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I don't know much about speedrunning this game, but I also thought it seemed unnecessary to get the sword. I guess it was for the bottle, but isn't there a faster bottle somewhere? comicalflop, where can I get that memory watch program you used to find the speed values?
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Fabian wrote:
In a century or two, I think science will be able to explain stuff like how the universe was created exactly, and we'll be able to conclude there's no need for a supernatural force behind it.
things like that have been explained long ago without "science". and the universe wasn't created in the past (memory), so as long as science continues to search the past they will not find the cause which is the mind, god, which creates everything in the present moment, like in a dream. science hasn't explained things any better than religion, they just replaced gods with "natural laws" and "chance". and much like religious people, they don't understand the origin of their "gods" (causes). the good thing about science is that they have gone much deeper into the physical specifics of causes than religions did, which has resulted in many good inventions like toasters and computers. science can't explain much, but it can create many new things, because they have such detailed descriptions on how the magical forces make the universe work.
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petrie911 wrote:
and no "Is it not an easy tas"...
lol, you really thought bisqwit would do that? XD but yeah, bisqwit should have some fun and not be so serious all the time. do something crazy for once!
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ZeXr0 wrote:
Actually, luck manipulation can be like in shining force, pressing different button at different frame can result in have a critical, or a double critical.
in such case i use a macro to test all the frames.
But there is a catch, to be more effective, you have to go deeper in the game, and read the code behind it to understand what is the exact formula of the action you want.
i know but it's too hard to understand. i would like to know how to get 8x barbarians in phantasy star in every random encounter, and not test a million times with save states.
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bkDJ wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
Ooh, he's getting those hundred silver rupees again each day. Still the greensuited bankkeeper remembers the sum deposited. ---- But yet he forgets the identity of Link within two seconds of last talking.
He has a terrible memory so he stamps yur hand with how much money he's holding for you.
actually the reason he doesn't remember link is because he's blind.
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ctu wrote:
Darn trying to learn how to manipulate luck looks very hard. Guess I won't betrying to make any speed runs in the foreseeable future.
i thought it was hard too before i understood that "luck-manipulation" was just a confusing word that usually means using save states until you get a good result.
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The sand-stunt I do in the beginning of Sunset Bay is easy to do on console. The others are harder.
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Without rules and punishment the world would be exactly like it is today. Because the reason there are rules and punishments is because there are no rules against that, and no punishment for making rules and punishments.
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tasvideos is good because people don't only care about speed, they care about entertainment too. on SDA they only care about speed. radix said that entertainment is only a sideeffect of speed.
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There are people who have had one sexual orientation first, but later in life that has changed to something else. If genes had something to do with sexuality, shouldn't it stay the same the whole life? I don't really know anything about genes, but I don't think they can control mental things like sexuality, I think they only control physical things.
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JXQ wrote:
What is your personal favorite chapter/verse/other length of excerpt from the Bible?
Genesis 6:4 "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."
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Kyrsimys wrote:
Is it the environment that makes you like apples instead of oranges? If so, are you implying that if everyone lived in the same environment under the same circumstances, we would all have identical preferences?
Yes, but it's impossible that two persons could live under exactly the same circumstances. First of all those two persons would have to be identical because the human body is part of the environment that programs us. Think about it. Why do most people become heterosexual? It has to do with the environment ("nature") programming us, and the only "environment" that is similar for all people is our body, which is either male or female.
Bag of Magic Food wrote:
What about acquired tastes?
It's possible to intentionally acquire a taste and also change a sexual preference, beliefs and all kinds of mental things, but that's not so common because most people don't know how to do it consciously. Why would someone choose to become homosexual? Only if there is something in the environment that forces them to do it. And they do it subconsciously, because 'no one' knows how to change sexuality consciously.
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Deep Loner wrote:
Another question: I remember that you have (had?) some kind of tile/sprite identifier program that you used to make the cool animated .gifs of Racoon Mario jumping around. Could that idea eventually be expanded into an efficient 8/16-bit video game video codec?
I think this lossless codec is great for that type of videos. Earllier I made a 2½h video, only 234mb.
Bisqwit wrote:
However, as for the definition of hell: I know tho twings. (1) It is irreversible eternal separation from God and (2) it is described as continuously painful. Item 1 alone could allow the interpretation of it being your existence voided out, as if you permanently stop existing like you didn't before your birth,
The best thing I can imagine is if I ceased to exist, because then I would never have any problems and nothing to worry about. Like heaven. I don't think it's possible though.
