Posts for nfq

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FractalFusion wrote:
Even 0, 1, 2, -1, 1/2, sqrt(2), sqrt(-1), are all entities of our imagination.
what are you talking about? 2 is not imagination. i ate 2 clementines today. they were real, not imaginary.
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Rising Tempest wrote:
But no so fast asshole! The tree over time sprouts thorns (OF PAIN) on it's leaves, mangling the giraffes mouth in hopes of dealing sweet retribution as well as discouraging the creature from eating it.
you speak great wisdom. why does a cactus have thorns? because it wants to live and doesn't want animals to eat it. but the thing that is important to know is that the cactus decided to have thorns before it became physical. if something has become physical already, it can't change much. according to scientists' theory of evolution, physical bodies changed into many different creatures, but it is not possible.
Silly post aside, my point is that humans evolve differently than every other species on the planet in that rather than evolving our bodies we evolve our tools.
we evolve mentally. animals can't do that because they can't think consciously. however, our body evolves a bit too. mostly just our brain and skin color will change. but it takes time.
Kuwaga wrote:
How would you explain that atoms in a plane traveling around the earth move slower, if it doesn't mean time is moving slower inside that plane?
no physical devices that we use for tracking time are perfect and naturally they are subject to error when put into different circumstances (gravity, acceleration, etc.)
Is the brain a part of the universe? Can a brain fully understand itself?
the brain is (lol, obviously) a part of the universe, but consciousness/god isn't. when we die and become brainless, we will understand things much more clearly, because we no longer have a brain that limits us.
To me it seems as foolish to believe in this as it was foolish to believe that the earth is the center of the universe.
there is no proof that the earth is not the center of the universe. and it has to be the center, because in infinity, the center is everywhere because it's nowhere.
I think it's possible that every small atom is as big as a universe and that our universe is as small as an atom to others.
you think correctly.
Qwertyz wrote:
I already posted a derivation of E = mc^2.
according to this site, he just looked it up:
An object in motion tends to stop? The four atoms are earth, fire, air, and water?
If time did not exist at all, nothing would move!
in reality, it's the opposite: if nothing would move, time would not exist.
And for anyone that responds to PaToby, saying "God exists outside of time" and "God does not need to be created" is just a way to avoid the question.
nothing exists in time because everything exists in the present moment which has no duration. things can't move more than movies can move. they can only appear to move because of continuous creation.
Science, by definition, is understanding.
science is observation and experimentation.
Rolken wrote:
Well, what is "time" to you?
Do explain this statement. In which way did they understand the universe that present scientists do not?
for example, the ancient egyptians knew the cause of the universe and they knew when it was created. scientists don't know. the ancient people knew many other things too, which you would laugh at, like antigravity ark of the covenant, telepathy (that's why they never invented phones, lol) etc.
HHS wrote:
Then, the reason for a particular God's existence is simply that the initial chaotic processes led to it by chance.
chance is the god or magic of scientists. it's used to explain anything they don't understand.
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infinity does not exist because it would take infinite time for anything to become infinite. it doesn't matter how big a number is, it's always an infinite 'distance' away from infinity. that's why infinity can be any number. it's like the joker card. it is the number 0, but it can be anything. since infinity does not exist, there is only one thing that can be infinite: nothing, zero. we know that zero is infinite because a circle has 0 polygons, but you can also say that it has infinite. another proof that infinity is 'does not exist': infinity has no end, so it can't have a beginning either. everything that has a beginning has an end. 0 is both the beginning and the end, alpha and omega, creator and destroyer. so how can the universe be infinite even though it's not nothing? because the space where it is born is nothing.
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Rolken wrote:
it doesn't just say "mass has lots of energy", it says "this particular amount of mass is worth almost exactly 14.595 joules of energy".
how did he figure out that energy is exactly mc2? wild guess?
and GPS devices give inaccurate location readings if they're not calibrated for the effects of general relativity.
just because the math is correct in a theory doesn't mean that the theory is correct. in other words, just because clocks are affected by different physical circumstances doesn't mean that time is affected. clocks are not time.
If there's mistake to be found, it won't be done sitting around and making up a new concept off the top of your head, it'll be done with decades of educated research and (very expensive) experimentation.
to understand the universe, all you need is a brain. the ancient greeks understood the universe better than scientists do today, and they didn't use expensive experimentation. science gives us technology, but not much understanding. we can observe that things fall on the ground every time, but it doesn't mean that we understand it.
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Raiscan wrote:
Gravity doesn't exist.
Gravity doesn't exist because it's actually just a form of electromagnetism. All objects are magnets because energy currents run through them.
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AQwertzy wrote:
If E=mc^2 was false, the atomic bombs that were dropped on Japan would not have worked.
i never said that emc2 is wrong. even a 5 year old could have come up with that equation though. it just says that mass has lots of energy. big deal.
