Posts for nfq

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Kles wrote:
nfq, on a scale of 1-10, just how serious are you?
i'm serious, but i'm not serious about the devil. 666 has nothing to do with the devil, it has to do with astrology. but then again, christians often say that astrology is from the devil (although the bible is full of it).
Bob A wrote:
it definitely doesnt exist.
the reason that Pi has no end is because the circle is a polygon with infinite sides. why did you wanna know what country i was from?
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Bible = 66 books = 666 The Bible says something that 144000 people will be saved... Here's the proof that it's actually the devil who will take them: 6x6x6=216. 144000/216=666.666... Want more proof? Take the first 144 decimals of Pi and add them together and you get 666. Or you can just take the first 10 decimals and do this: 3x(14+15+92+65+36)=666 Proof that God = Pi: God is 3 in 1. 3+1=4 (God = 3.14 = Pi) Conclusion: Because God is Pi, God is a circle. Voltaire said: "God is a circle whose center is everywhere and circumference nowhere." Proof that 360 (circle) is from the devil: 6x6=36(0). add all numbers from 1-36 and you get 666. --- hint 1: there is 1440 minutes in a day. god created the world in 6 days (6x24=144) hint 2: 12x12=144 12 hours in a clock 12 disciples of jesus 12 tribes of israel 12 sons of jacob 12 gates of jerusalem etc. solution: god = zodiac
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Blublu wrote:
and as I have found out, all of them are refuted by relatively simple deductions and Occam's razor .
Buy a new razor. If you shave off enough of anything you will find god, nothing, ignorance, creator, source.
Really, give me a robust, honest, and logical argument for believing in god, and I promise I will think about it.
Instead of arguments I give you 2 proofs: Proof #1. you are god, therefore god exists. Proof #2. we can't explain things, therefore god is the only thing left that can explain them. For example: why is there something instead of nothing? Answer: god made it.
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What do you Christians think of the "fact" that Jesus didn't actually exist because he was just a remake of an ancient solar-myth, as told in the movie Zeitgeist? Not only Jesus, but also the story of Moses and Noah is found in ancient Sumerian texts, except the names are different.
Bob A wrote:
meaning you live in sweden but were born in finland?
I was born in Sweden and I live in Sweden, but I'm Finnish because my parents were born in Finland.
Blublu wrote:
Okay... so, you believe in evolution, but ... you don't believe in evolution? That's confusing.
It's no more confusing than someone who believes in creation but does not believe in the christian creation. I believe in all religious creation-stories (because they all make sense), but only one evolution-theory.
Okay, so you dismiss decades of scientific inquiry, thousands of papers written by experts in their field, who have made it their life's work to study their chosen field of science. You reject it all because it doesn't make sense, and you're too lazy to read about it so that you can make sense of it?
It's no more insane than atheists who reject God because it doesn't make sense, and they're not interested in reading about it so that they would understand. However, I don't believe that any words could make me believe in evolution, just like they couldn't make you believe in God. When I was an atheist I used to believe in Darwin's evolution and I couldn't understand how someone could believe in God.
Do you care at all about what is true and what is fantasy?
I think reality is a fantasy where focusing on things makes them "true".
Baxter wrote:
I don't know if you could call it just a theory we accept as correct.
The basis of science (physics) is philosophical because there is no evidence that the world is physical. Science (observation and experimentation) is obviously very useful for creating new things, but it doesn't really explain things.
There is however no indication whatsoever that people preceive reality different.
Some people see ghosts, some see God, some don't, some people can fly etc. There's no reality outside our perceptions, because the only way we can experience reality is by perceiving it. The game does not render what you're not experiencing.
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Bob A wrote:
nfq: where are you from?
Sweden, but I'm Finnish.
Blublu wrote:
How can you possibly know it's not true if you don't even know what it is about?
The same way that atheists know that god doesn't exist. I know enough about it. I believe in evolution, but not the one science believes in because it doesn't make sense to me. What makes sense to me is that we were androgynous spirits who became jellyblobs who divided by division like cells. After dividing for a long time we divided into two genders made of meat (because of mind's separation). God, life or consciousness decided which form it wanted to become/design. My theory also explains why creatures used to be so big (dinosaurs). Because spirits don't weigh much so they can be big without gravity affecting them. If you understood god, you would believe in it, and if I understood darwin-evolution, I would believe in it.
