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This game now seems to work with the current Bizhawk. I remember JXQ saying many years ago that he would be interested to make a TAS of it :) I also think this would be an interesting game to TAS.
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RGamma wrote:
If you seriously believe this, you might have a mental illness (that's borderline paranoid as in paranoid personality disorder). Talk to your psychiatrist.
Psychiatry: an industry of death:
Space exploration costs serious money but NASA (and ESA, etc) recognize that giving laymen a visualization of what's going on (esp. when maneuvering probes or stuff around the ISS) is an important part of public education,
Or maybe a part of public indoctrination? :D Are they really doing space exploration with their money? Maybe they save the money and make CGI and fake photos instead, because they can't get into space?
(and there are plenty of non-CGI images around).
How do we know they are non-CGI? How do we know they are not faked in some other way? How do we know it's a picture of what they claim to be, when we ourselves have never seen it personally?
(but occasionally a photo gets snapped when you don't expect it (
Why would I believe a photo on the internet, especially a grainy photo like that? It would be very easy to fake that. Anybody could make a photo like that and claim that it's taken far away in space from a satellite. Why would I believe that a sub-pixel on a photo is earth? What if that photo is part of their plan to deceive us to make us feel small and insignificant, so that people stop believing in God and spirituality and start believing in nihilism, materialism and whatever propaganda they feed us, so that they have more power over us, and people become easier to control, because they have all this special knowledge, like some astronomical priests, and we have to have faith in them.
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andypanther wrote:
Why always the government, couldn't private corporations be the evil guys for once?
They can of course be evil too. But you know the saying "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." The more money you have, the more power you have. Governments work by using taxes, so they automatically have a lot of money/power. The government can be good if people have enough power, so that the government fears the people, instead of people fearing the government.
Or the religious organizations? There's plenty of other villains to choose from!
They are very often considered "evil", particularly the big religious organizations like the Catholic church. Jews are also very common "villains", again because of the wealth/power. Power is not powerful if it's small, so it tends to concentrate into larger groups. "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."
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Warp wrote:
Knowing your past history of postings, I think that you are actually being serious. Which is sad, really.
But what is sad about it? The fact that NASA doesn't have the balls to tell us the truth, and they show us CGI footage from space? That's sad, I agree. Shouldn't we question NASA, the governments and our rulers, and the things they tell us, or should we just accept their supposed superior knowledge? The earth couldn't possibly be flat, right, because we were all told it's round in school, and we saw a spherical model of it? Our senses which tell us it's flat could lie to us, but our rulers would never lie to us, right? Why do they use a fisheye lense in their space videos to make it appear round? Why is Antarctica occupied by military forces which kill you if you try to go there, even though it's supposed to be no mans land? And by the way, why is Antarctica on Google maps larger than Asia and Europe combined? Maybe because it's an ice wall, and there's more land out there, so they don't want to make the same mistake as when America was discovered. Why does the sun cause a small hotspot on the clouds at 4:17 in this video, if the sun is larger than earth, and 150 million km away? Why does the UN use a flat earth model as a symbol on their flag? Why is there no Antarctica on the flag? Why is it divided into 33 sections, which is the amount of degrees in freemasonry?
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Warp wrote:
And since pareidolia is an essential part of our brain (it's basically essential for our survival), it can trick us, especially with a little coaching, to see all kinds of things and interpret things in completely incorrect ways.
It's all part of their plan to deceive us into mindless slaves. They don't want us to trust ourselves and our own senses, they want us to trust them, so that we become their slaves, and we have to go to them to get information and answers (fake answers, like evolution) to the big questions.
And this isn't even going into the fact that a picture on the internet is 100% unreliable, and if you have still not learned that, then shame on you. I can launch up the Gimp and make in a couple of minutes whatever fake sun image you want.
But at the same time you probably believe in the pictures and footage of planets by NASA: Authorities like NASA are trustworthy? Having studied psychology and Sigmund Freud, it makes sense though that they show us their CGI balls, because it's a way of trying to cover up the truth that they have no real balls.
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Maybe it's Rahu, the black sun. According to ancient Indian astrology/astronomy, there is a third celestial body, which is the same size as the moon and the sun, which causes lunar eclipses.
