Posts for nfq

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Warp wrote:
In most countries men are more likely to commit suicide than women. The vast majority of people aren't even aware of this statistic, nor care about it even if they are. AFAIK no social movement or funding is done to find the cause and try to fix it.
That's just a natural difference between being a man and being a woman. Men generally have a little harder lives, which is why men commit more suicides, but this "hardness" of life is also what makes men hard/men. That's also why the IQ of men varies more than it does between women, because of hardships and risks that men have to take. Women have more balanced lives, and men have more imbalanced lives, but that imbalance is the reason why almost all great inventions for example were done by men.
This is not meant to diminish the gravity of injustices committed against women. My intent is to point out the clear double standard in our society. We, as a society, are more protective of women, and thus we pay more attention to and care about cases where women are being mistreated, and pay little to no attention to cases where men are being mistreated (especially when the perpetrator is a woman). The existence of this double standard is seldom even acknowledged, or taken seriously. On the contrary, it's often claimed to be in the other direction.
Again, this is a natural difference between men and women. Women need to be protected, because they are are women. It's natural. Too much protection of men can be problematic, because it makes men more feminine.
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TASeditor wrote:
Try using a different Core Type, but that might cause desyncs.
Nope. Still freezes.
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Is there a way to get Perfect Dark to run on Bizhawk? It would be really nice, because mupen64 has major desync issues with the game. In Bizhawk the game freezes with the default settings, but if you choose another graphics plugin, like Glide64mk2, it runs for about a minute and then freezes. Any way to fix that? It's been like that way for years, but I wonder if it could be that you just have to have the right settings everywhere. There's a million settings to choose from, so I haven't tried all of them (mostly just the default), and I have no idea what many of them do, so I don't know what I should choose. Or is the game simply just incompatible?
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Warp wrote:
The "play by physically walking in your room" game mechanic has no future. Why? Well, I propose a test: Take any game you like to play for hours. A game playable with a gamepad. Or if you have a handheld console, that's fine too. Now start playing the game, but standing up. Don't sit down. Play standing up. Let's see how long you last.
The test isn't comparable because there's no point/motivation to stand up while playing a regular game, and they're meant to be played sitting down using a gamepad. Future games may not have a gamepad, because you might use your body to control the game. It will increase the realism and immersion, so people will be motivated to stand up and move.
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Derakon wrote:
You should be aware that nausea is a huge potential problem with VR. Devs are having to learn techniques for ensuring the player stays "anchored" and doesn't get motion sick.
I also wonder if using VR has a bad effect on your eyes because you're constantly looking at a screen that is 5 cm from your eyes.
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Synahel wrote:
Hi. I'm shy.
But apparently brave enough to post a picture :)
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Warp wrote:
So, a whopping 1 signature. And this isn't the only place I have advertised the petition. The general sentiment seems to be that of apathy and disinterest. Nice.
Well, I think augmented reality might be cool, because as you can see from my avatar, it's from Deus Ex: HR, so maybe it can transform me into an "aug". And also... prices will probably get cheaper without petitions, as they usually do naturally when technology progresses.
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Apple and iPhone 6 are satanic: Link to video
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Guernsey wrote:
What are good settings for High Def if you use a video converter?
All you need is a high bitrate, if by "good" settings you mean settings which create a good video quality. But youtube also converts the videos you upload, so in order to get the best quality on youtube, your video has to have a high resolution (even though old video games often run at very low resolutions). If the game footage runs at 60 FPS (like most 2D games), make sure the converter keeps it at 60 FPS.
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Brushy wrote:
Warp, if you have a good phone, go grab a pair of these cardboard frames from Clas Ohlson and stream your desktop to your phone.
Gyroscope particularly is necessary for VR to function with Google cardboard, and a good screen resolution (like 1080p) would be good too. People have quite often complained that it's unnecessary to make smartphones that have 2K and 4K resolution, but it's interesting that in VR, you would benefit even from having over 8K resolution per eye:
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This thread is worrying me
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I also agree that for example in Sonic TASes the scrolling glitch makes it less entertaining to watch, because you just glitch somewhere and the screen scrolls to the end of the level, instead of actual gameplay. Also in Suikoden 1 there is a very easy glitch ("non-gameplay glitch") to skip every fight in the game without consequences, and people use it in speedruns. But I'm not sure you can do anything about it, because disallowing "non-gameplay glitches" is pretty arbitrary, and it can be hard to define exactly what it is. The definition of a speedrun is to just complete the game as fast as possible, which results in entertaining speedruns, except sometimes nowadays when some games are starting to become so maxed that they consist of many boring glitches.