As for Wikipedia, I found this:
speaking of wikipedia. a few days ago i said that einstein didn't mean that gravity physically bends space, and wikipedia agrees with me. it says that it's just a mathematical model:
Bob A wrote:
my point was that if the definition of "god" is "a thing that created everything", then by definition, god, if it existed, created itself,
my point is that my point makes your point pointless. god is the creator of everything, but it's impossible that he could have created himself.
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Bob A wrote:
then you don't believe in such a "god", because "god", by that definition, as i said, would have created itself.
nothing (god) doesn't need to be created in order to exist
Boco wrote:
If such a god also created or otherwise formed time (eg, before the creation there were no dimensions)
time is not a dimension, it's motion
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mmbossman wrote:
Question: How much acid and/or peyote have you done in your lifetime, nfq?
drugs sound like fun, but i've never used any because everyone always said they are bad for you. maybe that's why i'm so crazy.
AQwertyZ wrote:
Even most religious people admit that the creation myth is just a metaphor.
it's a metaphor, but it's still true.
If the universe was not created in the distant past, why did God try so hard to make it look like it was.
what i mean is that the universe has existed forever, and god is the one recreating it every day.
Bob A wrote:
because such a thing would have created itself, which, under normal rules of causality, would mean that it did so before its own beginning,
god is eternal. he is not created, he is the creator. the perfect being doesn't have to be created in order to exist, because the perfect being is non-being, non-existence.
and when you say that "god/life is way too big to be explained with a few little words", what is that supposed to mean?
it means that the definition of god has to be broad because god is big.
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petrie911 wrote:
384 kbps should be good for most applications.
lol.. why exactly 384? why not like 380, or 400? 384 is a very annoying number.
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Bob A wrote:
"perfect" as a definition is meaningless without a secondary argument, namely one specifying in what property/aspect the definiendum is perfect.
To be perfect in every way means to be non-existent. To be complete means to be dead (imagine a "perfect" TAS: 0 seconds). Our desire and will makes us alive, and desire means that we are not complete, we lack something and we want more. There's nothing wrong with imperfections, they're no more imperfect than perfection. "Imperfect" just means expanding, and perfect means complete.
"thing that created everything" is meaningful, but the existence of such a thing would violate causality.
if you meant "thing that created everything else", that would be too broad, since it could plausably include the big bang.
God/life is way too big to be explained with a few little words. The Big Bam didn't create anything, it's just a bang imagined by scientists because of the redshift. God didn't create the world once in some distant past, he creates the world in 7 days, every day a little bit different.
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mmbossman wrote:
I thought there was this one guy called Satan. You know God and Satan, Good and Evil, Right and Wrong...all that.
yeah, but i was talking about the real god, not the christian god.
Ouzo wrote:
"just like moses lift up the snake in the desert, so must the son of man be uplifted." you know that the symbol of satan is a snake. and the bible says that when moses lift up the snake in the desert on a cross, it cured all people who looked at it... just like jesus. the morning star (venus) is another symbol of satan, and in the revelation, john calls jesus the bright morning star...
HHS wrote:
First you said that God was defined as a perfect being. Then you said that God was defined as the being that created everything. These two definitions are not the same.
no, but they don't conflict. god can be both perfect and a creator.
DK64_MASTER wrote:
Is God a strong magentic force?
god is so many things, some people even say he is everything. and he must be, because jesus said that he is life (everything).
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Swedishmartin wrote:
From which text?
schoolbooks and encyclopedias.
Warp wrote:
This method can be used to prove anything to be the same as anything else. For example, apples can be used to make an apple pie, but oranges cannot. Thus apples and oranges are the same thing.
Yes. Sound is a sentient being and it needs reasons for whatever it wants to do. If it wants to go from place A to place B, it needs a reason to do so.
how could something move or do anything without a reason or will?
I'm curious: What is it that attracts sound?
i'm not sure, but i think it's silence or some waves/particles in the air.
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Blublu wrote:
Because it is too broad and vague. There's nothing to discuss about it.
but that is what god is...
HHS wrote:
Well, that is a valid definition. It unambigously defines the word "God" to mean the being that created everything, if there is such a being.
the being didn't create this being we call existence; the non-being did.
Now you're calling him "him".
in finnish there is no he or she.
What I said was that They might think that you are defending their enemies with the intent to make Them sad. But, no one can be held at fault for rightly becoming sad.
god has no enemies...
Furthermore, you are using two conflicting definitions of "God".
where is the conflict?
AQwertyZ wrote:
Humans are absolutely notorious for finding meaning in mere coincidences. Humans often reason that a coincidence was too unlikely to have occurred without a causal agent, whether that be a god, a four leaf clover, etc.
coincidence is just a word invented to hide our ignorance of the real causes. there are no coincidences because everything is ruled by laws/gods.
