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Wyster wrote:
For some reason i can't view that m64 file, appareantly there's nothing recorded on it?
left-click the link.
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Zurreco wrote:
So what?
It means gender has something to do with it.
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Zurreco wrote:
it's stupid to think that gender actually means anything when it comes to running.
Most speedrunners are male.
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AKA wrote:
I don't personally remember B+K, SM64 , or OoT desyncing at quite the rate this game does.
I think some games desync more than others. For example, I had no desyncs at all when I did a 40 min run on turok1, but when i tried turok3 it desynced like 15 times when i had only done half of the first level. like turok 3, perfect dark etc, majora's mask is a new game, it came out somewhere in the end before n64 died, so that's... probably why it desyncs more :s
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L4yer wrote:
The 8 fps it runs at is still annoying though. :)
if co-op is too hard, do single player. that would interesting too because then we could compare with the elite times.
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Truncated wrote:
Using slang for the purpose of using slang, such as 4ever, is not very clever tho(ugh), and makes it harder to understand for people who do not have English as their first language (and there are a lot of us here).
English is my 3rd language :/ I guess I wasn't too serious when I said we should use slang... but I think it's ok if some people do that.
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Mukki wrote:
This is a forum for intelligent discussion of games. Please don't pollute it with text message slang.
what? if we use slang we save space. for example why write "through" instead of "thru", since they're pronounced exactly the same way. just lots of unnecessary letters. so... use slang. only use letters which are needed, example: would > wud forever > 4ever weird > wierd (should be the proper spelling since that's how it's pronounced) etc. i mean.. english is totally weird.
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oh my god, what the hell has bisqit done to the layaout!!!!!1
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Mukki, that sounds like the same problem I had in Turok 3. When I made a movie, the default name was: "Turok 3: Shadow of O (USA).m64" It's not good because it has a ":" in the filename, and files can't have that kind of character (at least not in Windows), so the file just dissapears into nothingness or something :s... it can still be played back though. To solve the problem, next time you make a movie, write your own custom name when you make a movie if the default name has "prohibited characters" (/ \ : * ? " < > |)
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When I tried to make a movie in this game, it always desynced, sooner or later. Save and load also take much longer than in other games. I hope it works good for you.
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DK64_MASTER wrote:
CC is not allowed, because not only does it require hardware modification, the CC ROM dump isn't exactly a replica of what happens in real life.
CC is boring, even if it wasn't a hardware mod.
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DK64_MASTER wrote:
Edit: If someone brings up left+right here, I'll slap them with a large trout.
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One important thing when you make a n64 movie is to uncheck raw data in the input settings. I don't think it's mentioned in the FAQ, so you might not know.
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I heard that people with linux can't watch movies recorded with Jabo's, so that's probably why he uses glN64.
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I'm pretty sure I advance a lot more than 50 frames because I don't use frame advance. The game doesn't lag more than on console. I think the game is just emulated unreliably, like Perfect Dark.
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nitsuja wrote:
What game? I don't think lag causes desyncs.
Turok 3, but it hasn't desynced anymore now that I changed the RSP plugin. So it probably had nothing to do with the lag. But some games, like Perfect Dark always desyncs for me. That game doesn't seem to work so well, it takes like a minute to load a state. EDIT: I keep getting desyncs now again, maybe the reason is "Flawed savestates" and/or "Loading savestates and/or entering keys too fast, especially in Famtasia or Mupen64" because I only get the desyncs when I use many save states and the desyncs often happens in the same places.
When you resume recording by loading a savestate, it should update the internal ROM name in the movie to whatever ROM is currently running.
No, that's not what i meant. I mean... when i make a movie there's always a default name (which seems to be the same as the "internal name", whatever that is), i was wondering if the default name could be changed, because in some games it has a ":" and file names can't have ":" for some reason. anyway, it doesn't matter much because i can just write another name.
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Rising Tempest wrote:
When you fire during cutscenes in domino, can you aim the shot? If so, that could be an even more significant timesaver, in some levels...
You can aim up and down, simply by pressing up or down on the second controller, but the range is very limited in the first intro. Auto aim also works, but in 00A it doesn't aim so much.
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How can I prevent desyncs caused by lag? How do I change the internal rom name?
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
If it does I'd be very suprised. Condering I generated that string with the following program:
how do i use that program. it's just a bunch of text. just interrested..
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it wasn't answered, it was spelled wrong.
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bkDJ wrote:
But project64 actually looks smoother. Trust me, you can see the difference between 30fps and 60fps. I even ran them side by side to make sure. mupen looks really jerky like that.
True, it looks like the game goes around 20 FPS or lower, but in project64 it looks like it goes 30 FPS like it should be. No way in hell it goes 60 FPS though, only very few games like F-zero X goes 60 FPS.
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AngerFist wrote:
That African boss guy, whats his name? :)
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Unless you activate them for extra eggs and feathers! That could be good!
no you can't use cheat in a speedrun!!
Regardless, the game still keeps track of them.
in ocarina of time the game keeps track of boulders destroyed and chests opened, and... lots of other things...!! but i don't think they should be dun in a 100% run cuz they're not fun!
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I'd like to watch WIPs without having to wait for it to be encoded to avi.
so if a movie was recorded with jabo's you can't play it, even if you use another plugin? yeah, that works nitsuja. and gln64 is better than jabo's 1.6 for this game, i get so many visual errors with it, but i guess it's just my gfx card or something.