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Warp wrote:
I suppose I have already pretty much given up, and I will live the rest of my life alone. I don't actively push people away (why would I?), but I have pretty much given up trying to find anybody as well. I suppose relationships are not for everybody. There are something like 7 billion people on this planet. Not every single one of them can have a relationship, even if there's nothing physically or mentally wrong with them that would be an impediment. I suppose I just happen to be one of those unlucky ones. At least I can take solace in that my situation could be a lot worse. (Still doesn't help the depression that solitude brings with it, though.)
I think you said earlier that you work from home, so it could be a good idea to have a different (more social) kind of job, where you go to a workplace, because that way you would meet people. That way you can learn to become better at social interaction, if loneliness has made you forget. A psychologist/therapist could also help.
If you have no experience in social interaction, you won't learn it either when you can't socially interact with people. And that's not for the lack of trying. It's just that if there is no experience, it's hard to do anything. You can't do what you don't know how.
Social interaction isn't exactly rocket science :) You're a smart guy, so I'm sure you can figure it out. Just watch how others do it. Remember how you did it when you were younger. Besides, you don't have any problems with social interaction on this forum. Just do the same in real life. You could try to go to a bar or sit beside someone (like a woman, so that it gets more interesting/motivating) at a park bench and get to know them. For example, smile and say "Hi" (Moi :), tell your name, ask their name, ask how long they have lived here, tell something about yourself, ask what job they have, what they like to do in their spare time etc. There's a lot of questions you can ask. Then also make comments on their comments... but maybe you already know this, right? It doesn't matter if you're not good at it at the beginning. It's normal. You get better quite fast if you take one small step, because it's a giant leap. Just do your best. All people have problems, so if you have social difficulties, so what? You don't have to be a "like everybody else". You are good just the way you are. For me personally, being alone is "easy" in some ways, because it brings a feeling of comfort, because I don't have to try to meet people, but in order to feel alive, we usually also need some excitement.
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creaothceann wrote:
Link to video
Good stuff. Reminds me of Far Cry 3: Blood dragon.
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Bisqwit wrote:
I for one would like that.
That's great to hear!
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MUGG wrote:
I have been in a similarly bad situation for a while now. I have no real friends, I still live with my parents who don't understand me, I'm on my computer 24/7 and not really being productive. Trash is stacking up to my left and right. I skip work so much because I don't feel alright. I don't have any goals in life. Therapists don't help.
I think I don't have people to hang out with. I don't have the desire to go out and seek people, or the desire to change something. I don't know how to do it.
I've been living on like this trying to ignore it. Now this RachelB incident reminds me of myself. I may or may not end up like this. I don't know.
I can totally relate to that kind of life. But many people have had a life like that, but later their life has changed for the better, so it could change for you too.
If anyone says "go outside, go for a walk". I can't bring up the motivation to do it. It's not fun to walk around.
Maybe you could start with something easier. Some people suggested changing for a healthier diet. But if even that sounds too hard, so that you don't even have motivation to do that, then you could find something even easier. Small changes can start a chain reaction, which can lead to big changes. Maybe moving to your own apartment could lead to positive changes. What is draining your energy? Is it something in your (24/7) computer? You can change by using your willpower. The willpower is like a muscle; if you don't use it much, it might be kinda weak. When life gets better, making changes becomes easier. But you have to start with something very small. A small improvement. It's like when lifting weights, you can't go for the heavier weights directly.
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Warp wrote:
At some level I feel ashamed of complaining about it in this thread, where people have actual problems, where they have been actually hurt and are suffering, where they are actually depressed and have experienced actual trauma. I can't even attribute the loneliness problem to any physical or psychological disability, because there is none. In a sense, I'm the only one to blame; I'm the architect of my own loneliness. I can't blame it on anybody else.
Chronic (or even just plain) loneliness can cause suffering and depression, and many other problems. So if loneliness is a problem for you, and you would like to change it and get friends, I would definitely try to do something, if possible. Don't you have a family, and people you meet at work? I also have many years of experience with loneliness.
