Posts for nfq

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i got a malware warning from imageshack once (though not from just viewing an avatar on a different site). strange because it's the like the most famous image hosting place. we should really fix our global economic system so that people don't need to resort to destroying things just to get money.
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Desyncs and variable framerate. Lag is a problem too, but that's a problem in normal speedruns too, if you by lag mean that the framerate drops so that the game doesn't accept input 60 frames per second, but goes more like 20 fps, which is common in N64 games.
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Aktan wrote:
Looks good! Just curious, what GFX plugin did you use?
Thanks, I actually made all the editing in movie maker, heh. It's much easier than the methods in the encoder guidelines. I used Jabo's 1.6. It didn't sync with better plugins like Napalm.
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Well, I didn't get it to sync, I just got each level to sync. That is, one save state for each level. I made videos for each level and then merged together all the video files.
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I got Wyster's save states so I was able to make a HD video of the whole run, the way it would look if it would sync:
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Nahoc wrote:
Re-doing the run without improving it doesn't take that much work, when you don't find anything new. That and the Japanese are very very good. :P
ok. to me it sounds incredibly hard to try and attempt to do a 3 frame improvement to such a complex TAS without copying input. would have been useful to just copy the input, but i guess it wasn't possible since the camera angles were different.
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I wonder why the amount of rerecords is so much smaller here than in the previous TAS? Is it because a lot of input was copied and pasted from the earlier TAS?
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Warp wrote:
Could you please explain?
It's hard to explain but I'll try: I didn't agree that it was pseudoscience, but I didn't want to start discussing why (since it's somewhat off topic and all), so I became psychotic and just started rolling on the floor. I also found your statement slightly hilarious for some reason, probably because you always seem so serious and straight forward, so I started rolling on the floor, but I still couldn't laugh because I didn't agree with it. It can also be understood better if you imagine that you travelled back in time and tried to tell the people something useful, but they would never believe you, it could after many attempts cause a similar "rolling on floor without laughing" reaction, because it would be funny that they don't believe in what is true, but at the same time it would be a little sad, which would make it hard to laugh. So yeah... it has a quite complicated meaning to it. Much more complicated than a simple "rofl". But it could be summarized as an unsuccessful rofl. Writing *rolling on the floor without laughing* is also more funny than a rofl, so it can cause people (or at least me) to rofl.
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yeah, in sweden we also have sverigedemokraterna, who are against immigration. the leader is called jimmie åkesson. here's a speech he made in 2014: a lot of people are starting to think immigration has gone too far, maybe because it's part of the muslims plan to take over europe: immigration could be a good idea though, if it's bad for the economy, so that people realize that we should get rid of money and make something more useful of it, like toilet paper. i think teaching swedish in finland is unnecessary.
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Warp wrote:
Popular science does not mean the same thing as pseudoscience.
*rolling on the floor without laughing*
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the secret doctrine by helena blavatsky. it made me realize a few things about gravity and anthropology.
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wow, i didn't know it would be possible to get "the end" so early in the game. i'd like to know how you did it, but i doubt it would make much sense to me. the only other place where the end is useful is the very last boss (the freak ultimecia). how fitting to use the end at the end of the game :P i also like seeing stats and commands. removing them would be more boring because RPG TASes are too much like movies already.
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mz, for adding rerecording to a Playstation emulator. pcc, for adding rerecording to a Master System emulator.
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mmbossman wrote:
........ I love you, nfq.
:) It was a somewhat serious question though because that avatar is the logo of theosophy, and those things I mentioned are part of their teachings.
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What a surprising avatar you have, Kuwaga. Have you also realized the truth about the telepathic giants from Atlantis and electromagnetic gravity?
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Ah, I see. A little strange he got it to sync before. Oh well, I didn't expect anyone to get this to sync.
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kids today get exposed to technology at younger ages, and become thus better at computers than we older models. i read about a 3 year old who tried to double click on a physical book and got frustrated because it didn't work. our brains are like computers which get better all the time.
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Maybe it would be a better idea to just combine all the ask me threads to one where where you can ask anybody?