Baxter wrote:
(2) How about locking all "Ask me something"-topics? If there are questions for a particular person, a private message will work just as well. Maybe compiling a list of people who enjoy getting tons of useless questions in their inbox could be compiled (just a suggestion).
It's much more fun to write thoughts down somewhere where everyone can see them. PMs are boring as Hell.
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Kyrsimys wrote:
Homosexuality has been found in many animals, from sea lions to cockroaches. Does this mean that a cockroach has somewhere along the way decided to like male cockroaches instead of female cockroaches?
How does the word "preference" imply that sexuality is chosen? If you prefer apples instead of oranges, how is that a choice? Taste can't be chosen.
Boco wrote:
This is true, but it's been shown that comorbidity of homosexuality among monozygote twins is higher than the comorbidity of homosexuality among dizygote twins, so there is at least some genetic component. I think enironment is more important personally, but there is some evidence that at least part of it is genetic.
But isn't there a difference (in appearance and personality) between monozygote and dizygote twins? In that case the environment (ie. the twins) is a bit different.
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Nature (life) does not only care about reproduction. Why would everyone have to reproduce? I think there are enough humans as it is. People can be "born homosexual", just as people can be "born heterosexual". No one is really born with a sexuality though. Sexuality is developed. All humans are born asexual (without sexuality). The meaning of life can't be to reproduce because what's the point of reproduction? To live. But the meaning of life can't be to live either, because why live? Because it's fun, and that is the meaning of life.
mmbossman wrote:
If there is a gene or trait passed down from parent to offspring that codes for the desire to only be with the same sex, wouldn't that child never reproduce, thus ending the genes existence?
Sexuality doesn't have to do with genes. Sexuality is a feeling, a thought.
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petrie911 wrote:
But you're wrong about it needing to be 60 fps. MM is a f3 game, so no information is lost even encoding at 20 fps.
The game runs at 20 FPS mostly, but in menu's for example, it runs 60 FPS. But even if it would run 20 FPS all the time, I think you would still lose information (frames). I don't know how to explain it but the encoder can't just know... what are the right frames to skip. Anyway, thanks for the avi :)
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
Invisible Tetris
must be tool-assisted IRL or something. i once used a save state in my dream. maybe it's possible IRL too.
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Warp wrote:
What is information?
Language, thoughts, experience.
How can you transfer nothing from one place to another in such a way that it will have an effect on the destination?
Language is not nothing. Language is patterns which we have learned to connect with things in the real world. Words are just ink on a paper if you don't understand the language, but if you understand then it is information. Language is sensory experience converted into another format. When experience is converted to "random" symbols we call words or sounds, then those words can be converted back to experience, and by combining words (experiences) you can create all kinds of experience and information like this.
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nah... i didn't actually aim for fastest time, i just aimed for a fast time. perfection can't be reached so i never aim for it. lol. it will get accepted when/if mmbossman improves it, but it will take so long time that i thought i would submit this in the mean time.
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I would rather see the PC version (less lag) if there's a good DOS rerecording emulator some day. But this run looks really good so I give it a yes vote, not that it needs it anymore though :P
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I did some stunt mode stuff: Dolphin Park - 50018 (WR is 28337) Sunny Beach - 31296 (WR is 17642) Sunset Bay - 22653 (WR is 15613) About 52000 is possible on Dolphin Park.
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yup, sometimes it still returns to 1x, but it's much better now. another weird thing is when you pause, it sometimes jumps a few frames forward, it doesn't pause exactly where you paused. and there doesn't seem to be any limit on how much you can slow down or speed up, so if you slow down too many times, it goes back to normal speed and if you then try to speed up, it slows down. the reverse thing happens if you speed up too many times. but i don't think this bug matters anything.
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when i use scale 2x it always returns back to 1x later. is it a bug? and the user interface disappears when a rom is loaded. have to push esc every time, it seems kind of unnecessary.
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i thought this was the funniest vid ev4r: "chad warden looks like a dildo" "what i'm really trying to say is that... chad warden wipes his ass with 600 gay niggers"
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moozooh wrote:
Your opinion is based on incorrect information, sorry. Multipass encoding always makes noticeably better results when the bitrate is low enough to make the difference noticeable (at DVD bitrates it won't matter, yeah).
if i do a multipass i also don't know which bitrate is optimal because all movies are different. some may only need like 150 kbps because they're so dark and simple, some need much more.