At some point you'll find yourself in a situation where you have absolutely no freaking idea what you could do to socialize, because there is nothing. All your friends will have married and moved elsewhere (and even if they haven't moved, it really doesn't matter). All those school activities and such will have long been gone. You will have no social network where you could interact with other people on a regular basis, and you will have absolutely no idea how you could build such a thing anymore, because there is nobody.
It might seem hopeless, but sometimes all it can take is one person. You probably have to have some willpower inside to change also, but if you find one friend, it can sometimes start a chain reaction (if that person for example is quite social, with many friends), so that you get to know many new people. Warp, maybe we could meet sometime, and let's bring Bisqwit and other Finnish TASers with us! :D I actually just moved to Finland (Turku) a few months ago. I don't have many friends yet, but in a few months I already have more friends than I had in Sweden in several years, so change is definitely possible.
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FODA wrote:
I have complete banner blindness unless it's a chick shaking her boobs. Maybe we should add boob shaking gifs to the really important sticky threads.
At first I thought that would be a good idea, but the problem is that it might result in "boob blindness". I almost always use adblock, so I'm not sure I've even developed banner blindness. But I have a bit of sticky blindness. And like Warp says, it's kinda ironic, because those are supposed to be important threads, but they are often the most boring. But they are often meant for newcomers. If I browse a new forum, I tend to notice them more.
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Women naturally have more love and sexual power than men, and that's why the opposite power of fear and pain motivated men to gain economic, political and scientific power to rule the world, so that they could get love. Feminists try to disturb this natural difference between men and women. This difference isn't inequality, it's just that men and women should have different roles in society, because men and women are different. Just like other dualisms in the world, like our left and right hand, which have different roles: the left hand usually is the passive supporting (feminine) hand, while the right hand is the active (masculine) hand. It is possible to unite men and women into bisexual gender-confused hermaphrodites like feminists try to do [1], but the problem is that they try to do it too fast and aggressively (fast/aggressive = masculine, slow = feminine). You can't blend feminine and masculine forces, like liberal/expansive and conservative. They don't mix very well. But you need both of the universal forces, like attraction and repulsion, because if you try to unite humanity through the attraction force of love (equality), it will collapse into a black hole unless there is a repelling force of fear (like conservatism) which restricts and slows down the process. [1]
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Reminds me of the classic Angry German Kid XD
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ripz wrote:
Can anyone give an accurate estimation of when Next-Gen consoles will have emulation/TASing capabilities?
Since there still isn't even a PS2 emulator with stable TASing capabilities, and PS3 can hardly be emulated, I estimate that PS4 or Xbox One will have TASing capabilities in about 15 years (2029). Wii U will of course have it earlier, but I'm not sure it should be called "Next-Gen". I was able to prophecy the PS3 emulation quite accurately, so I'm probably right about this too.
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Wyster wrote:
Since the movie starts from power-on, when i try to playback the movie file in step 19, the emulator resets the rom.
You have to pause the emulator (step 18), then it won't restart, and you can load the state. You could also capture with mupens internal capture feature, if kkapture is too messed up.
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Cool to see a new Goldeneye TAS. Haven't watched it yet, but will do tomorrow. I think you forgot the complicated instructions how to use kkapture. You have to start from a save state, to encode with it: But if you still don't get it to work, I can try to make an encode. GE works just fine for me with Bizhawk. Seems more desyncproof, from the small test movie I made. Shame PD still doesn't work with it. It hangs after a couple of minutes.