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Blublu wrote:
That is not a definition.
why nut?
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HHS wrote:
Good point! But evidence suggests that they are all false, since only 4 people had heard of him, they can't find his hometown and his execution was not written down in court records.
just because something didn't happen physically doesn't mean it didn't happen spiritually.
AQwertyZ wrote:
nfq, where did you learn everything you know about light and sound?
i learned it from text and observations.
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HHS wrote:
Since you don't believe in the Christian god, it would be unwise to defend him. The real God doesn't like traitors and He might become angry at you.
you're not talking about the real god, you're talking about the christian god. the real god is not a "he".
They may think that you are doing it to make Them sad.
god is often defined as a perfect being. how perfect would god be if his "imperfect" creations could make him sad?
Blublu wrote:
Since God has no definition, it's really pointless to discuss it at all unless we discuss a specific definition of God.
don't ye have a dictionary? god is defined as the being that created everything: the creator
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who the %¤#% is this guy? jesus?
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HHS wrote:
I don't understand you. You say you are Finnish. And you say you believe in God, just not the Christian version, and you also say that there aren't enough Christians here. What religion do you believe in then? Which religion, apart from Judaism and Christianity, wants more Christians and calls their god "God"?
in the message you quoted, i said that i don't believe in any religion... One doesn't have to believe in a religion to believe in gOd. discussion consists of two opposing sides. if they are not balanced, one side will win and the discussion will end. so i have to defend god so that the discussion will not die. without the two opposing forces, there would be no electricity, attraction, love, discussion, between things...
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stickyman05 wrote:
jesus christ this topic blows my mind
i'm not a topic, i'm a human being.
upthorn wrote:
2007 years ago Jesus Christ said this: "Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not, for there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect".
then how will you know which christ is real and which is false?
Warp wrote:
And this demonstrates their sameness how?
light can't go through walls, but x-rays can, and yet they are the same...
Sound does not have such electric nor magnetic fields.
if sound wasn't magnetic, it would have no reason to travel anywhere, because it wouldn't be attracted by anything.
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dudes, you know what i just raelized... i was wrong and i should commit suicide. the problem is that curse of reincarnation... i'm just reborn every time. do you know what the point of discussion is? it is... to convince someone about something. but if you do it, the discussion ends. it can never end though. if men and women could unite together, love would cease to exist... so... everything would cease to exixt, because love governs the universe you see.. life... i'ts just a dream.. sort of.... you just... wake up in another dream... you know what happens after death? you go to heaven... but it doesn't last forever... only for a moment.... i wish it would last forever. love makes tases go closer and closer to zero/perfection, but they never reach it, because infinity can't be reached... zero is the only thing that can be infinite... but it can't.... so we are born, to try unify them for eternity... little zeroes and infinities... christians talk about heaven and stuff... but maybe we're in hell already... and in heaven too... sometimes... an eternal cycle of up and down... .. guybrush.. . satellites are useful technology. nothingness simply cannot exist... prove that nothing can't be proved... christ arrived after 2000 years of waiting: god controls natural laws, so he controls bacterias, insects, animals and humans... god... is a natural law... which we call self... joy is the only point... nothing else matters... in discussion...and everything else. war unites opposites... love unites opposites.. you wanna hear a finnish joke? you already missed it... and it misses forever... it never ceases to miss god... stickyman. in the future we can plug mice and keyboards wirelessly to the ether like tesla once did with his car. that way no battery is needed... free energy, from the environment... "there is no energy, except what is received from the environment" there is infinite energy there... it is that emptiness that concentrated into these things we call planets... the vacuum energy, or ether... concentrated into these.. ultimately... it all begins in this moment with the infinity and zero trying to unite but they can't because 0/0=1 so this universe and text appears. nothing matters, so it doesn't matter that nothing matters, so everything becomes matter...
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JXQ wrote:
It's much more likely that all the difficulty's world records are equally valid.
true, but agent wrs are more maxed than 00 wrs because they are less complex. for humans, complex levels are harder, but in a tas, there is no difference if the level is complex or simple like in agent, that's why you can improve 00 several seconds, but agent can only be improved a few seconds. i'm sure wyster could have gotten at least wrs on those levels he didn't, but it's harder with 1.1 control style, although he didn't do 25 on depot which he had done before, but who cares, it's just one number, like anyone is gonna see the difference anyway, unless they are from elite.
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Warp wrote:
Yeah. It's a well-known fact that sound, like all electromagnetic radiation, can travel in vacuum. Also, like all electromagnetic radiation, sound travels at the speed of light in vacuum.
Just because they can't do the same things doesn't mean they are not parts of the same thing. Light can't go through opaque walls but it can go through vacuum. Sound can go through walls but not vacuum.