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MUGG wrote:
So far, I was thinking that that girl and I could still be friends in one way or another. But she avoided me all week. I gave her a letter where I expressed my feelings, my situation and what I would like (spend some time with her before she goes), but she seems to ignore that completely. And today, after the bus ride (in the small hospital bus) to our hometown, instead of waiting for me and walking together like always, she just walked off and never turned back. She stopped sitting next to me in the bus, also. Basicly spells "I don't care about you". I got this girl a present 2 weeks ago but I'm not going to give it to her anymore.
From my experience it can also mean that she needs space.
I don't even feel so depressed about all this. She has sent me enough signals that she wants to be left alone. So I'm going to do just that.
Cool, sounds good.
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Aqfaq wrote:
I recommend feeling less and thinking more.
Bruce Lee disagrees with you:
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MUGG wrote:
Someone I thought of as a good friend (or even more than that) touched me in the face and on the shoulder several times, smiled at me, drank from my bottle and invited me to do something on saturday. But then told me I'm not even a friend, just an acquaintance.
Maybe she's just testing you, to see how you handle rejection, to see how stable you can be without her. Have you thought about that? But that's life. Rejections are most likely going to happen for everyone, so what you're experiencing sounds pretty normal.
Spikestuff wrote:
Love is honestly (in my opinion) the most evil feeling that could ever exist. It's the biggest feeling that can be a traitor to you if you don't think straight.
"Question: What is love? Answer: The same as hate if you're not careful.": It's a double-edged sword. It can make you feel like you're in heaven, but it can also make you feel like you're in hell.
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
Irrespective, you still haven't established how it's possible that lack of cancer interferes with free will. Moreover, it seems absurd on its face to claim so.
The standard Christian answer to that Adam and Eve chose to eat the forbidden fruit, so that led to all kinds of evil, like cancer, because separation from God/good results in evil. God could have made "robots" with no free will, which obey him, so that no evil exists, but he chose not to.
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Aqfaq wrote:
What the religious people might find more interesting is this: In the Abrahamic mythology God creates something without letting the creation decide whether to be created or not. Thus, God violates everyone's free will.
That's a bit paradoxical. How would you be able to choose whether to be born or not? You have to exist in order to be able to choose. But humanity of course always has the choice to end their existence if "they" want to, like with a nuclear war or something.
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TV "programming"? I thought this was something like computer programming, except with TVs... :D I don't watch anything at the moment, but here are some that I have enjoyed: - Ducktales (new episodes will apparently come in a couple of years, for this old classic [1]) - Hercules: The Legendary Journeys - Mr. Bean - Mysteriet på greveholm (swedish, made for children, but it's pretty funny) - Twilight Zone (the 80s version, watched a few: it's good) - Kyle XY (the show was cancelled unfortunately, but I still like it of course) - Lost (haven't watched all, but could be interesting to watch some time if I'm bored to death) - The 4400 (the show was cancelled unfortunately, but I still like it of course) - Serial Experiments Lain - Almost human (watched a few episodes, and have been "planning" (for over a year) to watch the rest; but this one was also cancelled, meh... seems pretty good though) Like many others here, I hardly watch any TV. I mostly follow youtube channels, because there are obviously a lot more channels, so you can easily find exactly what interests you. Computers are making TVs somewhat obsolete, but in order to survive, TVs adapt to this change by transforming into computers (smart TVs) [1]
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Warp wrote:
That kind of thinking is completely delusional. It is literally a physical impossibility. Even if you tried, you could not have the entire world-wide scientific and amateur community agree on the same lie, on keeping something hidden, with none of them starting open discussions about it.
There are many conspiracy theories which have turned out to be true: But I agree some conspiracy theories stretch the limits of plausibility and seem to border on the ridiculous side, like the flat earth conspiracy (which is still growing on youtube). All conspiracy theories are not equally plausible/implausible.
And as I have already said twice, it's really sad, because the real world is already full of wonder and awe. The real world is interesting. There is a ton of things we can learn from the real world. There is no need to believe fantasy.