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I don't believe much in politics, the way it is today, but I also voted for the Pirate Party. It didn't go too well for them though. I think society and the world should be governed using the scientific method, instead of people's opinions and money (see The Zeitgeist Movement or Venus Project for more information about that). Nature is our dictator, which decides how we can behave on the planet, and what is the most efficient way of taking care of the entire humanity and the environment. Technology and science is what solves most problems, not politics, which is mostly just about distributing money and creating laws (which are not long term solutions that solve the root cause of crime). Money is an ancient form of technology, which in the modern world slows down the evolution of civilization. So-called piracy is one form of technology, which is restricted by money/capitalism. When the world is governed by money, then money is the focus, while people's well-being and the environment are often secondary. For example electric cars are not widely used because of monetary reasons, even though they would be more environmental-friendly. There are many other examples of restricting technology and the environment and human well-being being destroyed for the sake of money. --- Politics consists of left and right, which seem to correspond to the emotions love and fear. Love manifest as long-term goals and solutions like world unification, multiculturalism, equality and communism, while fear manifests as fast 'solutions' like conservatism, nationalism and nazism, depending on how much love or fear there is. The futuristic left side, which is love, is where humanity is going towards all the time, but so that we don't get destroyed, the unification is sometimes slowed down by the conservative fear-force of right wing politics, as seems to be the case today in Europe, when people seem to be getting temporarily tired of too much love, so that they start to fear (but in the US, the opposite is the case today). Love is a unification force, so it can destroy things like countries, nationalism, culture and racism, so that unification becomes possible. But it can only happen slowly, with love and people's free will, and without violence, because otherwise it's not love anymore. EU is a manifestation of love, which has the purpose to unite Europe. Beyond EU is is UN, which tries to unite the entire world and create world peace.
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Warp wrote:
Actually the funniest part of all this is that some people really are unsure if this is a joke or not. (Unless they are meta-joking...)
In a moneyless communist society, it might sound like a joke, but in the real world, everybody has to make money, and why would we TASers work for free when everybody else gets money from their work? There are a lot of websites where you pay to get entertainment, so is it really so hard to believe?
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Wren wrote:
I'd always wish it well, but I will not support anything like this.
But what about the children?
Nach wrote:
adelikat and I aren't getting any younger, and we have children to feed.
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FractalFusion wrote:
How much time did you spend making the whole TAS (all levels)?.
Well, I only made 5 levels at the end, because Wyster made most of them. I don't normally count time, so I don't really know, but I would say about 40 hours, because I think they were less optimized than the ones I've made recently.
I can't imagine wanting to spend 10 hours TASing a single level.
10 hours seems pretty typical for a complex game like this. It's almost necessary to spend at least 10 hours on a PD level, otherwise it might be kinda sloppy. 3D games even in general are much more time consuming to optimize than 2D games, but PD also has low variable framerate, desync issues and very good unassisted WRs, so if I only spent a couple of hours, it would only beat the unassisted WR by maybe 2%, so that wouldn't be very impressive or different from the WR. But 10 hours isn't much if you compare for example to Wyster who used 100000 rerecords (and probably a lot of time) on a Goldeneye level.
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Mr. Blonde's Revenge - Perfect Agent - 1:08 (TAS): (now all levels have been TASed btw, except Air Force One is not TASed with better than WR speed) 16 seconds faster than WR. I run the beginning without cloak, so that I get a couple of boosts, and also if I would decide to use the cloak later on, maybe when pushing Cassandra. Sometimes the security chief elevator arrives a bit earlier. It has a bit randomness to it. I would have written or drawn something in the elevator, but the other elevator might have messed up if I did that. A few seconds could be saved with a more perfected Cassandra pushing. Maybe by using cloak, you could push better, because she won't be moving towards you and limiting your speed. It's hard to do perfectly. I got a 1:12 first, but I improved it to 1:09 by remaking the ending, and then after a few hours I got so close to 1:08 that I had to get it. It annoyed the hell out of me though, because I was one fucking frame away from 1:08, and I tried for like an hour to do random things at the end to save one frame, but it wouldn't go one single frame under, and I almost gave up on 1:08. I couldn't though, because it was so annoyingly close, so went back a few seconds, and after a couple of hours of optimizing I saved enough time, and now I'm happy with it at least. I thought this took more time to make than Maian SOS, but looking back at my files, it only took 11.5 hours, while Maian SOS took 19 hours. This is a much shorter level though, so the average minutes put into a second is about the same. --- Rerecords: Emulator used: (April 2012): m64 and save state: Resolution used: 1152x864 (probably desyncs with a different resolution) Memory addresses: Security chief elevator: 00E02EB4, 00E1DA44 Headshots: 009A6918 Timer: 00B14AFC