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Bisqwit wrote:
I know that God exists because I know that I know that I know that God exists.
I'd say it's impossible to know anything for sure, because how would we know that we know, etc? Even scientists who say that they know only believe or think that they know. Knowledge is more like a word that means very strong belief. So strong that it's actually "reality".
"mythical beasts"?
Leviathan and behemoth for example. I think both are metaphorical though.
AQwertyZ wrote:
The increase in human knowledge is explained by neither Lamarckian nor Darwinian evolution. It amazes me how so many people equate intelligence with knowledge.
Without knowledge, how intelligent can you be? Information makes us more intelligent and creates neuro-passageways in the brain that are then passed down from generation to generation via the genes.
The human brain has not changed much in tens of thousands of years. Humans living 20,000 years ago, for example, were not any less intelligent than humans are now.
So if I time travelled 10,000 years back in time to take a baby from someone to this time, the child would become a person indistinguishable from other people? A short while ago we used to think that black people are inferior, but today it's much more uncommon. People also have more understanding for gays. Wouldn't you say that we are more intelligent today?
HHS wrote:
Common sense tells us that a belief is necessarily useful if and only if it is true. A belief in any God must be either true or false.
Not really. For example, some religions could be wrong, and yet they are useful for the people. They give them hope and happiness.
You may not know where your beliefs come from, but they have been implanted in your from birth.
How could we have beliefs "implanted" the instant we are born when we don't yet have the ability to think consciously to create beliefs? To get a belief we first need experience.
You have been told of a certain history and a future by your creators that is not true. The future where all human races will coalesce into one that will exterminate the original races and take over the Earth will not take place. There will be a war and the hybrid race will lose.
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Chamale wrote:
Why not take away the middleman and say the Universe has always existed?
The universe is pretty much just another word for God. There is not so much difference in saying that God designed animals or saying that the living universe did.
RT-55J wrote:
I just know that it would be a big waste of time on my part and that talking to a brick wall would produce a more fruitful conversation.
The point of discussion is not to convince others about something, the point is that it's fun.
Blublu wrote:
I think you do not understand evolution. I suggest reading a book, or at least a good article, about it before you dismiss it completely.
I haven't bothered to read much about it because I know it's not true.
That idea is called Lamarckism, and it is wrong.
How then do you explain that every successive generation is more enlightened than the preceding one? I know it's true because there were once giants on earth who had a bigger brain than us (because they had used it so much), but after the crossbreeding (Genesis 6:4) we now have small a small brain.
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Baxter wrote:
Arguments for god? You make it sound like you believe in god (even though it's obvious you don't), and use weak arguments no single believer would give.
i believe in god, but not the christian version, so i guess my arguments are a little different.
Truncated wrote:
what when science finds and understands the origin of life? (I assume that it will, sooner or later.) Where will god hide when earthquakes, lightning, diseases and the origin of life is taken?
science never understands anything entirely, they only think they do. for example, scientists don't know the cause of lightning.
Blublu> Why is there something instead of nothing? I try not to think about this one too much.
why not? i think it's an interesting question.
Blublu wrote:
Dogs evolved from wolves into all the little breeds you see today, from the meanest rottweiler to the tiniest poodly ratdog. The mechanism for selection was different, of course, men selected which animals would breed instead of nature, but everything else was exactly the same.
how did wolves transform into so many different dogs? what has crossbreeding have to do with evolution?
It has been proven a million times that evolution happens.
Evolution is supposed to happen over a time of millions of years, so how could it be proven? I do believe in evolution a little. For example, because we use our brain so much, we will have a bigger brain in the future. And because there are different human races, in the future all the races have blended into one. But that's it. We won't evolve beyond that, we won't start morphing into elephants or horses.
You could argue that some designer was behind the scenes, directing things, but that designer is not a theory, has no proof, nothing to test, and is also superfluous - not needed.
I don't understand how you can not see that animals are designed.
Besides, if you wanted to tackle the question of life in any honest way, you would have to ask the next question. Who created god?
Nothing created God. God has always existed.
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Chamale wrote:
Name a specific animal which COULD NOT have evolved.
dog. (reversed it becomes: god)
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Baxter wrote:
I didn't ask you anything for a good reason; your arguments make no sense, and your ideas are uninteresting... they also aren't sincere. There is no point in responding to them.
huh? that's gay man :/ you know, i'm actually not even religious, i just had to make some arguments for god because i felt like there wasn't enough christians here. and btw, it was god who made me call you a fool, so don't blame me. you should respond, my answers were intelligent if you just ignore the fool in the beginning.