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Warp wrote:
He seems to have a rather poor track record on that prediction, having predicted it to happen in 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2011. Still hasn't happened. I suppose he (and others) will keep pushing the date until it happens (if it happens)
it's a prophecy, so it's supposed to be possible to change it, which is why he gave the warning, so that it possibly wouldn't happen. he's actually trying to make so that the prediction doesn't come true. of course, these prophecies wouldn't be surprising if he made them today, but they were prophesied decades ago. obviously it's very hard to predict the date of a human caused event (free will), because giving a date makes makes people think about that date and thus the future changes. things that don't have free will like asteroids in space can be predicted more easily interestingly though, he (or rather the aliens he met) has made a lot of very specific predictions, or facts (that weren't known by that time), or specific events (like the WTC), which you can see on the link i posted. they also say "Pope John Paul II is the third from last in this position. After him, only one additional pontificate will follow. Then a Pontifex Maximus follows who will be known as Petrus Romanus. Under his religious rule, the end of the Catholic Church will come, a total collapse becoming inevitable. That will be the beginning of the worst catastrophe that will ever have befallen the human beings and the Earth.". this is also quite specific. it's gonna be interesting to see if it comes true. tl;dr we're all gonna die
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Warp wrote:
Research at Cern being delayed by (at least) 10 years, an entire civil war in the US being delayed by (at least) 5 years, four Olympics proceeding normally instead of being cancelled, and so on, seem like a huge amount of change in an extremely short time caused by one person traveling 36 years to the past and doing nothing of much importance.
i think he did rather significant things, like telling us about the civil war. telling us about our future should have a big effect on the future. maybe he prevented the whole thing by telling us about that. but even if he hadn't done anything significant, it would significantly manipulate the randomness of the world. at least the plane crashed into WTC 2001 (soon after john titor left), which lead to war, and maybe to WW3 soon. it's interesting that other insane people have made very similar prophecies, for example billy meier who says WW3 will happen within a few years unless humanity changes. he also talks about the civil war and that U.S will divide into five territories, just like john titor said. despite billy meier's UFOs that look very fake, he seems to have correctly predicted many things like the WTC crash: "The destruction of the WTC, i.e., the World Trade Center, by terrorists will only be the beginning." this is somewhat off topic though.
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Warp wrote:
Yes, he said they would make them in 2001. Didn't happen.
yeah, but he didn't mean it would happen at the same time in our timeline. in his timeline it happened 2001, but our timeline was altered, for example by the fact that he was here, while that never happened in his timeline. if for example i travelled back 50 million years and altered some minor thing, like moving a rock, it would create a completely different future, but travelling to just year 2000 from 2036 doesn't create that big of a difference between the timelines.
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Warp wrote:
For example, the math seems to show that if you put two rotating black holes close enough to each other, there's an 8-shaped path around them that if you traversed it, you would end up in your own past.
yeah, that was actually one of the parts of the time machine which john titor used to travel back in time: "Two magnetic housing units for dual micro singularities". for the other parts you need, you can read here (in the part: Titor's time machine): but we don't even have PS2 TASing yet, so i don't think real life TASing is gonna happen any time soon (even if time travel would become possible). although according to john titor they would make black holes in CERN which could allow time travel soon.
upthorn wrote:
If I had TAS tools in real life, I'd have spent the last 10 years experiencing the breakup with my first girlfriend over and over,
experiencing a breakup for 10 years is something one can do without actual save states though. i guess the mind is kind of a TAS tool where everything is possible. the mind is the only thing that can travel back in time.
because I was certain that I could make her stay if I just did everything right (and this certainty was completely misguided).
but in TASing we're supposed to make the impossible possible, so i have to keep trying.
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i would do a lot of things... but i would try to make the world a better place. stop wars and poverty, by giving a few trillions to poor countries. maybe money would have to be removed all together so that poverty, wars and corruption can't happen again: then i would use my TAS powers to find out more about how the universe works
diggidoyo wrote:
I'd probably desync and end up jumping into and banging on a wall for the rest of my life.
maybe that's what has happened with some so called mentally ill people who bang their heads on walls. actually they just got a desync. it would require a very advanced emulator to run the universe, so desyncs might happen easily.