Titus Kwok wrote:
Where, precisely, does the energy to get those molecules going at c come from?
braincells and molecules that travel at lightspeed? forgive my ignorance, but what molecules are you talking about?
Boco wrote:
Why believe some but not all of the article? If one part is wrong, surely the rest is as well?
that's like saying that if something is wrong in the bible, the whole bible must be wrong. the tree is not known by its fruit.
DK64_MASTER wrote:
Why does this phenomenon only occur for doped semiconductor material?
because that material is made of the right type of vibration.
FYI, your hand does not go through water, it displaces water.
define "go through".
Now tell me why doesn't our TV tuner pick up human sound waves in addition to broadcast tv?
because soundwaves are different from those waves. for example, they only travel 340mps. tv's are not designed to receive such signals.
Tell me what frequencies do thought waves emit at?
there are no scientific instruments that can detect them yet. only our brains can. but they are way higher than gamma rays at least. in the future we will be able to record our dreams and nightmares, like we record tv programs.
AQwertyZ wrote:
Alright nfq, all-knowing master of the sciences, can you explain to me how it is conceivable that the theory of evolution (an incorrect theory) has withstood 150 years of scientific study?
the same way that the bible has withstood 3000 years of religious study.
I challenge you to name one piece of evidence that contradicts evolution.
there's no evidence that creatures can morph into different creatures over long periods of time.
What conceivable reason could there be behind that particular "design" choice?
this may not have to do with design. there have been several types of human races, which have mixed together and that might be the reason why we inherit wisdom teeth.
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DK64_MASTER wrote:
If you want to explain something if electrons don't exist, explain to me why I can't hook up a battery to my penis, and make it light up?
because it doesn't work for all kinds of materials. it's like asking: why can't my hand go through a rock, why can it go through water and air? the materials are different.
I would love it if you can point out to me where on this diagram sound waves should lie. If the location is not on the diagram, give me the frequency and wavelenth ranges that it should correspond to.
according to wikipedia audible sound is between 20Hz and 20kHz.
And please tell me how you can detect/measure the electrical or magnetic component of sound (or thoughts)
how do you do it for the other waves (visible light, radio waves etc.)? i guess you just do it the same way for sound and thought waves.
AQwertyZ wrote:
Well doesn't that mean that 0.1% is not made of empty space? Sounds like more than "nothing" to me.
not really. when they search more (with better microscopes), they will find that matter is 99.99% space, and then 99.999999...=100%.
Are biologists wrong about evolution as well?
yes. intelligent design has more evidence than darwins evolution.
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Wyster wrote:
Oh and one last thing, I'd really love to see a list of the exact times on each level. Especially Depot which should be extremely low??
  54.8 dam
  43.6 facility
  23.3 runway
1:01.9 surface 1
  17.8 bunker 1
  58.3 silo
  22.6 frigate
  49.3 surface 2
  24.7 bunker 2
2:17.9 statue
  16.5 archives
1:14.0 streets
  26.2 depot
  50.6 train
  50.7 jungle
3:53.8 control
1:01.5 caverns
  34.0 cradle

i wrote down these when i watched the run, but i rounded up to the nearest tenth. you can check more correctly with the memory watching tool.
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Titus Kwok wrote:
It is not a force in the generally accepted sense of the word, like magnetism or the strong atomic force.
in reality there is only one force: magnetism. the strong atomic force and gravity are forms of magnetism. everything is a part of the EM spectrum. even sound and thoughts.
Warp wrote:
That's like saying that distance is just a mental thing and thus making any statements about distances is illogical.
what i mean is that how fast time goes depends on our emotions and thoughts, so it can't be affected by gravity or acceleration like einstein says. physical devices like clocks can of course mess up. clocks don't always measure time accurately. if an atomic clock loses a couple of nanoseconds, it doesn't mean that time itself has slowed down.
Is your intuition (or, as you call it, "logic") better than other people's?
sometimes. for example if you think that the earth is flat, you're wrong.
According to whose logic? Yours? Mine?
true logic. god's logic. according to this universal logic, the universe is actually both infinite and finite.
Do you have some kind of reference of this?
"Space is not made of anything, space-time, if you like, provides the coordinate system in which "events" are occuring."
Yeah, things like heat, light and radio waves do not exist because the only thing which is not "nothing" is matter.
scientists say that even matter is nothing (illusion) because they say that 99.9% of matter is empty space.
There's plenty of evidence. Claiming there's no evidence means that you would have to explain all the existing evidence as false. Can you do that?
of course.
It's not a broad question. Just explain me, for example, why a LED emits light when it's connected to a battery.
good, that is a more specific question. LED emits light when connected to a battery because the electricity is drawn there because of magnetic attraction.