Boco wrote:
Anyone who denies it is stupid for two reasons:
i don't deny evolution but i deny the current theory of evolution because it sounds stupid. do you really believe that all creatures evolved from a few of organisms in the ocean, then crept up to land and metamorphosised into all the billion different species? and a brainless evolution couldn't design so many different animals. there has to be an intelligent designer. "personally" i believe we were first some kind of spiritual beings, then we d/evolved into material beings.
What's the problem?
nah, i'm just messing around. in my country christians are so rare that if people see one they usually react: oh my god is he a christian? but i know that in the USA 99% are christians.
I don't believe Trinity and actually think it's more spiritually harmful than helpful doctrine.
what's harmful about it?
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oh my god boco, are you a christian...
Warp wrote:
This is the stupidest and most useless thread in the entire site.
Epicurus wrote:
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?
Epicurus was a fool. Let me explain: God is both able and willing to prevent evil but he can't because evil is good. If there was no evil, how could we know what good is? Without evil, we couldn't do good, so it has to exist.
Baxter wrote:
she would still be thinking about the child, and it could hardly be called complete happiness.
fool (edit: what the hell is that fool doing there?) no one loves another person, they only love the love itself which is god because the bible says that god is love. without that feeling, a mother wouldn't love her child.
You also made me wonder... aren't we already in God's presence when we are alive?
you can sense god's presence like this: the happier you are, the closer to god you are.
Any idea why it is a sin?
because you get AIDS. everybody can see that god and nature meant that man and woman should be together, because otherwise no child is born. behold the magnets: they only love their opposites. they are moral and perfect because they're not smart enough to sin, so we should do the same.
Replace "married" with "in love". People can still be in love in the afterlife right?
no f--ing way they can! to love someone means to lack something, but in heaven we are whole, complete and one with god.
If your feelings aren't carried forward, wouldn't that mean you are someone different?
does it matter? you are different than you were as a child. infact, you are reborn each day and are a [little] different person each day.
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Dacicus wrote:
As far as animals going to heaven, I'm not sure about that.
Animals don't need to go to heaven because they are happier than humans, so they are already in heaven on earth.
What is clear, however, is that both male and female souls are alike in that they can be saved.
A soul does not have a gender, only a body does. Do you think you are a man just because you're currently wearing a man's body? How silly.
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For example they insult gay people when they say that they are sinners.
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What beliefs do you mean particularly? (I don't have any beliefs because I'm just a few words on this computer screen)
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Warp wrote:
Why are so many atheists so obsessed in insulting and making fun of other people's beliefs?
Because religious beliefs insult people. They say that we must believe like they do or we go to hell.
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Kyrsimys wrote:
it's inredible how many people take it as absolute truth, even though there is stuff about humans living to be over 900 years old, giants walking the earth etc.
Much of the Bible is metaphorical, but not the giants part. What's so weird about giants?
Kyrsimys wrote:
If the Bible is the word of God and must be obeyded, why don't I see slaughtered goats at churches etc.?
Because the lord said "Bring no more vain offerings. Incense is an abomination to me". Also, the Bible says that God originally wanted to write the law in our hearts, because the law is alive and living things constantly change. Everybody can today know that it makes no sense to slaughter a goat, but it made sense back then. So who needs book when we have our heart that tells right from wrong?
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Boco wrote:
If we're going to have multiple people discussing theology can we just make a topic
yes, do it.
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Baxter wrote:
Did you consider ElectroSpecter was making a general statement, and not talking about God?
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God didn't create his free will, so his free will is not his, so he has no free will.
ElectroSpecter wrote:
Since this includes your own thoughts and actions, I find that this is a type of paradox anyway, since "knowing" your own thoughts creates more thoughts, which you would have to have thoughts of, and these thoughts need thoughts, etc. forever. I just don't see how this is possible.
If God is omniscient, it seems that he would have no free will because he would know his future actions, but he can't know his future actions, because if he did, he could choose not to do them. Like always, it boils down to Nothing. Only if God is Nothing, can he know everything and create something.
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Bisqwit wrote:
If God knowing humans' actions robs them of free will, why wouldn't you knowing humans' actions similarly rob them of free will?
