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FODA wrote:
I would like to see it in wireframe too, as the black color doesn't help to see the modeling, which is being showcased. This is before I made the corners smoother. After that, it looks like this, lol: It has thousands of faces and lines and looks very messy... I only wanted to make the corners smoother, but to do that I had to subdivide the whole memory card 3 times. There is probably some better way, but I couldn't figure it out. It sucked because it also made the program run very slowly, because there's so many faces.
It reminds me of something I made (sorry not youtube, requires shockwave plugin):
Awesome, looks very realistic. Shame the contacts didn't export, so it's just a hollow case :P The shockwave thing is better than youtube for 3D, I need to learn how to do that some time.
Modeling screws is trivial in 3d studio max, given that you know your ways around the modifiers.
It might also be trivial if I watch enough youtube tutorials.
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Warp wrote:
This is the only 3D animation I have made for youtube:
Looks good, but the objects don't seem to represent anyting familiar. Did you make these screws also? Those are awesome, I have no idea how I could make a screw.
FODA wrote:
Nice render there warp!
Didn't you like the memory card I made? It took forever to make.
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Have any of you tried to make some 3D things? I made this memory card in order to practice using Blender 3D: It's only the second 3D object I've made. I chose to do a memory card because it's pretty simple, almost just a rectangle. It didn't turn out perfect, but I'm happy with it anyway, and I learned a lot of things, like the fact that I should NOT use the messed up cutting tool. You can do pretty cool things with these 3D programs if you learn to use them. Blender 3D seems pretty damn hard to use though.
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I don't think it's the resolution that causes the desync because otherwise it would have desynced long before Silo.
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In Pilotwings 64 you can go 3000 "km/h", using a glitch: I wonder how fast that is in pixels per frame though... I wonder if we need some other way of measuring speed in 3D games.
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Wyster wrote:
I also noticed that NOT warping out of 2nd scientist room was faster than warping lol. Looks bad though so i'm not gonna do that.
I guess the lag from warping in cinema might cause major lag, which can lose time. Wouldn't it be a good idea to use the method that is fastest (ie. without warp) though? The m64 files you gave desync for me, at the beginning of Silo, a little after the first door warp, you get stuck on a guard. Have you checked that this run syncs from the beginning? Could be just me though, but I had all the plugins and everything right, and it synced all the way until that point. I'm studying too, but it's a lot of self-study, so we don't do a lot. I might have to do some TASing during "classtime", so that I don't get bored :P TASing is a good way to consume time.
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What's going on Wyster, was it too annoying to start over silo? It would have been awesome even if you didn't go back to fix that little problem
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From the first page
moozooh wrote:
24 px/f: Knuckles (when gliding) — Sonic 3 & Knuckles (Genesis, 1994)
Only 24 px/f? I thought knuckles speeded up indefinitely when in glide mode, if no obstacle is encountered, and thus disproving the theory of relativity by going faster than the speed of light...
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Hilarious, here's some of my favorite parts (italized texts are quotes from tasvideos and the normal text is the response to that):
They are art. "Aside from falling under the art of conning, these videos are"
lol, "art of conning"
"Although absolute perfection is ridiculously simple to attain via the video editing programs provided, it has not been achieved in any fake and cheated video thus far. Why perfect videos have not been made with a video editing program designed to allow you to cheat your way to a perfect video stirs much confusion, although the most commonly accepted solution to this is that FCVE makers are horrendous gamers"
The videos are not edited with an image manipulation program "This is completely false, as every video editing program (re-recording emulator) used to create FCVEs is an image manipulation program; it takes images that would otherwise be unaltered, and manipulates them into a cheated video which they were not intended to be originally."
From what I read, he was annoyed because he used to make speedruns using emulators, and since TAS tools were created such emulator videos wouldn't qualify as proof anymore. He's obviously joking/trolling a bit, with Hitler and all that, but he's also serious at the same time, he's just exaggerating a bit to get his point across. He says that TAS emulators are video editing programs. I'm not sure if it's entirely wrong, it might depend a little of what definition of "video" we have:
As for the button presses, although it is true that button press data is fed into a video editing program for playback, this means it is simply one of two parts of the movie; this scenario is akin to splitting any edited movie into two portions, then claiming that the movie is not edited because you need to put the two pieces together for it to work. As both parts are essentially the movie, the video is edited.
