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Post subject: Re: A small lecture on English grammar
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Neophos wrote:
This comment coupled together with "short words = better" is lovely ironic, since I've never seen a language with longer and more convulted words then finnish.
Well, the reason I think English is the "best" language is because it sounds best. It's also more fun to speak because of that. Finnish is logical but the downside is the long words. German and Chinese probably have the longest and most complex words, but Chinese has some useful things that are not present in other languages.
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Kuwaga wrote:
Short forms like 'sat' in spoken language are used to reduce slips of the ear and to convey meaning faster and with lesser effort for the speaker.
yes, hopefully in the future we will have much shorter words. english already has pretty short words compared to other languages. but for example the word "before" could be reduced to just two letters: b4. there are tons of words that could be made shorter. i found this comment on utube, the guy is pretty angry, but it has many good examples of short words: "ur a fat fuk hed man u r a big fukn nerd hu has no life and wants to sit on ur ass all day and nite and do nuthin wit ur life ur a fuk hed and r u having a shower ur an idiot fuk hed and hu cares f they dont hav mario that is 4 NINTENDO dik hed not microsoft" this comment would be much longer if the words were written correctly. the lack of punctuation makes it a little hard to read though.
Post subject: Re: A small lecture on English grammar
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Warp wrote:
1) The progressive tense of the verb to die is dying, not "dieing". (Look it up in a dictionary if you don't believe me.) The same goes for to lie -> lying.
Yes, that can be a little annoying sometimes. But I think that writing it the correct way (dying) is also annoying, because it makes no sense. It's more intuitive to write "dieing". There are several annoying things in the English language that make no sense, but it (American, not English) is still the best language. Finnish is the language that makes most sense.
Warp wrote:
Wrong: "I would do it if it was possible, but it isn't."
I think this sounds best, so I would probably write like that even if it was wrong.
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USA is the best country in the world. my bro is going there too, but in august. it might be fun to be there, but i don't know what i would do there.
alden wrote:
i don't like laptops because the battery only lasts for a few minutes. if it would last 500 hours, i would consider buying one. i heard that they've made a discovery that will make the battery last for 40 hours or so, but it's still not enough for me. hopefully the oilcompanies will allow free energy machines soon.
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Warp wrote:
Quite amazing what you can do with miniature helicopters:
cute, it looks like a big insect.
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lul, a "route demonstration" is faster than this TAS? Though I wonder if a TAS of this game will be much faster than an ordinary console run since TAS has disadvantages like the pause delay and reset-is-not-allowed-yet. A TAS should probably go below 1h though.
Kuwaga wrote:
I vote for cutscene- and dialogueless versions,
most of this run is cutscenes. it would probably be around 10 minutes long without them ehehehhehehehheheh.
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moozooh wrote:
Mostly? Name at least one movie based on a videogame that didn't suck in some major way, disregarding whatever Boll did.
Sonic X.
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Joanna: "That smell... shit... I smelt that in the other hangars."
bkDJ wrote:
Heh, that was sweet. It's a good thing everyone in this facility has wheels on their feet so you can cart them around.
They don't have wheels, they're just so light. They're made of paper. thanks for the mkvs bunny, i dont even try to play the m564 i anymore cos they don' taplay
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lol, Elephant Paints Self Portrait: added 2 months ago and already 5.4 million views.
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MarcoM wrote:
- Record instant speed value on every frame and calculate the average speed (in voxels per frame ? Link's foot size per second ?)
why not just backwalk a distance and see how long it took and then side hop the same distance? i know it's been done before so i dunno wtf is going on
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thanks for the advice, but divxavc is beta and i can't find a place to download it and coreavc is not freeware.
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bkDJ wrote:
if you are experiencing slowdown, it's either because your computer is like 10 years old
the weird thing is that it's only new containers such as mkv and mp4 which are slow. my computer is 5 years old and i use mpc with ffdshow. i can play a 1920x1080 h.264 avi but not a mkv at that resolution (it lags a lot). that doesn't really matter though since i only have 1024x768 screen resolution.
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bkDJ wrote:
Rescue is now with the others. Also I made it higher quality for no reason.
mkv is so slow to play back at big resolutions, why not make avi's?
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Ben Stein has recently released a creationist documentary called "Expelled: no intelligence allowed". Here's his opinion on science: he's a funny guy, he was in the movie cableguy
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moozooh wrote:
Ten hours left until Large Hadron Collider activation. Do you think the result will be of global importance?
yes, i think we're actually waiting for the countdown of doomsday bomb that will destroy the universe. but if we're lucky, it will only destroy our galaxy.