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Duel - Perfect Agent - 0:08: 1 second faster than WR. 0:09 on Duel is the longest lasting WR in the game (13 years). Since it's such a short level, there's not much room for improvement, so it easily gets maxed. This is actually even 3 frames (0.05) under 9 seconds. I saw Henriks pause trick for Goldeneye yesterday (, so I decided to try similar things in PD. I've noticed earlier that random things like that can affect the timer. I noticed that by changing weapon at a specific time at the end of Duel it could sometimes save up to 7 frames, probably because the lag/framedrops from switching weapon causes the timer to freeze temporarily, which would actually lose time normally, but if it's done at the right time where the level ends, it can save frames instead. My earlier best time was 9.13, or 548 frames, so 7 frames wouldn't be quite enough to get sub 9. Then I noticed that I could sometimes save 2-3 frames between the first and second duels by changing weapons rapidly, so I was thinking like WTF, maybe Duel 8 is possible? But the game always seemed to freeze if I saved 3 frames if I wasn't unarmed. But sometimes I did manage to save 1 or 2 frames without it freezing. You can notice the framerate drops at the beginning of the next duel after I have switched weapons rapidly, which would normally lose time, but at the beginning of each duel, the timer is always still for a moment, so I don't lose time from that. Times I got before this: 9.05, 9.01, 9.00, 8.98, 8.96 --- m64 and save state: Works with the "" (or the older one, "Mupen64 v8" I think it's called) on In-game frame counter which works with the "Mupen64 v8": 00AF3C9C
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Maian SOS - Perfect Agent - 1:49: 13 seconds faster than WR. I learned from my mistake on Attack Ship with the elevator, so I used a memory address so I could see where the elevators are all the time. Very useful. I had to wait slightly for the last elevator though, but I didn't lose more than about 0.3 seconds, because if I had taken a faster elevator, I would have to wait more for the door to close. I'm not sure how fast the scientists can come out from the alien abduction room. Maybe I should have asked the-elite about this first, but this is 1 second faster than in the fastest videos that I've seen. The door opens at about 31 seconds. Maybe a memory address for the scientists XYZ position could help to get them out faster. For attracting the guards for the first elevator, I shoot at a bit different place than in the WRs because it was easier to get the elevator right. The flying saucer could probably be destroyed a bit faster if I would shoot about 20 bullets at it and then throw the dragon at it, pick up another dragon and shoot the dragon. Worth trying if someone tries to improve this with a faster elevator some day. Maybe the golden LX gun could also be used if the scientists could come out fast enough, but it seemed to me like they won't if I go somewhere else. By the way, Rayans WR on this level will probably soon be the longest lasting untied (only about a month left). It's been untied for over 6 years. The decimal is .516. I was able to get a few frames faster ending (.433) by using look-down and stuff, but I wanted to do some craziness at the end :P BTW, I still use a controller for some parts. For example for manipulating luck with the scientists it's much faster/easier. --- Rerecords: 7634 m64 file and save state: Emulator used: antids-mupen Resolution used: 1152x864 (probably desyncs with a different resolution) Memory addresses: Lift 1: 00DFC04C (float) Lift 2: 00E01FE0 (float) Maian saucer health: 00E29EC8 (short)
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feos wrote:
A TAS of a snake game alone? Really? Aiming for what, entertainment? Errr...... Speed? Um...
True wrote:
just tag this shit "playaround" or realize that this isn't a fucking TAS of snake
Fuck yeah. BTW, I made a TAS of snake a while ago, and strangely it actually got a lot of views: As for Masterjun's mindfuck of SMW. I saw it on a video that was posted a day after it was done on AGDQ, but I didn't post here earlier because I was stunned by the awesomeness. I still don't understand how you can program a game with controllers, but then again, I know almost nothing about programming. It seems like you would need a keyboard to be able to use enough characters to program something. 7 SNES controllers might have almost as many keys as a keyboard, but I wonder how Masterjun transformed the SNES buttons, like L, R, A, B, start, etc into keyboard keys like {}/;()abcdetc, which are used in programming language, so that he could program. Even if you have 7 controllers, you still only have the normal SNES buttons like L, R, A, B and so on. And what programming language did he use? Java, Lua scripting, C++ or what?