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Truncated wrote:
Legion's post on page 3 titled "Da Metroid" is vital, but has been eaten by the q?u?e?s?t?i?o?n?m?a?r?k monster.
It can be fixed easily by pasting it on notepad and using the replace feature. I wonder what causes those question marks anyway...
The site referenced has since been taken down. Internet wayback machine to the rescue! You can use the links on the top right to navigate to the other pages even though the pictures are missing. I like bisqwithitler.php the best.
The links don't work anymore, did they remove them from the archive?
Well, I'm gonna go back to making fake and cheated video edits (FCVE for short) now.
Yeah, maybe TASes are "fake video edits"... fake, in the sense that they actually aren't video edits, they are input edits :P
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Rap is not really my favorite genre, but there are some good songs, like this, mostly because of the message: I'm not sure this counts: JXQs songs were pretty good too.
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Kuwaga wrote:
Songs I spontaneously associated with this: [URL=]Polysics - Black out fall out[/URL]
Funny, especially the ending
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DaTeL237 wrote:
Wooh awesome, must be one of the best levels to TAS :)
Yeah, it's probably the level that has most competition. It's good to have something to compare to.
How much desynchs did yuo encounter?
None :P I did this pretty fast... only an hour or so. But with games that desync much, I only TAS for maybe 15 seconds at a time, and then see if it syncs, and then continue.
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A little sloppy, but if you want to see I made the Dark cavern mission in 37.81:
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Warp wrote:
You understand that in nature animals kill other animals for food all the time, sometimes even in the most gruesome and tortuous ways? Exactly how is that any less "immoral" than humans killing animals for food? Mistreatment and unnecessary suffering may be seen as immoral, but considering simply eating animals as immoral is just outright hypocrisy IMO. Humans eating animals is exactly as natural as any other animal eating animals.
Killing isn't immoral for animals because they don't know that it's wrong. It's wrong for humans because we know that it causes suffering. Right and wrong (morality) have almost the same meaning as the words pleasure and pain, in case you're wondering what I mean.
And where do you draw the line? Is killing flies immoral? Cockroaches? Bacteria? Worms?
How immoral it is to kill depends essentially on the inherent consciousness of the creature that we kill. Animals are conscious of feelings and can feel pain, so it's wrong to kill them. Humans are conscious of even more things, like thoughts, so it's even more wrong to kill humans.
(I'm also very tempted to draw a comparison to another regular visitor to this forum, but I'll pass on that as well.)
I don't think there's anything wrong with eating carrots/plants though, because they aren't conscious of feelings like pain.
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Warp wrote:
From an evolutionary point of view, cooking food has actually been a crucial step that helped humans to survive and thrive. That's because cooking kills harmful bacteria from the food, lessening cases of food poisoning, increasing chances of survival. It may well be that without it humans might have never become the predominant species.
That's what I read in science articles. It's true that burning or boiling food kills bacteria, but the problem is that it also kills most of the nutrients.
Say, why don't you put your money where your mouth is, and start eating completely "naturally", ie. eat all your meat and vegetables completely raw, without any kind of cooking.
I don't want to, because raw food doesn't taste good, because I'm used to eat toxic food, so I rather get poisoned and die from this toxic food than eat healthy raw food. There are some people who eat only raw food though. I don't think they eat meat. That might be dangerous. Eating meat is immoral anyway. Today, the toxics generated from burning are not enough. In order to sell more, food producers put all kinds of additives into food, most of which are dangerous and/or addictive, which create further problems and increase diseases.
(Oh, and when you do get it, don't go to the doctor. After all, they are just evil scientists who fight against Mother Nature and Her ways. Instead, only take natural remedies. Mother Nature is sure to heal you from the food poisoning She gave you in the first place.)
Most food poisoning is caused by human nature. But some day when we are enough scientifically advanced, we will be able to eat toxic food and prevent the diseases, and still live hundreds of years. In the past, people lived hundreds of years because they lived in harmony with nature. In the future we will also probably live hundreds of years, because of our technology and science.
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Warp wrote:
I sense bollocks.
I sense a scientific fact.