It's true that normal things are interesting, but paranormal things are also interesting.
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Warp wrote:
Just because there are hoaxes doesn't mean there aren't real skeletons. There have been hoaxes about evolution too, like the Piltdown man, but that doesn't mean evolution is false.
"Claim: The Supreme Court ordered the Smithsonian Institute to disclose that it destroyed several giant skeletons in the early 1900s to preserve the mainstream narrative of evolution." I don't think anybody has made this claim on the thread
Another hoax. If someone makes a hoax about a moon landing, it doesn't all moon landings are hoax. The skull is ridiculously big in that video, so I doubt many people would fall for that. The giant would have been like 22 meters tall. It is interesting to mention though, that the quran for example claims that Adam was 90 feet tall. Theosophy also says that the first spiritual proto-humans were over that tall, but their bodies hadn't materialized yet, which is why they could be so large: Buddhist cosmology says similar things, which is probably one source where theosophy got their information from:
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ars4326 wrote:
Nfq, could I use some of the links that you've provided as support sources?
Of course :) It's not like those links belong to me, lol :P
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Warp wrote:
Still waiting for the day you start blabbering about spirit science.
I've seen movies on youtube about spirit science years ago, but I already knew about most of the things it talks about, because I've read about similar things. Spirit science is essentially just theosophy and various New Age ideas combined into one. That's why the things I talk about can sound similar to it. Theosophy is the origin of New Age and spirit science. Theosophy in turn is the synthesis of religions/esotericism/mythologies, philosophy and science (spiritual/occult science included).
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Bobo the King wrote:
While I've made it clear I think his third-hand, centuries old evidence is ridiculous,
Because materialism and the theory of evolution has become so popular today, you nowadays may have to go back a few centuries to find reliable and serious information about giants, because many evolutionists consider giants as a threat to their belief in evolution, materialism and atheism, because it gives legitimacy to religions, mythologies and spirituality/God.
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I've talked about giants several times before on this forum and I also think it's an interesting topic. Check out this page for reports of skeletons that have been found: (scroll down to section "Giant humans") There have also been found giant skulls which have double rows of teeth [1], and giants with six fingers. The Bible mentions "a huge man" who had six fingers and toes in 2 Samuel 21:20. The giant races have various names in the Bible, like nephilim, rephaim, anak and anakim. Giants are also mentioned in many other religions and mythologies. "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." (Genesis 6:4) Because of this interbreeding, there have been born giants thousands of years after that, because it takes time for the giant genes to get evenly distributed, so that people are born with the same height. Even today the size difference among humans is still more diverse than between animals. The giant genes weren't the only ones that were passed on, because they were "sons of God", which means that they were descendants of God (like Jesus), and had supernatural powers, which were also passed on. What the sons of God did to humanity is that they sacrificed their divinity, so that we could evolve faster, because we would get their genetics. Because of this sacrifice, they had to be reborn to earth into human bodies again, instead of "going to heaven". Because of this ancient sacrifice (which according to theosophy happened hundreds of thousands of years ago), there are still very rarely born people who have all of the "divine DNA", and these are people like Jesus and Krishna for example. Many geniuses that have lived have also inherited parts of that DNA. Another interesting and related topic is the elongated skulls that have been found all around the world: "The cranial volume is up to 25 percent larger and 60 percent heavier than conventional human skulls, meaning they could not have been intentionally deformed through head binding/flattening." [2] (when people were no longer born with large elongated heads, the primitive people tried to imitate the "gods" by brutally and artificially elongating their heads, so that they also would also be respected as kings) Among royalties, large hats have always been common, like in ancient Egypt for example. I believe that is because (like history/mythology tells us), kings in ancient times used to be "gods" or their descendants, and they had larger brains (and bodies too, sometimes), wisdom and powers than ordinary humans living at the same time, which is also why they got into positions of power ("the divine right to rule"). That's where the idea of "royal blood" also comes from, because the genetics and supernatural powers of the "divine" race of people were passed on. Today, the royalties are just normal people though, because parts of the DNA of the ancient races have been gradually evenly distributed into all people. Without the sacrifice of the sons of God in Atlantis [3], we would have none of the technology we have today, because our mind would still not have been awakened to that degree. [1] [2] [3] See also: