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Sony has a pattern too: PSX 1994 PS2 2000 PS3 2006 It's probably not something they do intentionally though, it's just a result of Moore's Law or whatever.
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Swedishmartin wrote:
Hello, I suck at computers :)
not really. compare to me, i hardly even know what "compile" means.
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let me ask you a question. do you honestly believe that you came from goo? then to the zoo? and then to you? that's simply not true, and i'm gonna prove that.. to you: Proof evolution is an evil lie from satan (the devil)
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this game is pretty fun until it starts to get so hard that you can't even beat it with save states (mission 20 or so). it makes you realize that hitler wasn't such a bad person, he just had tried to play this game too much so he went crazy
Post subject: Re: New age
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Warp wrote:
Expect existential crises,
can religious people have existential crises? i'm sure i won't have any because i've already asked every question and got every answer, and i'm not even 30. happy birthday bisqwit. i thought this thread was about the new age movement.
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Is it only possible to use this emulator with the P.E.Op.S. Soft Driver? If I try to use another like Pete's OpenGL I get an error that says: "Error loading GPUsetframelimit: Error loading symbol" and I don't know that what means.
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afro city wrote:
Final Fantasy IX: Though not a sequel in a technical sense, I think this deserves a mention. This was the one that turned me off from the series. Zidane...let's just say I don't like this guy. The main bad guy isn't any better, and combine that with a lame love story and one of the most random endings ever (complete with a final boss out of nowhere), I could see exactly what road this series was going down.
final fantasy 7 and 8 were quite different from the older ones. they were very modern (especially ff8) and didn't have so much magic. some people didn't like that, so maybe that's why square made final fantasy 9 more like the old ones: a magical fairytale story. but i have to agree that it sucked (though i only managed to play it like 2h before i got bored). ff10 was weird because it had speech, it was 3d and tidus was a weirdo, but it was still good, especially because of the religious theme in the game. i think religion is interesting.
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cool, i didn't know it was possible to TAS sega CD games. you went so fast that amy almost didn't have time to fall in love with you.
upthorn wrote:
No, that would require a MKV. But the video differs a bit anywy, because of the Japanese bios and 4-ingame frames of difference in Quartz Quadrant.
i've seen avi's with two soundtracks several times. i don't know if it's some kind of "hack" or whatever, so maybe a mkv would be better. i've only seen one mkv on tasvideos though... i think it was that "gods" game.
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or maybe the right word is... intentional.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Then after some thinking, he identified them as "gooses". :)
geez... it's so much more intuitional to say gooses than geese. i would have probably said so too.
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the best music is in the genesis ecco in the title screen when you start the game. this pack has some of the best musics, but all of them might not be from videogames: 1246 songs and only 30mb
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Posts: 1204 this girl is too intelligent. can someone understand what she's talking about?
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Kuwaga wrote:
So, I guess it all comes from a lack of training rather than from thinking too much.
yes, maybe what i'm talking about has nothing to do with it. but let me explain more clearly what i mean: i've noticed that if i'm too conscious and if i think too much when i try to do simple things like walking or talking, it becomes difficult to do. doing things with the conscious mind is like programming and doing things with the unconscious mind is like following programs. when we first learn to drive, we have to use our conscious mind, so it's very hard, and there's so many things to keep in mind. but when we have created the program, driving is so easy that we can talk in the phone while doing it. we no longer have to think, we no longer have to give instructions... i created my walking-program already when i was a small child, so walking is very easy to do. but if i start reprogramming (thinking) it, i'm just messing it up and i might stumble. talking is also an easy thing to do, but if i try to do it consciously, thinking how each word should be pronounced, i might stumble on words. when i talk unconsciously, i don't think about words at all, i just think about the meaning and the words follow automatically. sometimes things can trigger us to become conscious, for example if we are near a pretty girl. maybe you have no idea what i'm talking about... anyway, it's off topic.
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in multiplayer i always hit myself with the red shells. i even hit myself with the blue ones.
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i knew wii didn't have so good graphics, but i didn't know it was this bad.
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Bisqwit wrote:
I just can't make out all the words; too high percentage of the frequency spectrum of the speech is masked by the car's noises.
Sounds like you're thinking too much. Being too conscious, logical and analyzing. Take Bruce Lee's advice: "don't think-- feel!" Go with the flow. To really be myself, I have to stop thinking about myself, and just be myself. Because God said: "I am who I am."
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superjupi wrote:
And is there anyone who doesn't think Sonic 2 is better than its predecessor? Well, I'm sure there is, but still.
sonic 1 was better than 2 because it had better music.
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moozooh wrote:
(For the record, I liked both I and II more than III and its offshoots.)
i haven't played I and II because i didn't own a computer in the 70s or whenever those came out, but i can see from the graphics that they are pretty boring games. III and IV were good, but wise city was not so good, because when you punch a guy it sounds weird, and the game is also too... flat.
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man, that's the biggest watch i've ever seen wow, this is my 360 post and i'm talking about a watch, what coinicidence
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robocop 2 lawnmower man 2 parasite eve 2 (it's actually a pretty good sequel, the disappointment is that aya looks like someone's mother) duke nukem 'forever' fade to black super mario bros 2 terminator 3 secret of evermore (i haven't played it much though) janet jackson etc.
Warp wrote:
by default *all* sequels are bad, and only very few ones are even barely good.
there are some good ones like terminator 2, golden axe 2, chrono cross, vampire hunter d: bloodlust, shenmue 2, suikoden 2, seiken densetsu 3, sonic 2, ecco 2. but usually sequels suck, for many reasons... it's hard to make good sequels if you try to do it too fast, because you already used all good ideas for the first one.
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Another thing which I think is "annoying" is when people say: "i should of done that" instead of "i should have". but it's because those two may sound pretty similar. though i shouldn't complain, since i'm sure i also say lots of "annoying" things.
Randil wrote:
Correct: "This is an improvement over the published run." Incorrect: "This is an improvement to the published run."
both of them are incorrect, this is the correct one: "This is an improvement of the published run."
Bisqwit wrote:
That has a different meaning.
that's true, but i had to try defend my point somehow :P
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Post subject: Re: A small lecture on English grammar
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Warp wrote:
A more or less accurate translation to English would be: "I wonder if I should be running around"
it's shorter to write: "should i run?"
A more mundane example would be, for example "auton ovi", which means "the door of the car". Two vs. five words, and the expression is shorter.
nah... you can just say "car door". maybe not so grammatically correct but... it's short.
Post subject: Re: A small lecture on English grammar
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Warp wrote:
I fail to see how the length of words is a downside.
Takes longer to read and write. I think there was a book in English that had about 300 pages, but the Finnish translation had like 360.
LagDotCom wrote:
I was under the impression that Chinese had shorter words than a lot of languages. Especially if you consider each character a 'letter' of sorts, then they are very short indeed.
Two lines of English text might only be one and a half line in Chinese, but Chinese characters are more complex than these latin letters and words.