Because I'm just an observer. I didn't cause their actions, God did. When he created the us, he knew all our actions, and the only way he could have known our actions from the very beginning is if they were predetermined.
You missed the point in my previous message, where I explained how the concept of "100% joy" in human life is an oxymoron.
You also said that heaven is 100% joy, so why didn't God send us there instantly? He did actually, didn't he? But satan tricked us (Adam and Eve). So you're saying that we're here to grow up so that satan won't trick us again? If so, why did God put Adam and Eve in heaven instantly... did he make a mistake?
No joy would exist either. I don't see that as a perfection.
The need for joy wouldn't exist either. Problems wouldn't exist, so what could possibly be the "problem"?
Mathematically, I see perfection as infinity, and nothingness as zero. I think those are two very different concepts,
If zero is not perfection, how do you explain that the closer to zero these TASes come the more perfect they become ;) Not only is nothingness perfect, it's also infinite. Think about the beginning. Nothingness was all that existed; it was everything (infinite). Speedruns can never reach zero; you can come closer, but you can't reach infinity (zero).
I don't see anything desirable in nothingness.
Probably because you equate it with being poor: the lack of everything.
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Bisqwit wrote:
For example, if you order a pizza, and on his route to your house, the pizza delivery boy has a car accident, is it your fault, because you ordered the pizza and without your order, he wouldn't have had the accident? No, there's no way you could have known it will happen.
God is all-knowing, so when he orders a pizza he knows what will happen to the delivery boy. Nobody has free will because when God created the universe he already knew everything that would happen. He also knew his own actions, so he has no free will, so I can't blame him for creating me. Nothing is no one's fault because no one chose to exist, not even God. Hitler was no worse than Jesus. It wasn't xebra's fault that he posted some bad things, and it wasn't bisqwits fault that he banned him. God controls every atom in the universe, so God also controls us.
granting the player a warp directly into the ending of the game would make the whole game pointless.
Sending us to heaven instantly wouldn't have been pointless. The problem is that there is always a snake in Paradise, and it will trick us to eat the fruits again. There is no escape from this eternal life.
True as you say, this life down here is never 100% of joy.
Then he shouldn't have created me, because I want 100% joy or nothing.
You need to have both lows and highs in order to see direction and have purpose.
If nothing existed, no suffering would exist, and everything would be perfect. There would be no use of directions, purposes, highs or lows. (I know that non-existence is non-existent, I just talk about it because you believe in it) reality is what we believe it is. so if we believe that life is hell, it will become hell, and there will be no escape from it. best thing is to choose useful beliefs that make us happy. i believe i have no choice, so i have no choice.
God will shape us towards the way that enables the 100% joy mutually for everyone -- mostly by teaching us to rely on him, because he's perfect. :)
Nothing is perfect... nothing is the source where everything came from. It's the real God. Sincerely yours, The real God who had no choice
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Bisqwit wrote:
When you were a toddler, you very much wanted to exist.
I don't remember being a toddler, because I was so ignorant, empty and non-existent that I was probably infinitely happy.
You did everything you could to live and adapt to human society rules, starting from the first cry when being born.
That first cry was the first reason to not want to live. I never wanted to live, I only thought I did because I was ignorant.
Your saying "didn't want to exist" is an idea you have later adopted. Do you blame God for that?
Yes. Everything is God's fault because he created everything.
You are misidentifying the causes of your frustration. Find them, and figure out how to heal them. It will improve the life of yours, and those whom you depend of and who depend of you.
No matter what I do, life can never be 100% joy, so why would I want it instead of non-existence? For example, a few days ago I was doing a TAS of Blackthorne but it desynced on level 1-3, and it was annoying. If God hadn't created me I wouldn't have needed to experience that annoyance.
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Why did God create me even though I didn't want to exist?
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Bisqwit wrote:
Incorrect. This name is intentionally not the same as any existing word. It is spelled exactly right.
So you're saying that saying that your name is spelled wrong is like saying that TASes are cheated? They're not cheated because they're done intentionally with tools? But why wouldn't it be wrong just because it's done intentionally? If I murder someone, it doesn't make it any less wrong if I do it intentionally.
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bisqwit, your name is speld rong. biscuits aren't pronounced like that. the real finnish spelling should be "biskit". there is no "w" in biscuit. edit: spelling