this warning when using that
resize [warning]: converting range from TV to PC
Do you see that too? --vf resize:,,,,i420:16,lanczos Might prevent excess color loss.
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creaothceann wrote:
What about using MP4Box to create an .mp4 file? (or some other tool than x264)
That is what NHML lets you do, but it loses some metadata. MP4Box has an option to change the SAR, but I didn't see anything to put the color matrix tags back. Probably not a big deal since most software ignores those tags anyway.
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The timecode problem is just something with mp4, right? So by storing my dedupped files as mkv I could avoid that hassle? But mp4 is still needed for the 512 because won't stream mkv?
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Velitha wrote:
--vf resize:,,,,i420:8,lanczos
Ilari told me to use that (and let x264 handle the color matrices), so what I'm using is what I was told to use.
I'm sure x264 uses a predetermined color matrix, I just didn't know which. Is it 601? Is there a way to signal that after mp4box combines the nhml? Does nhmlfixup need the nhml from the raw h264? Would pulling the nhml from an mp4 stream keep the metadata? This issue also seems to kill the SAR. A video I flagged as 7:6 ended up as 5:4 according to mediainfo. Is there a program to check if the video is tv/pc range?
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feos wrote:
"I don't know what "m23" means", line 28. Deblink 3 works okay.
Oops, I defined m01 twice =_= Here is an update.
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Velitha wrote:
--vf resize:,,,,i420:8,lanczos
It looks like you end up with an undefined colormatrix in your encodetypes 1,2,3 ? Though I guess by the time nhml is done with them, any information I passed to x264 is lost as well. So, does it matter, or just expect everything SD will be treated as PC.601 and hope for the best???
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creaothceann wrote:
Encoding from .avs is of course easy with ConvertToRGB32.
This is where I'm lost. I add converttorgb32 to the end of my .avs and then... pipe it through dosbox???
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