Warp wrote:
Thus, based on current evidence, the only logical conclusion is that time travel is a physical impossibility. (I'd say it's similar to magnetic monopoles and negative mass in this sense.)
i used to be against the idea of physical time travel because some theosophist said that it's impossible, but after reading john titor (a soldier from the future) talk about the CERN and micro blackholes, i'm not sure what to believe. when he was here year 2000 he said that they discovered micro singularities at CERN year 2004 (in his timeline) which made time travel possible. because he came here it "messed up our timeline" a little, so it took us a few more years.
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moozooh wrote:
You don't give birth to yourself, your mother does.
It was my dad who gave birth to me, my mom just made me grow larger. I wonder though... was it really my father who gave birth to me? It's more like... I was just transferred to his body because of something he ate.
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Bisqwitti wrote:
You have to pardon me, nfq, that I don't take your answers as God's word.
ehehhehehehhe, that's ok, you don't have to believe me if you don't want to. i just wanted to tell you because i think it's interesting.
Warppi wrote:
What "parallel universe"? There's absolutely no evidence whatsoever about any "parallel universes". It's 100% pure speculation.
well... if there were not parallel timelines, there would be paradoxes, for example if i would go back in time and kill my parents so that i'm never born. edit: fixd it mozooh. the point is... i could actually travel into the past and kill "me" but that wouldn't be me, just an identical person
Trunkantti wrote:
How do you feel about the fact that the police statistics show that the vast majority of criminals are men,
men are more agressive than women, they are more animal than women because they have more hair. (not true)
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Bisqwit wrote:
-- If a time machine is devised some time in the future, can it be used to change the history? Can it be used to change the future? Are there parallel universes?
you couldn't change the history of this universe, only the history of the parallel universe you go to. it would be impossible to travel back in time and stay in the same universe/timeline because the fact that you go there makes that universe different from this.
-- How were the pyramids built, really? Why are there pyramids in South America as well?
the pyramids (the big ones) were not built using slaves or muscles. there are pyramids in many places because when the sons of god (the giants) had to leave their homeland (which was about to get destroyed), they had to build them to store their equipment, like the 'ark of the covenant' as it's called in the bible.
-- Will interstellar travel be devised before the current human civilization expires / exhausts its resources?
yes, humans will be on earth for many millions of years. how long has this humankind been on earth? maybe 7,000 years... so imagine our technology after 700,000 years. when you think about that, it's no wonder how the ancients could build those pyramids, even without "technology". they had been here a very long time.
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Bisqwit wrote:
You're Swedish, so you have a similar perspective as Finns do.
i have always lived in sweden, but i'm more finnish than swedish because i speak finnish better than swedish, i have finnish parents and a finnish name
Post subject: Re: languages
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Bisqwit wrote:
A Finn perceives the difference between the words "bit" and "beat" solely to be of a vowel-length nature,
i don't think there's any other difference there, at least if we talk about the american english, which is the only one that matters, because it sounds best and more people speak that. they should teach that in schools instead of the weird english. the way english is written should be updated though. there are so many unnecessary letters in words. for example in the word "before", you could reduce it to "b4". the th sound could be replaced with a new letter so you don't have to write two letters every time. etc.
Warp wrote:
Completely different and unrelated words may differ only in vowel length (eg. "tuli", fire, and "tuuli", wind). Many American English speakers have difficult time in distinguishing between them (both when they hear the words spoken and when they try to speak them).
it's easy. when there's one u you pronounce it like the u in the word pronounce and when there's two u's, you pronounce it like the oo in the word moon. but look at the english language, it's even crazier, because there's completely unrelated words that are pronounced exactly the same, like the words wood and would.
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try another codec. xvid for example
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flagitious wrote:
This is not natural selection, because it is humans driving the change,
It's supernatural selection. Most creationists accept natural selection and microevolution... they don't go against the ID theory. I think Ray is joking a little about the banana, but he's also half serious.
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I don't get any error message in Goldeneye, but when I start a level I don't see anything, it's all black, though it flickers a little sometimes when I move. Could it be my graphics card that sucks? Well, at least I got to see a few microseconds of that sky.
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Atheist nightmare, a guy proves intelligent design with a banana: i actually believe in intelligent design