The history of caries goes way, way back into prehistory, and has been prevalent during the entire history of humanity. Caries is the most common disease in the world, and I wouldn't be surprised if that's true for most of history.
If we ate natural food we wouldn't need to brush our teeth, but ever since we started to burn our food we haven't eaten natural food, which is why we have caries. Many diseases like the many forms of cancer are the result of us burning food, which destroys the nutrients in the food and creates toxic chemicals that we then consume. Our bodies have evolved to eat the food that exists in nature, the raw food that animals eat. Our bodies haven't evolved to eat burned food, so we get problems like caries and diseases.
I wouldn't stop brushing my teeth, though.
I would. Raw food contains natural brushes that clean our teeth, like if we eat an apple, the skin sometimes gets stuck between teeth and acts like a dental floss. Thin and flexible tree branches when broken also contain stuff that protects our teeth, better than a toothbrush, which is made of plastic. Tooth paste also contains fluoride which decreases IQ. Source
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Yeah, brushing teeth before breakfast sounds illogical (doesn't mean it is, though), because when you eat breakfast, your teeth get unclean, so you have to brush them again...
Bisqwit wrote:
They say, it's because the meal produces acids in the mouth, that dissolves some of the minerals of the teeth, which do get reintegrated later. Brushing the teeth during before the remineralization is detrimental to the teeth. But brushing them before the meal does not have that harmful effect.
But what if I don't eat breakfast? I only drink a half glass of juice, should I brush my teeth?
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moozooh wrote:
Ahaha, that thread has the longest post I've ever written. :D Granted I wasn't exactly sober when writing it, but still, wow. I guess I cared a lot!
Yeah, that was pretty long, heh... I read almost the whole thread but I started to TL;DR after reaching half way in your post. But I was tired after reading everything before that. In one way, it was fun when people weren't as aware of what a TAS is, because it created more discussion and mystery around it, like with Morimoto's Mario 3 TAS.
Post subject: Re: This site makes me feel old
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Mlandry wrote:
Oh, and there was a continuous war between speedrunners and TASers because they felt it was cheating (willing to bet that's still going on to a lesser extent).
I haven't really seen speedrunners saying that TASes are cheat, but I see youtube comments on TASes sometimes that say they are cheat. Would you or someone else know where to find discussions of these old flamewars about TASes being cheating? I remember there was a pretty good one somewhere on SDA forum. Flamewars are always interesting to read :P
Visiting back here feels like that was in a different lifetime. Makes me feel like an old man. I get the same feeling from other old sites I used to visit like gotfrag or wcreplays and it's predecessor.
The same thing happens when we visit old places in real life, so I guess it works for places on the internet too.
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Wyster wrote:
Does it really make a diffrence? I haven't noticed any time loss at all by using cinema compared to full.
Yeah, dunno... I think because the framerate is worse, it should make the times worse. I at least managed to get better times more easily when using lookdown on my 23, but somehow you get insane times without it.
So even if there's a larger diffrence with 16:9 + cinema it shouldn't be a full second and definately not on such a short level.
Lol, I guess so... but the cinema+16:9 is like 3 times the size/width of full screen, so I thought it might cause a lot of timeloss.
So does this affect 00A anything? Is 41 possible?
Yes, I think it can save 1 second, the path seems to be shorter. Btw, I added a trainshot to the DLTK depot I made earlier and improved the time by 1 second (54). I won't post a vid of that though, it's not a big improvement/difference... I was gonna make a vid where I TASed that live to show how I TAS, but the recording screwed up :P >_<
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Pretty annoying also though, because maybe this run could have been 22 if i hadn't used cinema and 16:9...
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ROFL, I managed to do the warp in 4:3, so the cinema and 16:9 was actually no use at all :P It only took 5 minute to do also, I think I'm getting the hang of this. I just align myself approximately where I was in my previous videos and make the warp... when it doesn't go through, I load the state and turn the analog stick one degree at a time to the right until it warps.
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I haven't tried in cinema. I don't like to waste energy on inconsistent things unless I do a TAS. I might try a little though... and in the default 4:3 too.
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Oh that's annoying :/ but weren't you aiming mostly for entertainment, so 1:06 would still be as awesome as 1:05, because the slower pauses aren't noticeable. But at least now you know to be more careful with the pauses in the future.